
How can you wash your eyes to an adult and a child. How to rinse your eyes at home correctly

How can you wash your eyes to an adult and a child. How to rinse your eyes at home correctly
How and with what to wash your eyes correctly. How to prepare a therapeutic solution for washing the eyes of an adult and a child.

Eyes are one of the most sensitive and least protected organs of the human body. Our “Mirror of the Soul” often loses its clarity due to viral and bacterial infection. Sorkes and other foreign bodies, which, falling into the eye, make you suffer from pain and lacrimation also no less problem. Sometimes we ourselves unconsciously harm ourselves-most cases of chemical and biological eye burns, injury to the cornea with sharp objects is due to banal negligence. The article will tell in detail how to provide first aid in case of eye damage at home.

Of course, with all the problems and issues that relate to the condition of the eyes and visual acuity, you need to contact an experienced specialist - an ophthalmologist. However, the sooner you take any measures to help your eyes, the more chances to recover, so before visiting the doctor you can wash your eyes with tea or infusion of medicinal herbs. This is a simple and safe procedure that is easy to perform on your own.

In what cases they wash their eyes

By washing, the eyes are saved from tension and fatigue, also simple manipulation helps out when foreign objects in the eye and in the treatment of various ophthalmological diseases. We list the most obvious situations when the eyes need elementary washing:

  1. The eye hurts, since something fell into it. No matter how small this object (villi, insect, dust), sensations in all cases will be very unpleasant and even painful. The protective mechanism in the form of secretion of tears, unfortunately, does not always work, so you need to try to cleanse the eyes on your own. In no case do not rub the sore eye with your fingers - the foreign body most likely will not work, but you can injure the mucous membrane of the eyeball with a high probability.
  2. Inflammation of the organs of vision on the basis of any diseases. An inflammatory reaction is the main symptom of conjunctivitis. The bacterial variety of the disease is accompanied by the release of pus. With one washing, conjunctivitis cannot be cured, but you can significantly accelerate the process of recovery.
  3. Stress and dry eyes. If you study or spend a lot of time at the computer, your eyes experience a big load. The situation is especially complicated when the room has insufficient air humidity. In this case, washing moisturizes and relaxes, return the ability to see comfortably.

How to rinse your eyes correctly

Depending on the problem that needs to be eliminated, there are several options for a simple procedure:

  • when a foreign part penetrated under the eyelid, pick clean water into a bowl or a basin, immerse your face there and thoroughly flour it under water. If you could not extract the s likeish in this way, try to carefully get it with a damp cotton wool, and then rinse your eyes again;
  • if the organ of view was struck by an infectious disease, act according to another scheme. Take two clean cotton pads and mix the solution for washing (read the recipes below). Process each eye with a new piece of cotton wool in the direction from the outer corner to the internal, which will ensure the output of the pus. Polluted tampons cannot be used again, they are immediately thrown away;
  • to relieve eye voltage, use in any way of those that we talked about above. Warm compresses or herbal ice are also good.

How to rinse your eyes: special devices

How to rinse your eyes with a syringe, sprint or pipette, everyone can figure it out. However, other, more convenient, washing devices have been developed. For example, in the distant past, they came up with a glass container with oblong edges, reminiscent of a small glass on a leg with an oval base. If necessary, you can use it today.

Of the newer developments, we note a special polymer bath for rinsing the eyes. It is filled with a solution for washing, lean forward and pressed to the bath. Then they throw their head back, open their eyes and blink. After completing the procedure, the eyes are gently wiped with a paper towel.

How to rinse your eyes from a sorinka

When a foreign body falls into the eye (dust, villi, fluff or midge), a protective reaction is turned on, and the organ of vision begins to secrete tears. Carefully pull the inner corner of the eye so that the tear comes out with an eye irritating eye. If painful discomfort does not disappear, the eyes must be washed with water.

How to rinse the eyes correctly

Before washing your eyes with running water, wash your hands with soap. Then sharply splash water in your face with your palms several times in a row. Keep the sore eye open. Or you can rinse your eyes like this: pick up the water in your palm folded with a boat, lower the sore eye into the water and often grim. If the presence of an outsider is still felt, try to remove a foreign body manually.

Close your face to the mirror and carefully examine the affected eye - you need to find the cause of discomfort. After washing the eye, Sorinka is most often behind the lower century, but this is not necessary. When you see a foreign body, try to raise it with a cotton swab dipped in clean water. Then rinse your eyes again.

How to rinse your eyes to a child

We examined what to do if an adult was injured from the night in the eye, but in such a situation, children are most often. What to do in this case?

Spend a piece of cotton wool abundantly with a decoction of chamomile, teaspoon or boiled water. Without pressing, spent a cotton pad from the outer edge of the eye to the inner corner, perhaps Sorinka will come out right away. If the trouble caught you on the street (for example, in the sandbox), moisten the corner of the clean handkerchief with drinking water from the bottle and conduct similar manipulation. Upon arrival home, rinse your eyes to the baby.

