
Masks for Neck

Masks for Neck
Neck care rules and neckline zone. As with the help of healing masks, cooked for the skin of the neck at home, to remain the holder of a beautiful flexible neck in absolutely any age.

Beautiful flexible neck without wrinkles in a decolted dress always attracts attention. No wonder in cosmetology, they say that the neck and hands are what usually gives the age of a woman.

Consider in more detail how to deceive age and extend your neck youth with the help of healing masks prepared at home.

Neck Masks: Care Rules for Beautiful Neigh

Neck Masks: Daily Hygiene for Beautiful Neck

Each time, leaving the soul, we used the habit apply nutritious cream on face. But about the neck often forget. On the neck, the skin is very thin, there is no layer of subcutaneous sala on it, so when constantly staying in the sun without constant moisturizing, it begins to grow early and may have an unsightly kind of even young girls.

To improve the overall condition of the skin, first of all, it is necessary threshing your food: Drink more pure water, use raw vegetables and fruits. But fats for the neck will be useful for external use: nutritious and restoring masks for the face and neck are most often made on the basis of oils: olive, almond, castor, lavender, refinery and even creamy.

In the routine of daily affairs, constant seating at a computer at work, while reading in the position of lying constantly omit head down And rarely throw it back it, and in vain, - such an exercise will give our neck flexibility and tone.

Often our neck is subject to draft In transport and air conditioning facilities. If you want to have a healthy beautiful neck, avoid such places and do at least once a day a simple relaxing self-making neck, as shown in the video:

Neck masks: bad habits that harm beautiful neck

The skin on the neck and in the zone decollet is much more sensitive than on the face. Therefore, it agrees faster, especially if you neglect the rules of daily care and give in to such bad habits as:

sleep on high pillows. Such a position of the head contributes to the early development of the second chin and loss of the tone of the neck;

experiment with rapid weight loss. Perhaps, overweight will quickly disappear, and with it will be lost elasticity on the neck and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline area;

constant wearing tight collars, scarves, scarves from synthetic materials that rub and overlap fresh air access to the skin surface;

frequent stay in the sun without special protective creams. Direct sunshine on open areas of leather provokes dehydration cells and, as a result, the loss of elasticity and the appearance of early wrinkles.

Neck masks at home


Plastic surgery stepped far and today literally for one procedure, the doctor can remove hates wrinkles. But all operations as an additional intervention in the nature of the body do not pass without a trace for health. Therefore, you are offered home care of the neck and zone with a neckline with masks and lotions, cooked personally from natural components without preservatives.

Such budget products for care are very convenient: not only money, but also your time that you instead of visiting the salon can give your family.

Plus, the neck masks at home is also the ability to make the procedure in the interval between the cases.

Neck masks: Refreshing lotions for neck

Lemon lotion. In 100 grams of sour cream, introduce 1 yolk, the juice of half of the lemon. Mix the whole lot to uniformity and pour 2 tbsp. l. Vodka (or diluted alcohol). The resulting lotion should have 5-6 hours in a cool place, and best of all in the refrigerator. The tool is intended for daily care after washing to refresh and fow the skin of the neck and the zone of neckline.

Ozurchichny lotion. 3 tbsp. l. Olive (can be replaced by even refined sunflower) oil mix with juice 5 cucumbers, 2 tbsp. l. Vodka or diluted alcohol. Cucarial juice is easy to get married vegetable on a blender and speaking from pieces of pulp and peel. Lotion refreshes very well and cleans skin pores in the neck area.

Lotion from the collection of herbs and aloe. Ingredients for such a lotion are: 1 tbsp. l. Chamomile colors, calendula, mint leaves, 20 grams of vodka, juice 5 aloe branches. Collection of grasses mix in dry and pour 1.5 glasses of boiling water. After the decoction was blown and cooled, strain, squeeze the aloe twigs there and pour vodka. This lotion has an antiseptic effect in addition to the refreshing effect. This remedy is useful and when burning the skin in the sun.

Orange lotion. The simplicity of this lotion is that for him the main and the only ingredient will be an orange, from which it will be necessary to squeeze juice. Moching your cotton disk in such a vitamin drink, you fit the skin with vitamin C. The resulting flesh can be used in the preparation of other masks.

Masks for neck from wrinkle


When using rejuvenating masks, it should be remembered that their action is directed to tightening the skin, so after the procedures you can observe that the skin becomes more strung and dry. Therefore, after applying masks, it is recommended to coat with a thick layer of a nutrient cream or a droplet of any product saturated with fatty amino acids (sour cream, cream, oils).

Collagen Mask for Neck. Gelatin is a natural source of collagen - building material for restoring and updating cells, which contributes to the smoothing and elasticity of the neck of the neck and zone decollet. For cooking mask for neck from wrinkles, you will need: 1 tsp. Gelatin, which must be dissolved in 1/4 of a glass of milk, and after the gelatin will swell, apply a resulting weight with a brush over the surface of the skin. The mask is recommended to keep 15-20 minutes, and then remove the wet towel to remove and do not forget to abundantly lubricate the body with a nutrient cream.

