
Short hair pigtails

Short hair pigtails
What hairstyles from the braids can be made on short hair

Hairstyles with pigtails are at the peak of popularity for several seasons. And it is not surprising, the girl with such a hairstyle looks completely different: tender, romantic and fragile. The easiest way to weigh the braid from medium or long hair, and what to do if the hair is short, and you really want to dress with fashionable hairstyle? Do not be mistaken. You can make a pigtail and from the short chapels. If the length of your hair is 10 cm from the root to the tips, you can safely explore the science of weaving braids. Weave the pigtails on short hair a little more complicated than on the middle hair, but the result will be very impressive!

pleteniye - Kos-Na-Korotkiye - Volosy-6

Hairstyles with braids have many advantages over other styling.

  1. For them, special stamping is required.
  2. Hairstyles with pigtails hold a long form, do not scatter and do not require correction.
  3. Such a hairstyle is easy to make at home with your own hands, it will take a maximum of 15 minutes. And you will look much more spectacular than with stacking.

Even on the shortest hair, you can braid different mostek options that will look fresh and charming. Moreover, some weaving methods give the hairstyle a great volume and create the impression of a thick magnificent chapels. From short hair can weave French and conventional pigtails, spikelets and micro.

Miracle waterfall on short hair


Laying "Waterfall" is very popular, it is done on the hair of different lengths. We will create this fashionable laying on short hair. We will need: a rubber in the tone of the hair and a thin comb for the separation of hair on strands. If the hair is very smooth, with a hair dryer or forceps, we will make light curls, the hairstyle looks better on the wavy hair.

  1. Separate your hair strand at the temple, divide it into 3 parts and weave the pigtail in the usual way.
  2. So that the hairstyle was elegant, take thin strands. After 1-2 cm, the upper strand let go down by adding to the bottom beam of the hair. We intertwine an enlarged strand with the middle spin. Now, from the enlarged strand, we produce part of the hair, making the "waterfall".
  3. So we continue weaving braids, constantly producing hair down. Next form a hairstyle to your taste. You can finish the "waterfall" on the back of the head, consolidating the hair with a rubber band, and another option is to weave the braid to the ear, and to fix with the help of the hairpin.

Taking the basis of this hairstyle, you can weave the pigtail to a child on short hair into kindergarten or school. It will not require a lot of time, such a pigtail is easy to braid the child in 5-7 minutes, which is especially valuable in the morning hours. With this naughty pigtail, the child will feel comfortable all day, the hair will not climb into the eyes and tangled.

Pig and brunch on short hair

If the hair is lush, a great version will be a pigtail, braided from the middle of the forehead to the nape, and the hair on the back of the head is collected in the bundle. How to make pigtails on short hair in the photo:


  1. We begin to make a hairstyle from giving a volume of volume, we make large curls with the help of a curl.
  2. It turned out a chapel with soft curls.
  3. We divide the hair into 3 equal parts. Side strands while challenge, so as not to interfere.
  4. The hair on the back of the head is tightened into the beam, fix with the help of spills or invisible. A bundle can be made of different options: tight, soft, with strands released.
  5. The hair on the right and to the left of the beam we turn into 2 fluffy french pigtails. We begin to weave from the temples towards the beam. Do not forget to add thin strands at every step of weaving.
  6. Fix the tails of the braids near the beam, fueling them under it and fastening the invisible.
  7. We are growing pigties, weakening individual strands and giving volume.

French pigtail

Scheme of French pigtails on short hair in the photo:

pleteniye - Kos-Na-Korotkiye - Volosy-32

On short hair you can weigh the most popular pigtail - French. And do not worry, the hair will be quite enough!

Weaving order:

  1. Combing your hair, separate a small part for weaving braids.
  2. We divide the hair into 3 parts and weave the usual braid, tightly pressing the skin.
  3. We start adding thin strands from the right and on the left alternately.
  4. We carry out this action at every step of weaving. It turned out a pigtail with a beautiful geometric pattern.

