
Coconut oil. How to use coconut oil

Coconut oil. How to use coconut oil
The properties and use of coconut oil in domestic conditions.

The value of coconut oil has been known since ancient times. It was used as a cosmetic product, inhabitants of the tropical belts of both hemispheres of the planet were used in cooking and medicine. The nourishing and rich composition of coconut oil made it a favorite ingredient in many folk cosmetic recipes.

Coconut oil mainly consists of saturated fats, it contains vitamins A, C and E, antioxidants, as well as indispensable natural moisturizers that are so appreciated in cosmetology. Unlike butter, it does not cause the growth of "harmful" cholesterol. And saturated fatty acids included in the composition of coconut oil are well absorbed by the body.

Coconut oil production


Coconut oil is mined from oily coconut pulp.  The fruits of coconut palm trees are widespread on the tropical coasts: in Malaysia, India and Sri Lanka, in the Philippines and the Malacca Peninsula. The purified pulp of coconut - a copper is dried, and then released oil from it, most often by hot pressing.

There is also coconut oil of cold squeezing, but the volumes of its production are much lower. With cold pressing from raw materials, only 10% oil is extracted. Such a product is more useful and valuable than hot pressing oil.

Refined or unrefined?

There is unrefined and refined coconut oil. The composition of natural oil, not processed with chemistry includes a huge number of unique and beneficial substances, which make it so valuable. These are various fatty acids, each of which has special properties.

The process of refinition makes any oil “empty” and deprives it of all the useful components that make it by nature. Therefore, cheap coconut refined oil goes to the manufacture of soap and other industrial needs.

For cosmetic procedures, it is most often used by unrefined oil, because it does not cause allergies, it can be stored for a long time even at room temperature. Such oil easily tolerates multiple cooling and heating, without losing its beneficial properties. On the packaging of unrefined coconut oil, shelf life, which usually does not exceed the year, as well as the conditions for its storage, will necessarily indicate.

Advantages and disadvantages over other oils

Coconut oil contains fatty acids, which easily penetrate through cell membranes and are well absorbed by cells, without deposit in the form of storing substances. Unlike other oils, it does not contribute to the formation of subcutaneous fat. The coconut oil accepted with food is immediately transformed into digestive energy, without increasing the norm of insulin in the blood. Therefore, a spoonful of coconut oil can easily replace the "energy bar".

Due to the fact that coconut oil easily tolerates very high temperatures, it is successfully used in cooking along with more popular sunflower, corn and olive oil, and even surpasses them in its qualities. It does not emit toxic decay products even when frying or baking products.

Coconut oil in medicine

thick coconut oil

Coconut oil for 50% liurinic acid, which is found in many vegetable oils. This acid is very valuable for medicine. By splitting in the intestines into simpler components, it is able to withstand the virus cells of herpes, measles, influenza, the simplest parasitic microorganisms of lamblia and even HIV infections.

In addition to the wonderful ability to resist viruses and bacteria, the benefits of coconut oil are as follows:

  • it helps to reduce weight by increasing metabolism;
  • is a source of beneficial digestive energy;
  • improves brain function;
  • enhances immunity;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • normalizes the function of the thyroid gland;
  • keeps the skin elastic and healthy.

Coconut oil. Application

The use of coconut oil in the field of home cosmetology and personal hygiene

Coconut oil is widely used at home. It is part of wonderful home recipes that successfully compete in their efficiency with store equipment. Simple application of oil to the skin 2 times a week already gives noticeable results. Coconut oil fights with skin rashes, such as acne, pimples and black dots. In addition, it perfectly softens, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The tan after applying coconut oil acquires an amazing chocolate shade. And massage with coconut oil improves blood circulation and leads to tone.

Coconut oil for face

coconut oil on the face

  • Cleaning facial and neck. With massaging movements, distribute coconut oil along the cleansed skin of the face and neck. Heated with a cosmetic damp cloth, remove excess oil and get wet with a dry towel.
  • Makeup remover. Apply a small amount of coconut oil to the face and clean the necessary areas with a wet cosmetic cloth.
  • Liquid face scrub. In a convenient container, mix a little coconut oil with soda and use a mixture as a scrub. A more gentle scrub will turn out if instead of soda use small oatmeal and a pinch of cinnamon.
  • Hand -shaped face scrub. Melt 200 ml of coconut oil, shi oil and cocoa in a water bath. In a coffee grinder, grind hercumar cereal and herbs: St. John's wort, oregano, lemon balm. Mix liquid ingredients with dry, remove from heat and let it stand during the day at room temperature. The next day, form pieces of arbitrary shape and put in the freezer. Such a solid scrub of coconut oil can be used to cleanse the skin of the face along the massage lines, as well as during the acceptance of the shower.
  • Moisturizer for the face and body. Beat the required amount of coconut oil with a mixer. A light nutrient cream obtained as a result can be used instead of moisturizing cosmetics. A greater effect can be achieved if you add essential oils to the mixture.
  • The skin for the skin around the eyes. Coconut oil actively nourishes the skin around the eyes, does not allow it to stretch and thin, reduces wrinkles.
  • Lip balm. Mix the two parts of the melted coconut oil and one part of the melted bee wax. Add vitamin E capsule and a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the mixture. Transfer to a jar and use it as necessary.

