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Mesoroller at home - application, reviews

Mesoroller at home - application, reviews
An alternative was found with expensive salon therapies - a mesoroller for skin care.

Female beauty begins to fade over the years, and in the intensive mode of modern life, there is not enough time at all to put itself in order. And what about those who want to hit everyone around amazingly shining skin, but at the same time do not spend half the salary on a trip to the beauty salon?

Mesoroller - what is it?


Mesoroller (also known in many circles as a dermaroller) is a cosmetic device, which is a roller (most often from plastic), humiliated by many microscopic steel needles, dispersed around the perimeter in several rows. In addition, this device also has a plastic pen that allows the procedure without injuring delicate female fingers.

This “salvation” for women can look completely different: from the number and length of the needles to the width of the roller itself. All mesorollers are used with different goals and on various areas of the skin, so there are such a variety.

The needles of Mesoroller

Let you not be scared by the fact that you will have to drive the face and body on the skin of the face, the purpose of which is to pierce the epidermis, therefore, to disrupt the integrity of the skin. This procedure is almost painless and very useful! Mesoroller needles are very thin - they are several times thinner than those that are used in the mesotherapy procedure in the beauty salon (since they are asexual, that is, the medicine is not administered through them).

The quality of the needles of the Mesoroller

The quality of the needles, like their length, has significant differences. Mesorolls are produced with steel or titanium needles, and metals allocated, for example, silver steel, and gold steel. They do not have significant advantages with precious metals, but their long service life is a pleasant addition compared to rollers with ordinary steel needles.

The length of the needles of the Mesooller

The length of the needles varies from 0.2 mm to 3.0 mm. In the table, we have collected recommendations for the use of needles of a certain length in a particular area for the procedure.

The procedure/needle length 0.2-0.3 mm 0.5 mm 0.75 mm 1.0 mm 1.5 mm 2-3.0 mm
Cosmetics are better absorbed + + + + + +
Fights with hair loss + + +
Getting rid of pigmentation, skin care (elbows) + + +
Age -related changes/small wrinkles + + +
Small light stretch marks, post -acne + + +
Strong stretch marks, scars, scars + + +
Cellulite (1st stage) + + +
Cellulite (2 stages) + + +
Cellulite (3 stages) + + +

The number of needles located on the roller of the Mesoroller can reach the maximum amount - 1080. Such a mesoroller is used exclusively when working with the skin of the body.

The number of needles in the 192-200 range is used for the skin around the eyes and scalp (stimulates hair growth).

540 needles - a universal option, will be useful for the zone around the eyes and head (with extreme accuracy!), And is also effective for the procedure in the face. In addition, it will be useful during the procedure for the body and the neckline. In other words, this Mesoroller is suitable for almost all zones that can be potentially treated with a mesoroller.

Sharpening the needles of the Mesoroller

The quality of sharpening affects the duration of the service life of the cosmetic device and its general “traumatic” effect exerted on the skin.

The most harmless and painless mesorollers with the maximum service life are those whose needles have passed diamond sharpening. They produce the most easy piercing of the skin and do not dull after several procedures. The next type of sharpening, located in an honorable second place, laser sharpening. It is inferior to the first option in all respects, but it does not have any negative effect on the skin. Of course, a general option for both pricing policy and the number of samples on the market are a mesoroller with acupunctural sharpening. Such devices are not very durable, since the needles are quickly dull and cannot do “rolling” on the skin without its severe damage. However, the replacement of several mesorollers with acupuncture sharpening is almost equivalent at the cost of the acquisition of a mesoroll with laser or diamond sharpening, so everyone is free to choose their own option, since they are largely similar.

Below are a mesoroller photo that will allow you to see the full variety of these devices:

meso 1

Olympus Digital Camera

meso 2 meso2

Mesoroller at home, which option is preferable?

If you got acquainted with the previous point and determined your “problem” zones, you can safely make a decision about which Mesoroller is suitable for you to carry out the home procedure of Mesotherapy.

Of course, such a popular product is actively improved. Now special mesorollers have appeared on the market, which have additional functions. For example, in addition to manual mesorollers, they saw the light and electrical cosmetic devices. The owners of the electric mesoroller note a comprehensive effect on the skin: now the effect is not only from home mesotherapy, but also of additional current pulses, which also positively affect the condition of the skin.

Photon mesorollers are new manual and electric meso -rollers, equipped with photon radiation. Depending on individual preferences, you can purchase a mesoroller with red, blue, yellow or green light, which will benefitly affect the skin during the procedure.

photon Meso

What problems does the Mesoroller help to fight?

The dermaroller makes microscopic punctures in the skin, which improve blood flow and allow more intensively to the beneficial substances of therapeutic agents used during mesorollotherapy.

Mesoroller will be useful when necessary:

  1. Get rid of age spots and the consequences of acne formation.
  2. Remove excess fat deposits.
  3. Remove/make scars, cellulite, stretch marks less noticeable.
  4. Work with flabby skin.
  5. Make the complexion more even.
  6. Dehydration of the skin.
  7. Get rid of swelling.
  8. Fight age -related changes (wrinkles).
  9. Remove acne.
  10. Get rid of dark circles under the eyes.
  11. Another effect exerted on the skin is using special mesococectors.

