
Application of orange oil

Application of orange oil
Useful properties and aromatic treatment with orange oil

Orange tree is a source of three types of essential oils - from flowers, leaves and fetal cedos. Orange oil is obtained using a cold pressed technique. It is most often used in home cosmetology, perfumery, traditional medicine, aromatherapy and cooking. Orange essential oil is obtained from peel as sweet and bitter orange. Sweet orange oil is found in the form of a yellow or orange oil liquid, with a characteristic smell. Gorky orange oil is a conservation of a more rich color (from bright orange to dark brown). It has a fresh and a bit bitter aroma, with a slight touch of the fetus.

Useful properties of orange oil for the whole body

The scope of orange essential oil is wide enough. It is characterized by antiseptic, bactericidal, deodorizing, toning effect, and is also considered a wonderful antidepressant. Thanks to the property of this oil, it is an indispensable appetite, it is an indispensable means in the treatment of signs of anorexia. Perfumes have long used orange wood oil in the manufacture of spirits, creams, lotions, colognes and deodorants.


Applying orange oil, however, as any other, special attention should be paid to the dosage rules, i.e. Be sure to comply with the recommended dose of oil for a particular procedure.

Proper dosage of orange oil:

  1. For aromatic baths should take no more than 5 drops of pure oil.
  2. For therapeutic smoking mixtures - from 2 to 4 droplets on a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  3. For massage, no more than 8 drops of oil will be required by 30 g of a cosmetic tool in which it is added.
  4. For a sauna or bath, you need 9-10 drops of orange oil.
  5. For rubbing with pain in the joints, you will need about 9 drops by 20 g of the base.
  6. As an additional element in shampoos for dry hair and for the treatment of dandruff, you need to take 5-6 drops per 20 g ready-made shampoo.
  7. For nutrient cosmetics - 5 drops of orange oil per 20 g of lotion or body cream.

When bleeding, the gums can separately apply orange oil in the form of compresses. To do this, make a grafting on the gum using vegetable and orange oil in a 1: 1 ratio. It is also added to drug preparations created to combat skin dermatitis.

In addition, the orange tree oil improves eyesight and is useful for those who work at the computer, since at a constant load on the eyes removes the voltage from the accommodative muscle. And if you drink a glass of orange juice with 1 drop of oil, then you get rid of hypovitaminosis in the spring, and in the summer - quickly and evenly plot.


Possessing the peaceful properties, the oil saves from insomnia, the cause of which is nervous overvoltage, it also helps to fight stress and emotional exhaustion. Scientists recently discovered another amazing property of orange essential oil: it helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Orange oil improves the function of absorption of vitamin C, and, it means that protects the body from different infections. It is often used with a bronchitis and a cold with high temperatures. Essential oil contributes to the normal purpose of the intestines, so it can be eliminated from constipation and diarrhea, especially after the body has suffered the strongest stress. It is recommended to be used in violations of the circulatory system and the cardiovascular system, during obesity and edema. Favoring the process of creating collagen fibers necessary for the growth of muscle tissue, orange oil is prescribed as a universal means for muscle pain and rickets.

For many girls, it became a discovery that orange oil is an excellent tool with a pronounced anti-cellulite effect. It increases the elasticity of the skin, forces the process of exit toxins from the body with an increased swelling. This oil is useful and for those who have dry skin with obvious signs of peeling, because it prevents the appearance of new wrinkles on the surface of the skin. Promoting the recovery of cells, orange oil not only cleans well, but also removes pigment stains.


Since orange oil is considered universal in aromatherapy technique, it can be safely combined with other essential oils, such as carnation, jasmine oil, lavender, chamomile, juniper, cypressra, coriander, etc.

The positive effect of orange oil during a massage on the human bioenergy was also discovered. Oil is used to restore emotional equilibrium after transferred stress and severe diseases.

Orange hair oil

Orange oil promotes the treatment of dandruff and eliminate dry skin, as well as hair strengthening. There is a huge amount of use. One of the very first is a couple of oil droplets apply to a comb of natural material, and then carefully, slowly, combing hair. Hair orange essential oil is suitable for frequent use - up to three times a week, but at the same time you need to know if you have allergies on it.

Orange oil mask:

  • 7-8 drops of orange oil;
  • 2-3 tbsp. Coconut oil (sesame oil, olive oil, almond oil, etc.).

