
Oatmeal masks at home

Oatmeal masks at home
Oatmeal masks are an effective cosmetic product that is easy to cook at home.

The real storehouse of vitamins and microelements is oatmeal, popular not only in cooking, but also in home cosmetology. Oatmeal face masks - a universal cosmetic product that is easy to cook at home. A highly effective and affordable method of moisturizing, nutrition and rejuvenation of the skin of the face made this product indispensable for every woman. The article presents in detail all the advantages, features of application and the rules for the preparation of oatmeal masks. A wide range of action of oatmeal masks was reflected on a huge variety of recipe. For convenience, in the article all recipes are classified according to the type of skin and depending on the problem being solved. It is possible to preserve and support the beauty of the skin of the face due to oat masks. And additional useful components will only enhance the necessary effect.


Oatmeal masks - beneficial properties

As you know, oatmeal is a leader among other cereals in the content of beneficial substances, trace elements and vitamins. Oatmeal contains such elements necessary for the body as magnesium, potassium, iron, fluorine, chromium, iodine, phosphorus and silicon. And the presence of vitamins of group A, B, C and E in the cereal provides not only a full -fledged balanced diet, but also cleaning from toxins.

The useful and valuable properties of oatmeal are not limited to this. So, oatmeal masks for the face have become a very popular and effective cosmetic skin care product. The miraculous effect of masks from oatmeal on the skin of the face and neck occurs due to the active operation of trace elements and vitamins. And in combination of oatmeal with other equally useful products, the positive effect increases significantly.

So, let's call the main components of oatmeal, allowing you to maintain the health and beauty of the skin:

  • Water provides skin hydration.
  • Retinol (vitamin A), penetrating deep into the skin, contributes to the growth of new cells. Thus, the elasticity of the skin increases, the aging process slows down and the micro -injuries of the skin are smoothed out.
  • Tiamin (vitamin B1) reduces skin dryness, restores its elasticity, and participates in regeneration processes. An effective remedy for the treatment of acne and skin rashes.
  • Microelements provide nutrition and rejuvenation of the skin.
  • Vitamin E protects the skin from radiation with ultraviolet rays.
  • Ventramide and beta-glucan show antioxidant properties.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) actively restores flabby skin, helps to bleach it.

It will not be an exaggeration, if we say that oatmeal is a real miraculous remedy for preserving and restoring the beauty of the face. Here are just the main advantages of using oatmeal as a cosmetic mask:

  • Food cells of the skin.
  • Moisturization of the skin.
  • Cleaning skin pores.
  • Soft exfoliation (peeling) of the upper layer of dead cells.
  • Skin massage.
  • Skin tonic.
  • Improving the complexion, bleaching, reducing skin pigmentation.
  • Regeneration and restoration of skin cells.
  • Increasing skin elasticity.
  • Reducing small wrinkles, especially facial expressions.
  • Omolate of the skin.
  • Reducing inflammatory processes.

Such a complex effect, taking into account the availability of the product, its cheapness and hypoallergenicity, cannot but cause the interest and admiration of any woman.

Having familiarized himself with all the advantages and spectrum of action, this unique cosmetic product, it remains to decide on the type of mask and recommendations for its use at home.

concept Skincare. Skin of Beauty Young Woman Before and after the Procedure

Oatmeal masks : Indications for use

 A homemade face mask based on oatmeal is a universal cosmetic product for any skin type.

  • With dry skin - will provide the missing nutrition and moisture.
  • With sensitive - it will reduce itching, peeling and restore the natural complexion.
  • A problematic skin prone to acne, the skin can clean the pores and dry the acne.
  • With oily skin - will help get rid of a characteristic oily sheen, normalize expanded pores.
  • The normal type of skin will preserve and improve natural natural indicators.

Cosmetologists recommend the use of masks made of oatmeal face flakes not only after 25, but also with a fairly mature, fading skin. Lightening, smoothing and reducing microfinations - expected results after using oat masks. Their systematic application will qualitatively improve not only the appearance of the face, but also the condition of the skin as a whole.

Hercules mask is also recommended to be used by adolescents with problem skin. Effectively acting on acne, this cosmetic product will provide a therapeutic and healing result.

Thus, oatmeal masks are shown for all skin types, and in combination with other products only enhance the necessary effect.


Oatmeal masks: contraindications

Although oatmeal are considered an absolutely hypoallergenic product, they cannot be used for food for people who suffer from a disease such as intolerance to cereal crops. This disease is celiac disease, caused by the impossibility of digesting gluten protein and is quite rare. This disease applies only to the digestive system and does not affect the use of oatmeal as a cosmetic mask.

