
What to do when the skin cracks on his hands

What to do when the skin cracks on his hands
Hand leather constantly needs to leave. And whether to forget about her, do not eat and not indulge it, she will remind themselves pain, cracks and irritation. And how before you do not bring it, it is written here.

Daily our hands are subjected to all sorts of exposure. Because of this, the skin in his arms cracks, it is painted and zudit, as it is experiencing a huge stress. Every day we put hands with chemicals, hot sun or wind gusts. All these factors adversely affect the skin. Stop man cannot stop these processes. But you can protect the handles using simple rules. But, except for external factors there are a number of other reasons why the skin of the hands begins to deliver discomfort, crack and irritate. What can the essence of the problem? Not proper nutrition? Bad ecology or age?

This article is dedicated to these issues and decisions of these problems.

Skin cracks on hand: why the skin of the hands peel

When this terrible period comes, the girls do not feel confident and calm. The process proceeds not only painfully. The view of the hands is not at all attractive. It does not like anyone. Let's figure it out for the reason for the occurrence of this process.

  • wrong skin care. Do you know what kind of skin is your hands? If it is dry, then the usual moisturizing cream for the night can not do. Here you need an integrated approach and constant monitoring of the skin of the skin. In order to preserve the natural beauty of female hands, you need to feed their skin, moisturize, toning, soften and clean. And you need to do it all the time. After 25 years, hands suffer from dehydration. This leads to aging of the skin on his arms. While you are young, it seems to you that still ahead. Then, later it will be necessary to care for, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin. It is not right. Start to care for your skin hands as early as possible. Moisturize her with cream at least 2 times a day. Otherwise, afterwards, the hands will become rough, the skin will cover with small wrinkles. And with this nothing can be done;
  • avitaminosis is also a good reason. This happens more often in the offseason or with a sharp change of climate. At this time, the skin becomes less elastic and pleasant to the touch. Drink vitamins, eat useful products and do not forget about cosmetic procedures;
  • winter is a difficult period for your hands. The skin lacks the vitamins and the sun. Plus, the stressful state of the hands adds the moment of transition from the cold room to warm, and vice versa;
  • cute ladies, drink more water! Water enriches our body with vital moisture. If you use less than 2 liters of water, then skin dehydration, bad hair and brittle nails are provided to you;
  • it takes care of yourself even when you care about comfort and clean in the house. In other words, select the handles for enthusiastic views of men, and exercise, wash, washing or washing in seals. Any chemicals will lead to the fact that one day you will see the peeling skin on your hands.

When the skin is peeling and regards, I want to hide your hands so that no one has seen them. But in the modern world there are enough cosmetology services and qualified medical care. Therefore, it is possible to determine the cause and prevent this process quickly and painlessly, not launching it.

But there are causes of more serious avitaminosis or chemicals. Sometimes hands crack, hurt and flake because of any disease.

If the skin of the hands is peeling and cracks, it means that this is a sign of unhealthy


Unfortunately, not always from cracked and serving skin you can get rid of only moisturizing and cosmetic procedures. Sometimes it happens due to deviations in health. In this case, professional medical care needs.

Hands will peel and form cracks, if:

  • allergy that can reach eczema;
  • disease - psoriasis;
  • ichthyosis;
  • deviations in the health of the endocrine system;
  • deviations in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • skin and nail fungus;
  • strong avitaminosis;
  • hormonal deviations;
  • dermatitis;
  • anemia.

If the skin is not irritated and is not dehydrated, and the cause of peeling and cracks is a disease, then most often the skin cracks between the fingers, near the nails and is accompanied by extremely unpleasant and even painful sensations. One of the most unpleasant and dangerous diseases is psoriasis.

Psoriasis - the cause of cracks in the arms


For this disease, deep cracks are characterized throughout the surface of the hands. Often cracked deep. May be up to blood and bring real torment. People with such a disease are forced to restrict themselves, and constantly monitor the condition of the skin. The skin is very gentle and any violation can lead to the return of cracks and irritation. In this case, the torment can only facilitate professional doctors.