Protein mask film for the neck. Preparation of this mask for neck from wrinkles is quite simple: it is necessary to beat 1 or several egg whites in a thick foam. The resulting foam with a brush or cotton disk is evenly applied to the surface of the neck, the zone of neckline, face. Hold up to complete drying until a strong depth is felt. Then washed under running water.

Banana Mask for Neck. In the sulfurized fork, the ripe banana is introduced 1 tbsp. l. Sour cream (fat cream or cottage cheese), the mass is thoroughly mixed and the thin layer is applied to the clean surface of the skin of the neck and the neckline zone. The nutritious and rejuvenating effect of such a mask is guaranteed when repeating at least 3 times a week for 2 months.

Grape Mask for Neck. Grapes is a natural source of beflavonoids - a natural antibacterial agent. In the ¼ cup of freshly squeezed grape juice are introduced 2 h. Melted honey. To wash the mask until homogeneous and apply a thin layer on the surface of the neck and neckline. The mask is recommended to keep up to 30 minutes. After that, washed off with plenty of warm water.

Moisturizing neck masks


Mask from Bulgarian pepper for neck. Bulgarian pepper contains natural antioxidants and moisturizes fading skin well. For the preparation of the mask, 1 Bulgarian pepper is crushed in blender, 1 tbsp. l. oat flakes, 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. All ingredients are mixed, apply to the surface of the neck and zone neckline for 20 minutes. After that, washed under running water.

Mask of berry-fruit assorted for the skin of the neck. Plus this mask in ease of preparation and a wide choice of fruits or berries, which will serve in ingredients for the procedure. 50 grams of apricots (apples, peaches, strawberries, strawberries, etc.) to be confused to homogeneous mass with 1 tbsp. l. Fat sour cream. Optionally, you can add 1 tsp. Lemon juice. Apply the mask is recommended for 30-40 minutes. After that, rinse the neck of the neck or the neckline with a large amount of warm water.

Cleaning neck masks

Coffee mask-scrub for neck. For a mask, it is recommended to take the used coffee thick (approximately 1.5 hours l. There are no special restrictions on the time of holding the mask. Most often this procedure is carried out in the shower on a clean washed body. Apply and immediately wash off with water. Coffee very well cleans the pores and nourishes the skin.

Curd mask-peeling for neck. Grind on a blender along with 1 orange leather and 1 lemon. Add to the resulting Cashitz 2 tbsp. l. Cottage cheese and teaspoon sour cream. Finished mask to apply on the neck and neckline for 15-20 minutes. Then washed under running water.

Nutritional masks

Nutrient, in fact, are all masks that contain a bold component: sour cream, cream, butter, etc.

Potato mask for neck. Potato-cooked potatoes, mounted in a puree with a yolk of 1 eggs, is introduced 1 t. L. Honey and any oil of plant origin. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the neck and zone with a decollete for 30 minutes. After that, the mask was washed under a large number of warm water.

Creamy cream cream for neck. For the preparation you will need: half a cup of oily cream, 1 yolk, ¼ cup of lemon fresh juice, 1 tsp. Glycerin. After all the ingredients are mixed to a homogeneous state, shift the resulting cream in the utensils with dark walls and put on a 24th refrigerator. The mask is recommended to use before bedtime according to the nourishing cream application algorithm. You can not wash off after use.

Tightening neck masks

Yeast mask for neck. Yeast is known in cosmetology as a component that normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands of the skin and the rejuvenating cells due to the tightening effect. For the preparation of the tightening mask for the neck, it is necessary 2 h. L. Dry yeast pour the ¼ glass of warm milk, let it brew for 15 minutes, so that the beneficial properties of yeast revealed, introduce 1 h. l. Honey, 1 yolk and tablespoon sour cream. The resulting cleaner shifting into the dishes with a lid and wrapped up for 2 hours. Applying a mask is recommended no more than 20 minutes, after which it is washed under running water.

Avocado mask for neck. Avocado - fruit saturated with collagen - natural reducing agent of skin cells and therefore is often used to prepare pull-up and rejuvenating masks. For the preparation you will need: the flesh of 1 ripe avocado, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 tbsp. l. Sour creams, 1 yolk. All ingredients are mixed to obtain a homogeneous cleaner and apply to the neck and zone neckline for 10-15 minutes. Then wash off a large number of clean cool water.

Mask pumpkin for neck. Pumpkin is popular in the beauty industry due to the rich content of vitamins, protein, useful compounds that help rejuvenate skin cells and remove swelling if necessary. For the preparation of the mask, you will need: 100 grams of pumpkin, crushed in a blender to a puree state, 2 h. Potato or corn starch. The obtained ingredients are connected and applied for 15-20 minutes. Wash the mask is recommended by plenty of warm water. If you wish, after the procedure, you can wipe the face with a slice of lemon or cucumber to refresh the skin.

Anti-aging gymnastics for neck

In the application of homemade neck masks, the main thing is the sequence and duration of execution. The effect of masks is characterized by an accumulating effect.

During the course of healing procedures, the result can be fixed using a special anti-aging gymnastics against aging neck skinwhich is described in detail in the video:

Using these simple recommendations on the integrated care of the neck every day, you will avoid early aging of the skin, osteochondrosis and can always wear beautiful decolted outfits.


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