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Hydrogen peroxide for face

Hydrogen peroxide for face
How to clean the skin, using hydrogen peroxide

Many women strive for perfect beauty. Face care is one of the most important procedures in the life of a modern woman. Often, the fair sex is ready to give any money in order to save their skin from black dots, acne, pigment spots and lighten the face. Few people know that it is possible to carry out the procedures for clarifying and cleansing the skin on their own at home, while retaining money and time. One of these procedures is the care of the skin of the face, using hydrogen peroxide. This is an inexpensive tool that can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription for literally 15 rubles.

Hydrogen peroxide properties


Everyone knows that hydrogen peroxide consists of molecules that kill microbes, bacteria, and also refresh the skin. In modern cosmetology, experienced experts use this medical remedy, such as an antiseptic for skin bleach. Although, peroxide cannot be considered the safest tool, since with illiterate use it is possible to get rather painful burns, they look in the form of white spots.

Advantages of hydrogen peroxide for the face

  1. The correct use of the medicine will help to cure the skin from black dots and acne.
  2. Four the complexion and freckles.
  3. Four the vegetation on the face.

Disadvantages of hydrogen peroxide for the face

  1. The drug is not safe because you can burn the skin.
  2. It can cause an allergic reaction.

Contraindications to the use of hydrogen peroxide for the face

Like any medication, hydrogen peroxide has its own contraindications that should be observed:

  • with frequent use, allergies may appear;
  • for women with dry or sensitive skin, the product is not suitable;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes in the body.

Tips for the use of hydrogen peroxide for the face


  1. The peroxide should be 3%, this type of drug is the weakest, but still it is not recommended to use the peroxide, experts advise diluting it with a cosmetic tonic or preparing a cosmetic mask with its addition.
  2. It is necessary to spread hydrogen peroxide only to affected areas of the skin, very carefully.
  3. Bleach and clean your face strictly once every 7 days.

Facial procedures using hydrogen peroxide

Girl on Spa Treatment

Liquidation of freckles on the face with hydrogen peroxide

To save the skin from annoying freckles, you can prepare a special mixture with the addition of hydrogen peroxide.

Place 2 tbsp in a separate bowl. l. Cottage cheese and 1 tbsp. l. Sour cream, then add approximately 9 drops of peroxide, mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply the finished gruel on the face with a thin layer and wait for about 30 minutes. It is desirable to do this procedure at night, because after lightening freckles, sunlight should be avoided.

Hair whitening on the face with hydrogen peroxide

The peroxide slowly affects the growth of hair on the face. To prepare a special mask, you need to dilute a certain amount of shaving foam with 4 drops of ammonia and 4 drops of peroxide, mix well, then apply to the skin area with hair, withstand 10-15 minutes, then wash off a pre-prepared decoction of chamomile. To improve the result, it is necessary to repeat the procedure every 3-4 days.

Removing spots and acne with hydrogen peroxide for the face

Get-A-Klean, -Acne-Free-Face-STEP-7

Get rid of acne And not pleasant pimples will help you a few recipes:

  1. You can prepare a therapeutic tonic for processing inflammatory areas of the skin 2 times a week. To do this, you need to purchase a cosmetic face for the face and run a certain number of hydrogen peroxide drops there. It is worth knowing that about 5 drops of peroxide accounts for 50 ml of cleansing tonic. The prepared tonic is allowed to wipe the entire face with a cotton pad.
  2. Cosmetic mask based on honey will also be an indispensable assistant in the fight against acne. Put 1 tbsp into the dishes prepared in advance in advance. l. honey, add 1 tbsp. l. Aloe juice, then mix. In the finished mass, drip 2 drops of iodine and 2 drops of hydrogen peroxide, mix again. Using a cotton wool, apply the prepared mask to the problem areas of the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  3. The yeast mask can be prepared by mixing 2 tbsp. l. yeast and literally 3 drops of peroxide, mix until a thick consistency is obtained. This mask can be applied in any way you like. You can cotton with a cotton swab pointily to inflamed pimples in 2 layers, after 5 minutes remove with a cotton pad and washing. And before going to bed you can spread the finest layer throughout the face, wait for the mask hardening, shake off the part that will crumble and go to bed, and rinse in the morning.
  4. A mask based on streptocide and children's talc is made almost more complicated than the rest. To get started, rub the streptocide tablets, then mix with a certain amount of talc, then add a little peroxide, mix until a liquid consistency is obtained. To apply the mask, you will need a brush, after a complete solidification of the mask, take a small piece of the medical bandage and shake the frozen masks of the mask, then go to bed. In the morning it is also necessary to carefully wash your face. A similar mask must be used strictly 1 time per week.

Women's reviews about hydrogen peroxide for face


“Once upon a time I used this method to lighten the hair on my face, I am delighted to say that it works, the antennae has not been noticeable. In addition, I lightened the complexion, now my appearance pleases me, even sometimes there is a feeling that I was younger. ” Catherine.

“Of course, it’s scary to go to such experiments, I was very afraid to burn the skin, which is even worse, to ruin it at all. I tried almost all cosmetics to combat eels and pimples, there was already a feeling that they would never pass. But I struggle with them, and hydrogen peroxide helps me great in this. The result is pleasing with each procedure. " Olya.

“A month ago I wanted to get rid of freckles, I tried hydrogen peroxide, because I have no money for all sorts of different procedures. It seems to have done everything according to the instructions, but for some reason the skin was still burned. It hurt a very long time, I will no longer clean my skin on my own. " Arina.

“For the last 2 months I have been making masks against acne, I am satisfied with the result. Girls, follow the instructions and everything will be in order. »Veronica.

Hydrogen peroxide for the face. Video



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