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Dyukan's diet

Dyukan's diet
Ducan diet for every day. Tips, recommendations, rules, recipes.

Ducan's diet is quite popular around the world. It was called in honor of the very famous French dietitian Pierre Dukan. To date, it has helped more than 16 million people to lose weight effectively. Many celebrities use it. For example, Penelope Kruz and Giselle Bundhen. We will tell you in detail about all the subtleties and nuances.

The essence of Ducan's diet


  • It belongs to low -carb.
  • Designed for a rather long time.
  • Guarantees sustainable weight loss. The result persists for a very long time. An interesting fact: many people begin to eat according to the rules of this diet constantly.
  • The Ducan diet menu is composed only of dishes that contain many proteins and few carbohydrates. Therefore, its second name is a protein diet for weight loss.
  • It is based on the use of the following large groups of food:
  • fresh vegetables;
  • products containing a lot of animal protein.

The pluses of diet Ducan

  • Dyukan diet, which is only positive, is considered more effective than other weight loss systems.
  • It is considered a safe diet that does not cause stress.
  • There is no need to torment yourself with hunger and count the calories used. Therefore, we can safely say that Ducan's diet is for every day.
  • A person who adheres to Ducan’s diet does not feel hunger. After all, the list of permitted products is very diverse. Of these, it is possible to cook anything. It is enough to apply your "culinary" imagination. At the same time, it is recommended to take food repeatedly and in any quantity.
  • The disadvantages of the diet of Ducan

  • For some, seafood will be expensive.
  • Not suitable for vegetarians.
  • The diet is unbalanced, which can cause a deficiency of beneficial substances, vitamins and trace elements.
  • Stages of Ducan's diet


    According to the weight loss program, four main phases (stages, stage) must be passed. Each of them has its own interesting name:

    • "Attack".
    • "Cruise".
    • "Consolidation."
    • "Stabilization".

    They lose weight already on the first two phases, and on the final one, the achieved result is fixed.

    At all stages of Ducan’s diet, it is necessary to adhere to general rules:

    • So, in order to achieve the best effect, you need to drink at least 2 liters of clean water every day.
    • Sugar and fats must be excluded from the diet.
    • Every day it is recommended to include oatmeal in the menu. This is necessary in order to avoid constipation.
    • In addition, it is recommended to go for a walk every day (walk at a fast pace), visit the pool and engage in physical exercises for about 20-25 minutes.
    • You can include various products in the menu. For example:
    • low -fat meat;
    • fish and seafood;
    • eggs;
    • hard cheese;
    • low -fat dairy products;
    • according to the rules, it is allowed to eat more herbs, spices, spices, mustard and salt.

    These are the foundations of Ducan's diet. Everyone can compose a menu for a week for themselves, based only on this list.

    Dyukan's diet: Stage "Attack"

    served Roasted Beef Meat Steak


    • This is short (from 1 to 10 days), but at the same time a very effective stage.
    • It is allowed to include exclusively protein products in the diet.
    • At this stage, on average, you can lose 8-18 kilograms of excess weight.
    • Duration depends on how much excess weight is present:
    • 5 kilograms and less - 1 day;
    • from 6 to 10 kilograms - 3 days;
    • from 11 to 19 kilograms - 5 days;
    • 20 kilograms or more - from 7 to 10 days.

    Profitable products:

    • Beef. In addition to fat ribs and anthrakot.
    • Veal.
    • Konin. In addition to the lower abdomen.
    • Bird meat without skin. In addition to very fatty meat of geese and ducks.
    • Language and liver.
    • Low -fat ham.
    • Fresh and smoked fish. In addition to the one who has more than 10%fat.
    • Canned fish without adding oil.
    • Seafood (all without exception).
    • Eggs. Give preference to proteins, because the yolk contains a lot of fat.
    • Loof dairy products. For the maximum effect, it is worth abandoning yogurts in which there are pieces of fruit. For the rest, restriction on such products is 1 pc. per day. Natural (without additives and flavorings) yogurt can be consumed in any quantity.
    • Oat bran. Daily norm - 1.5 tbsp. l. In the form of porridge or cakes. At this stage, you should not exceed the specified norm.
    • From drinks you can water, tea, coffee, chicory and grassy infusions.
    • To improve the taste of dishes, it is recommended to include different spices and seasonings, onions, apple cider vinegar, garlic, lemon and mustard in the diet. But know the measure.

