
Foot massage at home

Foot massage at home
How to make a foot massage

Immediately it is worth saying that the massage of the feet and legs is slightly different from the same back massage. With this procedure, you can remove the fatigue of the feet, toning the muscles of the legs and the whole body. In addition, such a procedure relaxes well. About how to make a foot massage, we will tell further.

Measuring foot massage


A distinctive feature of the foot massage from other types of procedures is that it is stimulated not only directly the muscles themselves, but also a useful effect on the entire body as a whole. The fact is that at the feet of each person there are many important reflex points, each of which is responsible for the condition and proper operation of this or that organ. So, for example, several points are located in the foot arch, which correlated with the spine. For this reason, stimulation and impact on this area will help to remove the pain in the back and besides the general improvement in the state of the whole organism. Through the massage of the toes, you can safely influence your eyes, teeth, ears, heart, gums and nasal sinuses. At the foot there are points that correspond to one or another internal organs, an emotional state. With the help of impact on them, general well-being is improved, various pains are removed. Useful foot massage and children.

You can perform an effective foot massage at home. For this, it is enough to learn several simple techniques.

Contraindications for foot massage


There are some contraindications to the procedure:

  1. The aggravation of different chronic diseases.
  2. Infectious diseases.
  3. Diseases and pathology of the nervous system.
  4. Heart diseases.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Limit injuries.
  7. Also contraindicated foot massage in varicose veins.

How to make foot massage and feet

General Rules for Foot Massage


To begin with, put the pillow roller pillow under the patient's knee or you can roll a simple towel into a roll. It is necessary in order to do not feel unpleasant pain when exposure to the muscles. After all, sometimes they arise because the bones of the extremities rests unpleasantly into some kind of solid surface.

In order for foot and feet massages to be useful and pleasant to a person, in addition to the ownership of the implementation technique, it is also necessary to create a comfortable atmosphere. In particular, a suitable temperature must be present in the room. After all, the body during a session should not feel chill. In order for the second leg for which the massage is not being made yet, it is recommended to hide it with a blanket or a terry towel.

Foot massage and feet can be carried out practically at any free time. For example, before performing a home pedicure. Recommended during massage of the muscles of the legs to use massage oil, cream or a special lotion.

In addition, before performing the procedure, it is desirable to confuse the hands until they are not warm.

If you have a shower room at home, you can sit in it a special rug that massages the feet. The soul itself will remove the voltage with you, and the light massage of the feet with the help of this rug will be able to tone the whole organism as a whole.

In addition, for foot massage and stop, you can also purchase special massagers.

Relaxing Foot Massage Oil


In order to make a relaxing foot massage, you should properly prepare massage oil. Make it can be independently at home. For cooking, you need to take 2 teaspoons of castor, olive, soy or jojoba oil. There are also 2-4 drops of lavender essential oil, Bergamot, Gerani or from the German chamomile. All ingredients are mixed in a small cup. One serving of oil is used only for a single procedure. For one foot, you will need about one teaspoon of such a product. During the massage, apply oil on your palm and start massage. At the same time, you can deeply inhale the fragrance of the tools, because it is well soothing. After the procedure, in order for oil to absorb and at the same time, the feet are softened, put on the socks.

Massage Massage Technique

Foot massage: photo



At the beginning of the procedure, lock the foot with one hand, and the second most well massage and scroll it. During such preparation, it is allowed to alternate the movements of the palm and pillows of fingers. When the stop is warmed, massage every finger on your foot separately, smoothly moving from the nail to the base. At the same time, the ceasing and massaging movements make extremely careful.

Lock the foot and make it massage through circular movements with thumbs. It should be borne in mind that the skin on the sole is uneven in thickness and, therefore, prescribe depending on this should be different. So, in places with coarse skin of the kneading and pressing should be intense, and in the rest of the movement zones, soft and lungs are performed. Moreover, the skin requires the skin on the heels, which is usually the fatal. In this area, obviously, the effort should be the most maximum.

