
Makeup for gray eyes

Makeup for gray eyes
Beautiful makeup of gray eyes. Methods

The eyes of a light gray color are one of the most common, but in its pure form they are quite rare. Gray eyes can be considered chameleons, since they themselves can change their color depending on the weather on the street, the mood of the owner or the color of clothes on ash blue or ash-green color.

The eyes of a gray color are quite neutral and perfectly combined with any colors in the makeup. Makeup for gray eyes can be very diverse, because it is this color that has the ability to combine with any others and changes its main pigment for blue or green. Also, beautiful makeup for gray eyes can make your look deeper and more mysterious.

However, do not completely forget that for any color and shade there are some restrictions in choosing cosmetics. First of all, a makeup for such a neutral color of the eyes is required to be selected taking into account the tone of your hair and the tone of the skin of the face. Of course, in addition to the individual characteristics of appearance, it is still required to take into account the time of day and the relevance of the visit, as well as the place and event for which you are preparing.

Features of makeup for gray eyes


Initially, it is worth determining that in any make -up for gray eyes the most is suitable and which decorative cosmetics is better to refuse at all or reduce its use to a minimum.

What is suitable for gray eyes?

For experiments in makeup, almost any decorative cosmetics is suitable, but some tricks will emphasize the uniqueness of gray color:

  • choose cold shades combined with a dark complexion to achieve an emphasis with your skin color;
  • for a radiant look, use pearlescent, not matte colors;
  • use the brown range of colors of various warm shades, if your complexion is more dark, this will help focus on the contrast of the eyes;
  • when using warm tones in makeup with light and pale skin, and gray eyes, you can focus on the tone of the face;
  • to give the eyes of a blue and blue tone, shadows of blue colors will help;
  • purple and fresh green shades will help to express your eyes if the skin of cold shades.

For beautiful owners of gray eyes with a pigment, the following colors are also suitable for experiments in makeup for the eyes:

  1. For expressiveness:
  • bronze;
  • brick;
  • coral;
  • copper;
  • peach;
  • terracotta.
  1. For drama:
  • turquoise;
  • blue;
  • caramel;
  • heavenly;
  • pink;
  • silver;
  • blue;
  • violet.
  1. For lightness:
  • white;
  • burgundy;
  • green;
  • brown;
  • ashen;
  • black;
  • chocolate.
  1. For any case:
  • gold;
  • copper;
  • metallic;
  • steel.

What is not suitable in makeup for gray eyes?


Everything that is required to better avoid eye makeup with a gray pigment:

  • be careful with warm shades of too bright and very dark colors so that the eyes do not look swollen, sick and tearful;
  • it is required to avoid the use of flowers that coincide identically with the tone of your eyes;
  • do not let your eyes with an ultra with a black soft pencil or liquid eyeliner, the eyes circled in black will seem less and lose their brightness;
  • refuse the use of matte shadows;
  • too bright shadows can make the makeup slightly vulgar.

Makeup for gray eyes step by step

Depending on the time of the day, events and your location, your day makeup can be made in more transparent and calm colors, and for an evening event it is better to use brighter, deep and rich colors of decorative facial cosmetics.

Daily makeup for gray eyes

The daily light makeup provides for a refusal or minimum of matte, bright, deep and dark colors and a black eyeliner ultra. It is better to choose a soft pencil or a liner for eye makeup of a pearl gray, brown, green or blue, and perform eye makeup with gray shadows with mother -of -pearl or metallic shine:


  • it is required to paint transparent light-fuel, almost white, pearly dry shadows for the whole large eyelid;
  • make up a deeper, rich and dark mother -of -pearl shade of gray on the outer corner of the century;
  • shade the inner corner of the eyelid in a light tone, and the outer one is a darker color with the effect of the transition;
  • next, it is required to paint a liquid eyeliner in the form of a short classic arrow on a large eyelid;
  • thinly bring with a soft pencil with a shine to half the outer corner and shave a static eyelid with a brush;
  • make up volumetric or lengthening mascara in accordance with the tone of eyeliner at the final stage.