    The above products form the basis of the protein diet menu.

    housewife Serving Dish with Meat

    The following products are prohibited:

    • Pork.
    • Mutton.
    • Ketchup.
    • Vegetable oil.
    • Sugar. Synthetic confusion are allowed.


    • All products that are available in the list can be cooked in the oven, on the grill or in a double boiler. It is also allowed to mix them with each other.
    • It is important that all the food is prepared without fat. The products that are available in the list of permitted can be eaten repeatedly and in any quantity.
    • It is recommended not to miss meals, and if you missed, the next time you should consume the maximum calories.
    • In addition, you must not forget to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid daily.
    • At this stage, it is also important to avoid heavy physical exertion. It is recommended only walking for at least 20-25 minutes every day.

    Dyukan's diet: Stage "Cruise"



    • The duration of this stage has its own. The fact is that this is the main period in which weight loss takes place.
    • It lasts until the losing weight achieves the desired result. On average, you can drop 2-4 kilograms per week.
    • As for the diet, the days on protein food alternate with protein-vegetable. Thus, every other day it is necessary to use what you are already accustomed to eating at the first stage. On other days, vegetables in cooked or raw form are added to protein foods. Moreover, it is important that vegetables are consumed along with proteins, and not separately. After all, squirrels are about the whole diet of Pierre Ducan.
    • It is not necessary to alternate days alternately. It all depends on your desire. For example, you can only eat protein foods within five days, and the next five are proteins with vegetables. Then again arrange protein days and protein-vegetable for yourself. In any case, it will be easiest to adhere to the alternation every other day. And it is this scheme that is recommended by specialists. In addition, it is worth saying that the final result of losing weight depends on the methodology of alternation.

    The list of products permitted for the protein diet can be taken from the previous stage. As for vegetables, there are some differences. So, can be included in the menu:

    • Tomatoes.
    • Zucchini, Tsukkini.
    • Radishes (limited).
    • Cucumbers.
    • Color and white cabbage.
    • Carrot.
    • Eggplant.
    • Pepper.
    • Potato.
    • Beet.

    The following greens are also allowed:

    • Spinach.
    • Onion.
    • Dill.
    • Celery.
    • Rugula.
    • Leaf salads.

    In addition, mushrooms can be included in the diet.


    The following products are prohibited:

    • Peas.
    • Bobs.
    • Corn.
    • Lentils.
    • Beans.


    If you cook salads from the allowed products, then in no case do not refuel them with oil. It is allowed to use vaseline oil sauce, low -fat yogurt and balsamic vinegar as refueling.

    Eat any number of vegetables, but no more than enough to satisfy hunger.

    Allowed vegetables are allowed to be consumed in any form convenient for you. Listen to your wishes. But keep in mind that the oil cannot be added in any case.

    It is necessary to include oat bran in the diet, but already a little in larger quantities than at the first stage. Norm-2-2.5 tbsp. l.

    The amount of liquid drunk per day is 1.5 - 2 liters.

    From physical activity, walking is recommended at least half an hour a day.

    Dyukan's diet: Stage "Consolidation"



    • At this stage of Ducan’s diet, the weight is no longer lost.
    • The main task of this period is to accustom your body to the new diet. This will allow you to fix the result.
    • From physical activity, walking is recommended for at least 25 minutes a day.
    • The weight that managed to lose is the basis for calculating the required number of days. So, the duration is taken at the rate of 10 days per 1 lost kilogram. Here are examples of calculating the duration of this stage depending on the weight loss:
    • 5 kg - 50 days;
    • 8 kg - 80 days;
    • 20 kg - 200 days.

