
Laser Piling of Faces - indications, contraindications, result, photo before and after. How laser peeling is carried out

Laser Piling of Faces - indications, contraindications, result, photo before and after. How laser peeling is carried out
A little time to stop or even return it back will help the modern laser peeling procedure. Let's talk about the features of this procedure, its advantages and disadvantages.

The face is a hallmark of any person, and modern life in a noisy city leaves its mark on the quality of the skin, its appearance and health. Facial peeling with the help of a laser has long become a very popular procedure in beauty salons and various cosmetic rooms. After this procedure, your skin can be transformed beyond recognition. You will forget about constant peeling, rashes on the skin, expanded pores, gum, black dots and eels. Laser peeling has both a number of advantages and some contraindications for conducting. We will talk about all the intricacies and pitfalls of new -fangled faces of the face with a laser in this article.

Laser face peeling - what is it

  1. Laser peeling cannot be attributed to light and simple manipulations in a cosmetology room or beauty salon. This procedure is carried out strictly on the recommendation of a cosmetologist, and not because of a sudden desire to "rejuvenate".
  2. Laser peeling is a procedure during which a laser affects the skin. This effect is intended to align the skin relief, remove wrinkles, and increase the protective functions of the skin.
  3. After the laser beam was focused on the skin, the liquid inside the cells absorbs selected light energy and evaporates. The cells themselves are not destroyed.
  4. The laser peeling procedure “warms up” the skin, which also provides a peculiar effect of skin tightening.
  5. Laser peeling is able to save from the most old age spots that did not give in to various acid peels and scrubs.
  6. The laser peeling procedure is a kind of “trigger” for a number of important functions in the skin. The beam promotes the synthesis of collagen, elastin, healthy amino acids, the cells begin to actively share, the metabolism in the skin accelerates, and the blood flow improves.
  7. The laser peeling procedure is able to remove irregularities from the surface of the skin, eliminate wrinkles, acne scars, acne, narrow the expanded pores and make the appearance of the skin more healthy and natural.
  8. A feature of laser peeling is the possibility of point effect on the skin, which allows you to remove defects in certain places on the face. The doctor can dose the depth of the penetration of the beam into the skin. For more delicate areas of the skin with the initial signs of photo -starting and wilting, a small laser penetration is selected. For more rude and old scars, a deeper penetration is selected.
  9. The laser peeling procedure is one of those procedures that provides a visible result immediately after its implementation.
  10. Laser peeling is carried out completely painlessly, the client does not feel discomfort during the procedure. Possible pain syndrome is effectively eliminated using modern anesthetics.
  11. Laser peeling can bring a number of possible consequences or complications. If the doctor does not tell you a word about the risk and side effects of this procedure, then you should think about the competence of this specialist.

People dreamed about such a procedure in ancient times. According to ancient beliefs, under the old and wrinkled skin, a “young” skin is hidden. It is this effect that promises the procedure of laser peeling. The modern laser literally “removes” the upper layer of the skin and makes the skin intensively update.

Laser peeling. Photo

Methods of laser peeling

Traditional laser peeling

The methodology of laser peeling, when a large area on the skin is processed with a laser, is called traditional. This method of peeling with a laser beam allows you to evenly process the skin. Experts advise choosing a traditional peeling technique with minor skin injuries, the initial stages of photo starting, etc.

Field peeling with a laser

The name of this methodology of laser peeling has many synonyms. Beauty salons can lure customers with unusual names, but you should know that these names can indicate the same thing. Among these synonyms, you can find the following:

  • DOT-therapy;
  • laser tightening;
  • seamless facial tightening with a modern laser;
  • drilling;
  • fractional modeling of the face;
  • rejuvenation of a face with a fraxelic methodology;
  • skin microperforation using a modern laser beam.

