
Almond oil

Almond oil
Properties of almond oil and its use

Sweet almond trees grow in China, Central Asia, California (USA), Western Tien Shan, Crimea and the Caucasus. The seeds of this plant we are accustomed to call almond nuts, and one of them is made by almond oil.

Obtaining and composition of almond oil

almonds on the tree

The oil is squeezed out of dried bitter almond seeds with cold pressing method. This preserves the benefits of almond oil, all the beneficial substances included in its composition, which provided it with such value in various spheres of human life.

Pleasant light yellow fragrant oil contains a huge amount of vitamins and trace elements. Present in almond vitamins B 2, A and E, mineral sodium salts, iron, zinc, phosphorus and magnesium, irreplaceable linoleic acid, as well as palmitic and oleic acids, make it an indispensable product for cosmetology, cooking and some industries. .

Application of almond oil

almond oil 2.

In cosmetology

Almond oil in cosmetology is used since ancient times. It is part of many creams, ointments for skin, cosmetic milk and masks. Often, almond face oil occurs in home cosmetic recipes. It is used to care for skin and body skin. Almond hair oil is widely used. The ability to easily penetrate the cellular structures makes almond oil an indispensable component in anti-aging cosmetology. It establishes the fatty skin, eliminates wrinkles, slows the aging of the skin and moisturizes them.

In cooking

Almond oil is used in cooking. Its thin exquisite fragrance is destroyed at high temperatures, so the almond oil is added more often to salads, sauces, a variety of seasonings and snacks. Almond oil is perfectly combined with fish and meat dishes, fresh vegetables and paste.

Unsaturated fatty acids included in the almond oil made it a favorite tool of nutritionists. The use of this oil in food does not increase the harmful cholesterol, but by contrast, settles the exchange of cholesterol in the body. Therefore, almond oil is advised to take in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

In medicine

In traditional and folk medicine, the almond cosmetic oil is also widely used. It is used as an additional therapeutic agent in the treatment of many diseases. It helps in damage to the skin, in the treatment of some female diseases, in disruption of metabolism, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, as well as in the treatment of inflammatory processes.

It shows the almond oil properties of the hypoallery substance and does not have contraindications, which allows you to assign it even to babies. Children give it as a soft laxative means, treat the stomatitis of the oral cavity, lubricate the tubers and rashes on the tender skin of the kids.

The valuable ability to influence the level of gastric juice allows you to assign to the admission of almond oil to patients with gastritis and ulcers of the stomach and duodenal intestine at elevated acidity.


Almond hair oil. Application.

almond hair

Almond hair oil allows you to solve almost all problems with the scalp and the longest. It actively nourishes, restores hair, protects them from environmental exposure and chemistry contained in modern shampoos and other care products. Make on the basis of almond hair masks, which can argue in their effectiveness with the most popular cosmetics.

  • Means against hair loss. Massaging movements apply oil on the hair on the samples, after which distribute over the entire length. Moisten the bath towel in hot water, press it and eat hair. Such a procedure can be done 2 times a week.
  • Means from split tips. Mix the equal parts of the almond, olive and castor oil. Apply on the tips of the hair for several hours before washing.
  • Dandruff. Mix almond oil with puree from berry gooseberry. Apply the resulting mixture on your hair, put on the shower cap and wrap your head towel. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Mask with almond oil against dandruff. Mix the equal parts of almond oil and pulp leaves Aloe. Wrap the mixture into the skin of the head by massaging movements, then rinse with cool water.
  • Preventive hair treatments. If you have oily hair, it is useful to add lemon essential oils, cedar or bergamot to almonds. If your hair is dry, use Ilang Ilanger's essential oil, patchouli or lavender. Such mixtures can be applied to a comb and cut hair 2-3 times a day.
  • Nourishing hair mask. Mix almond oil with an avocado puree. Apply the resulting mixture on your hair, put on the shower cap and wrap your head towel. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Hot hair growth mask. Mix the tablespoon of almond oil, tablespoon of mustard powder, yolk of one eggs and two tablespoons of warm water. Apply the resulting mass on the roots of the hair, avoiding hitting the tips. We remove your hair under a hat or film, insulate a towel. Keep the mask at least half an hour, repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.
  • Restoring hair mask. Grind in a coffee grinder a tablespoon of oat flakes. Mix the flour with two tablespoons of almond oil and one spoon of milk. Apply on the roots and the scalp, cover with a towel and a film to save heat and keep the mask on the hair of 30 minutes.
  • Hair glitter mask. Take the equal parts of the heated almond oil and brandy. Apply a mixture on the roots of the hair, and then distribute along the entire length. After half an hour, wash your head cool water.
  • Mask for dry and dyed hair. Take the two egg yolks, add a tablespoon of almond oil to them. Apply a mixture on the roots of the hair, then distribute along the entire length. After half an hour, wash your head cool water.
  • Almond eyelashes. Take a blank bottle from the carcass and thoroughly rinse it and brush. Dry. Pour inside (you can with a syringe) almond oil with adding vitamin E. Apply to clean eyelashes before bedtime.