    What and how to eat.  At this stage, the menu expands. For example, it is already allowed to add more high -calorie and delicious products to the diet, but this does not mean that you can already eat everything without exception. Food should be used according to strict rules. Otherwise, you risk gaining weight again.

    During the consolidation phase, it is allowed to include on the menu your favorite dishes that you ate during the protein and vegetable days of the previous stage.

    The amount of liquid drunk per day is 1.5 - 2 liters.


    This phase is customary to be divided into two halves. In the first, in the diet, in addition to vegetables and proteins, it is allowed to add:

    • A couple of slices of bread of protein-tube bread or from whole grain flour (daily).
    • 40 grams of cheese (per day). With the exception of cheeses, such as Rocment and Goat. It is best to take solid varieties with a fat content of 16-17%.
    • One portion of fruits (per day). In addition to grapes, bananas, cherries and dried fruits. One large fruit is considered one portion.
    • Hot or pork-crooked meat (a couple of times a week).
    • The hammer of a young lamb (a couple of times a week).
    • Ham (a couple of times a week).
    • One portion of products containing starch in their composition (once or twice a week).
    • One delicious festive meal (once a week).

    In the second half of this stage to everything that has already been listed, you can add:

    • Another small portion of products containing starch in their composition. Preference should be given to pasta from solid wheat and whole grain, legumes, rice and potatoes. It is indicated in priority.
    • Another delicious festive meal.

    Throughout the stage, it is forbidden to include nuts in the diet.

    During this phase, as in the previous two, oat bran should be added to the daily diet. Norm - 2 tbsp.  l.

    It is also important to spend one day a week only on protein food. Usually “protein” is Thursday.

    Dyukan's diet: Stabilization stage


    This last phase is necessary in order to finally fix the achieved result. Therefore, several simple rules should be followed. In order to maintain the acquired weight normal, it is recommended to observe them throughout life.

    Rules are needed in order not to gain extra pounds again. After all, even at this stage there is such a risk.


    • One day a week should be made completely “protein”. This is usually Thursday. The main food consumed during such a day is the white fish.
    • As in all previous stages, the final should not be forgotten about oat bran. Norm - 3 tbsp. l. This is a mandatory requirement. Sharbi can be consumed in the form of porridge, cakes or add them to dairy products.
    • At this stage, it is still recommended to increase physical activity. You need to work at least 20 minutes per day. You should also prefer the staircase of the elevator.
    • The rules have some more instructions on changing the menu of this stage. So, for example, almost any low -fat meat is welcome in the diet except some parts. You can also use any seafood without any restrictions, so you can more often “pamper” yourself with your favorite dishes. As for red fish, its consumption should be reduced.
    • At this stage, it is worth carefully approaching the choice of dairy products. They should be lean, but it is recommended to give preference to those products that contain less lactose.
    • In the diet of the stage of “stabilization” there is poultry meat, with the exception of too fat (geese and ducks). You can eat chicken and turkey for food.
    • As for the eggs, it is recommended to limit only to proteins. When frying, you should use pans with a high -quality anti -stick coating.
    • The menu should include the products that you consumed during the previous phase. Thus, proteins and vegetables will again be the basis of the diet. In addition, it is allowed to use the following products:
    • whole wheat bread;
    • cheese;
    • portion of fruit;
    • starch -containing products (two portions per week);
    • festive meals (two portions per week).

    During the diet of Ducan


    Despite the diverse diet of Dukan, some people have a deviation from the necessary program. This usually happens because it is difficult to follow some plan, and not eat your favorite food. Sometimes a person simply does not have the opportunity to cook a dish from the necessary ingredients. If there is a similar breakdown, then it is necessary to do the following:

    • Do not despair. After all, the essence of Dukan’s protein diet is comfortable weight loss at the psychological level.
    • Return to the previous regime and follow the rules for several days.
    • In the next couple of days, you should strictly adhere to the "protein" days of days.
    • Drink more.
    • Sleep enough hours.
    • Escaining in fresh air more often.