In some cases, meetings with an ophthalmologist cannot be avoided:

  • you did not see the sorcini, but the baby cries and complains of pain in the eye;
  • after extracting Sorinka, lacrimation and redness of the eye did not pass;
  • on examination, it was found that a foreign body does not lie on the surface of the mucosa, but was pierced into the cornea or conjunctiva. A doctor’s consultation is necessary immediately!

What can not be done by washing your eyes

Removing Sorinka is a thin matter, give up the idea:

  • to extract a pin with tweezers - you will not succeed, but you are likely to injure your eye;
  • close the sink with a dry cotton wool - so you only increase the problem, since small villi vata will remain on the mucosa;
  • rub the sore eye - if the foreign body is acute or rude, you will immediately injure the sensitive mucous membrane of the eye.

How to rinse eyes with conjunctivitis

Eyes are a very delicate organ, and each person has a conjunctivitis at least once in his life. In this disease, the inflammatory reaction covers the mucous membrane of the eye - the conjunctiva. The pathological process develops due to allergies or infection. The main symptom of conjunctivitis is the release of pus, so the question of how to rinse the sick eyes at home is very relevant. Recall the most effective treatment methods:

  1. Pure water. He will quickly cleanse his eyes from the purulent discharge. Pour the water of a comfortable temperature into a wide container, lower your face there and grim. After the procedure, get your eyes with a sterile cloth.
  2. Strong tea brewing. One of the most popular means in the treatment of conjunctivitis. We will talk about the features of such washing a little later.
  3. Saline. It is also useful to rinse the inflamed eyes with saline. Preparing it is easy: Dilute 1 tbsp. l. salt in 1 glass of water. When salt crystals completely disappear, dial the solution with a pipette and drop 2 to 3 drops in the eyes.
  4. Solution on herbs. Herbal infusions are well removed, whose recipes are a lot. Here is one of them: 1 tbsp. l. Grinded the mayor of the medicinal pour 2 cups of hot water and insist for 30 - 40 minutes. Strain the finished infusion through gauze. The eyes are washed with a warm agent 2 to 3 times during the day. Or prepare the medicine according to this prescription: Freshly squeezed juice from aloe leaves pour warm water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Then dial the finished product into a syringe without a needle, open the eyes wide and release the solution.

How to rinse your eyes with conjunctivitis to a child

If the signs of an unpleasant inflammatory disease appeared in a small child, if possible, he should immediately show the doctor. The specialist will determine what kind of conjunctivitis the baby fell ill. Further treatment tactics depend on this. For example, if the disease is provoked by allergies, then washing the eyes will not be effective.

The possibility of homely processing an organ of vision with other types of conjunctivitis is certainly discussed with a doctor. The ophthalmologist will tell you how to rinse your eyes to the child if they are festering. In such cases, it is usually used with saline with saline and decoctions of medicinal herbs (with an venerable, sage, chamomile).

You can also treat the baby's eyes by washing with a 2% solution of boric acid: dilute 5 g of dry matter into 1 glass of cold boiled water. At the time of washing, ask the baby to mix the eyelids. To wash each eye, use an individual piece of cotton wool or a gauze swab.

How to rinse eyes to a newborn

The eyes of the crumbs that have just been born are completely defenseless before the pathogenic microflora of the environment. Often, 2 to 3 days after childbirth, an worried mother notices pus in the corners of the eyes in the child, which is why the baby even sticks together. Most likely, the infection of the organ of vision occurred in the process of childbirth. And some doctors believe that in this way the body of the newborn adapt to the world around, and anxious symptoms soon disappear independently. One way or another, but the morning toilet of the baby's eye should be at the same time careful and careful.

Before doing the tiny, mom washes hands with soap - be sure! Then you need to evaluate the condition of the eye of the child. A healthy man has a clear gaze without a throat, clean eyelids without any separated substance, as well as uncomplicated blinking. In this case, only cotton pads, warm boiled water and sterile gauze napkin are required for morning washing the eye. Each eye is wiped with a separate piece of cotton wool moistened in water, in the direction of the ears to the nose. At the end of the procedure, the eyes must be easily wetted with a gauze with a napkin.

If in the early days of life the baby’s eyes were suppurated, the doctor will prescribe special eye drops to the small patient in the hospital to eliminate the problem. After discharge of the eye of the newborn, you can wash 2% boric acid with a solution of 2%.

With the knowledge of the attending physician, the baby is allowed to wash the eyes of potassium permanganate. You will need a weak pinkish shade of the solution. Before use, the child’s mother should make sure that potassium permanganate crystals were completely dissolved.

Is it possible to rinse your eyes with tea

If you spend a lot of time at the computer, then you know firsthand how to hurt your eyes from fatigue. The problem can be eliminated using black or green tea. The tool is also effective if the eyes are too sensitive to dust, often blushing and swelling.

