
Summer Makeup 2016.

Summer Makeup 2016.
Features of applying makeup in the summer. Summer Makeup 2016.

With the arrival of the hot season, as a rule, I want to show yourself in all its glory. Fashionism picks up various summer images, including short skirts and shorts, light shoes, outdoor tops and weightless bright dresses. A dense layer of makeup in this time is unlikely to be appropriate. At the same time, it is not necessary to completely refuse from cosmetics - a light summer make-up 2016 acts as the end of the image, designed to emphasize the features of the face and give a special highlight to the woman.

Summer Makeup Features 2016

In the summer, our skin is subjected to significant loads in the form of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, wind, salt water, as well as heat, provoking enhanced sweating and able to destroy all the works in the form of carefully applied makeup. In order to protect the gentle skin of the face from irritation, redness and peeling and keep it healthy, in the summer it will be necessary to care.

Observing the basic rules for skin care in the hot season, it is easy to preserve the freshness of the applied summer makeup and the effect of the created image:

  • in the summer, it is not necessary to be particularly carried away by the use of scrubics. Various types of peeling and microdermabrasia are recommended to be postponed, since the skin as a result of such procedures acquires special sensitivity to the effects of ultraviolet rays and can get a sunburn that can not even be careful with the most thorough makeup;
  • in hot weather, the epidermis produces more skin salary - nevertheless, the sun's rays are cut into the skin, and it still needs efficient moisture. Before applying makeup, it is necessary to regularly use a light moisturizing cream that does not overload the epidermis. Cream for the face and gentle area around the eyes should be applied in the evening, as well as in the morning an hour before the exit to the street (not the absorbed surplus of the cosmetic agent, it is necessary to gently flush with a napkin);
  • on hot days it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed, otherwise negative signs of dehydration in the form of deterioration of the color and skin relief, the appearance of a mesh of small wrinkles may appear on the face;
  • in the heat, you should not touch the face without need - try to touch the skin with unwashed hands less, otherwise there is a risk of getting a whole "bouquet" of non-welltic acne on it;
  • for use in the summer it is necessary to choose soft gentle agents for cleansing the skin and washing without content in the composition of alcohol;
  • in hot weather, periodically moisturize the face splashing on it thermal water - it will help to remove traces of fatigue and give the skin fresh look.

Summer Makeup 2016: Selection of Cosmetics

When choosing cosmetics for summer makeup 2016, pay attention to its composition - the means include in its composition components protecting from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. In conditions of reinforced ultraviolet activity, staying under direct sunlights without appropriate protection entails the risk of various skin damage, including the development of neoplasms. You can avoid health problems using sunscreens. In addition, cosmetics with UV filters will protect the skin from the unpleasant consequences of photorestation - irritation, dryness and peeling, appearance of wrinkles and pigment stains.


On the hot season it is recommended to refuse to apply a tonal cream. If the need for toning exists, pay attention to the lightweight fluid texture and transparency effect containing UV filters in its composition. A tonal remedy with a tan effect is recommended to choose nothing more than tone darker facial tones. For summer makeup, moisturizing agents with a toning effect are suitable, as well as modern BB and CC creams. Such means are characterized by a light formula and have the properties necessary for hot weather (minimize the appearance of oily shine and rashes, highly moisturize and protect against ultraviolet rays). In addition, the portion of the light tinting agent can be made independently by adding a small amount of tonal cream to a conventional moisturizing. As a masking means, it is convenient to use a console (with a shade corresponding to the skin tone or one tone lighter).

In addition, in the summer it is worth replacing the compact powder crumbly tool with a easier structure. Unlike compact, the crumbly powder does not cause the feeling of tightness, looks on the skin more naturally, does not score pores and does not accumulate in the smallest folds of the skin, creating the effect of an unnatural mask on his face. Picking up the summer makeup 2016, pay attention to the options with the smallest particle pieces of pearl and tanning effect - such money looks on the skin very effectively, refreshing the face and giving it a soft radiance. The crumbly powder should be applied using a wide brush - distributing it on your face, carefully remove the excess means with the gun. For summer makeup it is worth choosing a blush in warm golden peach or coral shades, you can also replace them with a bronzer, applied in the field of cheekbones, chin, as well as the central part of the forehead.

As a rule, tanned skin does not need cosmetics too much. To obtain the effect of light summer makeup, you should not use a large number of diverse money, follow the principle of "better smaller, yes better." To make makeup not "swam" in warm weather, it is worth a preference to waterproof cosmetics - its specially balanced composition will help preserve the freshness and effectiveness of summer makeup 2016 for a long time. Thus, using a waterproof mascara and eye shadow, for summer makeup, it will not be necessary to worry about its safety. The composition of such cosmetics includes special pigments that are not spreading and not discharged at any temperature and exposure to moisture. Changes the black mascara on a softer brown shade, you can give summer makeup ease and tenderness.