Contraindications for using Mesoroller


Of course, this cosmetic device, like many tools of the beauty industry, has a fairly wide range of contraindications, which include:

  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Unexpressive neoplasms.
  3. Intolerance to the components of the mesococctate.
  4. Cardiovascular diseases.
  5. Epilepsy.
  6. Alcoholism.
  7. Feverish states, acute infections.
  8. Hemophilia (poor blood coagulation).
  9. Autimomune diseases.
  10. Oncology.
  11. The tendency with the formation of scars (keloid).
  12. Conducting any therapy with exposure to the skin in parallel with the use of a mesoroller.

In addition to general contraindications, there are also local ones who prohibit the use of the mesoroller until they are eliminated or do not allow the use of this device in a certain area:

  1. Make a mesoroller in the zone where there are moles - it doesn’t matter whether it is or flat. The risk of oncology in the event of a negligent attitude to this rule is very large. It is also not recommended to use a mesoroller in any zones where there are neoplasms.
  2. The presence of foci of infection on the skin (including acne) - in the case of rolling in this area, you risk spreading this infection over the entire surface of the skin.
  3. Open wounds (burns, inflammation, abrasions) are contraindicated by the mesoroller!
  4. Curoperosis - in this case, it is possible to use a mesoroller whose needles do not exceed 0.3 mm (in case of serious injury of capillaries, you should refuse to further carry out the procedure).
  5. Skin diseases (including acne during the exacerbation).
  6. Recurrent herpes - in the zone of its formation (even in the case of its inactive state), the roller than the mesoroller is contraindicated due to the danger of complications.
  7. You can not use the mesoroller in the zones of the mobile eyelid (eyes), the red border of the lips, the mucosa, the areola of the chest.

How to use a mesoroller

meso 3

Mesoroller can be used in different areas of the skin, so we will consider in more detail its use in accordance with the area of \u200b\u200binterest to you. But first, we consider the general rules for using the mesoroller, which should be followed for any area of \u200b\u200bapplication.

  1. Before use, the mesoroller must be thoroughly disinfected. Clorhexidine Bigluconate is ideal for these purposes, which can be purchased at any pharmacy literally for a penny. We hold the mesoroller in an upright position (it is better to pour a solution of the disinfectant into the glass) for about 20-30 minutes. Make sure that all the needles are covered with solution.
  2. While the mesoroller is preparing for the procedure, prepare the skin that will be processed. You can use any convenient and suitable tool that is used daily. Please note: it is better to use some tonic so that there is no fat left on the face or any other surface of the skin used.
  3. We take the mesoroller and begin the procedure. Conditionally, the skin must be divided into several small zones, a slightly smaller of the palm with an area. We apply a mesococcetric or an ampoule preparation that will be used to this zone (pay attention to: the mesoroller can use without auxiliary means - then the skin after the procedure will be more toned and beautiful).
  4. We roll the mesoroller according to the following scheme: 10 times up and down. 5 times one diagonal. 5 times another diagonal. No need to press on a mesoroller - rolling should be soft and not causing discomfort.
  5. After the procedure, the face blushes, but this should not scare you! This occurs due to an active blood flow into the zone where the mesoroller was used. Now we apply a caring cream, powder or any remedy for the skin that will help the skin relax and recover. Avoid applying cosmetics and irritating agents.
  6. After the procedure, we again place the mesoroller in a chlorhexidine solution for 10-20 minutes.
  7. Gently dry the mesoroller on a flat surface.
  8. We remove in a special box until the next procedure.

If it still seems to you that this procedure is extremely complex and takes a lot of time, watch the mesoroller video video, which shows the technology for using this cosmetic device, and make sure that everything is very simple!

Mesoroller: Application in the area around the eyes and nasolabial folds

for the eyes

Be sure to purchase a special mesoroller for the zone of nasolabial folds and the area around the eyes. We remind you: the number of needles is 192-200, the length is 0.2-0.3 mm, the width of the roller is minimal-usually the seller indicates the fact that this mesoroller is intended for the corresponding zone.

To make rolling under the eyes and from the side of the eyes (as you remember, it is strictly forbidden to use a mesoroller on a moving age!), It is necessary to make rolling to the inner corner (to the nose) from the outer corner of the eye. This procedure is exceptional: here we are rolling in only one direction! The number of repetitions is 10 times.

The nasolabial folds are best rolled with a mesoroller if you pull the skin near the nose. To do this, with two fingers of an inactive hand (usually this middle and ring finger), we pull the skin from the edge of the nostril to the outer corner of the eye. The skin tension should be weak, but tangible. We process this zone in accordance with general recommendations.

