
Mask with hair dimexide, recipe

Mask with hair dimexide, recipe
Dimexide is a medicine that strengthens hair and helps them grow faster. About how to care for damaged curls with the help of Dimeksid will tell the article.

Dimexide is recognized as one of the most popular funds for the regeneration of damaged hair and stimulation of their growth. Cosmetic mixtures based on this component are highly efficient. Hair mask with Dimeksida is a real rescue circle for the chapels, which touched the problem of sowing and slow growth of curls, as well as excessive drying of the scalp. The main thing in the preparation of therapeutic agent for hair is not to deviate from the dosages of the ingredients specified in the recipe. We invite you to learn how to improve your hair using Domexide.

The primary function of the Dimekside is to heal the wounds of the skin. The active substances of the drug penetrate the skin quickly and deep, being a kind of catalyst that accelerates the effect of nutrient components and oils in the composition of hair masks. Thanks to Dimexide, hair follicles get full nutrition in the form of vitamins and minerals, which undoubtedly strengthens them and accelerates their growth.

How does Dimekside act on the hair

The presence of a drug as part of a mask for lifeless curls gives it the ability to restore cells of hair rods and "attract" to weak tissues large volumes of blood. Dimexide strengthens hair, activating metabolism in the scalp. After the healing course is completed using this tool, the hair acquire strength and shine, stop falling and growing better. Hair mask with Dimeksida will help restore even such "exhausted" hair cuticle, as in the photo:


Dimexide is always used in conjunction with other components that have reducing and strengthening properties, since the medicine enhances this effect. Clean dimexide for treating hair is categorically not suitable, because it can cause strong burns on the head.

One more important nuance should also be taken into account, which concerns the specifics of the action of Dimeksid: the drug improves the receipt of both useful and harmfulness to the hair lows. This means that the mask with Dimeksid should be applied only on clean hair. When applying this cosmetics to contaminated curls, dirt and dust from their surface immediately absorbed into the deep layers of the hair rod. As a result, the result of the application of the mask will be directly opposite to the expected effect: the condition of the hair will deteriorate even more.


At the same time, cosmetics based on Dimeksid in a matter of a few weeks are able to strengthen damaged hair, if it is clearly followed by the rules for the use of the drug in the treatment of the chapels. Please note that the Dimexide will not bring a positive effect if the cause of a poor condition of the hair is any internal disease or a shortage of vitamins in the body. In this case, without comprehensive therapy appointed by an experienced trichologist, not to do.

Reviews about Hair Masks with Dimeksid

To have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe effectiveness of the treatment of hair with Dimeksid, we suggest you to find out that there are people who have experienced the effect of the drug on themselves. Reviews about this facility are quite controversial. These are the positive moments, those whose hair mask with Dimeksid fell to taste:

  • subject to the regular use of the drug in the composition of cosmetic masks, hair looks perfect and in a month become longer by 1.5 - 2 cm;
  • the tool strengthens weak hair - uniquely. It is important not to overdo the proportion of dimexide, so as not to burn the hair and the scalp;
  • Dimexide is a good analgesic. The remedy quickly eliminates the skin of the head caused by seborrhea and other diseases of fungal origin;
  • the active components of the drug have an anti-inflammatory effect, therefore, the dymexide is often used in the complex treatment of dandruff;
  • the use of the drug has shown remarkable results in the treatment of alopecia (baldness).

Beautiful Girl With Long Wavy Hair

However, there are people who are unhappy with the mask with Dimeksid. This is what caused such a negative reaction:

  • hair "Attacks" dandruff;
  • the head of the head after the mask is strongly drawn;
  • there is a feeling of burning;
  • the hair begins to fall stronger than the former.

Nevertheless, cosmetologists assure that the sad experience of applying Dimeksid for hair treatment will not appear if you will respond to follow the proportions of active substances in the composition of the mask specified in the recipe.

Hair Dimexide Mask: Contraindications

You should never forget that Dimexide is a medicine. This means that there is some contraindications to its application, as well as from any other drug. First, the remedy will not suit people with the individual intolerance to the components of Dimekside. In this case, the body's reaction will be unambiguously negative: foci of allergic lesion will appear on the skin. Secondly, with Dimeksid, it is impossible to experiment to people who have certain problems with the work of the liver, heart and kidney, since the drug has a property to penetrate the blood. Also, the drug is a certain danger to people with eye diseases, pregnant women and moms, nursing breasts. In any case, before using Dimexide, you need to ask the Council at the competent physician.

Long Brown Hair With Hairbrush on Wooden Background

How to make a hair mask with Dimeksid

Before applying a dimexide mask, carefully read the rules for using its main component. Dimexide is a serious drug, and the careless handling of it can end the chemical burn of the scalp and hands.

