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Why the nails are laying

Why the nails are laying
Information about why nails are placed. How to carry out the prevention and treatment of diseases leading to nail placement.

For any woman, nailing is a serious problem that needs to be urgently fighting. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to pay attention to such trouble, discuss the essence of the problem and options for solving it.

The nails are folded

Putting nails

It is quite obvious that there are quite a lot of reasons for laying nails, so they should be considered in order. So, let's start:

  1. The lack of silicon. Silicon is the element that is responsible for the strength of the nails directly, therefore, with its deficiency, nails are placed. By the way, in bananas, currants and parsley, silicon is in abundance.
  2. Lack of vitamin D, calcium. Very often, nails are also laying due to a lack of calcium. And if his shortage is noticed, this can also mean the lack of vitamin D. All because this vitamin helps calcium better to absorb. To restore calcium levels in the body, it is recommended to consume dairy products, herbs and fish.
  3. Bad nail file. Perhaps this has become news for you, but some files can injure the structure of the nail, as a result of which the formation will begin.
  4. Too wet environment. If your nails are often in a humid environment, this can affect their stratification. Therefore, when cleaning, washing the floors, it is recommended to use rubber gloves. Do not forget to always use a towel and wipe your hands dry.
  5. Excessive use of varnishes. All chemistry, which is in varnishes, does not affect the structure of the nail. Moreover, it doesn’t matter if you have a cheap varnish or expensive, a luxury class.
  6. Lack of iron in the body. With a lack of iron in the body, stratification of nails can also begin. Therefore, you should have liver, eggs, greens or dried fruits in your daily diet.


Nails are laying and breaking

In addition to laying, nails can also break completely. The following points are the fault here:

  1. Lack of magnesium. This element plays a very serious role in the regulation of the neuromuscular type, and the health of the cardiovascular system depends on it. With its lack, the health of the nails worsens strongly, which leads their increased brittleness.
  2. Phosphorus deficiency in the body. This element is directly into the composition of nails, as well as bone tissue. Therefore, its deficiency very poorly affects the structure of the nails, leading to their fragility.
  3. Reception of antibiotics. If you have transferred any inflammatory diseases, the treatment of which was carried out using antibiotics, this may affect the formation of the nail plate.
  4. Endocrine diseases. In diseases of the thyroid gland, the nail plate weakens, because the human immunity is significantly reduced, and its body weakens.

Prevention of laying and restoration of nails

Nail laying prevention

If you know that your nails are subject to laying, you need to pay special attention to them. Therefore, here you have a set of procedures that will answer the question of how to strengthen the nails that are laying:

  1. Eat only foods rich in biotin. Among these products there is a liver, colored cabbage, as well as avocados and boiled eggs. You will not have time to notice how the structure of your nails will strengthen.
  2. Soaking in olive oil. If you have a very strong nail, you need to try olive oil. Take the special olive oil of Extra Virgin and soak daily in it for 15 minutes for 15 minutes. Such procedures should be performed for a month. After the first month, the procedure should be repeated 2 times a week.
  3. Use as much water as possible. It is water that will help moisturize dry nails and conduct sufficient nutrition.
  4. Do not forget to take vitamins. As we have already said, you will need vitamin A, C, calcium. In addition, remember the protein, which should also be enough in your body.
  5. Use special oil cuticle oil. If you choose the oil correctly, you can compensate for an insufficient amount of moisture, as well as soak the dried cuticles. Pay attention to the fact that there are no artificial additives, as well as preservatives.


Strengthening nails

In order to properly strengthen your nails, you can prepare the following solution:

  • vegetable oil (2 tablespoons);
  • bold green tea (half a glass).

Lower your fingers into the resulting solution every day before bedtime for 15 minutes, but before that you need to heat the solution up to 40 degrees Celsius.

Another excellent option is rubbing into the skin that surrounds the nail, lemon juice.

By the way, the juice of various fruits is great for restoring nail strength. The following fruits can be used:

  • lemon;
  • cranberry;
  • red currant;
  • black currant.


Nails in the child are laying

The problem of nail placement very often concerns children. But its main reason is by no means that children's hands are very tender.

Reasons for nail laying in children

The first thing to do if you suddenly discovered the formation of at least one nail in your child is to check if he was hit by them. It is no secret that after strokes and injuries, the nails can spread and darken. It is possible that this happened in your case.

Another cause may be a fungal disease. If you suspect this disease, you should immediately consult a mikologist, since the treatment of fungus in children does not allow the use of folk methods.

In the hospital you will be sent to undergo all the necessary tests and after prescribing competent treatment, the baby can be cured.


It is quite possible an option in which the baby is placed in the nails on all, without exception, fingers. Unfortunately, this may mean the presence of problems of the gastrointestinal tract. To clarify the diagnosis, you should consult a doctor a pediatrician. Most likely, the correct diet and a balanced diet will be able to help in solving the problem.

With a lack of certain vitamins in the body of a small child, nail placement may also begin. But in this case, weakness is also added to all this. The child needs the following vitamins:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium.

Contact the doctor, and he will write all the necessary vitamins that can help restore the strength of nails and the health of the baby as a whole.

In addition, the following products will help the child:

  • oat and buckwheat porridge;
  • linseed oil;
  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • dried fruits;
  • cookie;
  • nuts.



After undergoing an examination, a child can prescribe a vast complex of necessary vitamins, which includes praise, pikovit and multitabs. But you can’t dwell on vitamins alone, you should add dishes to the child’s diet, including calcium and iron. The following products are recommended:

  • raisin;
  • tofu cheese;
  • broccoli;
  • grain crops;
  • cottage cheese;
  • almond;
  • dried apricots.

