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Shugaring paste at home

Shugaring paste at home
Ways to make a shugaring paste at home.

For many centuries in a row, the eastern beauties have been using caramelized paste prepared from sugar syrup, since this tool helps to easily get rid of unwanted hair. The recipe and the method of preparing this composition traditionally kept secret and were inherited. To date, this method of hair removal has gained wide popularity in our area, because it is not difficult to cook such a paste with a natural composition and use it for hair removal.

The principle of action of shugaring at home

In a nutshell, the shugaring procedure is a hair depilation with the help of sugar syrup thickened to a certain consistency. This composition is prepared from all available components - sugar and water. After applying the pasta, it freezes and is fixed on the skin, after which it needs to be removed from it with a sharp movement along with her hair. With the help of shugaring, you can easily get rid of unwanted vegetation in various zones, including distinguishing special sensitivity.


There are two methods of using sugar for shugaring at home:

  • when the acting semi -liquid composition is applied to the skin with a brush. On top, the paste is covered with strips of fabric or thick paper - after solidification, such a strip is required to be removed from the body along with unwanted vegetation;
  • in addition, it is convenient to use sugar paste for shugaring at home, condensed to such a state that it is easy to roll it into the ball. A small piece of pasta should be kneaded into a cake and distributed in the processed area. After the pasta is hardened and fixed on the body with the hairs, it will need to be removed from it.

When preparing a pasta, the degree of caramelization of sugar syrup should be selected depending on the method of use of the composition. When choosing which paste for shugaring to prefer, it is worth starting from your preferences. For manual shugaring technique (without the use of polymer stripes, fabric or paper), a fairly thick mixture is suitable for a “pulling”, which can be rolled into a ball and knead with ease with the lightness in the form of a cake. The less thick consistency of caramelized syrup is suitable for applying a brush - it is convenient to carry out such hair removal using the stripes hardening on the skin.

Advantages of using shugaring pasta at home

An increasing number of women are interested in the question of how to cook yourself and apply paste for shugaring at home. If you ever used wax to remove excessive vegetation, the use of sugar paste will also not be difficult for you. The technique of this type of hair removal is largely similar, the difference lies only in the milder effect of shugarming on the skin.


In addition, this composition is of undoubted advantages, among which it can be noted:

  • economy and accessibility - only sugar, water and lemon juice are required to prepare this product. All ingredients are available in price, it is easy to purchase them in any supermarket. From one kilogram of sugar, you can prepare a remedy for hair removal, which is enough for several months. You can prepare such a paste for shugaring at home quickly and without special trouble;
  • the natural composition-the paste prepared at home for shugaring does not contain any components and preservatives harmful to health. The components of sugar paste, as a rule, do not cause allergies;
  • shugaring composition is not necessary to heat to a condition that burn the skin, warm sugar paste is quite effective;
  • the playing procedure is less painful in comparison with wax hair removal, since the sugar paste is very elastic and is less grasped with the skin, while it penetrates deep into the follicles and firmly fixes the hairs after solidification. After removal of the composition, along with unwanted vegetation, particles of the skin are not captured, irritation and damage to the capillaries do not occur - thus, shugaring is suitable for hair removal of particularly delicate zones of the face and body. This method can be used for sensitive skin and in the presence of problems with blood vessels, including varicose veins;
  • effective removal of excessive vegetation - caramelized sugar syrup gently envelops each hair in the treated area, taking with them their bulbs. If you remove the frozen paste in the direction of hair growth, the probability of breaking off at the roots and the appearance of further ingrown hairs is reduced to zero. In addition, such a procedure gives a fairly long effect - up to three weeks;
  • the shugaring session is easy at home, while it should be noted that caramelized syrup is more convenient in operation compared to wax. This procedure can be carried out independently, it is suitable for hair removal. A paste for shugaring does not crumble, in addition, if it hits the floor or their clothes, without much effort, can be washed with water.

How to cook shugaring paste at home

If you plan to cook paste for shugaring at home for the first time, it is recommended to start with the preparation of its small amount sufficient for one -time use. In the future (after developing skills) it will be possible to prepare a significant supply of this composition by weld the best paste for shugaring a suitable consistency. Using such a homework to remove hair prepared independently, you can be completely confident in its natural composition.


You can store cooked shugarming paste at home for a long time (not necessarily in the refrigerator), since its main ingredient (sugar) is essentially an excellent preservative.

