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Makeup for small eyes

Makeup for small eyes
How to increase small eyes with makeup.

Often, small or deeply planted eyes may seem not expressive enough. Nevertheless, the owners of small eyes should not be particularly upset - it is easy to adjust this impression with the help of competently executed makeup. With it, in a matter of minutes, you can give expressiveness to the look, as well as to make small eyes significantly more spectacular. Having devoted a little time to applying makeup, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result that will not only amaze you.

Features of makeup for small eyes

Small, deeply planted, as well as with an overhanging century, eyes are quite corrected with the help of simple tricks designed to make a look more bright. Do not neglect the little things, the modern beauty industry allows you to choose for any case of a suitable color and texture shadow for the eyelids, eyeliner and mascara. Having experimented with various makeup options, in the future you can dwell on some of them and successfully apply the most suitable techniques.


Makeup for small eyes: choice of cosmetics

The impression of the made makeup is largely determined by the selection of cosmetics. With the help of well -chosen shadows, you can apply glare in the eyelids, which will gently emphasize the existing advantages of appearance, as well as smooth some of its shortcomings. Successful eye makeup with small eyelids, harmonizing with the tone of the skin and a shade of the iris of the eyes, will create a beautiful game of light and color. If the shades of eye makeup with overhanging centuries are selected incorrectly, such cosmetics can quite give a woman inconsistence, suppressing the color of the eyes and making the gaze dull and gloomy.

When selecting basic shades of shadows, it should be pushed away from the color of the eyes. The iris of brown eyes will favorably shade natural peach, purple tones, beige-brown and olive gamut, green will successfully emphasize the various shades of greenery, moss, chocolate. Blue eyes look optimal in framing pink-lilac, soft brown and smoky-gray gamut of shadows.


At the same time, it is worth considering that dark tones visually reduce or narrow objects, so owners of small eyes are not recommended to actively use them in makeup - it is worth choosing their basic light shades, as they are able to create contrasting facing for the eyes. For example, makeup for small brown eyes using light purple shadows looks very harmonious.

White, milk, ivory, vanilla, beige, sand, light pink and light yellow shades in the makeup of small eyes are applied to the entire eyelid, paying special attention to the internal corner of the century, as well as the region under the eyebrow to create light glare. In moderation, dark shadows can be used to adjust and shade the shape of the eyes, they can be selected individually according to your taste.

For dry skin, it is optimal to use cosmetics with soft creamy texture, for oily skin, dry or liquid gel -shaped shadows are suitable for eyelids are suitable. For makeup of small eyes, it is recommended to select shadows with a satin texture, with micro sparkles, satin gloss. The soft glow of shadows will allow you to highlight small eyes in makeup, enlarging them and adding the eyes of brightness.

It is also recommended to use in makeup for small eyes to eyelashes with an extension effect - with its help you can make the look “open” and significantly more expressive.

Preparation for applying makeup for small eyes

It should be borne in mind that regardless of the choice of makeup, it is necessary to constantly ensure that the area around the eyes is well moistened, since overdred skin is largely subject to aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

To prepare for makeup, small eyes may be needed:

  • moisturizer for the area around the eyes;
  • pinzet for eyebrows;
  • basket for makeup;
  • conceler;
  • bruttered powder.


It should be borne in mind that thick eyebrows, located near the century, weight their eyes and, to some extent, visually reduce the eyes. The well -correctly made eyebrow correction will help to make the best impression of small eyes - visually raising them and slightly lengthening with cosmetics, you will make the look “open” and more open. To do this, you need to arm yourself with the forceps and carefully pluck out the eyebrows that are closer to the eyes from the inside of the arc, preserving its natural pattern. If desired, the eyebrows can be slightly emphasized with colored wax or shadows (you should choose a tone to tone darker than your natural). It is not recommended to significantly obscure the eyebrows, since their too dark shades are quite capable of additionally reducing small eyes.


Before applying makeup for small eyes, the skin should be cleansed with a soft cleansing agent and apply a low -fat base on the eyelids, which will ensure smooth application of shadows and the necessary stability of makeup. Let the base tool be completely absorbed. To lighten the area around the eyes and level its tone, gently apply with your fingers and thoroughly blend a small amount of corrective agent in the inter -tank zone and under the eyes. This technique will help to hide small wrinkles, swelling and dark circles under the eyes, as well as give the look of brightness. To achieve the effect of maximum naturalness, it is recommended to select the corrective agent no more than the tone of the lightly used tonal one. The concealer is required to be consumed economically, otherwise with immoderate use instead of a natural makeup, you risk getting an unnatural mask on the face. The reflective particles of the pigment as part of the concealer will give the face a fresh and rested look. Next, use a crumbly translucent powder close to the skin of the skin.