If your child’s nails are divided due to diseases of fungal origin, you first need to donate blood for sowing and all standard tests that the pediatrician will request. After that, doctors will select the most effective treatment, which will correspond to the sensitivity of the fungus to medications.

Also, a bath for nails with iodine, lemon juice, as well as oil oil, will also help. True, you need to know exactly that the child does not have an allergy to iodine to use this tool with confidence.

Nails on the legs are laying

Possible reasons for laying nails on the legs

Couple Playing Footsie

There are several possible reasons that lead to the layers of nails on the legs, among these it is worth noting the following:

  1. Not very high -quality cosmetics and varnishes. As with the hands, poor -quality varnish can affect the nails on the legs. In addition, the varnish fluid itself can also destroy the structure of the nails. That is why you should not be too skimp on high -quality cosmetics, because in the end it will be more expensive for you yourself.
  2. Inexplicable shoes. Unknown, tight shoes can also destroy the nails. Therefore, you need to choose only comfortable shoes, and the one that causes discomfort is better to wear occasionally and a short time.
  3. Nail fungus. A completely obvious reason what should be thought about. If the nail has acquired a different color or has become opaque, you should contact a narrow specialist with this problem.
  4. Incorrect care. In case of improper cut, the use of metal files, you can destroy the structure of the nail and bring them to delaiming.
  5. Impaired blood circulation in the legs. In the case of a fixed lifestyle or in the presence of varicose veins, one of the side effects may be relaxing nails. Systematic performance of gymnastic exercises will help you.
  6. Improper nutrition. With an unbalanced diet, the health of a person as a whole worsens with the nails.

Nails are laying: vitamins

In order to maintain nails on the legs in a completely healthy state, the body should be saturated with appropriate vitamins.

First of all, the nails need protein, so try to consume products containing it, or choose the corresponding complex of drugs.

Since magnesium, as well as calcium, is completely removed from the human body, these elements are constantly needed to strengthen nails. It is possible that from the products you do not draw a sufficient dose of magnesium and in this case you should use medications.

You may also need silicon, which can always be taken in such products:

  • bananas;
  • plums;
  • dates;
  • apples;
  • melons;
  • salad;
  • horseradish;
  • green onions.

Finally, it should be noted iron, the lack of which is also able to influence the destruction of the structure of the nails on the legs. By the way, such a nuisance concerns women much more often, because during critical days, the body loses a lot of iron. The following products will restore the level of iron in the body:

  • buckwheat porridge;
  • pear;
  • green;
  • wheat;
  • beef liver;
  • eggs.

Nails are laying: treatment


Next, I want to consider a set of procedures and tools that will help you deal with your legs placement. After all, when the nails are laying, the first question arising from most people, what to do?

The following procedures and products can help you in solving the problem:

  1. Cosmetics. In modern pharmacy kiosks, it is not difficult to find creams, as well as the corresponding oils used to treat nails. They contain Panthenol, Allatonin and liposomes, which safely affect the nails and accelerate their growth.
  2. Paraffin therapy. This procedure is proposed in most beauty salons, but it is also quite realistic to conduct it at home. You need to apply a disinfectant on clean legs, and then check the skin reaction to paraffin. If the open areas of your skin are normally responded to paraffin, you can safely take on the procedure. You need to melt paraffin and dip your legs in it for 10 seconds. Repeat such actions about 5 times so that several layers of paraffin are fixed on the legs. When the paraffin is completely dry, it is necessary to put on polyethylene bags on your feet, and warm socks on top of them. Walk like this for half an hour, then remove the paraffin from the nails on the legs. Finally, lubricate your legs with a nutritious cream.
  3. Therapeutic massage. Thanks to the beneficial substances contained in sea salt, you can saturate your legs with them. To do this, they need to be held in the bath for 10-15 minutes, and then kneaded well. Do such a massage 2-3 times a week, and you will forget about the existence of problems with nails.
  4. A mask consisting of glycerol, water and alum will also be able to restore nail power. To do this, you need to mix 5 g. Kvassets, 70 g of water and 25 g g glycerin, soak the tissue in this mixture, and then attach to the nails on the legs. Cover everything with polyethylene package, and put warm socks on the legs. After 30 minutes, remove the mask.

Nails are placed on the hands: treatment at home. Video

If you want to know exactly how to cure laying nails, we recommend that you watch an entertaining video. It is small, but everything is clear and available on it.

Nails are laying at the base

If you notice that your nails begin to extend right at your base, this can only mean the presence of a fungus. In this case, you should not delay the issue of solving the problem, seek salvation in folk medicine, but you need to immediately go to the doctor who will write you rational and effective treatment.

It will be necessary to treat in several stages:

  1. Getting rid of factors and prerequisites that contribute to the development of the fungus.
  2. The use of ointments and medications prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Reception of pills and vitamins for strengthening and restoring nails.

Remember, everything is in your hands, and if the first hints are found on the problem, you need to immediately start treatment, since having closed your eyes to the problem, you will only aggravate it. Good luck!


Darina 04.04.2017 Answer

I had the reason for relaxing nails in the body. The doctor prescribed a course of a special dragee of Mertz. A month later, the condition of the nails improved significantly. They became both healthy and more healthy.

Tatiana 15.03.2018 Answer

When she washed in her soul, she noticed red spots and diaperiness in the groin. I ran to the doctor, the analysis showed dermatomycosis, prescribed treatment. Binafin ointment is a new generation.