Having learned to weave the charming French pigtail, you can experiment with the location. Use the most bold options, and you will always look stylish and original.

French pigtail on short hair. Video

Kosher "Snail" for short hair


Hairstyle is fully implemented, despite its scale. Only the prerequisitive and desire of the model is required. This is an excellent version of pigs for girls on short hair, such a hairstyle does not require everyday update. It can be braked for several days, the hair in this magnificent structure is perfectly held, do not scatter and do not confuse.

  1. We distribute the hair from the center of the crown down and comb well.
  2. We take a thin strane on the top of the top, we divide on the 3 parts and begin to weave the braid, immediately spinning it on the helix. Constantly add microbinks from free hair from the external circle of weaving.
  3. Go to increasingly large circles, performing tight weaving. Try to pick up all the hair smoothly, without whims, the accuracy and durability will depend on it.
  4. At the end of weaving, the hair turn into a regular pigtail and hiding it under the extreme row of laying. Fix the tail in the invisible.

Kink "Crown" on short hair

5 minutes

The magnificent romantic hairstyle of the "Crown" is easy to weigh the braids on short hair. At first glance, its scheme seems difficult and incomprehensible, but a few times having trained, you will master this technique.

  1. After the hair is thoroughly combing, divide them into 2 parts. We carry out the border with the help of combat, separating the hair in a circle. 5 cm of the hazelnale part around the circumference remains free, the rest are tightened in a tight tail and fasten the rubber band.
  2. We find the center in the tail and dissolve strands from the center down.
  3. We start wearing the French pigtail in a circle, start from the ear. We try to place a pigtail over the site to disguise it.
  4. During weaving, we constantly add strands from the tail (part of the Spit, located near the person).
  5. At the end of the weaving we collect your hair into a regular pigtail, tighten it with a rubber band and hide in the middle of the crown.

The crown of the hair is a universal hairstyle, it looks great at the party, and at work, with such hairstyles, famous fashionista and simple schoolgirls are affected. With such a hairstyle every girl feels Queen!


Kosher-spikelet on short hair

If you are the owner of rare hair, try to braid the braid-spikes, it visually increases the volume of the hair and give your image individuality. Kosher's spikelet will be perfect for girls of any age, proceed to her weaving.

  1. Let's start weave the pigtail on the back of the head, from the top, although the direction and location can be different. We take a little strand and divide it into 2 parts.
  2. We intersect strands by changing them in places.
  3. With my left hand capture a free strand of the hair, we attach it to the right straight and we relate.
  4. Right hand perform the same manipulation. Thinner strands should remain upstairs, it will give the maiden the desired volume.

The order of weaving pigtail-spikes can be viewed in the diagram.


Miracle for short hair from bangs

Currently, short haircuts with bulk bangs are popular: Bob, Bob-Kare. On the basis of these haircuts, you can braid beautiful pigtails for short hair, for this use bangs hair. Weave braid in the direction of the temple to the backbone, grabbing the strands from the hair on the top of the top. At the finished peilers weaken the strands, giving them more volume. It turns out a very gentle romantic image.

Short hair braids

This is one of the variants of the microcos. Such pigtails on short hair can be weave with their own hands in any directions. A small strand of the hair is distinguished near the face or on the top, and the ordinary thin pigtail rummates from it, which is fixed with a rubber band or a small hairpin. All girls without exception adore such decorative pigtails. Fantasy will tell you how to connect these pigtails, and then again allowed in different directions. The result of such research may be a hairstyle "web", woven from small braids, interconnected and excavating all heads.

Even if you yourself do not plan to walk with a hairstyle of braids, learn how to weave them. This skill is always useful. Perhaps you will braid original braids of your daughter, a neighbor or niece and these abilities will be by the way.

Mathers on short hair, photo




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Movement on short hair. Video

How to Eust the Coron on Short Hair.


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