Body coconut oil

coconut oil massage

  • Body scrub. A beautiful body scrub will turn out if you mix coconut oil with brown sugar. Such a mixture has a delicate peeling effect and nourishes the skin.
  • Skin care during shaving. If you apply to the surface that you are going to shave, a thin layer of coconut oil, you can avoid skin irritation. Acids that make up the oil have an antiseptic effect.
  • Moisturizing body cream. Beat the required amount of coconut oil with the addition of essential oils (if desired) with a mixer. Apply the resulting air mass as a moisturizer.
  • Bathwood. Add coconut oil to a bath with hot water (above 25 degrees). After bathing, your skin will be delicate and moisturized.
  • Feet care. A few drops of tea tree, cypress and lemon balm oil are added to coconut oil. This mixture is rubbed daily into the soles of the legs.
  • Hand and nail cream. If chamomile oil, as well as a few drops of lemon and orange oil and orange, will get an excellent balm for hands and nails to coconut oil.
  • Anti -cellulite massage with coconut oil. Take one part of the coconut, Shi, Jozhoba and cocoa oil. Add 10 drops of orange essential oils, grapefruit, fennel and cypress to the mixture. With massaging movements, deeply rub the mixture into the zones affected by cellulite.
  • Anti -cellulite peeling. Add coconut oil to ground coffee until thick sour cream. Such a composition is applied to wet skin with massaging movements. Pay special attention to problem areas. Then rinse the mixture with water without the use of soap or shower gel.
  • Coconut oil from stretch marks. Mix equal parts of coconut oil and cocoa. Add 10 drops of sage essential oil, neroli and cypress. Righten into places with stretch marks with massage movements.
  • Coconut oil is like a deodorant. You can apply coconut oil to dry skin of armpits. The fatty acids that make up the oil have an antibacterial effect and reduce the unpleasant odor. You can also prepare a hard antiperspirant if mixed coconut oil with soda, corn starch and tea tree oil.
  • A remedy for tanning with coconut oil. Add to a tablespoon of coconut oil one teaspoon of peach seeds, sezam oil and rosehip oil. Apply the mixture to the skin before taking sun baths.

Coconut oil for hair care

coconut oil for hair

Coconut oil has a very good effect on the hair. It prevents hair loss, prevents it from cutting and breaking. Especially popular is hair oily in the hot climate of India. Coconut oil for hair is an indispensable assistant. It has a cooling effect and protects the hair from the scorching sun, it does not allow water and detergent to violate the structure of the hair and “exfoliate” its scales. Therefore, with regular oxide, the hair looks alive, shiny and healthy. It is especially useful to use coconut oil for dyed hair or after a chemical curling.

  • Mask for hair roots. Mix 1 tbsp. l.  coconut and burdock oil, add 3-4 drops of thyme essential oils, ylang-ylang and rosemary to the mixture. Apply the mixture to the hair roots for half an hour. After the procedure, wash your hair with shampoo.
  • Restoring hair mask with coconut oil. Mix 1 tbsp. l. coconut and almond oil, add to the mixture of 1 tsp. Cognac and one egg yolk. Apply the mask to the hair and after 2-3 hours wash your hair with ordinary shampoo.
  • Smile of hair. With evenly massaging movements, distribute the oil according to the parting of dry hair, and then oxide the entire length. No need to wrap the hair with a towel or put on a hat. With oiled hair, you can walk for several hours, and then rinse them with ordinary shampoo. It is also favorable to leave oil on the hair for the whole night. Repeat the procedure twice a week.

Coconut oil for teeth and gums

coconut oil for teeth

  • Toothpaste. Natural toothpaste can be obtained by mixing coconut oil with ordinary kitchen soda. Such a paste cleans the tooth enamel of the raid well and does not contain dyes and chemical additives that are in store dental pastes.
  • Rinsing the oral cavity. Before breakfast, take a small amount of liquid coconut oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes. This procedure allows you to remove all pathogenic bacteria and toxins from the oral cavity. Therefore, the used oil should not be swallowed, you need to spit it and rinse your mouth with water.

