
Jozhoba oil. The use of jojoba oil

Jozhoba oil. The use of jojoba oil
The healing properties of jojoba oil and methods of its use at home.

Jojoba oil is one of the best in the entire plant world, among many natural oils he almost no competitors, thanks to his amazing ability to have a tightening and rejuvenating effect. Jojoba oil is often used in cosmetic products. It includes lipids, vitamin E (Tokoferol), provitamin A, minerals and amino acids.

Properties of the Jozhoba oil

  • It is ideal as a moisturizer of the skin. Light texture contributes to rapid absorption. Creating a protective layer invisible to the eye on the skin, helps to keep water in the skin without violating its life. It does not make the skin oily.
  • Having deeply penetrated into the skin makes it softer from the inside, returning to him elasticity and natural softness.
  • Possessing good absorption, jojoba does not create a blockage of pores and follicle. Thanks to this, hair follicles and pores do not lose their performance.
  • Enriching the skin with useful nutrients improves cell renewal due to the fight against free radicals. Also, jojoba oil contributes to the process of resuming skin cells and contributes to a better metabolism and blood circulation in the skin cells.
  • Due to the deep moisture and elimination of free radicals, the jojoba oil smooths out facial wrinkles well and has a tightening effect.
  • The cleansing of the body from harmful substances contributes to the rich content of vitamin E, it also has a powerful antioxidant effect on the body.
  • Antiseptic, anti -inflammatory and antifungal effects of the jojoba oil enables it to improve the fatty balance of the skin. Bactericidal properties have a favorable effect for the treatment of acne and comedones.
  • Jozhoba oil is hypoallergenal and does not cause any irritation or allergic reactions.
  • Facial


    • It is possible to restore the natural beauty of the skin of the face using jojoba oil. Its amazing ability to penetrate into the deep layers fills the skin with vitamins and minerals from the inside, this in turn helps to increase the elasticity of the skin and has a tightening effect.
    • Owners of sensitive skin, to cleanse the face and prevent the appearance of new acne, light texture of oil is ideal. It is also good as leaving for skin diseases (neurodermatitis, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis).
    • Unique when leaving the skin around the eyes, nourishes the skin of the eyelids and promotes smoothing facial wrinkles.
    • It has a unique effect on complexion due to an improvement in vitamin D.
    • As a soothing agent, it favorably affects the skin after shaving.
    • Effective and easy to care for the lips.

    Due to the fact that the skin of the face is quite thin and fragile, use the jojoba oil in its pure form should be very careful and only in extreme cases. When peeling, it should be applied to the oil pointwise and no more than 2 times a day. The same applies to acne.

    To return natural beauty and elasticity, the skin around the eyes should be mixed (1: 2) with lighter natural oil (for example, rosehip oil, olive oil, etc.).

    To use the jojoba oil every day, it should be diluted 1: 3 with any other natural oil, depending on what effect you want to achieve (coconut oil enhances the rejuvenation effect, oil from grape seeds helps to narrow the pores, etc.).

    In order for your lips to shine with youth, the Jozhoba oil should be applied in circular massaging movements. For the best effect, the procedure should be carried out in the morning and evening.

    Hair joke oil


    Possessing a huge amount of nutrients and amazingly deep penetration, the Jozhoba oil has a stunning effect on hair restoration. It carefully cleanses the pores of the scalp of skin fat, has a relaxing effect on the hair follicles and actively enriches them with the necessary nutrients. Thus, from the inside it improves the structure of the hair without weighting it.

    Jojoba oil has a relaxing and soothing effect and is used as hair restoration after “stressful” procedures, such as highlighting, staining, coloring. It also helps to eliminate dandruff.

    Jojoba oil is universally in its use, it is often used as the main ingredient in cosmetologists. To improve the structure of the hair from the inside, the jojoba oil should be used in its pure form. The application of oil with massaging movements to the hair roots 1.5 hours before washing contributes to the softness of the hair and giving it a natural shine. Jozhoba oil is easily removed from the scalp and hair with warm water and shampoo, without creating the effect of oily hair.

    It can also be added to shampoo 3-5 drops in each portion. Or add 2 tbsp to shampoo. l. Mix from the oils of jojoba, eucalyptus or ginger oil. Such a complex will contribute to the rapid growth of hair and strengthen it from the inside.

    Healing masks with jojoba oil


    A mask for deep nutrition of the scalp

    We make a combination of burdock oil and jojoba oil (in proportions 1: 1). Then we heat the result in a water bath and rub with massage movements into the scalp. We cover the head with polyethylene and wrap it with something warm. In the warmth, the scalp relaxes, thereby contributing to a deeper penetration of nutrients. Rinse the mask after 40 minutes in warm water with shampoo. Such nutrition of the scalp should be carried out more than 2 times a week for a month, then you need to let your hair rest for two 3 months.

    Mask for vitaminization of hair and scalp

    In order to revive weak and brittle hair, jojoba oil should be additionally enriched. As enrichment, a mix of 5 drops of vitamin E and A, another pair of drops of chamomile oil and 3 drops of orange and grapefruit oils, is well suited. The resulting composition should be well mixed until a homogeneous consistency and applied to the scalp and the entire length of the hair. Then we wrap the head with polyethylene and warm towel. Wash off after an hour with warm water using shampoo. Such intensive vitaminization should be carried out no more than 3 per week.

    Mask to give strength to hair

    To give strength to the hair, the composition of 2 tbsp is well suited. l. Jozhoba oils with 2 tbsp. l. honey and one egg yolk. We apply a homogeneous mass to the roots of the hair, wrap it up and hold for 30 minutes. After washing with warm water and shampoo. The regular use of this mask (10-14 sessions, no more than 1 time per week) helps to strengthen the hair, eliminate their fragility and stimulation of growth.

    The use of oils for the scalp on a regular basis has a stunning effect, but do not forget that the scalp gets used to one type of oil and is oversaturated. Therefore, once a month it is worth trying new oils and let the skin rest at least every 3 months and not less than 2-3 months.

    Hojoba oil for nails


    Jojoba oil has an amazing effect on brittle, laying or ribbed nails.

    There are many causes of problems with nails, most often they are caused by a lack of moisture in the nail plate, frequent contact with household chemicals or age -related changes in the body.

    An effective remedy for restoring the nail plate is a jojoba oil in its pure form, it should be applied in circular motions to the nail and cuticle. To enhance the effect, after rubbing, you can cover the nails with vitamin E, lemon essential oil or ylang-ylang essential oil.

    Such a complex helps to fill the nail plate with minerals and vitamins, its strengthening, eliminating brittleness, and accelerates the restoration of layering nails.

    Jojoba oil for massage


    For relaxing massage, jojoba oil will go well in its pure form or with the addition of from 3 to 6 drops of any essential oil you like. Jojoba oil is unusual with its absorption and does not leave fat spots on the skin. Makes the skin delicate and relaxes it. Effective in use for massage of hands, feet and joints.

    For the skin suffering from cellulite, for deep massage, jojoba oil with the addition of essential oils of lemon, orange, lavender is used.

    Due to the intensive penetration and enrichment of the skin with the necessary substances, the jojoba oil is used to prevent stretch marks on the skin. To improve the result, it is worth adding tea wood, pink, rosehip or immortelle oil to it. The massage intensity changes depending on the use zone.

    How to use jojoba oil. Video



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