A mask based on oatmeal is absolutely safe. In the case of combining oatmeal with other products, you need to know the body's reaction to additional components. So, if the mask includes, for example, honey, which causes allergies for anyone-exclude or replace this product.


Rules for the preparation and use of oatmeal masks

There are general rules for the preparation and application of cosmetic masks. A mask based on oatmeal is no exception. Observing these simple conditions, it is easy to achieve the most useful results and avoid undesirable consequences.

  • Any cosmetic product is applied with clean hands.
  • Hair is removed under the bandage.
  • Apply the mask only on pre -peeled skin.
  • After cleansing, the skin can be additionally steamed, which increases the degree of absorption of nutrients of the applied mask. This is done using a hot compress (wet a terry napkin in hot water or a decoction of herbs and hold on the face for 3-5 minutes). It is not recommended to steam the face to those who have vessels dilated or there is an excess of hair on the face.
  • Distribute the mask with light massaging movements, evenly, along the main cosmetic lines of the face (from the central part to the periphery).
  • Do not affect the delicate skin around the eyes with a mask, you can cover it with cotton pads and lubricate it with pre -nutrient cream.
  • In addition to the face, it is recommended to apply a mask on the neck and neckline.
  • In the case of dry skin, after the mask you need to apply a nutrient cream on the face.
  • The exposure time of the mask is from 15 to 25 minutes.
  • During the action of the mask, it is better to relax and calmly lie down.
  • Rinse the mask with warm water.


Preparation of the base for a mask of oatmeal

Naturally, oatmeal will be the basis for the preparation of oatmeal mask. Ordinary flakes or Hercules are suitable.

It is better to pre -chop the flakes in a coffee grinder or mortar, you can also use oatmeal. The degree of grinding depends on whether a cream mask or a peeling scrub is prepared. Sometimes, according to the recipe, they take and not chopped flakes.

To prepare the base for the future mask, you must take 2 tbsp. chopped flakes and pour them with boiling water, slightly covering from above. Such a mixture is insisted on average for 5-10 minutes, while the flakes swell, and the mixture thickens. Too rare consistency will be inconvenient to use. In principle, this basis can already be used as a finished mask. But, to enhance the action, there are a lot of recipes for masks made of oatmeal with additional food components.


Oatmeal masks at home - recipes

Oatmeal masks are easy to cook at home. Depending on the type of skin, one or another product is added to the cooked oatmeal to achieve the desired result. So, with dry or flabby skin, cream, yolk, and vegetable oils are optimally suitable. For oily skin - use dry low -fat products (protein, kefir, lemon). Such multicomponent masks are used once a week. In pure form, oatmeal is recommended as a cleansing mask-scrub for any type of skin. Ordinary oatmeal cope with acne, regulate the work of the sebaceous glands, making the skin clean and matte. The presented recipes of oatmeal masks received positive reviews after their use. Every woman can find her recipe, depending on the type and condition of the skin of the face.


Oatmeal masks for dry skin

  • Mask with milk.

1 tbsp. Pour ground oatmeal with hot milk so that they are completely covered, cover them with a lid. Let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Apply to the face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

A mask with milk and oatmeal perfectly nourishes and cleanses the skin. You can additionally massage the skin along cosmetic lines.

  • Nourishing mask.

1 tbsp. Mix ground oatmeal with 1 egg yolk, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil (preferably olive). Apply to the face and massage for 3-5 minutes, rinse with warm water.

The mask nourishes, moisturizes and cleanses.

  • Mask with honey.

1 tbsp. Pour ground oatmeal with hot milk so that they are completely covered, cover them with a lid. Let it brew for 5-7 minutes. Add 1 tbsp. honey, 1 tsp sour cream and 1 tsp softened butter. Mix. Apply to the face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

A face mask with honey and oatmeal deeply nourishes, moisturizes dry skin. Suitable for normal skin type.

  • Grape mask.

1 tbsp. Ground oatmeal pour 2 tbsp. grape juice, add egg yolk. Let it brew for 7-10 minutes. Apply to the face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

The mask perfectly moisturizes the skin.

With dry skin, such ingredients can be boldly added to the masks: cream, sour cream, butter, cottage cheese, honey, yolk, vegetable oils, banana, persimmon.


Oatmeal masks at home for combined and normal facial skin

  • Universal yogurt mask.

1 tbsp. Pour ground oatmeal cereal with natural yogurt to a gruel -shaped state. Add 1 tsp. honey and 1 tsp vegetable oil (preferably olive). Stir and apply to the face. After 15 minutes. Rinse at room temperature with water.