Using a small number of shadows of one or two natural shades applied along the growth line of the eyelashes and above the outer corner of the century, the effect of maximum naturalness can be achieved. A small bright barcode under the eyebrow will help refresh the look. You can also give the eyes of expressiveness using barely notable arrows along the edge of the growth of eyelashes. The makeup artists do not recommend using a liquid shadow for summer makeup.


Selecting summer cosmetics for lips (lipstick and gloss), give preference to natural shades - in peach, coral, wine and soft pink colors, as well as in nude cream and refreshing fruit gamma. According to the presented summer makeup collections, to create a natural image of a modern girl, it is proposed to use natural shades for lips with a soft gloss or the prelimination of a pearl. In the hot season, it is preferable to change the saturated tone of lipstick on translucent pink or peach shades of lip gloss. Such a make-up will be harmonious and refreshingly look at hot weather. When choosing lipsticks, it is also worth paying attention to the presence of sunscreen filters.

Summary of summer makeup 2016

To look in fresh and naturally in hot summer conditions and naturally (and at the same time quite expressively and beautifully), apply summer makeup options 2016, embodying brightness and naturalness, airiness and maximum naturalness at the same time.

Makeup is traditionally applied on purified and moistened skin. It is possible to prepare for the performance of summer makeup eyes using applying the basics that will provide even applying shadows and their resistance to the skin. In the heat you can restrict ourselves to the use of the corrector applied with fingers and the rustic under the eyes, as well as in the area between the eyebrows. This technique will help hide dark circles under the eyes and give the brightness to the face. As Valid, summer makeup involves the use of a minimum amount of shadows - with a soft decisive.

Light summer makeup 2016 in natural shades or in bright colors will help create a fresh and expressive image.

Summer makeup for Karich eye 2016.


Brown eyes are distinguished by expressiveness, which does not need a special underscore. Nevertheless, with the help of unobtrusive summer makeup in natural colors (peach, bronze, olive or beige-brown gamma), you can give such eyes a special attraction. To emphasize the natural beauty of brown eyes, combining two or three close shades of light pastel tones, as well as in the technique of monochrome makeup (for this, the mobile eyelo to the eyebrow is covered with shadows of one shade).

In addition, you can cover the upper eyelid with light shadows of natural tones and apply with a thin brush saturated shade - along the growth line of the eyelashes, trying to form a kind of arrow. Lifting it slightly beyond the limits of the eye, it is easy to visually form an elongated almond eye cut - this technique will give a special expressiveness to the look. In the evening summer make-up 2016 for brown eyes can be used:

  • technique "Smokey Ice" in saturated matte shades of your choice;
  • various combinations of intense natural either slightly muted bright tones (in the shades of pink and lilac, orange, purple, as well as silver and gold).

Summer makeup for blue eye 2016.

For the owners of blue eye when creating a light summer make-up 2016, it is necessary to be guided by the next rule - dark tones should be used minimally, and the bright should be selected in natural, close-colored tones. Applying a small trick - unwinding an inner corner of the eye with highlights of a light blue, silver or dairy shade, you can hide the signs of fatigue and give a look a special brightness.
Summer Makeup 2016 For Blue Eye involves a wide choice of shadows - it is not forbidden to experiment with fairly light, as if "scattered" shades of pink, lavender, orange, plum, blue, lilac, green and gray-brown. It is advantageous to emphasize the beauty of the blue eye iris shimmering pearls, silver and golden tones, as well as the color of vanilla. For summer make-up 2016, the use of shadows of gentle peach and apricot shades will be relevant. For the owners of blue sophisticated color in summer makeup 2016, the use of intensive and smoky tones is allowed. In addition, makeup artists recommend using light purple, bronze and silver tones.

Summer makeup for green oh eye 2016.

The green eye of the eyes can be effectively emphasized by applying various shades of beige-sand, green and brown gamma in summer make-up (for example, khaki color, dark brown and chocolate tones), as well as smoky gray. In daytime summer make-up 2016 for green eyes it is worth using light translucent shades of these tones, as well as soft natural tones (beige-brown gamut, peach and apricot), which look at the skin as natural as possible. As a classic option, it is worth mentioning a successful combination of arrows of coal-black, smoky gray or chocolate brown and beige-sanding shadows. Special charm of green eyes will give properly chosen shades of various warm or cold shades of greenery (depending on the skin tone). Already experimenting with various options, you can very well emphasize the special charm of the view of green eyes. For evening summer makeup 2016 green-breeding girls, makeup artists recommend using silver, pink, light purple or burgundy tones. Create spectacular evening makeup for green eyes is easy, applying the shadow of the color of copper or green gold.

Summer Makeup 2016 - Photo






Summer Makeup 2016 in the Dior Cruise Collection - Video


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