Hormonal preparations are used to treat psoriasis. Often these drugs do not bring the desired result. Plus, they adversely affect certain systems of the body and on the skin, including.

Alternative treatment for treatment are not hormonal preparations and ointments based on tar. They contribute to the healing of deep wounds in a short time.

Psoriasis is a very unpleasant disease, which is accompanied by deprivation and torment. Therefore, the question of health is very serious.


The skin cracks on the hands: the rules that must be observed

If you notice that your skin is delivering, lost elasticity and former beauty, think about it. Most likely, you devote your skin on the handles too little time.

Girls who clearly monitor their appearance clearly do not know such problems. But if this suddenly happened, then you should immediately take steps to not start the process.

  • moisturize the skin from the inside. Drink water. She will save the skin from dehydration. On a day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water. If you adhere to this elementary rule, you can avoid a lot of problems;
  • use always cream. The skin must be moistened. Packages are written that the cream is needed every day 1 time. But if you use it as needed - it will not be worse. Washed dishes - Moisten the hands. Accepted a shower - Moisten the skin of the hands. Let your skin always be soft. It is important for a constant stable food;
  • do not forget to use in everyday life protective gloves. Let it be very convenient. But it is very effective. The skin will not suffer from alkaline or other chemicals;
  • nobody is insured against avitaminosnosis, except for those who feed in high quality and varied. Drink useful products in which there are many vitamins and minerals. In our age of contaminated ecology, the skin is just necessary;
  • choose a vitamin complex for yourself and take it 2 times a year. It will be an additional protection against avitaminosis;
  • essential oils - a magnificent moisturizer. Polar your handles with masks and baths with oil extracts and additives. Oil by nature is your beautiful humidifier. So reserve them in the cold season;
  • use paraffin in the offseason. Parafinotherapy feeds perfectly and restores damaged and irritated skin.


Observing these rules, you can be sure that your hands will look excellent. At the same time, all the above procedures are pleasant. They are not difficult to perform.

The skin is cracking in hand: prevention

  1. In the summer, always use ultraviolet cream. It will protect the skin.
  2. Take the rule - not to go out in the cold season from the house without smearing the cream of hand.
  3. Pick the cream not according to the principle: "The more expensive, the better," and carefully read the composition.
  4. Apply cream on your hands daily before bedtime. At this time, the skin can be maximally restored, since at night we rest and do not interact with anything.
  5. For prophylaxis, various baths and masks are perfect.
  6. Mask of potatoes is very well helped. Just soda potatoes on the grater and apply this mass with a thick layer on hand. After that, put on rag gloves and leave it all alone for a couple of hours.
  7. Hands for hand contribute not only to a good exfoliating means, but also a real aroma therapy. You will relax and forget about the problems at least 30 minutes of the session. For the bath it is best to use olive oil. For hands, this oil is a miraculous nutritious and reducing agent.


Skin cracks on hands: What role does the skin moisturizing play

Let us say that the hands are enough to moisturize 1 or times a day, it is worth doing this more often. Especially if your skin is damaged or initially predisposed to whims. Moisturize the skin as often as possible. Do not be afraid to experiment. The cream is a good and pleasant thing. But the same, you can use various balms. They better keep moisture in the skin and nourish it just like any fat cream.

If you absolutely do not help conventional moisturizers and the skin suffers from irritation and itching, try steroid cream. If it does not help, go to the hospital where the doctor will reveal the cause and prescribe the right treatment.

But, whatever causes of dryness and peeling of your skin hands, do not forget to actively use fat creams that allow you to keep moisture, which is necessary for a healthy appearance of hands. Naturally, if there is a contraindication of a doctor - listen to it.

Many girls have no habit of using moisturizing means. But if you really want a beautiful and healthy skin of the hands - teach yourself to this. To do this, it is enough to have a basic can of cream in the bathroom or bedroom, a tube in a handbag and several flat-standing tubes. Constantly bumping into the cream, you will more often smear your hands and, in the end, get used to and automatically perform this pleasant action.

Cuticle also needs to be care. And the hands will not look perfect without perfect nails. On the cuticle you need to put the place with a place with cream on the skin of the hands.