Water-based oil in water bath and mix with orange oil. Then you need to apply a mask to a slightly wet hair, top to cover with a polyethylene package and a warm cotton towel or a scarlet made of natural wool. Holding a mask for an hour. If you do not like the presence of polyethylene on the hair, it can be headed over a few hours to the main wash.

Hair balm that does not require washing:

  • crushed flax seeds - 1 tbsp.;
  • coconut oil - 1 tsp;
  • orange oil - 4 drops.

Flax seed powder should be pouring 100 ml of hot water and insist until fully cooling the water. Strain in handling capacity, add a mixture of coconut oil and orange, mix thoroughly. Apply balsam on washed and wet hair. To do this, you need to be confused with a small part of the composition between the palms and consistently strand to straighten through all hair. You should not take a large amount of Balzam, otherwise your hair will seem fatty. Imbred balm is very easy to cook at home. Cosmetic is intended for sequential and weakened hair. After the course of use, they become silk and shiny, and also easily exposed to any styling.

Face Orange Oil

Orange oil is perfect for those who have too dry leather. Including this concerns the delicate skin of the lips. Orange oil stimulates blood flow to the skin, which means it improves the process of recovering skin cells.

Dry skin cream:

  • 2 tsp oils for the base;
  • 2-3 drops of orange oil.

Apply to the palm cooked oil-foundation and add orange oil. Distribute between it and apply to the pre-cleaned skin of the face, neck and zone neckline. Easy tapping movements of the fingers to drive the cream under the eyes.


Cream for any skin type:

  • basic oil - 1 tsp;
  • orange oil - 4 drops.

The mixture is applied to the face, withstand about half an hour, and then wash off the residues with a slight warm water.

For problem skin:

  • blue clay powder - 1 tbsp.;
  • orange or grapefruit juice - 2 tbsp.;
  • chicken Egg protein - 1 pc;
  • orange oil - 2 drops.

Cylopa dilute freshly squeezed citrus juice, then beat the protein with a wedense and add all other ingredients. Apply a mixture on the face for about 15 minutes. After the mask is washed away, you need to apply nutritious cream on your face.

Mask for aging skin:

  • half ripe banana;
  • 4 drops of orange tree oil.

Banana is confused to the kashitz-shaped state and add orange oil. Apply to face for about 30 minutes. Such a mask well smoothes Mimic and deep wrinkles around the eyes and nasolabial folds, pulls up and makes the skin softer.


Cellulite orange oil

All citrus aromatic oils are considered fairly effective assistants in the fight against the manifestation of cellulite in problem places. There are many useful recipes of different masks and reinforcing creams. The simplest anti-cellulite agent can be prepared at home. You need to mix in a small capacity of 2 tbsp. l. Olive oil with 10 drops of orange.

Before applying this anti-cellulite mixture, clean the skin, and apply a scrub on problem areas. Oil mixture must be carefully massage only these zones.

Anti-cellulite baths with orange oil

One of the most affordable and simple methods of impact on the orange crust is the addition of several droplets of the essential oil of a sweet orange in a warm relaxing bath. To obtain a complex effect, orange oil can be combined with other citrus oils - grapefruit, mandarin or lemon.

For one procedure, there will be 10 drops of one or more essential oils with a duration of 15-20 minutes. At the same time, you will not need to make any additional effort, but just lie in the bath and enjoy the beautiful aroma.


Wrapping against cellulite

Recipes of anti-cellulite wraps can be found here, so they are familiar with almost everyone. Wrapping is a pleasant and fairly effective procedure, since any wrapping creates a greenhouse effect that helps to destroy fat cells. The result is obvious, as a rule, after 10 times spent in a day.

To use wraps, it is recommended to use combinations of honey with orange oil based on the calculation - 5 drops of oil on 2 tablespoons of liquid honey. Such a mixture helps to remove all accumulated toxins and slags from the body, as well as intensify the operation of metabolic processes.

Contraindications before using orange wood oil

Before applying an orange wood oil, it is necessary to study the dosage and make sure that you will not have signs of allergies. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the individual intolerance of the citrus smell may be present at your family. With caution, it is necessary to use this oil to pregnant women and those who suffer from gallstone disease and epilepsy. Orange essential oil is phototoxic, so it is not recommended to take sunbathing immediately after applying it to the skin. It should be waiting for an hour to make it completely safe for you.


Useful funds for our health most often are under our hand. Their cost is small, but the effect remains unsurpassed. Do not forget that it is possible to strengthen your natural beauty even at home.


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