It is important not to digest paste, otherwise, instead of a mixture for hair removal, you can get a pan with frozen and/or burned caramel, which will be quite difficult to wash. In order to avoid such troubles, you should use a pan with a thick bottom and cover it with a lid. In addition, sugar syrup needs to be heated over medium heat, after boiling - on minimal. In the process of preparing the paste, you need to stir regularly to prevent handling. After sugar dissolution, the mixture will first become transparent, and then gradually will acquire a pleasant golden-honey tint. If you undergo this composition, then the sugar mixture will turn out to be too sticky and remove the hair with its help. In the case when the pasta is digested, it loses elasticity and acquires unnecessary fragility after hardening.

Shugaring paste recipes at home

If there is a desire and effort, cooking a shugaring paste will not even work as a very skillful mistress.  To prepare a paste for shugaring at home, you will need only three ingredients - sugar, lemon juice and water. Due to the content of lemon or citric acid juice in the composition of the juice, the mixture acquires a peculiar viscous consistency and plasticity, thanks to which the paste does not freeze immediately and it is quite convenient to use it.


You can cook paste for shugaring on your own according to the following recipes:

  • Mix 250 g of sugar with 2 tbsp. water, squeeze the juice of half a medium -sized lemon and strain it through a strainer, add to sugar. 1

The mass must be thoroughly mixed, placed in a saucepan or a bucket with a thick bottom and put on a small fire. Caramelic mass will be necessary to constantly stir in order to avoid burning. After the mixture begins to acquire a golden hue and a characteristic caramel smell, as well as a viscous consistency, it should be boiled for several minutes on a minimum fire. Next, you need to cool the paste to the body temperature, so as not to burn in the process of hair removal. 18

  • Lemon juice in the paste to remove hair can be replaced with citric acid. This recipe for shugaring paste is suitable, including for owners of particularly sensitive skin. To prepare a paste, it is necessary to fill 100 g of sugar into a saucepan and add 2 tbsp to it. water. This mixture must be heated over low heat until sugar is completely dissolved, then add 1 tsp to the syrup. citric acid. The resulting mixture must be brought to boiling and cook for 5-7 minutes over low heat, stirring thoroughly-waiting for the moment when Karamel acquires an intense honey-golden color. This recipe is perfect for preparing a mixture for shugaring deep bikini.
  • If you plan to regularly use paste for shugaring at home, it will be convenient to prepare a significant amount of composition for future use by welding a mixture of kilograms of granulated sugar (except for it, it will be necessary to use 8 tbsp lemon juice, as well as 9 tbsp water). These ingredients should be laid out in an enameled pan or bucket and turn on medium heat (literally for a few seconds) - it is required to ensure that the sugar is not burned, mixing periodically. Next, reduce the heating temperature and bring the sugar mixture to boiling, and then cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. After the appearance of foam and air bubbles, the mixture should be stimulated on minimum heat for 5 minutes, constantly stirring. Next, you should pour the composition into a plastic container and wait for the mixture to cool. After about 2.5-3 hours, it will be possible to proceed to the hair removal procedure. With further sessions, it will be necessary (depending on the capacity used) to heat the paste in the microwave or in a water bath.
  • The method of preparing a shugaring pasta at home in the microwave is very convenient to use. In a glass or porcelain container suitable for warming up in a microwave oven, it is required to mix 4 tbsp. sugar, 1.5 tsp. citric acid and 2 tbsp. water. Next, the container is placed in the microwave and warmed up at maximum power for a minute, after which it needs to be obtained and mixed with the syrup. Further, the procedure is repeated two more times, the last time the paste must be placed in the microwave for half a minute. As a result, caramel will acquire a bright golden color.

Application of shugaring pasta at home: Useful tips

Depending on the influence of different factors - the temperature treatment method, heating temperature, cooking and languor of the mixture, sugar paste can acquire a different consistency.


If the caramel turns out to be too soft, then it will hardly spread from the hands, grab too hard with the skin and it will be difficult to remove it, taking it over the edge - in this case, you should roll out the mass in the processed area and, without tearing off your hands, remove it immediately after fixing with hairs, while pulling the skin. In order not to stay with bruises, you should not pull up, the paste should be torn off in the direction of hair growth - with a sharp movement. Do not pull the paste slowly, hoping to reduce pain.

Too dense pasta sometimes does not immediately stick, especially on the bends (in the axillary cavities, in the bikini zone), its edges are wrapped up. In this case, you should process a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin at a time, tightly pressing the paste with one hand to it, slightly pulling the skin with the other.

Cooking paste for shugaring at home - video



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