In order for the stop during the procedure further relaxed, you can bring the palm under the ankle. After that, make alternately moving forward and backward, while the foot should be as relaxed as possible. After that, we press the left hand to the pillows of the sole. At this time, the right is put on the foot on top. It should also be pressing. After that, the work alternately works with both hands. At the same time, it is cleaned with a left fist on the sole and the active rubbing of the top of the foot with the right palm.


After that, the right hand should be left on top on the foot, capturing it as hard as possible. Next, the left hand must be tested under the heel. When the body is fixed in this position, gently pull the heel on itself and, at the same time it is necessary to twist the foot several times alternately in different directions. Now it's good to fix it with your hand. In this position alternately, then reduce the thumbnails, while gently warm up the feet. Starting stroking and kneading movements are better from above, with the lifting of the foot and finish, respectively, on the basis of the toes. Now lock the foot with your hand. At the same time, carefully press the bottom of the thumb. Next, perform active stroking, rubbing. At the same time, you need to make simple zigzag movements and gradually move from the heel aside of the fingers. Next movements are performed in the opposite direction. After that, the soles are pretty well. According to such technology, massage is performed with hypertonus of legs.

Now leave the left hand in the same position, and with the help of the index and thumb with the right hand gently lock the edges of the heel. Next, make it a good reason.

Left hand still in the same position, i.e. Holds a foot. Now grab the base of the heel from the back side and make a zigzag, massaging movement. It is necessary to lead it from the middle of the heel before the start of the feet. After that, transfer your hand forward, graze foot foot top and keep doing exercise until you reach the bottom of the thumb. As you can see, the foot massage will independently perform quite easily.


Now you need to grab your hands on both sides. This is done correct foot massage. Fold together fingers and, thus, the pads, light tapping movements pass up from the foot to the ankle. After that, with the help of small circular kneading, make a massage around the ankle.

Next, it is necessary to simply fix the thumb on top, while the other fingers are wrapped off at the bottom. Between the tendons you need to find a hollow and go through it with pressure. The same recesses need to be found between the fingers of the legs and massage them in the same way.

Remember, the massage of the hands and legs should not cause discomfort during the procedure, so watch your feelings. For the next movement, you need to rudely hand over the heel and hold it. Now they sneeze a little, kneading and massaging the fingers of the legs. It is desirable to start with their foundation. In this case, it is necessary to massage each finger carefully, rubbing, sipping and twisting it in different directions.

Foot massage usually ends with soothing and relaxing strokes. Grasp the foot with your hands. Next continuously stroke the top of the foot with smooth movements.

Anti-cellulite foot massage


Cellulite most often appears on such parts of the body, like hips and buttocks. Due to the violations of these areas of liquid circulation sites in tissues, fat deposits, which are accumulated, are not released on time. Thus, a complex closed circle is obtained, which is often very difficult to break. A special massage for slimming feet (anti-cellulite) will help to cope with such a problem.

It is very important to carry out the right massage movements. Strong pressure must be strictly clockwise. And the lungs counterclockwise. In addition, when legs and hips are massaged, it is important to observe the correct sequence of movements. So, the inner side of the hips is massaged from below, and the external one is topped down. Buttocks are recommended first to stroke the circular movements directed from the center to the parties, and then the kneading must already go from the bottom-up.

Do not forget that the anti-cellulite foot massage will not give the desired result if you process only one problem area. For example, if the damaged zone is hips, it is more correct to move the massage zone from the knee to the pelvis.

An important role is played by the power of movements. After all, with this problem just can not cope. Therefore, to get rid of hateful cellulite, massage must be carried out very vigorously, without a break. It should be so that the muscles cannot cool. Only under these conditions will ensure efficient fluid outflow.

It should be remembered that the anti-cellulite foot massage is advisable to do only 2 times a week. It is usually necessary to carry out a course, at least from 12 procedures. After that, it is advisable to take a break for 4-5 days and perform the same course again. Less frequently, the procedures are performed only to those who have already achieved fairly significant results and simply want to maintain the effect achieved. Due to the use during the sea salt procedure, excess moisture is removed from the tissue. In addition, the skin is heated and blood circulation is improved. After the session, you can almost immediately see a positive result.

