
Ducan's diet

Ducan's diet
Diet Duucan for every day. Tips, recommendations, rules, recipes.

Diet Dukhana is quite popular worldwide. She was called in honor of the very famous French doctor of Pierre Dukhana. To date, she helped more than 16 million people to lose weight effectively. It uses many celebrities. For example, Penelope Cruz and Giselle Bundchen. Tell you in detail about all the subtleties and nuances.

The essence of dukana diet


  • It refers to low-carb.
  • Designed for quite a long time.
  • Guarantees sustainable weight loss. The result is saved for a very long time. Interesting fact: many people start to eat according to the rules of this diet constantly.
  • The DUCAN Diet menu is made only from dishes, which contain many proteins and little carbohydrates. Therefore, the second name is the protein diet for weight loss.
  • It is based on the use of the following large food groups:
  • fresh vegetables;
  • products containing a lot of animal protein.

Pluses diet Dukana

  • Diet Duucana, reviews about which only positive, is considered more effective than other systems of weight loss.
  • It is considered a safe diet that does not cause stress.
  • There is no need to torment yourself hunger and consider consumed calories. Therefore, we can safely say that Dyukan's diet is for every day.
  • A man who adheres to Duucana's diet does not feel a sense of hunger. After all, the list of permitted products is very diverse. Of them it is possible to cook anything. It is enough to apply your "culinary" fantasy. At the same time, eating the food is recommended repeatedly and in any quantity.
  • Cons diet Dukana

  • For some seafood will be expensive.
  • Not suitable for vegetarians.
  • Diet is unbalanced, which can cause a shortage of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.
  • Stages diet Dukana


    According to the weight loss program, you need to go through four main phases (stages, stage). Each of them has its own interesting name:

    • "Attack".
    • "Cruise".
    • "Fastening."
    • "Stabilization".

    Love in the first two phases, and on the final - the result is fixed.

    At all stages of Dukan diet, you must follow the general rules:

    • So, to achieve the best effect, you need to drink at least 2 liters of pure water every day.
    • It is necessary to exclude sugar and fats from the diet.
    • Every day it is recommended to include oatmeal in the menu. It is necessary in order to avoid constipation.
    • In addition, it is recommended to go for a walk every day (walking in a fast pace), to visit the pool and exercise about 20-25 minutes.
    • You can enable various products in the menu. For example:
    • non-fat meat;
    • fish and seafood;
    • eggs;
    • solid cheese;
    • low-fat dairy products;
    • according to the rules in food, it is allowed to use more herbs, spices, spices, mustard and salt.

    These are the foundations of Duucan diet. Menu for a week everyone can make up for itself, based only on this list.

    Diet Duucana: Stage "Attack"

    served Roasted Beef Meat Steak


    • This is a short (from 1 to 10 days), but at the same time a very effective stage.
    • The diet is allowed to include exclusively protein products.
    • At this stage, you can, on average, reset 8-18 kilograms of excess weight.
    • The duration depends on how much extension is present:
    • 5 kilograms and less - 1 day;
    • from 6 to 10 kilograms - 3 days;
    • from 11 to 19 kilograms - 5 days;
    • 20 kilograms and more - from 7 to 10 days.

    Permitted products:

    • Beef. In addition to fat ribs and annecot.
    • Veal.
    • Horsemeat. In addition to the bottom of the abdomen.
    • Poultry meat without leather. In addition to very fat meat geese and ducks.
    • Language and liver.
    • Non-fat ham.
    • Fresh and smoked fish. In addition to the one that has fatness more than 10%.
    • Canned fish without adding oil.
    • Seafood (all without exception).
    • Eggs. To give preference to proteins, because the yolk contains a lot of fat.
    • Non-fat dairy products. For maximum effect, it is necessary to abandon yogurts in which there are pieces of fruit. For the rest of the restriction on such products - 1 pc. in a day. Natural (without additives and flavors) Yogurt can be used in any quantity.
    • Oat bran. Day norm - 1.5 tbsp. l. in the form of porridge or cakes. At this stage, it is not worth exceeding the specified norm.
    • From drinks you can water, tea, coffee, chicory and herbaceous infusions.
    • To improve the taste of dishes, it is recommended to include different spices and seasonings, onions, apple vinegar, garlic, lemon and mustard. But know the measure.