Doing not a challenging work, you can be proud of the handles of the princess that does not know the homework.

Skin cracks on hands: Wash your hands correctly when the skin is irritated

Irritated skin responds literally to everything. And even simple hygiene, like washing hands, can be a real test.

If you launched the process to such a state, you will have to be slightly crazy until the skin is restored. In the meantime, use several rules:

  1. Let there be several types of soap in your bath. For hands, take a soft soap with low pH.
  2. Do not wash your hands in hot water. It is better not laundering them and does not have an antibacterial effect. But perfectly delivers a bunch of inconvenience, discomfort and even pain.
  3. After each washing your hands, use the cream. Do not pull while the skin dries. Apply immediately after the procedure.
  4. With severe dryness and cracks, the frequent washing of hands is a real test, to relieve which will help the replacement of antibacterial gel and wet napkins.
  5. If possible, get the air humidifier. It will retain not only the hands, but other parts of the body, including the lips.


These are simple rules. But not everyone uses them. If you do not have skin problems and you violate all the conditions for its content and nutrition - be prepared for early aging.

The skin cracks on the hands: how to choose a suitable cream

Among the wide range of modern cosmetic and pharmacy points it is rather difficult to determine the choice of the right cream. You can not doubt that all creams are correct and are suitable for frequent use. But if the condition is observed - the presence of moisturizing and softening substances.

Mitigating creams create a moving sensation. It is a softening cream that fills cracks and wrinkles, allows dead cells to fill life and function, working on your beauty. The main ingredients of mitigation are:

  • jojoba oil;
  • glycerol;
  • lanolin.

These substances are easily remembered by name. You can remember them and use information when choosing a softening cream.

Moisturizing creams contribute to the best and longer deduction of moisture in the upper layers of the skin. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, buy cream to contain:

  • glycerol;
  • urea;
  • lactic acid;
  • haloranic acid.

The composition of the cream needs to be reading necessarily that the purchase does not become useless. The price here is absolutely not important. It will be your personal choice - buy cream for 20 rubles or for 500 Russian rubles.


If your hands are more tender and constantly cracking to bleeding wounds, then the usual cream is not suitable. Here you should give preference to creams with a rich formula and more thick mass. Cream should be applied with a thick layer overnight and hide the handles into the gloves from the fabric. And the cream itself should be based on:

  • bee wax;
  • oil cocoa;
  • wood oil.

Folk recipes fighting cracks and peeling on hand

Honey is a universal agent. This is a natural component produced by bees. It has a lot of positive properties and qualities. For the skin of the hands is a great tool.

Honey mask.

Honey take anyone. Only not a branch. It we need 20 grams. We mix it with 30 grams of olive oil, yolk eggs and 10 drops of citric acid. We apply all this mixture before bedtime and wear gloves from matter. In the morning you will not recognize soy handles.

Strawberry and curd mask.

1 tablespoon of greasy cottage cheese mix with tablespoons of finely chopped berries and scroll through this mixture. The resulting mass is applied to the handles and leave for 20 minutes.

Acid milk mask.

100 grams of ryazhenka or kefir mix with a tablespoon of honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Next, we wake every corner of the hands with this mixture and leave for 10 minutes. The result simply amazes.

Bread mask.

Breadfall must be twisted in milk and apply a resulting mass on the handles. Hold within 20 minutes, then wash off.

Mask with glycerin.

This recipe allows not only to moisturize the skin, but also whiten it.

1 Tablespoon of glycerol is mixed with a tablespoon of starch and a tablespoon of lemon juice. All this is applied to your hands for 1 minute. After washed off.

The skin of the hands, like the face, should always be well-groomed. And the use of natural natural ingredients for masks is the magnificent option to get the skin the fact that there is no in creams and balms for hands. All vitamins from products, fruits and vegetables The skin gets straight from masks.

Do not be lazy and take care of your hands. Then you can save their youth and tenderness for many years, which poets like to sing and depict artists.

Video: Why does the skin of the hands crack and how to fix it


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