Recently, the popularity has gained thermoactive anti-cellulite gels and creams. Thanks to this means you can achieve an active tide of blood in the zones of application. Moreover, gels and creams can be used both independently and during massage. Soon after applying an anti-cellulite product on the skin, a strong thermal effect is felt. Due to this, lymphotock and blood flow increases. After the procedure, a mixture of algae or medicinal dirt is well applied.


In addition, anti-cellulite leg massages are quite effective using essential oils. They help get rid of cellulite deposits. These means for applying penetrate deep into the skin and have a healing effect. Various combinations of such oils can be used both to get rid of unnecessary fat deposits, and to give cheerfulness and toning of the whole organism.

If you wish to get rid of hateful cellulite, then you need to understand that only massage will not help you. For this purpose, a whole anti-cellulite program is applied, which is a complex of various procedures, each of which requires a rather serious approach. Special exercises, peelings, wraps, massage and proper nutrition are the key to the successful treatment of cellulite.

Point foot massage


Each point in the foot is responsible for the normal operation of this or that organ. Read more The location of the active zones can be viewed in the diagram.

Massage after fracture legs


Massage after injury and fracture is important for the speedy restoration of the damaged leg. Thanks to it, the skin vessels are expanding, blood circulation is accelerated, blood supply to tissues increases. Patients who did not seem to break the bone after removing the gypsum is often assigned to rubbing. It is necessary in order to quickly return the normal state to the affected area. Massage allows not only to prevent, but also to treat various stagnant phenomena and atrophy. In addition, this procedure allows you to increase the total muscle tone, return the damaged limb elasticity. Proper massage will help cope with edema, which usually arise above or below the fracture.

The massage used in therapeutic purposes allows to normalize the Lymph and bloodstream current, which for natural reasons are violated when a person has for a long time to keep its limb in one position.

Therapeutic foot massage depending on the severity and localization of injury can be used in different ways. In cases of cases, for example, with a closed type of fracture, it is shown in the first days after receiving such an injury. At the same time, massage actions are performed in areas of the body close to the place of fracture, but not covered with plaster.

In case of fracture, for example, one of the limbs, the massage is made not only by the injured leg, but also healthy. This is necessary in order to prevent painful sensations with a strong load on one straight. If a fracture in the hip region happened, then a pelvic belt and the back area will also be massage. In order to get the best effect from massage, it is necessary to twist the back and both legs in the direction of the hip before the leg and stop. Such a massage requires a lot of strength from a person. Therefore, it should be done by a manual therapist or a specialist in the relevant area.

Muscles are treated with various movements. There are circular, transverse, longitudinal and zigzag movements. For massage to reach deep tissues, all manipulations are performed with some pressure. The main thing is to know the measure. To perform actions use different parts of the hand. Most often it is the tips of the fingers, the tubercles of large fingers and the base of the palm. Thanks to such a massage of the legs in the body tissues, lymphotok and blood flow accelerates, and the desired functions of the muscles of the limb are restored.

The therapeutic effect of such procedures can be enhanced by regenerating oils and ointments from edema. Massage can be carried out by the patient yourself several times a day, but this should be coordinated with the doctor and undergoing its observation.


Therapeutic massage is performed in several stages, the first of which is the heating of tissues by intensive stroking. It also allows you to prepare the body to the following steps of the procedure. When rubbing, kneading and stroking, the specialist I use the surface of the palm of the palm. It is important that the brush of this hand is relaxed. After that, the hand is installed by the edge, and massage movements are already made across damaged tissue. After such techniques, the stage of the procedure begins, during which the following types of rubbing alternate:

  1. Pads fingers.
  2. Nippers.
  3. Falangs of fingers.
  4. Performed in turn - five and four fingers.

Finally, during the last stage of therapeutic massage, the finiteness is performed.

It is important that the manipulations of the massage therapist during the procedure have not caused a strong discomfort in a patient and sharp pain. The time of the session, first of all, depends on the sensations and well-being of the patient himself.

Contraindications to this massage should be known:

  1. Common circulation disorders.
  2. Skin diseases.
  3. Cardiovascular diseases.

Foot massage: video

Foot massage lessons can be viewed on video.


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