
Olive oil for leather

Olive oil for leather
The impact of olive oil on the skin of the face and body. The benefits and contraindications of olive oil.

Olive oil over the centuries is used in cosmetology as the main component in the manufacture of masks, scrubies, lotions and creams. Thanks to its miraculous components, it can give your skin youth and beauty. And this is exactly what seems to seek, perhaps, every representative of the beautiful sex. Therefore, if you have not yet tried olive oil for the skin, start right today, and the result will not make you wait long.

The benefits of olive oil

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Always olive oil was famous for which contains oleic acid. It prevents the development of cancer and various malignant tumors. Also, this acid is capable in a short time to derive cholesterol from the body, which harms human health.

Olive oil also has a large number of unsaturated fats and fatty acids (omega-6 and omega-3), which are so useful for the body.

Stop the process of aging of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles, and vitamins A, D and E (universal antioxidant) contained in olive oil will help to protect the skin from the polluting medium. About copper, iron, calcium, squapnene (for skin moisturizing) and their benefits and not to talk - everyone knows how these substances are useful for the livelihoods of the body.

On a note . Olive skin for leather is worth using the first press, which does not have any additional impurities.

Olive oil can be used in burns. It has mitigating, antibacterial and moisturizing qualities. Well come true after visiting the pool or the sea, where water does not always favorably affect the skin condition, you can also with olive oil.

For taste and treatment

Many olive oil love for his exquisite fragrance and taste with mustard. But not everyone heard that it is very useful to use an empty stomach. It will strengthen health and improve the skin condition. So, to prevent the stomach ulcery and get rid of gastritis, if every morning for 3 months take 1 t. L. olive oil.

It is very useful to take it to people who suffer from constipation, as the oil has laxative properties.

Significantly reduce the risk of atherosclerosis due to the omega-3 substance.

The oil is easily absorbed, so it is also useful for children - contributes to the formation of dense bone tissue.

How to choose to choose


  • To make you the maximum benefit to you, you need to know how to choose it correctly. Come to the store, first read the label. Find out where and what number the product was produced, it should be fresh. If on the label the place of spill and manufacturing coincides, be sure it is very good oil.
  • It should also be indicated, from what raw material and what method it was produced. If cold, then give preference to this product, since with this method, the oil is able to scap in itself all the benefits of olives.
  • If the label notes that the oil is refined and produced by heat treatment (the so-called cake oil), then note that it will be less useful.
  • Try not to buy vegetable oil with the addition of olive. Experts assure that the latter is not contained there. Therefore, it is not reasonable to pay for a non-existent additive.
  • Also give preference to glass bottles of dark glass. The product in tin or plastic banks does not give you quality assurance.
  • Purchase to make better in large and network supermarkets - it decreases the chance to meet a fake.

Body care and face

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  • Well affects the skin of the wrapping with olive oil and sea salt. This will help quickly get rid of an undesirable orange crust and will help in the correction of the figure. The oil will enrich the skin with vitamins and useful substances, and the salt - will bring the accumulated excess fluid. Wrapping recipe. It is advisable to clean the skin before the procedure. Boil 1 cup of water, pour 1 glass of salt, mix it until it is completely dissolved. Add 1 cup of olive oil, cool and the resulting mixture is uniform, without rubbing, apply to problem areas of the skin. As soon as the mixture is all used, you need to take the food film and wrap it, to wear warm things on top. And after 30 minutes, take a contrast shower. Such wraps are useful, so they can be carried out both at home and in the salons approximately 1 time per week.
  • With dry scalp, you can also use olive oil. Mask recipe. Heat the oil in the water bath, retain. After cool down, apply for the entire length of the hair and labeled into the scalp. Cover the package and towel, after 30 minutes. wash off shampoo. After the first procedure, you can see the effect - there will be more shine in the hair, they will become soft, silky and will not be tangled. You can make such a mask no more than 4 times a month.
  • With a dry leather, it is necessary to wipe off in the morning and in the evening with a cotton disk, moistened in olive oil, a zone of neckline and face. Leave for 25 minutes, wash off with water and "secure" the procedure with moisturizing cream.
  • Olive oil for oily skin will be useful if you remove makeup with it. In the evening, it is necessary to wash off the makeup with water, on face and eyelids to apply oil for 10 minutes. And remove makeup with cotton disks.
  • If the lips crammed from the wind apply olive oil on the night to the night, there will be no trace from the problem in the morning.
  • To give your hands to give beauty and well groom, you can use olive oil. It is necessary to warm up in a water bath, pour the juice of one lemon, add a little honey, and dip your hands for 30-40 minutes.
  • Lemon juice in combination with olive oil will soften the fracture on the feet of the skin. Connect 3 tbsp. l. Oils with 2 tbsp. l. Juice, lubricate carefully foot, rubbing liquid, put on packages, top with warm woolen socks and leave for 20-30 minutes.