So that Damoxide brought your hair only benefit, remember the recommendations for its use:

  • concentrated dimexide (not diluted with water or oil) can not be applied to the hair;
  • before working with Dimeksid, the skin of the hands must be protected by rubber gloves;
  • the proportion of 1 part of the Dimexide to the 3 parts of each component in the composition of the mask is the main rule that must be observed strictly;
  • all components of the mask, besides the dimexide, after the compound, slightly heated in the water bath, then fasten the domexide and are thoroughly mixed, following the drug does not exist. The mask with the drug is applied to the hair immediately after the preparation of the cosmetic agent;
  • before applying the mask, spread clean hair and rub the product into the skin of the head with massage movements. Then it is necessary to hide the hair under the cellophane hat and a terry towel. An hour later, the mask was washed off with a large amount of warm water. Leave a cosmetic tool with dimexide on her hair overnight, as they advise in some incompetent recipes and reviews, is strictly prohibited;
  • in order to prevent loss of hair mask is useful to do Dimexidum 1 time per week. If the dull color, split ends and total hair thinning are your immediate problems, the procedure should be repeated 2 times a week for a month;
  • after application to the hair mask, a part of which has Dimexidum, you may feel a burning sensation. Do not worry if a burning sensation tolerated and does not cause you serious discomfort. Next time just make Dimexidum solution is less concentrated. But with extremely unpleasant cosmetic weight should be immediately washed off, and more with Dimexidum not experiment. It would be nice to be vigilant and to share the results of your home treatment by a specialist in hair restoration;
  • keep in mind that the skin Dimexidum head has a slight drying effect.

high angle view of a woman piling her hair up into a bun

Classic Hair Mask with Dimexidum and oils

Wonderful stimulant for the hair you can easily cook at home. To do this you need the following items:

  • castor oil - 30 g;
  • burdock - 30 g;
  • oily solution of vitamin A - 30 g;
  • oily solution of vitamin B6 - 30 g;
  • oily solution of vitamin E - 30 g;
  • Dimexidum - '50

A method for preparing a mask:

Oil and liquid vitamins need to be slightly warmed in a water bath - in this way they are better mixed with Dimexidum. Then connect the warm weight of the drug and mix vigorously.

We remind you that the procedure is carried out on dry and clean hair. The mass should be applied to the scalp special brush or cotton swab. Before once again put a mask on his head, stirred well, not to Dimexidum flaked off. Cover hair mask on the entire length is not necessary, since the effect of the healing mass is aimed at awakening the hair roots.


This hair mask with vitamins and Dimexidum has nutritional composition which has a positive effect on the state of attenuated strands. Dimexide being an excellent conductor, increases blood circulation in the hair follicles and stimulates the supply to them of essential vitamins and nutrients.

Regular use of the mixture prepared according to the classic recipe, bring your hair tangible benefits. After a while, you'll notice:

  • vellus hair growth in places where hair had thinned out the most;
  • increase in hair density;
  • the reduction of hair loss;
  • active growth curls.

masks with Dimexidum options for hair growth

Today there are a large number of face masks for hair, prepared on the basis of classical mask Dimexidum. Practice of their application led to the following conclusions:

  • dry hair would benefit from a mixture of classical and Dimexidum egg yolk 1;
  • for oily hair need to use a mask with the addition of 5 drops of lemon juice or vodka / cognac;
  • unpleasant odor mask interrupts fine fragrance a few drops of any essential oil.

Here are a few popular recipes treat damaged curls Dimexidum.

Hair Mask with Dimexidum and sea buckthorn oil

Mix 3 tbsp. l. slightly warmed sea buckthorn oil with 1 tbsp. l. Dimexidum. If you wish, add a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. peach butter. After 1 hour, wash your hair with shampoo.

Note that this mask on reviews rather contradictory, because it is not for everyone. In particular greasy hair holders pointed out that after the application of sea buckthorn oil with Dimexidum their hair become even fatter.


Hair mask with dimexide and rapid oil

This tool is used to strengthen hair. 1 tbsp. l. Repelique oils need to be mixed with 1 yolk and 1 tsp. Domexide. A thoroughly mixed mass immediately rubbed into the skin of the head and leave under the warm towel for half an hour.

Hair mask with domexide and lemon

This means is a wonderful medicine for excessively oily hair. The active ingredients of its therapeutic composition quickly normalize the process of selection by secrets with saline iron scalp.

Connect 3 h. L. Fresh lemon juice, 2 h. Vitamin A solution and 2 h. Vitamin E. Now enter 1 tsp. Dimexide and mix well. Massage movements treat the roots of the hair with a healing mixture and leave on the head for 40 to 50 minutes. A standard course of treatment takes 1.5 months, during which the masks should be made with an interval of 3 days.


Hair mask with dimexide and henna

Henna is another popular product in masks designed to strengthen hair. For the preparation of therapeutic agent, you will need the following components:

  • package of colorless henna - 1 pc. (sold in a pharmacy);
  • hot water;
  • jojoba oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Domexide - 0.5 h. L.

Dissolve the henna powder in hot water as it is indicated in the instructions on the package. Then add the rest of the components to this mass. The mixture is kept on the head for 1 hour.


The use of dimexide for the treatment of hair is justified by its pronounced anti-inflammatory and stimulating properties. However, in pursuit of the beauty of the curls, you should not forget that you are dealing with a serious drug. During the use of the drug, you need to carefully follow the reaction of your body. When any unclear symptoms from the use of Dimeksid, it is necessary to immediately refuse and seek help for your doctor.

How to return the beauty of the hair using Dimeksid. Video


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