The mask cleans, refreshes and moisturizes the skin.


Oatmeal masks at home for oily skin

  • Mask with kefir.

1 tbsp. Pour ground oatmeal with kefir or yogurt (sour milk is also allowed) to the consistency of thick porridge. Putting on the face, massage lines. Leave the mask until it dries completely, then rinse with water.

A mask based on oatmeal and kefir cleanses the skin well, eliminates excessive shine, improves complexion.

  • Lemon mask with protein.

1 tbsp. Not very chopped oatmeal with egg protein and 1 tsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice. In the absence of allergies, you can add 1 tsp. honey. Keep for about 15 minutes, wash off with water.

A mask with oatmeal, with protein and lemon perfectly dries, refreshes and cleanses oily skin. It is also suitable for normal and combined skin.

  • Mask-scrub

  To 1 tbsp. oatmeal and 3 tbsp. Kefira add 1 tsp honey and a pinch of salt. Mix thoroughly. When applying to the face, massage for 1-2 minutes, hold another 10-15 minutes, wash.

The mask nourishes and cleanses the skin.

  • Mask with a calendula

1 tbsp. Pour ground oatmeal flakes with infusion of flowers with medicinal calendula. For its preparation, 30-40 gr. Pour dried flowers with a glass of boiling water and insist for about half an hour. Then strain the infusion and add to the flakes until thick gruel is formed. Hold the mask on the face for 20 minutes, wash off.

The mask easily copes with the excessive secretion of skin fat, eliminates irritation, narrows pores.

The use of oatmeal with the addition of non -fat, capable of drying, products - optimally effective masks for women with oily skin.


Oatmeal masks at home for problem skin

This refers to the presence on the face of areas of problem skin, namely: acne, comedones, acne.

  • Oatmeal mask.

1 tbsp. Pour ground oatmeal with boiling water to get a thick gruel, to insist a little. Apply a warm mixture to the face until it dries completely. Then rinse carefully. To solve the problem with acne, the mask is recommended to be done regularly, 2-3 times a week.

The mask perfectly cleanses the skin, reduces rashes, relieves inflammation.

  • Clay mask.

To a finished oat -based basis (1 tbsp, ground oatmeal with boiling water) add 1 tbsp. Blue clay and 1 tsp. lemon juice. Mix and apply to the face. After drying - wash off with warm water. The course of use of the mask - within 1 month 2 times a week. The course can be repeated after a few months.

The mask perfectly cleanses and restores the skin, eliminates comedones and acne.

  • Mask with tea tree oil.

By oat -based (1 tbsp, ground oatmeal with boiling water) add 1 tbsp. lemon juice and a few drops of tea tree oil (4-5). Stir, hold for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

The mask reduces inflammation, removes acne and regulates the functioning of the fatty glands.


Masks made of oatmeal at home for fading, mature face skin

  • Tea mask.

1 tbsp. Grind ground oatmeal with hot black tea to cover the flakes, close the lid and insist for 5-10 minutes. Add 1 tsp to thick slurry. honey and 1 tsp lemon juice. You can also replace any other citrus juice. Mix, apply to the face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool and then warm water.

The mask tones, cleanses and smoothes the skin.

  • A rejuvenating mask.

1 tbsp. Pour ground oatmeal with boiling water, cover with a lid and insist for 5-10 minutes. Add 1 egg yolk to the obtained thick warm porridge, 1 tbsp. Avocado pulp (can be replaced by the pulp of persimmon, melon, apricot) and 1 tbsp. Nonfiltered beer. Mix, apply for 20 minutes. And wash off alternately warm and cold water.

The mask tones, makes the skin smooth and elastic.


  • Nourishing mask.

1 tsp Olive oil, 1 tsp Mix honey and 1 egg yolk. Add so many crushed oatmeal to the mixture to get the consistency of thick sour cream.

Apply the mass to the face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

The mask smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes the skin.

  • A bleaching mask.

1-2 tbsp. Combine ground oatmeal with beaten protein, 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. milk. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice. The mass should turn out thick. Keep 20 minutes, wash off.

The mask is perfectly refreshing, whiten and rejuvenate the skin.

  • Anti -aging mask.

By oat -based (1 tbsp, ground oatmeal with boiling water) add 1 egg yolk, 1 tsp. olive oil and 3 drops of rosemary essential oil. You can hold on your face up to 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

The mask smoothes wrinkles, increases skin elasticity.