Face Mandatory Oil

face Mandatory Oil

  • Daily cleansing dry and normal face skin. Distribute egg yolk with 15 drops of almond oil and a teaspoon of water. Apply a mixture for 15 minutes instead of washing wash, then rinse with water.
  • Almond leather oil prone to dryness. Mix the tablespoon of almond oil with several drops of essential oil Patchouli, lavender and rosewood.
  • Mask for oily skin. Mix 15 ml of almond oil with several droplets of lemon essential oil, mandarin, orange or ylang-yulang.
  • Toning mask. Add hot water to 2 tablespoons to obtain a sour cream mass. Add a teaspoon of almond oil to this mixture and a few drops of rosemary and lemon essential oil.
  • Hot wrinkle mask. In extinate in hot water a napkin made of natural fabric, press. It is evenly impregnated with almond butter evenly and impose on the face and neck. Tell with a napkin on the face of 30 minutes. Repeat 1-2 times a month.
  • Almond oil around the eyes. Apply almond oil to the eye around the eye before bedtime for 2 weeks.
  • Facial scrub. Mix the equal parts of the almond oil and brown sugar. Such a scrub gently purifies the skin of the face and neck, and also feeds and moisturizes it.
  • Moisturizing lip balm. Mixture of almond oil and honey can be used as a moisturizing lip balm.
  • Make-up removal. Apply almond oil on your cotton swab and remove cosmetics from the face. Almond oil perfectly cleans the pores and prevents the formation of black points.
  • Means against wrinkles. Preheat on a water bath 2 h. Almond oil up to 37-39 degrees. Add a few drops of the oil solution of vitamin E or two drops of essential oils of neroli and sandalwood. Apply on the skin by massaging movements, paying special attention to zones with wrinkles. Surplus oil remove the dry cloth. After a few minutes, you will smell warm water.

Almond body oil

almond oil in a spoon

  • Means from an undesirable tan. If the open areas of the body darkened, and you do not need it at all, mix the equal parts of the almond oil, lemon juice and honey and add milk to a paste-like state. Apply a mixture to the necessary places, hold 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  • Massage. Massage with almond oil is prescribed not only adults, but also for children. Oil improves blood circulation, soothes the nervous system, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, removes muscle pain.
  • Care behind foots and hands. Locking the almond oil into the skin of the feet and hands will help make it velvety and soft.
  • Almond nail oil. Almond oil with the addition of lemon and ylang-ylang essential oil strengthens the nail plate and softens the cuticle. The daily use of oil will make nails strong and prevent their separation.
  • Almond oil from stretch marks during pregnancy. To 100 ml of almond oil, add 4-5 drops of mandarin essential oil, neroli and lavender. Apply this mixture with light massaging movements on the skin of the abdomen and hollow.
  • Means against cellulite. Use for deep massages a mixture of 15 ml of almond oil and 2-3 drops of grapefruit, geranarine essential oils, patchouli, bergamot or lemon.