Applying makeup for small eyes

You can select small eyes with the help of makeup using the following techniques:

  • gleaming a zone under the eyebrow with the help of shadows - it is possible to distract attention with the help of makeup from hanging or small eyelids and give a small expressiveness to small eyes;
  • to draw the inside of the century from below with a pencil of white, milk or sand-beige shade-this technique allows you to visually enlarge small eyes;
  • for makeup of small eyes with a hanging century, it is recommended to apply arrows with a smoky gray-colored pencil-you should draw them from the middle of the upper eyelid to achieve the effect of the raised corners. Thus, the hanging eyelids will become less noticeable. Evening makeup with an overhanging weighted age should be done with open eyes-otherwise, if they are closed and painted, then after opening the eyes the transitions and shading may look completely different;
  • it is not difficult to adjust it to a more elongated almond -shaped form with a makeup incision of the eyes. To do this, starting from about the middle of the upper eyelid, it is necessary to draw in shadows, and then carefully and neatly shave the new contour of the eye up to lengthening, taking the line to one side and up from the line of natural eyelash growth.

The impression of any, even well -thought -out and carefully applied makeup, can ruin unaesthetic swelling and bags under the eyes. In the presence of such problems, you should try to get rid of them by applying compresses from used chilled tea bags, either by wiping the area around the eyes with ice cubes from frozen green tea, or a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Makeup for small eyes: Eye Shade

To apply makeup for small eyes, you can use three colors of combined shades. With the help of shadows of the lightest tone, it is necessary to draw the contour of the eyes, as well as apply them from the edge arc to the fold of the eyelid.

The area under the eyebrow is highlighted using a small amount of highlighter or carefully blended light shadows. In addition, it is recommended to add a small stroke - highlight the internal corners of the eyes with the help of light strokes applied towards the nose bridge.

Next, it is required to cover with darker shadows a completely mobile eyelid. They complete the application of the makeup of small eyes using the most dark tone of shadows - they should highlight the outer corner of the eye to a height to the fold of the mobile eyelid. It is important in this process not to overdo it.


A light drawing of the eyelids in the form of the “› ”sign will add to the view of the openness. Do not neglect in makeup for small eyes with shading, so that there are no noticeable transitions between different shades of shadows - it is convenient to produce it with fingers, as well as with the help of a soft brush or cotton wool.

Makeup for small eyes: mascara

Twisted, painted long eyelashes literally open his eyes - dyeing small eyes with the help of the elongating mascara of natural shades of black, gray or brown, you can make them much more expressive. To create the effect of bent eyelashes, you should slightly cover your eyes and apply mascara, slightly bending the hairs towards the upper eyelid, fixing each movement for a few seconds. Owners of straight eyelashes can use a special device for curling them.

Style: NK-09

In the presence of small eyes, you should be careful with the use of volumetric carcass, as they can be hidden under the shadow of densely painted eyelashes. When using it, the sticky hairs should be thoroughly divided, otherwise their bundles will be noticeably stand out against the background of small and deeply planted eyes. Most makeup artists do not recommend densely stained with mascara of the lower eyelid, as this technique visually reduces the eyes. If before using the carcass, draw a thin light strip on the inside of the lower eyelid and then slightly touch the lower eyelashes in the mascara, you can achieve a completely harmonious result of makeup of small eyes.

In order to give the eyes the almond -shaped shape, you should paint the eyelashes of the upper eyelid from the outside - in several layers with movements obliquely (in the direction of the temple).

Makeup for small eyes: Use of eyeliner

Skillfully using the eyeliner in makeup for small eyes, you can achieve a significant effect - thus you can literally transform appearance. Makeup with eyeliner is especially suitable for owners of slightly slanting eyes. In addition, the thin arrows correctly applied using a dark eyeliner adjust the proportions and give the image of grace, without weighting the facial features.


For special occasions, you can apply the following option of step -by -step makeup for small eyes:

  1. Apply on the whole eyelid with your fingers light beige-sand shadows.
  2. Next, it is required to apply a shade of delicate coral color with a brush to the outer corner of the mobile eyelid to emphasize the shape of the eye and give a look to the depth.
  3. Lift the upper eyelid slightly. Starting approximately from the middle of the eye, with the help of a liner we draw a thin arrow with neat pointed movements - as close as possible to the eyelash growth line.
  4. Next, you will need to draw these arrows using a narrow brush with smoky-gray shadows. Perform thorough bubbles. This technique will visually increase small eyes.
  5. Cover the eyelashes with a layer of volumetric carcass, trying to carefully paint each cilia, achieving the effect of volumetric and carefully separated eyelashes.

Makeup taboo for small eyes

It is worth noting that there are some techniques for applying makeup, not too suitable or literally contraindicated for the eyes of a small size. Among them, you can mention the drawing of a dark pencil or eyeliner of the inner corner of the eye. The black circuit applied around small eyes will largely optically reduce their size, making it very small, and give your view unnecessary rigidity. In addition, makeup artists recommend using the shadows of bright saturated shades in makeup with caution, as well as with the content of a large amount of mother -of -pearl - they should be postponed by making a choice in favor of more natural shades.

Makeup for small eyes - photo





Makeup for small eyes - video



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