    The above products make up the basis of the protein diet menu.


    The following products are prohibited:

    • Pork.
    • Mutton.
    • Ketchup.
    • Vegetable oil.
    • Sugar. Synthetic substiters are allowed.


    • All products that are available in the list of allowed can be prepared in the oven, grilled or in a double boiler. It is also allowed to mix them with each other.
    • It is important that all food is preparing without fat. Products that are available in the list allowed can be eaten repeatedly and in any quantity.
    • It is recommended not to skip meals, and if you missed, the next time you should consume maximum calories.
    • In addition, you can not forget to drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid daily.
    • At this stage, it is also important to avoid hard physical exertion. Only walking for at least 20-25 minutes every day is recommended.

    Diet Duucana: Stage "Cruise"



    • The duration of this stage has its own. The fact is that this is the main period in which weight loss passes.
    • It lasts as long as the thinner does not reach the desired result. On average, you can dump 2-4 kilograms per week.
    • As for the diet, the days on protein food alternate with protein-vegetable. Thus, every other day it is necessary to use what is already accustomed to eat at the first stage. Other days to protein food are added vegetables in cooked or raw form. Moreover, it is important that the vegetables are consumed together with proteins, and not separately. After all, proteins are about the whole diet of Pierre Dukan.
    • Alternate days not necessarily alternately. It all depends on your desire. For example, it is possible to use only protein food within five days, and the following five - proteins with vegetables. After that, again, arrange protein days and protein-vegetable. In any case, the easiest will stick to the alternation every other day. And it is this scheme that is recommended by specialists. In addition, it is worth saying that the final result of weight loss depends on the alternation technique.

    List of Duchana products allowed for protein diet can be taken from the previous stage. As for vegetables, there are some differences here. So, you can enable in the menu:

    • Tomatoes.
    • Zucchini, Zucchini.
    • Radish (limited).
    • Cucumbers.
    • Color and white cabbage.
    • Carrot.
    • Eggplants.
    • Pepper.
    • Potato.
    • Beet.

    The following greens are allowed:

    • Spinach.
    • Onion.
    • Dill.
    • Celery.
    • Arugula.
    • Leaf salads.

    In addition, mushrooms can be included in the diet.


    The following products are prohibited:

    • Peas.
    • Beans.
    • Corn.
    • Lentils.
    • Beans.


    If you prepare salad from the allowed products, then in no case refuel them with oil. It is allowed to be used as a refueling sauce based on vaseline oil, low-fat yogurt and balsamic vinegar.

    Eating any number of vegetables, but no more than enough to satisfy hunger.

    Allowed vegetables are allowed to consume in any form convenient for you. Listen to your wishes. But note that the oil in any case cannot be added.

    It is necessary to include oat bran in the diet, but already a little longer than in the first stage. Norm - 2-2.5 st. l.

    The amount of liquid drinks on the day is 1.5 - 2 liters.

    From physical exertion, walking at least half an hour per day is recommended.

    Diet Duucana: Stage "Fastening"



    • At this stage, Duucana diet weight is no longer lost.
    • The main task of this period is to teach your body to a new diet. This will consolidate the result.
    • From physical exertion, walking at least 25 minutes a day is recommended.
    • The weight that managed to reset is the basis for calculating the required number of days. So, the duration is taken in the calculation of 10 days per 1 lost kilogram. We give examples of calculating the duration of this stage depending on the dropped weight:
    • 5 kg - 50 days;
    • 8 kg - 80 days;
    • 20 kg - 200 days.