During laser peeling according to fractional technology, the beam processes only small areas of the skin. Such peeling can be distinguished by the following features:

  • with the help of a concentrated beam, a thin and deep channel in the fabrics is “burned out”;
  • after the tested thermal shock, the skin around the “shot” begins to actively regenerate and recover;
  • the proven fact is that as a result of fractional laser peeling, skin cells die, which are already incapable of renewal. The remaining cells are forced to actively share.

Only a doctor can recommend to you, peeling according to what method for your skin will be more preferable. Do not rely on opinions and reviews of friends and acquaintances. The condition of the skin and its need for laser processing in all people are different. Perhaps you do not have such a need at all. Find a professional cosmetologist who should answer all your questions.

What laser laser piling is performed

Currently, 2 types of laser are known, which can be used in cosmetology:

  • carbox. Also, peeling with such a laser is called CO2-peeling. The procedure of laser carbon peeling is based on the effects of carbon dioxide, which, under certain conditions, can penetrate the skin so deeply that the tissues will be “cut”. It is such a laser that is intensively used more often in surgery than in cosmetology;
  • erby. Erbium peeling is based on the action of Erbia - a chemical element. He is given a special role. Thanks to Erbia, a peculiar barrier is created on the skin, which prevents the beam that prevents too deeply. Erbium peeling is an innovative and effective methodology for getting rid of old scars, scars, stretch marks. The skin after such peeling is restored much faster.

Indications for laser peeling

Few can boast of absolutely perfect skin. These or other disadvantages become especially noticeable with age. But you need to seek help from laser peeling only for certain indications. Among them, you can list the following:

  • expanded pores;
  • constant acne and acne, consequences in the form of scars from them;
  • signs of photo starting and withering of the skin;
  • loss of elasticity and sagging of the skin;
  • stretch marks;
  • wrinkles of varying degrees of depth;
  • the need to remove tattoos;
  • the presence of age spots that do not disappear after chemical peeling and other procedures;
  • pronounced irregularities in the relief of the skin.

Contraindications to laser peeling

The list of contraindications for laser peeling is much more extensive than the list of indications for its conduct. Some of the contraindications suggest the complete exclusion of the possibility of procedures with a laser beam, while others advise simply resorting to peeling in exceptional cases and under the harsh control of the doctor. You may be contraindicated in the laser peeling procedure or laser grinding in the following cases:

  • the impact of the laser should be excluded on the skin areas with any mechanical damage - wounds, abrasions, cuts, scratches;
  • pustular acne, boils in the supposed location of the laser beam;
  • manifestations of herpes;
  • the presence of any skin diseases;
  • skin tendency to form scars;
  • the presence of the installed pacemaker;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and period of feeding the baby;
  • any diseases associated with impaired blood coagulation;
  • oncological diseases (exceptions can make manipulations that are necessary on the treatment protocol);
  • elevated body temperature;
  • SARS and any diseases in the acute phase;
  • previously suffered stroke;
  • neurological and mental disorders;
  • individual intolerance to pain relief drugs that may be needed for laser peeling;
  • recently completed chemical peeling procedure. Do not forget that the “distance” should also withstand between laser peeling procedures.

Differences of hot and cold laser peeling

If you are going to do a laser pill in your face, then you should know that peeling can be hot and cold. What type of peeling will only be able to solve you only an experienced specialist. The differences between these two types of laser peeling are as follows:

  • cold peeling has a less prolonged skin restoration process. Complete rehabilitation will take no more than 5 days. When performing such peeling, a laser beam does not warm the lower layers of the skin. It is considered more superficial and sparing than hot peeling. Cold laser peeling copes with the removal of the upper keratinized scales from the skin. The face after the procedure instantly becomes tender, smooth to the touch and velvety. One procedure for cold laser peeling allows you to process up to 30% of the skin, but you can perform this procedure no more than 1 time per month. The number of procedures should be determined by the cosmetologist; 
  • hot laser peeling has a longer rehabilitation process and may even be painful. But the problems that are able to solve this type of laser peeling are much larger and serious. Hot peeling is carried out when intensive “rejuvenation” of the skin is required, the creation of the lifting effect. The laser beam warms up the skin so much that it burns out the wounds on it. In the place of these wounds, cells begin to be actively divided, collagen begins to be actively produced, and the restoration and protective functions of the skin are launched. How is the effect of skin tightening? Everything is very simple. Under the influence of hot temperature, the skin area is naturally reduced. This rejuvenation effect remains up to 1 year. The doctor may recommend several hot peeling courses with a mandatory frequency of 1 month. The skin needs special care after hot peeling. It is important that the resulting wounds are not infected. Do similar procedures only in specialized clinics. 

Laser peeling and grinding laser - differences

At first glance, it may seem that there are no differences between the concepts of “laser peeling” and “laser grinding”. However, this is not at all the case. There are differences and they are significant.

  • Laser skin peeling - based on the effects of a beam at a depth of not more than 30 microns. The laser “removes” only the upper, keratinized layer of the skin, leaving untouched dermis and basal membrane.
  • Laser grinding is a procedure based on the penetration of a laser beam into the skin to a depth of 100-150 microns. In this case, the skin frame itself (dermis, basal membrane), which has suffered some changes, can partially destroy. Grinding is chosen when you need to get rid of deep wrinkles, stretch marks, scars, scars.

Some experts do not share the concepts of laser peeling and laser grinding, speaking of the existence of only superficial, middle and deep laser peeling. In this case, the middle and deep laser peeling can be compared with the concept of “laser grinding”.

How laser peeling is carried out

Stage 1. Preparation

The preparatory stage is very important for conducting high -quality laser peeling. It is with the appropriate preparation that you will reduce the risk of complications or unpleasant consequences to a minimum or do not meet them at all. Depending on the methodology, laser peeling will be performed, what laser, what the nature of the problem on the skin, and events will be determined during the preparatory stage. The client can meet the following instructions of the cosmetologist about what to do or what to do before laser peeling:

  • pass a number of medical examinations. The deeper and more serious it is planned to do peeling, the extensive the list of doctors and medical tests will be. The deepest types of laser peeling can be carried out under anesthesia, which requires excellent health. You may be asked to take a general blood test, urine analysis, make a cardiogram, contact the therapist and some other specialists;
  • it is important to clean the skin especially well before the laser peeling procedure, so as not to provoke the appearance of rashes, purulent pimples, etc.
  • laser peeling may recommend the use of cosmetics with acids in the composition that are designed for home use. This is necessary in order to level the upper layer of the skin as well as possible, to make it more “susceptible” to the laser beam;
  • sometimes a doctor can recommend some antiviral agents for reception for some time before peeling in order to prevent the appearance of herpes;
  • about 2 days before the laser peeling procedure, most cosmetologists advise refraining from the use of decorative cosmetics. Also, do not change any products for the main skin care, i.e. do not experiment with a new cream, serum. Use only those means that are guaranteed to not cause any manifestations of an inflammatory nature on your skin;
  • laser peeling is a rather serious procedure. Refuse to drink alcohol for some time before peeling;
  • if a very serious laser intervention is planned, then the doctor may decide on taking a wide range of action antibiotics. As you know, after deep peeling with a laser, wounds remain on the skin, the risk of infection of which must be prevented.

Stage 2. Laser Piling

The process of peeling the skin of the skin with a laser can be modified depending on the chosen methodology, type of laser, etc. In general terms, the procedure looks like this:

  • if anesthesia is required, then this is done some time before the procedure, so that the drug has time to act. Surface laser peeling practically does not cause discomfort, and pain relief is not required;
  • both the doctor and the patient during the laser peeling procedure should be in special glasses that will protect the eyes from the beam;
  • the doctor begins to gradually treat the skin with a laser using a special device;
  • after the end of the peeling, a special antimicrobial composition and moisturizer are applied to the face. The duration of the procedure can vary from 30 minutes to 60-90 minutes, depending on the nature of the problem being solved.