A lighter and easier everyday makeup for owners of gray eyes will help create light shadows of fresh green and warm brown colors:


  • make up natural beige matte shadows as a basis for the whole large eyelid;
  • it is required to paint fresh green matte shadows up to the middle of a large century, starting from the inner angle of the century;
  • thinly bring with light shadows of fresh green color a static eyelid also to the middle of the eye;
  • make up the matte shadows of a warm chocolate shade of Mokko to the outer corner of the large century;
  • draw a thin neat classic arrow in the large century, raising its tail and withdrawing it from the outside, starting directly from the middle of the eyes;
  • the application of a carcass for the volume of green, chocolate or ultra of black shades will help you complete the visit.

Evening makeup for gray eyes

For a festive makeup, it is recommended to give preference to pearls of deeper, saturated and dark colors that will allow you to shade your eyes. In dark makeup for gray eyes, it is necessary to emphasize the eyebrow line with a soft pencil or liquid shadows of natural, chocolate or black tones. Dark shadows and liquid eyeliner, as well as darker dry shadows, emphasize the transparency and brightness of your bright view:


  • it is required to apply completely to the entire surface of a large century deep dark shades of eggplant color;
  • use dark chocolate shadows of a warm shade with mother-of-pearl and blend them the top of a large century and the outer corner; it is necessary to paint transparent white transparent pearl shadows into the eyebrow zone;
  • gently and subtly bring down with a brown soft pencil and gently shave the static eyelid on the outer corner;
  • make up black liquid eyeliner in the form of a classic evening arrow of medium thickness on a large eyelid;
  • complete your evening makeup using a tool for eyelashes with the effect of the length and volume of black ultra.

A more calm classic version of a warm festive makeup of the eye of a mouse shade will apply according to the following algorithm:


  • to paint the dry shadows of pale peach gamut with mother of pearl over the entire surface of a large century;
  • it is required to apply a thin line of pearl light shadows to a static eyelid and inner angle;
  • draw a neat thin line, leaving a little abroad and up, starting from the middle of the static age to the outer side of the eyes;
  • make up with a black liquid eyeliner a classic arrow, thickening it from the middle of the eye and directing the tip up to the large eyelid;
  • both ends of the lower thin line and the upper arrow directly should be connected into one main tail;
  • expressiveness to your look and completeness in an evening makeup will give a tool for the volume of black tone.

Makeup for gray eyes in hair color

Gray eyes for blonde

For very bright hair and gray eye, the use of cosmetics of warm chocolate shades is required, which will give your gaze softness and expressiveness. Such eyelids can be used neutral-beige or pearl of sand and dim peach tones:


  • it is required to paint the funds for the whole large eyelid;
  • next, it is required to shave off the shadow with a brush almost to the line of the eyebrow;
  • then you need to paint the shadows on the entire inner corner of the century;
  • draw a thin neat classic arrow with a black or dark chocolate liquid eyeliner, or a liner on a large century;
  • we complete our warm makeup tool to give the volume and length of black or brown.

Gray eyes makeup for brown hair

Owners of light or dark ash-brown hair and gray eyes can be safely experimented with various extraordinary combinations in makeup for their eyes. The main thing is to take into account the appropriateness of contrasting colors and choose the means to the color of your clothes or accessories:


  • to paint on the outer corner of the eye of the shadow of a warm tone of Mokko, both for a large century and supplying static;
  • to paint into the zone under the eyebrows above the Greater natural matte beige shadows;
  • to paint mother -pearl shadows with a shade of turquoise or a sea wave on the entire inner corner of a large century;
  • then neatly shaken borders in the middle of the century to obtain a spectacular transition of colors;
  • it is required to highlight the inner corner with mother -of -pearls of marine;
  • such a makeup can be completed with a means for chocolate or fresh green.