    What and how to eat. At this stage, the menu is expanding. For example, the ration is already allowed to add more calories and delicious products, but this does not mean that you can eat everything without exception. Food should be used by strict rules. Otherwise, you risk typing again.

    During the fixing phase, it is allowed to include in the menu your favorite dishes that you have drone during the protein-vegetable days of the previous stage.

    The amount of liquid drinks on the day is 1.5 - 2 liters.


    This phase is taken to divide into two halves. The first in the diet except vegetables and proteins is allowed to add:

    • A couple of slices of protein-bran bread or whole grain flour (daily).
    • 40 grams of cheese (per day). With the exception of cheeses such as Rocca and Goat. It is best to take solid varieties of 16-17%.
    • One portion of fruit (per day). In addition to grapes, bananas, cherries and dried fruits. One large fruit is considered for one portion.
    • Roast or pork meat (couples a week).
    • The hammers of the young lamb (a couple of times a week).
    • Ham (a couple of times a week).
    • One portion of products containing in its composition starch (once or twice a week).
    • One delicious festive meal (once a week).

    In the second half of this stage to everything, which has already been listed, you can add:

    • Another small portion of products containing in its composition starch. Preference should be given to pasta from solid wheat and solid grain, bean, rigs and potatoes. Indicated in priority.
    • Another delicious festive meal.

    Throughout the stage, it is forbidden to include nuts in the ration.

    During this phase, as on the previous two, oat bran should be added to the daily diet. Norm - 2 tbsp. l.

    It is also important to spend one day per week only on protein food. Usually "Belkov" is Thursday.

    Dyucana diet: Stage "Stabilization"


    This last phase is necessary in order to finally fasten the achieved result. Therefore, you should adhere to several uncomplicated rules. In order to maintain the acquired weight in the norm, it is recommended to comply with them throughout life.

    The rules are needed in order not to gain extra kilograms again. After all, even at this stage there is such a risk.


    • One day per week should be done completely "Belkov". Usually it is Thursday. The main food used during such a day is a white fish.
    • As at all previous stages, it does not need to forget about oat bran. Norm - 3 tbsp. l. This is a mandatory requirement. Cuts can be used in the form of porridge, lepsek or add them to dairy products.
    • At this stage, it is still recommended to increase physical exertion. A day you need to play walking at least 20 minutes. It should also be preferred to the elevator staircase.
    • The rules exist some more instructions for changing the menu of this stage. For example, in the diet, almost any low-fat meat is welcomed, except for some parts. You can still use any seafood without any restrictions, so you can easily "indulge" yourself with your favorite dishes. As for red fish, its consumption is worth to reduce.
    • At this stage, it is worth carefully approaching the choice of dairy products. They must be low-fat, but it is recommended to give preference to those products that contain less lactose.
    • In the diet of the stabilization stage there is poultry meat, except for too fat (geese and ducks). You can eat chicken and turkey.
    • As for eggs, it is recommended to restrict only proteins. With frying, a skillet with high-quality non-stick coating should be used.
    • The menu should include the products that you consumed during the previous phase. Thus, the basis of the diet will again be proteins and vegetables. In addition, it is allowed to consume the following products:
    • whole wheat bread;
    • cheese;
    • portion of fruit;
    • starch products (two servings per week);
    • festive meals (two servings per week).

    Duchess diet

    Effective methods - for fast-slimming3

    Despite the diverse diet of Dukan diet, some people have a deviation from the necessary program. It usually happens because it is difficult to follow some plan, and not to eat your favorite food. Sometimes a person is simply not able to prepare a dish of the desired ingredients. If such a breakdown occurred, then you need to do the following:

    • Do not despair. After all, the essence of the protein diet Dukhana is a comfortable weight loss on the psychological level.
    • Return to the former mode and follow the rules within a few days.
    • In the next couple of days, it is strictly followed by a menu of "protein" days.
    • Drink more
    • Sleep enough hours.
    • Fresh air to go on fresh air.