    Dyukan's diet: training and exercises


    This is a key moment when losing weight by Ducan's diet. The fact is that with weight loss, muscle weakness and sagging of the skin are observed. Training allows you to make loss of excess weight more efficient.

    To strengthen muscles and increase skin elasticity, it is recommended to engage in simple walking. And you can walk at any time. Only you need to do this at a fast pace. For different stages of Dukan’s diet, minimal time standards are set:

    Stage 1 - 20 minutes.

    Stage 2-30-35 minutes.

    Stage 3-25-30 minutes.

    Stage 4 - 20 minutes.

    Swimming is still useful. If you combine it with a diet, you can quickly get rid of excess weight.

    Any physical activity during weight loss will allow you to achieve the desired result faster.

    Dyukan's diet: menu (one -day)


    In the course of each phase there should be its own diet. Here are approximate one -day menu for each of them.

    Dyukan's diet: "Attack"

  • For breakfast (8.00-9.30): an omelet of two eggs and lean milk, fish. Drink tea or coffee.
  • For lunch (12.30-13.00): cook beef or chicken. Eat a piece of cheese. Drink juice.
  • For dinner (18.00-18.30): fish, yogurt or kefir.
  • It is recommended to add 1.5 tablespoons of oatmeal to any dish.
  • Dyukan's diet: "Cruise"

  • For breakfast (8.00-9.30): one piece of turkey, chicken, two small yogurts, one boiled egg, drink coffee or tea.
  • For lunch (12.30-13.00): vegetables in stew, a piece of fish, drink tea (you can coffee).
  • For afternoon snack (16.00-16.30): one piece of chicken, low-fat ham or salmon.
  • For dinner (18.00-18.30): vegetable soup, beef barbecue or meat-grille, drink tea.
  • Dyukan's diet: "consolidation"

  • For breakfast (8.00-9.30): 200-250 grams of yogurt (you can cottage cheese), a small piece of chicken, one or two eggs, drink green tea.
  • For lunch (12.30-13.00): vegetables in stew, a piece of fish, drink tea or coffee.
  • For dinner (18.00-18.30): soup with vegetables, low-fat meat.
  • Dyukan's diet: "Stabilization"

  • For breakfast (8.00-9.30): 200 grams of ham or egg, a piece of cheese or yogurt, drink tea or coffee.
  • For lunch (12.30-13.00): protein appetizer.
  • For dinner (18.00-18.30): menu, as for breakfast.
  • You can see the full menu of Ducan's diet on the official website.

    Ducan diet: recipes


    Chicken mousse

    Suitable for the first stage.

    It will take: chicken breast, 200 grams of milk, one egg pepper and salt to taste. Cut the breast into pieces, grind with a blender or meat grinder. Then add salt and pepper, milk and egg. Now everything needs to be mixed and put in the oven in the molds to bake.

    Baked fish

    Suitable for the first stage.

    It will be required: fish (canned, but without oil), egg, milk and greens to taste. Grind the fish, add the egg, a little milk and greens. For taste, you can cut crab rolls. After that, the mass should be placed in the forms in the microwave oven on maximum power.

    Summer salad

    Suitable for the second stage.

    It will be required: boiled screwed egg, tomatoes, crab sticks and cucumbers. All ingredients should be cut and mixed thoroughly. Then season the salad with cottage cheese sauce.

    Fish salad

    Suitable for the second stage.

    It will be required: mackerel without oil, egg, cheese and crab rolls (sticks). Cut everything and mix well. After that, add parsley or cilantro, as well as onions.

    Chicken in milk

    Suitable for the third stage.

    It will take chicken breast. It first needs to be cut into small pieces, and then put out. As a result, the meat is very tender.

    Dyukan's diet photo: “before” and “after”


    Dyukan's diet: video



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