Gray eyes for dark hair

It is beneficial for the beautiful owners of dark brown brown hair to shadow fresh green or azure notes of their ash eyes with different colors of the visit. Cote d'Azur gives a more blue tone to the eyes, and ashen - green:


  • first, it is required to paint transparent light mother -of -pearl shadows on a large eyelid;
  • bring the rim with means only to the tone is darker than the base on the corner of the eye from the outside almost to the middle of the century;
  • it is required to paint deep dark shadows in the form of a wide and thick end of the arrow on the outer side of the eyes;
  • then shave more dark shadows, moving to the inside;
  • gently bring a static eyelid with a thin line;
  • it is required to apply a thin clear line, only a little beyond the inner edge on the large century, and then make eyelash with a means to give volume.

Makeup brunettes with gray eyes

Black hair color is considered cold. In order to emphasize the coldness of the look, use purple shadows, and if you want to soften the image with warm colors, then choose the shadows of chocolate tones with mother of pearl:


  • make up a transparent-light mother-of-pearl color and subtly bring a static eyelid by a third of the outside with a soft chocolate color with a pencil to the surface of a large century;
  • then it is required to blend a pencil with a brush;
  • design the line of the rim on the outside of the large century with a soft brown pencil;
  • make warm dark brown shadows behind the rim area;
  • next, it is required to shade the shadows above the fold of the large century, in the zone under the eyebrows and paint on the outer corner of the eyes;
  • color the whole large eyelid to the boundary of the brown rim of tens of delicate peach color;
  • make up transparent-white mother-of-pearl shadows to the zone directly under the eyebrows;
  • a little highlight the inner angle is also white shadows;
  • then make up the product for the end of your makeup.

Phased makeup for gray eyes of different shades

Depending on the presence of color pigment gray eyes, the brightness of the gaze can be enhanced and emphasized the gaze with the right makeup.

Makeup for gray-blue eyes

Warm chocolate, golden and cold azure paints, as well as black liquid eyeliner and eyelashes, will allow you to give a more azure eye eye. We create a magnificent makeup of gray-blue eyes (photo) step by step in the following algorithm:


  • first you need to paint out natural beige matte products for the entire large eyelid and the eyebrow zone as a basis;
  • to paint over the outer angle of the century warm brown products;
  • fainting the inner angle up to the middle of the century with transparent white means;
  • we outline the entire inner half of the century by mother-of-pearl remedies of delicate light peach color;
  • to paint the blue pearl shadows of a cold shade, starting directly from the center of the century and not reaching the end of the outer corner;
  • next, we shake the boundaries of the blue tone with Persikov and Chocolate;
  • gently bring the entire static eyelid with a thin line and the upper classic arrow;
  • the product is completed by your makeup for volume, and from lumps you can use eyebrow tweezers.

Makeup for gray-green eyes

Cold turquoise, green and warm chocolate shadows, soft pencil, liner or liquid eyeliner will help to give saturation to the fresh green shade of ashen eyes. We apply makeup for gray-green eyes (photo) at the following stages:


  • make up shadows of swamp color with pearl shine on the outer upper corner of the large century;
  • make up fresh light green mother-of-pearl shadows up to the middle of the eye and gently pull the border between the flowers on the inner corner of the century;
  • gently bring the entire static eyelid with a thin brown pencil of the soft texture;
  • it is required to paint the shadows with a pearl of warm chocolate color from above directly above the line of the fold of a large century;
  • it is required to paint on the inner corner of the century a bright golden light shade of shadows;
  • we slightly cover the zone under the eyebrow with gold pearl shadows;
  • to finish your makeup will help chocolate or green mascara.

Makeup for light gray eyes

If your ash color of the eyes of a light transparent gray color, then you need to use not very dark colors in makeup for the base so that your eyes do not seem too faded. Purumatic translucent light shadows of different colors are ideally suited to light-fuel eyes. We make the right makeup in the following sequence:


  • first you need to paint transparent white mother -of -pearl shadows on top of the whole century as a basis;
  • gently highlight the outer corner of the eyes from the middle and shave the border with a soft blue pencil or shadows with mother -of -pearl;
  • then bring in a blue tint the entire static eyelid;
  • highlight the entire inner corner of the eye, as well as the entire inner line of the lower eyelashes with a white soft pencil;
  • complete your makeup by applying blue carcass.