We carry out the procedure with a mesoroller for the face

scheme Mesoroller

There are no special requirements for the face, with the exclusion of the sequence of processed zones. It is worth starting with the center of the forehead. Then we cross in different directions from the forehead (if you take small zones). After our forehead is processed, we go to the left cheek - then we process the right. After that, we roll around the eyes (it is better to use a special mesoroller!), And then we work with the nose. To make the nose easier to process, it is necessary to slightly pull the skin in different directions, providing the largest area for "work". After we are engaged in the area of \u200b\u200bnasolabial folds (see the previous point). We finish the whole area of \u200b\u200bthe chin, given the fact that it is strictly forbidden to call on the red border of the lips!

It is necessary to process the front zone in this sequence in connection with the process of blood flow. This technology allows you to evenly distribute blood around the entire perimeter of the face.

We process the scalp with a mesoroller

It is not necessary to purchase a special mesoroller for hair to work with the scalp. We adhere to the following rules so that the use of a conventional mesoroller is effective and allow the woman to reduce hair loss.

First, we process the area of \u200b\u200bthe hair rosema in the mesoroller. Holding the mesoroller vertically, start in accordance with the general recommendations for use, roll the device in the temporal and frontal zone, where growing hair is originated.

We divide the hair into partings (the distance between them should be about 2 cm). Apply a mesococcetil and roll the mesoroller 10 times perpendicular relative to the parting. We apply the product again for better absorption.

Side effects from Mesoroller


The occurrence of pain and other side effects is usually caused by improper use of a mesoroller. If you use this device correctly, then no new infections or malignant formations will appear. Nevertheless, we give an approximate list of undesirable consequences that may appear when using a mesoroll:

  1. Pain during and after the procedure - usually this effect is caused by the excessive zeal of the “patient” during the procedure. No need to put pressure on the mesoroller or carry out the procedure too quickly - intensively. There should be no pain, there will only be a feeling of light tingling. Of course, you should not forget that certain zones themselves are painful. If you work with the inner thigh, neck or hands, then light pain still has a place to be.
  2. Itching, burning - should not be considered a side effect, as it is a natural process of skin healing. Do you remember that we have made a lot of microcracks that are now delaying? Do not be scared - it's normal!
  3. Redness is a common occurrence after the procedure using a mesoroller. It forms due to the active flow of blood. Passes within 30-60 minutes.
  4. Headache - can occur after processing the skin of the head.
  5. Increasing blood pressure and heart rhythm.
  6. Bruises - appear only in cases where you use a mesoroller with needles that are not designed for the processed area, for example, too long needles for very thin skin.
  7. The formation of scars is only if a person is predisposed to their education.
  8. Infection - spreads through the skin if a person neglects the rules for using a mesoroller or gives his cosmetic device to other persons for use!
  9. An allergic reaction - is possible only in the case of using mesococctates, the component of which is the activator of an allergic reaction in a particular person. Only you can choose individually for your needs mesococcetics and medicines (as well as the attending physician is able to help in making a decision).

Concentrates and cocktails for mesoroller


To achieve a more noticeable result after the procedure using a mesoroller, mesococcals and concentrates are used to cope with certain problems.

The difference between the concentrate and the mesococctate is not very large, but still there. The concentrate is aimed at eliminating any one problem, but does it as efficiently as possible, while the mesococcetil helps to cope with several problems at once, but its use is sometimes a less pronounced effect.

For example, the concentrate of popular hyaluronic acid is used to combat wrinkles and allows you to moisturize the skin well. At the same time, a mesococcetric of hyaluronic acid and peptides helps to reduce pores, smooth the skin, increase elasticity and elasticity and improve complexion.

Here are examples of several most effective concentrates and cocktails used in the procedure with Mesoroller, reviews for which are the most impressive.

Ascorbic acid - Greatly whits the skin.

Hyalucous acid with L-keratin and green tea - Helps from cellulite.

Combination of three serum hyaluronic acid (high molecular weight, medium and low molecular weight)- copes with aging.

Hyaluronic acid + troxirutin + plant components - Makes the skin less sensitive, helps to fight dark circles under the eyes.

Where can I buy a mesoroller?

Many believe that a mesoroller is a cosmetic product, so it can be bought at a pharmacy. Unfortunately, pharmacy chains are extremely rarely traded in such devices, so the easiest and faster to make an order over the Internet.

Find the right (and inspiring confidence) online store and place an order with home delivery. It will not be superfluous to mention that often unscrupulous sellers “attribute” properties to their mesorollers that the data do not possess. They promise diamond sharpening when it is actually ordinary. Therefore, contact only large and trusted online stores, where the goods are verified and has a guarantee and quality confirming quality.

We give a tip for those who do not consider Chinese production backward and poor -quality. A huge number of mesorollers are represented on the sites of Chinese manufacturers and suppliers (such as Aliacpress) or you can look at many beloved Ebey. In the first case, it will be possible to save significantly, in the second case, it is highly likely to order a really high -quality mesoroller. Finally, we will open the veil of secrets: the vast majority of dermarollers that are offered to potential customers in the online stores of our country are purchased in China!

To be inspired by the results, we offer to see how the appearance of a person changes after he begins to use a mesoroller - before and after:

mesoroller of the cut   meso res result



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