This use of oil not only cleanses the oral cavity and reduces the amount of dental coat.   It prevents many inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and the whole organism, remove toxins that release bacteria of the oral cavity.  More often for this, sesame oil is used, but coconut oil is perfect.

Coconut oil in folk medicine

coconut oil

Natural coconut oil can be used as an additional therapeutic agent in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and digestive tract. It has a beneficial effect on people with nervous and mental disorders. Coconut oil serves as an auxiliary component in impaired functions of the endocrine system. It contributes to the healing of burns and postoperative seams, adders to scars, stretch marks and scars.

  • Treatment of ear infections. Roll into each auditory move a few drops of liquid coconut oil. Oil should be body temperature and not cause discomfort. Firm oil is easy to soften by putting a vessel with butter in a container with hot water.
  • Treatment of skin diseases. Apply oil to the affected areas. Coconut oil will help not only with acne or acne, but also with more serious diseases, such as chickenpox or girling lichen. Fungal diseases are also treated with coconut oil.
  • Herpes treatment. Mix coconut oil and oregano oil in a ratio of 4: 1 and apply skin areas affected by herpes.
  • Bleeding from the nose. Instillation of coconut oil in the nasal passages help prevent frequent bleeding from the nose.
  • Insect bites. Lubricate a bite location with coconut oil. It will relieve itching, pain and redness.
  • Getting rid of parasites - lice. If you mix coconut oil with anise, you can get a remedy for lice, several times more effective than permetrin. On the Hawaiian islands, the natives use the properties of coconut oil in the fight against parasites: apply vinegar to the scalp and hair, let it dry. Without washing away vinegar, they apply coconut oil and leave such a mask overnight. In order not to stain the sheets, you can put on a shower hat. In the morning, nits will easily comb out of the hair.
  • Coconut oil as an insecticide is a remedy for insect bites. Mix coconut oil with vanilla extract or cat mint oil and apply not open parts of the body.

Coconut oil in cooking

coconut oil for food

For use, you need to buy coconut oil in a grocery store. It will have a slightly different composition than that which is used for cosmetic purposes. Culinary coconut oil contains nutrients and acids, which give the dish a special taste and nutrition.

Coconut oil favorably differs from other fats used in cooking. It not only does not contribute to the deposition of fats, but also vice versa, improves metabolism and reduces excess weight. Thermal treatment of coconut oil does not make it harmful and toxic. Carcinogens that are formed when sunflower or butter is heated in coconut oil. This makes coconut oil indispensable in many diets and simply with healthy diet.

Coconut oil is added to almost all dishes. Seafood with the addition of coconut oil get a unique taste. Sweet dishes and baking will become the pride of the hostess, if you include coconut oil in the recipe. Also, coconut oil is part of many drinks and cocktails.

Coconut oil in everyday life

coconut oil in cooking

  • Clean leather products. On a clean cotton napkin, apply a little oil and wipe the leather surface. First try on an inconspicuous site. In this way, you can clean and polish the elements of a car interior of leather, wood or metal.
  • Polishing wood and metal. Coconut oil can be used for cleaning and polishing wooden lacquered furniture and metal products. To do this, the oil is applied to the desired surface with a clean natural rag. Before starting work, try the effect of oil on an inconspicuous area. Also, oil can be applied to wooden kitchen boards for cutting products. This will not let the tree dry and crack.
  • Removing chewing gum and glue residues. Oil cleanses the glue well of stickers or traces of chewing gum from solid surfaces. To do this, an oiled cloth should be rubbed with a contaminated place until completely cleaned. Coconut oil also cleanses the skin of traces of oil paint well. It can be safely used instead of white spirit.
  • Care for kitchen utensils. The oil with a thin layer can be applied to cast -iron dishes. This will create an anti -drill layer before the first use of a pan or Kazan.
  • Household lubricant. Coconut oil can be lubricated by creaky door loops, a coach or kitchen scissors. As well as any other mechanisms requiring periodic lubrication.
  • Cleaning of the lime plaque. If a lime plaque appears on the acrylic bathroom or on the walls of the shower, lubricate this place with coconut oil, sprinkle with white vinegar and wipe with a clean rag dry.

Where to buy coconut oil, you decide. If you plan to use it for cooking, it is better to look for oil in food stores. Coconut oil is also sold in a pharmacy and in natural cosmetics stores. Such unrefined oil is better for cosmetic procedures.

Natural coconut oil does not cause allergic reactions and skin irritation. Therefore, it is used even in caring for newborn children without any contraindications. But if after applying the oil you find a rash or other non -healthy symptoms, you should immediately stop using it and consult a doctor.

Many cosmetic and household problems can be easily solved with coconut oil. You should only study a little deeper to study the spectrum of its application, as many tasks of hostesses and beauties will be solved by themselves.

  How to make coconut oil at home - video



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