You can rinse your eyes with tea, provided that the product does not contain flavorings and other additives, only dry tea leaves. Pour several tablespoons of tea with such a amount of water to get a strong tea leaves. When the liquid cools down a little and becomes warm, lower the cotton pad there, and then slightly squeeze it. Each eye has its own cotton wool, remember?

Before washing, cover the shoulders and chest with an old towel, otherwise droplets of black tea will leave brown spots on your clothes, which are practically not washed. Stand in front of the sink and go a little torso forward, bow your head to one side and wipe the eyes moistened with a cotton swab with a cotton swab from the outer corner to the internal corner. If you do not know how to rinse the festering eyes, feel free to use tea - black, green or their mixture.

How to rinse your eyes to an adult: Washing solutions

Everyone has heard about tea brewing for the treatment of eyes, but there are many drugs that cope with this task much more effective. We are sure that it will not hurt you to have at least a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe properties of these drugs and the rules for the preparation of solutions for washing the eyes based on them.

How to wash your eyes with furatsilin

Furatsilin is an antibacterial drug that has long established itself as an effective and safe tool. The medicine copes with various inflammatory reactions, including purulent diseases of the organs of vision. Furatsilin without unnecessary fluctuations can be used to treat the eyes at home.

We clarify the proportions of the drug for the correct preparation of the solution:

  1. Dissolve 2 furatsilin tablets in 1 glass of warm boiled water.
  2. After 10 minutes, filter the medicinal solution through several layers of gauze - there should not be a single small particle in the liquid that could damage the eye.
  3. From the moment of preparation, the solution is suitable for 2 days, provided that it will be stored in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.
  4. With a solution of furatsilin, the eyes are washed 5 times a day. This is a very effective medicine in the fight against conjunctivitis and other inflammatory eyes of the eyes.

How to wash your eyes with chlorhexidine

A solution of chlorhexidine is a potent antiseptic, which is often used in all areas of medicine. Such demand is due to a wide range of action of the active component of the drug - chlorhexidine of the Bigluconate. The tool has found application in ophthalmology, it is prescribed in a comprehensive conjunctivitis treatment program. If you do not know how to wash your eyes from pus, chlorhexidine is one of the most suitable drugs.

It is not difficult to get the product - the finished aqueous solution of chlorhexidine in a concentration of 0.02% or 0.05% is in every pharmacy. When washing, the eyes should be closed, a cotton pad needs to work according to the scheme already known to us - from the outer corner of the eye to the nose. Rinse your eyes with chlorhexidine with great caution, since the mucous membrane of the eyeball must be protected from burning contact with the medicine. If the liquid still got into the eye, rinse it with ordinary water.

The wiping of the affected eye with chlorhexidine is repeated up to 5-6 times a day. If you know a tendency to allergies, then it is better to refrain from using the drug.

How to wash your eyes with chamomile

Some people prefer to treat eyes with more gentle means than antiseptic solutions. In this case, it is worth paying attention to medicinal herbs with a pronounced therapeutic effect. For example, you can rinse your eyes with chamomile:

  • to prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers, pour 1 tsp. dry crushed raw materials with 1 cup of boiling boiling water;
  • close the capacity with a medicinal solution with a lid and insist until the liquid becomes warm;
  • strain the finished warm infusion;
  • moisten cotton pads in the drug and rinse your eyes.

Chamomile perfectly copes with fatigue and redness of the eyes, and also facilitates the course of acute conjunctivitis.

How to rinse your eyes with penicillin

Penicillin is known as a powerful antiseptic, which perfectly disinfects the inflammation of the place. Practice treatment with penicillin and conjunctivitis. It is very simple to prepare a medicinal solution - share the bottle of the drug with the necessary amount of warm boiled water and shake vigorously. The solution is ready for use! With cotton swabs moistened in the medicine, the eyes are wiped 3-5 times a day. The same tool can also be treated with inflammatory diseases of the organs of vision in children.

How to rinse your eyes to Miramistin

A solution of Miramistin is another wonderful antiseptic drug of a wide spectrum of action. Its main advantage is the operational suppression of the inflammatory process on the skin and mucous membranes. The finished medicine is sold at the pharmacy. Spray the product on a cotton pad and wipe it with the eye conjunctivitis.

How to rinse your eyes with hydrogen peroxide

Despite the undoubted disinfecting qualities of hydrogen peroxide, its effectiveness in the treatment of eye diseases is still in question. Moreover, some properties of the drug are inherent in acids, so that the chemical burn of the mucosa is not excluded. And although on the vast virtual network today you can easily find recipes on the basis of this antiseptic to wash your eyes, we recommend that you abandon such a dubious treatment.

Eyes are a valuable instrument that nature has generously gave us. The harder we will take care of him, the longer he will last. Do not expect an extreme exacerbation of symptoms of ophthalmological diseases, look for an effective and safe way to provide yourself in a first time at home. Be healthy!



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