  • Mask with persimmon and beer.

1 tbsp. Pour ground oatmeal with boiling water, cover with a lid and insist for a few minutes to swell. Add yolk to the warm mass, 1 tbsp. The pulp of the persimmon (a pear is allowed) and 1 tbsp. beer. Stir and hold on the face for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm, then cold water.

The mask rejuvenates and pulls the skin of the face.

  • Mask with starch.

1 tbsp. Pour ground oatmeal with boiled milk, cover with a lid and insist for several minutes. Separately dilute in 2 tbsp. Mineral water 1 tbsp. potato starch. Add diluted starch and 1 tsp to the oat basis. Wheat -germ oils. Put the mixture in a water bath and, constantly stirring, bring to thickening. It is important not to digest the mass, the consistency should resemble a thick sour cream. Apply a mask in a warm form, before it dries on the face (about 10 minutes). Then rinse with warm water.

The mask is very effective, with anti -aging, mitigating effect. It nourishes the skin of the face.


  Oatmeal masks at home dla sensitive skin

  • Carrot mask.

1 tbsp. Ground oatmeal pour approximately 3 tbsp. hot fat milk (you can use cream at room temperature). When the flakes swell, add 1 tsp. carrot juice (the use of finished vitamin A is allowed). Keep the mask for 20 minutes, wash off with water.

The mask reduces skin irritation.


  • Avocado mask.

1-2 tbsp. Combine ground oatmeal with half an avocado pulp. Apply to a previously steamed face, massaging from the center to the periphery. Keep 15-20 minutes, wash off water at room temperature, wash with mineral water.


Masks made of oatmeal at home: pdressing and moisturizing

  • Mask with salt.

1 tsp Finely ground (to the state of flour) oatmeal pour 1 tbsp. Kefira and 1 tsp honey. Add a pinch of salt, mix, hold for 20 minutes.

A mask with a tightening effect, strengthens the contour of the face, improves skin complexion.

  • Mask with cottage cheese.

Prepare an oat base (1 tbsp, ground oatmeal with boiling water). Add 1 tbsp. Cottage cheese, 1 tsp banana or apple. If the consistency is thick, add a little cream or milk. Keep for 20-30 minutes, wash off with warm water.

A mask with a strong moisturizing effect, pulls and nourishes the skin.


Oatmeal masks at home: tonic and cleansing

  • The mask is universal.

1 tbsp. Stir ground oatmeal flakes from 1 tbsp. sour cream and 1 tsp lemon juice. After application, slightly massage along the cosmetic lines, hold for 15 minutes, rinse with cool water.

A mask of oatmeal, sour cream and lemon juice are suitable for any type of skin. With oily skin, use low -fat sour cream, with dry - oily. The mask tones, refreshes and cleanses the pores.

  • Coffee mask.

1 tbsp. Mix ground oatmeal flakes from 1 tbsp. small grinding coffee beans, pour, slightly covering, warm water, insist 10 minutes.

The mask deeply cleanses the pores, perfectly tones.


  • The mask is mint.

1 tbsp. Pour ground oatmeal flakes, pour 15 ml of boiling water, until thick gruel is formed. Add 0.5-1 tsp. crushed mint leaves.

The mask refreshes and relieves irritation.


Oatmeal peeling

Pilling or scrub is prepared as easily as masks. It is enough to mix not too crushed oatmeal with water and apply with massaging movements to the face. To enhance the effect, you can add a pinch of salt or coffee grounds of insoluble coffee. After massage, wash off at room temperature with water.

The procedure is best carried out daily, in a course of two weeks. Perfectly cleanses the skin, removes dead keratinized particles.


Washing oatmeal

The procedure is somewhat similar to peeling, but due to a smaller fraction of flakes, it has a soft and delicate effect. Smell oatmeal, put in a dry jar. Every morning, when washing, pour a little in another container, take with wet hands, gently distributing it on a wet face, slightly massage for 2 minutes. Rinse with warm, then cool water.

The procedure copes with acne perfectly, relieves irritation, tones and bleats the skin.


Thus, knowing the unique beneficial properties of oatmeal, it remains only to apply all knowledge in practice. The simplicity of the given recipes proves that you can make a mask of oatmeal yourself quite quickly and simple.

The regular use of oatmeal masks will easily get rid of acne, small facial wrinkles, rejuvenate and tighten the skin of the face. Universality and safety in use made oatmeal popular for a million women. And the main advantages of this cosmetic product are natural and accessibility, made it a favorite among other facial skin care products.


Video: oatmeal mask for any skin type





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