    Dyucana diet: workout and exercises


    This is a key point when driving on Duucan diet. The fact is that with loss of weight there is a weakness of muscles and sorcement of the skin. Training makes it possible to make a loss of excess weight more efficient.

    To strengthen the muscles and increase the elasticity of the skin, it is recommended to engage in simple walking. And you can walk at any time. Just need to do this in a fast pace. For different stages, the DUCAN diet has been installed minimum standards for time:

    Stage 1 - 20 minutes.

    Stage 2 - 30-35 minutes.

    3 Stage - 25-30 minutes.

    4 Stage - 20 minutes.

    More useful swimming. If you combine it with a diet, you can very quickly get rid of excess weight.

    Any physical burden during weight loss will allow you to quickly achieve the desired result.

    Diet Dukana: Menu (one-day)


    During each phase, there must be a diet. Here are approximate one-day menus for each of them.

    Dyucana diet: "Attack"

  • For breakfast (8.00-9.30): Omelet from two eggs and low-fat milk, fish. Drink tea or coffee.
  • For lunch (12.30-13.00): Prepare beef or chicken. Eat a piece of cheese. Drink juice.
  • For dinner (18.00-18.30): Fish, yogurt or kefir.
  • A 1.5 spoons of oat flakes are recommended to add any dish.
  • Dyucana diet: "Cruise"

  • For breakfast (8.00-9.30): one piece of turkey, chicken, two small yogurt, one boiled egg, drinking coffee or tea.
  • For lunch (12.30-13.00): Vegetables in stewed form, a piece of fish, drink tea (can be coffee).
  • For afternooner (16.00-16.30): One piece of chicken, low-fat ham either salmon.
  • For dinner (18.00-18.30): Vegetable soup, beef kebab or grill meat, drink tea.
  • Diet Duucana: "Fastening"

  • For breakfast (8.00-9.30): 200-250 grams of yogurt (you can cottage cheese), a small piece of chicken, one or two eggs, drink green tea.
  • For lunch (12.30-13.00): Vegetables in stewed form, a piece of fish, drink tea or coffee.
  • For dinner (18.00-18.30): Soup with vegetables, low-fat meat.
  • Dyucana diet: "Stabilization"

  • For breakfast (8.00-9.30): 200 grams of ham or egg, a piece of cheese or yogurt, drink tea or coffee.
  • For lunch (12.30-13.00): Belkovaya snack.
  • For dinner (18.00-18.30): menu, as for breakfast.
  • You can see the full menu of Dukan diet on the official website.

    Dyucana diet: recipes


    Chicken mousse

    It is suitable for the first stage.

    It will take: chicken breast, 200 grams of milk, one egg pepper and salt to taste. Cut into pieces with pieces, chop with a blender or meat grinder. Then add salt and pepper, milk and egg. Now everything needs to mix and put in the oven in the molds baked.

    Baked fish

    It is suitable for the first stage.

    It will take: fish (canned, but without oil), egg, milk and greens to taste. Fish crushing, add an egg, a little milk and greens. For taste you can cut the crab rolls. After that, the mass should be put in the forms to put into the microwave furnace included at maximum power.

    Salad summer

    It is suitable for the second stage.

    It will take: boiled screwed egg, tomatoes, crab sticks and cucumbers. All ingredients should be chopped and mixed thoroughly. Then fill the salary cottage cheese sauce.

    Fish salad

    It is suitable for the second stage.

    It will take: mackerel without oil, egg, cheese and crab rolls (sticks). All chop and mix well. After that, add parsley or kinse, as well as onions.

    Chicken in milk

    It is suitable for the third stage.

    A chicken breast will be required. It must first cut into small pieces, then put out. As a result, meat is very gentle.

    Diet Duucana photo: "To" and "after"


    Diet Ducana: Video


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