Another version of a bright and expressive makeup for the eyes of very bright ash colors will give them brightness and a more blue tone:


  • we take the matte opaque white shadows and apply them to the large eyelid and its inner corner;
  • it is required to carefully paint the warm brown shadows of a red or golden hue on the outer third of the large century;
  • we apply matte light pink shadows and carefully shade all the boundaries of colors directly in the middle of the century;
  • gently bring the entire static eyelid on the outside with a dark golden tint;
  • we draw a classic arrow with a black liner, we bring the tip abroad and lift up the large century;
  • it is greasy with a soft white pencil along the entire inner line of the lower eyelashes;
  • a means for the volume of a black or chocolate shade ultra will complete your makeup.

Makeup for dark gray eyes

For an ideal saturated gray eye of the eye, cold dark blue, black and metal dark shades in makeup are suitable:


  • first you need to paint matte beige shadows to the surface of the eyelid as a basis;
  • design both external and internal corners of the whole large century with a black soft pencil;
  • gently blend a pencil with a brush;
  • it is required to paint directly in the middle of the century the shadow of a saturated cold dark blue shade with a mother of pearl and gently loosen them with the border of a black pencil;
  • it is required to apply a slightly warm golden bright shadows to the entire inner corner of the eyelids and eyes with the brilliance of mother of pearl;
  • gently bring all the static eyelid with a black pencil;
  • it is required to paint a metal deep ashen color above the border of the bend of a large century;
  • your makeup will complete the black elongating mascara.

Brands of decorative cosmetics for mocking gray eyes

Following detailed algorithms for applying various types of any makeup for beautiful owners of gray eyes of various shades, you can easily create any image you need. According to your personal color type, select cosmetics for your eyes and hair color. Referring to women's reviews about decorative cosmetics, you can make a small list of popular brands today:

  1. Guerlain. Palette of eyelid shadows consisting of six colors will help you create both a bright evening image with rich colors, and a daytime calm makeup with ivory flowers.
  2. L’ OREAL PARIS. The new collections of the palette are very diverse and the owners of the bright eyes of a gray shade will find a few palette for themselves, consisting of four shades, which will become simply indispensable for any occasion.
  3. Mac. The famous brand offers us persistent and hypoallergenic cosmetics, which impeccably lays down even without a preliminary basis for a makeup. Fresh bright and contrasting colors palette for eyelids will be simply indispensable for creating a spectacular and extravagant image.
  4. NYX. An excellent matte palette for eye shadows in 24 different shades has many colors for any occasion and is simply indispensable for fans of minimalist classics.
  5. Urban Decay. Color palettes are represented in twelve beautiful shades of mother -of -pearl and matte gamut for bright eyes of any color. They are simply indispensable for festive events to hit everyone with an enchanting look.


Factors for choosing shadows for gray eye makeup

There are several general criteria that will help you decide on the choice of this type of decorative cosmetics:

  1. Texture:
  • liquid;
  • baked (very persistent);
  • cream;
  • crumbly.
  1. Flower palette:
  • warm;
  • cold.
  1. Shimmers (flicker effect):
  • matte;
  • mother -of -pearl.
  1. Set:
  • applicator;
  • mirror;
  • brush.

Features of buying shadows for gray eye makeup

When buying funds, you should pay attention to some details of such decorative cosmetics for the eyes:

  • the shadows with an expired shelf life can cause allergies, so purchase only fresh products;
  • liquid shadows are very poorly lended in bifting and quickly stagnate, so they are not suitable for spectacular transitions in the makeup;
  • it is not required to use crumbly shadows if you wear contact lenses or you may have allergic conjunctivitis;
  • carefully use mother -of -pearls, they can emphasize the wrinkles of the eyes.

Makeup video for gray eyes

A master class from a professional makeup artist L’Oreal Paris in the video material will talk about makeup for owners of gray eyes and cosmetics for a complete daytime image:



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