Stage 3. Skin care

Skin care after the laser peeling procedure is a whole complex of measures. Depending on how vast a laser was a landlord, how deep the peeling was, the recovery process was also different.

  1. After the laser peeling procedure, a feeling of burning and itching is possible. If the laser acted exclusively on the surface layer of the skin, then there may not be such sensations. Everything is much more complicated in recovery after deep laser grinding. The doctor may prescribe anesthetic drugs, antibiotics and anti -allergic drugs that will help reduce all unpleasant sensations to a minimum.
  2. After laser peeling, the skin is usually advised to treat with antimicrobial drugs (chlorhexidine, for example), as well as drugs that accelerate the healing process of wounds (panthenol, for example).
  3. After deep laser peeling, crusts and films are usually formed on the skin. They cannot be removed or combed with your hands! They must separate from the skin on their own. Otherwise, age spots may form on the skin.
  4. At first after laser peeling, refuse to visit the bath, pool, sauna, classes in the gym. All this can add additional edema to the skin.
  5. If the laser peeling was carried out with the aim of intense rejuvenation of the skin and achieving the effect of the face of the face, then at the end of the period of 2-3 weeks after peeling, the doctor may begin to carry out subsequent procedures to consolidate this effect. Among these procedures, you can list: plasmolifting, mesotherapy, ozone therapy, biorevitalization. 1 month after laser peeling, you can already conduct the next peeling session and make microdermaabraisia. It is possible that you will need a re -laser peeling of scars that could form from the previous session. About 9 weeks after the last laser peeling session, you can start chemical peeling to achieve the maximum effect of “new” and healthy skin.
  6. If you have done a laser peeling procedure, then you need to get used to constantly using skin protection products from sunlight.
  7. It will be possible to return to the usual use of decorative cosmetics when there are no visible traces of the laser on the skin.

Laser peeling. Reviews

Possible negative consequences

Even the most experienced specialist should warn the client about possible negative consequences after the laser peeling procedure. This can happen due to various circumstances. For example, the doctor incorrectly set up a laser. Or your skin thus reacted to the effect of a laser beam. The negative consequences of laser peeling can be as follows:

  • burns of the skin that can manifest even bubbles. This happens with incorrect laser settings during the procedure;
  • roubing the skin. A tendency to scarring of the skin can be an individual feature of the skin;
  • hemorrhages in the skin. The laser can damage small vessels that burst;
  • the appearance of the "gauze effect." About 2 weeks after laser peeling, when all the crusts were separated and the edema was sleeping, you can notice spot scars on the skin. They can be of varying degrees of severity. The most powerful cannot be disguised even by cosmetics. Such a complication can be caused by both the individual tendency of the skin to scarring, and the incorrect technique of carrying out peeling by the master;
  • the emergence of new warts or manifestations of herpes. The laser method is often chosen to remove warts. In some cases, the growth of new formations can be observed after this procedure around the place where old formations were removed;
  • facial swelling. Edema is one of the most harmless complications after laser peeling, which passes independently and does not require treatment;
  • the increased appearance of new acne or acne. Such a complication can be caused by a serious impaired protective functions of the skin;
  • the appearance of age spots. With such a negative consequence, after laser peeling, there are often those customers who did not follow the recommendations of the skin care doctor after peeling;
  • hypopigmentation. It may also happen that melanocytes died at the site of exposure to the laser. And this place will not be prone to tanning, that is, light spots will remain on the skin.

Laser peeling. Before and after

If you are thinking about laser peeling or laser grinding, then try to find the best and proven specialist who will answer all your questions. Consider all the disadvantages and pros. Laser peeling at a price is a rather expensive pleasure. And the face after laser peeling may look so that you cannot go out. But, if the problems are really serious, then you should think about this procedure. Follow your appearance and be beautiful!



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