Almond health oil

almond treatment

  • Means from psoriasis and eczema. To 2 h. L. Almond oil add 5 drops of drug chamomile extract, 5 drops of lavender essential oil and 3 drops of oily water vitamin E. Apply 2-3 times a day on problem areas.
  • Tools from burns. To the tablespoon of almond oil, add a few drops of lavender or tea tree essential oil. Apply burns.
  • Herpes treatment. Grease herpes rashes with a mixture of almond oil with eucalyptus essential oil up to five times a day.
  • Treatment of otites. Heat the oil on a water bath to the body temperature (36-37 degrees) and order 2 drops in every ear. Repeat procedure 3-4 times in time.
  • Treatment of ear and headaches. Mix 10 almond oil drops with a drop of fresh garlic juice. Drop the mixture into every ear before bedtime.
  • Treatment of the respiratory system. With bronchitis, pneumonia, diseases of the throat, bronchial asthma and cough with thick wets, take 10 drops of almond oil 3 times a day.
  • Strengthening vessels and heart muscle. Eat up to 3 h. L. Almond oil per day. Almond oil can be added to salads, sauces, season with any dishes.
  • How to use almonds to treat atherosclerosis. Almond oil normalizes cholesterol exchange in the body. Used 0.5 h. Almond oil 3 times a day for 2-3 months will help to avoid complications in atherosclerosis.
  • As a laxative. Eat an empty stomach tablespoon of almond oil, and you will get a soft laxative effect.
  • Treatment of tensile ligaments. Squeeze a cotton cloth in hot water, press. It is evenly impregnated with almond oils evenly and impose injury. Keep a compress for 30 minutes. Repeat 2-3 times a day.
  • Pain in the back and ethnicity in pregnant women. It is recommended to make a massage by almond oil (100 ml) with the addition of essential oil of neroli (3 drops), sandalwood (3 drops) and lavender (7 drops).
  • Prevention of menstrual pain. Make a mixture of 70 ml of almond oil and 30 ml of the Zverboard oil. Add there 5 drops of grapefruit essential oil, 3 drops of ylang-yulang, 2 drops of nutmeg sage and a drop of jasmine essential oil. Massage the resulting mixture of the abdomen in a few days before menstruation and during her.
  • Treatment of female diseases. With inflammation of female genital organs, it is recommended to introduce tampons in the vagina impregnated with almond oil with the addition of several drops of tea tree oil.
  • Soothing and strengthening memory. Every day, drink for 1-2 hours before bedtime a glass of warm milk with a teaspoon of almond oil.

Almond oil Reviews and contraindications

Almond oil does not cause allergies and has no contraindications. It is forbidden to apply only with individual intolerance. And the following points should be taken into account:

  • a large amount of almond oil adopted with food can cause a stomach disorder, as it includes vitamin E with a relaxing effect;
  • excessive use of oil in food can lead to a weight gain, because any oil is a very calorie product;
  • if you take any drugs, consult with your attending physician whether it is possible to combine them with almond oil. The action of some medicines may change under its influence.

Preparation of almond oil at home

The question where to buy almond oil will decide by itself when you decide why you will use it. For cooking and use in food, it is better to look for almond oil in food stores. For cosmetic recipes, you can use almond oil from natural cosmetics stores, Ayurvedic stores and pharmacies.

You can also prepare almond oil at home. To do this, you will need the following equipment and ingredients:

  • Food processor.
  • Staple.
  • Butter storage container.
  • 500 g of raw almond nuts.
  • Clean sea salt teaspoon without additives and dyes.
  • 4 tablespoons of melted coconut oil (or any other vegetable oil to taste).

Load almonds to the kitchen processor, add a seabed salt and turn on the device to small speeds. Grind nuts for 15-20 minutes, periodically collecting a staple mass from the walls of the combine bowl. When the mass starts becoming homogeneous as mashed (about 15 minutes), stick to it coconut oil and grind another 5 minutes. Finished almond oil put into a container or tightly closed dries and store in the refrigerator. The photo shows which product should turn out to be in the end.

homemade almond oil

Almond face oil. Video


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