Application of olive oil at home


Cleansing is the easiest method in skin care. But in order to achieve the greatest effect at home, olive oil must be slightly warm up. This will help reveal and clean the pores, as well as give the skin a natural shade. It is desirable to wipe the face with warm butter in the evening before bedtime and in the morning an hour before leaving the house. It is possible to remove it moistened in warm water with a napkin (if dry skin) and dry towel (for oily skin). If you decide to wash off with water, it is advisable to arrange the skin of the face contrast - alternate warm water with cold.

If olive oil is regularly lubricated the skin around the eyes, you can achieve the strengthening of thin skin, sufficient moisture, as well as smoothing unwanted wrinkles. For this you need not rubbing the skin around the eyes and leave for 25 minutes, remove the oil with a dry napkin.

Mask Recipes with Olive Oil

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  • For elastic and silky skin. Mix 0.5 liters of oil with 400 g of rose petals, insist, strain. Add 3 st. l. In the water, taking a bath.
  • Mask for rough skin. Mix Avocado Cashitz with olive oil in proportions 1: 1, apply on a clean face and body for 10 minutes. Removable masks remove with a wet cloth.
  • For sensitive skin. Grind the fresh cucumber, half of the banana, mix, add 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. A mask to apply 25 minutes, after which it was washed with warm water.
  • Tool for bleaching. Mix in equal proportions olive oil, cottage cheese, carrot juice and milk. Apply a thick layer on the face for 30 minutes. Wash the mask first warm, and then with cold water, wipe the dry towel.
  • For oily skin. 100 g chopped cabbage leaves mix with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Apply to face and body for 20 minutes.
  • In the fight against problem skin. Mix 2 tbsp. l. Olive oil with 2 tbsp. l. Cashits from any fruits, apply on a clean face and area decolla for 15 minutes, after which it was washed with warm water.
  • Mask for combined skin. Olive oil mix with the flesh of watermelon in proportion 1: 1, apply a mixture on the skin and leave for 30 minutes, then remove with a wet napkin.
  • For normal skin. To 1 tbsp. l. Flour (rice, oat or wheat) pour 1 tbsp. l. Olive oil, mix thoroughly before the formation of pasta. Apply gently on the neck and face area for 20 minutes. Wash off warm and then cold water.

Olive oil during pregnancy

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  • Olive oil doctors recommend using from the first days of pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks. To do this, it is necessary to lubricate the stomach and chest after taking the shower at least 2 times a day.
  • If we use regular oil all 9 months, then the baby will correctly form a nervous system.
  • Vitamins contained in oil will prevent the interruption of pregnancy.
  • Oil can control the feeling of hunger, which in turn will give the opportunity to control the normal weight.
  • Helps to avoid the problems of late toxicosis.
  • Olive oil does not cause allergies, and also contributes to the easy opening of the uterus during childbirth.

Olive oil contraindications

Even such a storehouse of vitamins and the gift of nature as olive oil has its drawbacks and contraindications.

  • Do not abuse olive oil if you have cholecystitis. With the slightest inflammation of the gallbladder, the oil can be harmful, as it has a strong choleretic effect.
  • People with excess body are recommended to eat no more than 1 tbsp. l. a day, since olive oil is quite calorie. In this case, it is not desirable to be subjected to heat treatment.
  • Pay attention to the acidity of oil, it should not exceed 0.8%.
  • And most importantly is a measure. With overweight, olive oil becomes not useful, but harmful.

Olive oil for leather. Video


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Sveta 23.12.2014 To answer

I tried oil, the cool effect on the skin has. Girls, tell me, in the circle of your eyes what cosmetics use?
