
Castor oil for weight loss

Castor oil for weight loss
Ways to use castor oil to combat extra pounds

Castor oil is known to everyone: it is used in therapeutic and cosmetology compositions. But not many are known that the usual casther is also a means to reduce the weight, planned cleansing of the body and bringing their body to the tone.

Features of the production of castor oil


The plants of Krestsevina (in the people called "Christ palm") in our latitudes are found very often: germinates in the parks, on household plots and just on the side of roads. This is a high shrub with large carved leaves, which during flowering period is covered with bright spiny inflorescences.

Scientists have long been proven by the high content of the human health components in Kleyschevina oil - castor oil. However, there is a Kleschevin and the other side: plant seeds contain dangerous poisons that can cause an irreversible mutation of human cells and destroy vital protein in them. In the process of industrial production of castor oil, the seeds are withdrawn, and the composition is cleared. That is why do not try to make castor oil yourself or eat parts of the plants containing its seeds.

Purification of the oil does not affect its taste and smell: they remain far from the most pleasant, therefore the ricinic oil is used only as a drug, but not as a food product. It should be remembered that the maximum dose can lead to negative consequences, so before the course of receiving the Caster, be sure to consult your doctor who is familiar with the peculiarities of your body and the state of health.

Characteristics of castor oil and its composition


Castor oil can be sold in pharmacies in gelatin capsules. This will facilitate the process of his admission for those who too hard to endure the specific taste and smell of the Caster. Like many other oils, the ricinic can be cold or hot spin. To receive inside, choose cold spin oil - it retains more beneficial properties of the plant. However, in order to get rid of extra kilograms, the Caster can also be used externally, making massages, wraps and masks with its use.

As part of castor oil there are several most important acids for health:

  • linoleic;
  • recycling;
  • oleic;
  • stearin;
  • palmethine.

The benefits of castor oil for the human body

  1. Stimulates the work of the liver, launching the processes of active cleansing of the body from accumulated toxic substances.
  2. Accelerates lipid (fat) exchange in body tissues.
  3. It has an antiseptic effect.
  4. Helps the body to cope with fungal diseases (including candidiasis, which may cause extra kilograms).
  5. It has properties to prevent the development of cancer (due to the presence of a small amount of toxic substances).
  6. Improves the elasticity of blood vessels and, as a result, it becomes the reason for the normalization of blood flow.
  7. Promotes the overall strengthening and rejuvenation of the body.
  8. In external use, it enhances the current fluids in body tissues, thus coping with the problem of cellulite.

How casther helps with weight loss


Women who began fighting extra kilograms know that weight loss always requires an integrated approach:

  • proper nutrition;
  • cleansing the body from accumulated slags and toxins accumulated in the intestine;
  • compliance with drinking regime;
  • physical activity;
  • cosmetic procedures for body in the area of \u200b\u200bproblem areas.

It is in the quality cleansing of the body and the castor oil is capable of helping. After all, not one, even the best diet or gymnastics, will not give the desired effect if the body is linked and overloaded. But the deliverance from slags will not only bring ease, but also in itself will allow you to get rid of several unnecessary kilograms per day.

The laxative effect of the ricinic oil is due to the fact that the composition of the drug has ricinoletic acid. This substance, hitting the intestine of a person, has an impact on the receptors located inside it: the peristalistic is stimulated as a result, and the intestine is emptying.

Many girls to launch the intestinal cleansing process take comprehensive medical preparations with a laxative effect, or natural - fiber, the leaves of the Seine. Although significantly softer, faster and safer there will be an effect on the competent reception of castor oil.

Nutritionists also note that the intestine will need additional stimulation if you adhere to a protein diet that makes it difficult to work the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it will be appropriate for the taking of the Caster in small doses regularly (while continuing the diet).

It is not necessary to use ricinic oil as an independent weight to reduce weight. It should only help you clean the body. The main hopes for the destruction of unnecessary kilograms should be imposed on proper nutrition and sports.

Benefits of castor oil for weight loss

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As we have already spoken, periodic cleansing of the body from decay products is necessary for health and normalization of weight:

  1. Castor helps gently stimulate the removal of slags.
  2. The cleansing of the intestinal walls contributes to a decrease in appetite. The fact is that slags covering the intestinal walls, prevent the proper suction of the useful substances from food into the blood of a person. As a result of nutrients, there is not enough, and the brain sends a signal into the body about the need to eat - a feeling of hunger arises. When the intestines are cleaned - the body is able to take the maximum of useful substances from a minimum of food.
  3. Vitamins contained in castor oil contribute to the overall strengthening of the body.

Castor Oil Reception: Caution


  1. Maximum daily dose of ricinic oil for an adult is 100 ml. In no case do not take more.
  2. The body very quickly gets used to the actions of the Caster and ceases to cope with the intestinal emptying function. Therefore, the weight loss takes place safely, gradually and did not stress for the entire body, castor oil should be taken by courses.
  3. Castor may disrupt the digestion: together with slags from the intestine, useful bacteria, inhabiting the body, are actively displayed. Therefore, a diet with oil intake should be accompanied by a reception of drugs to restore intestinal microflora.
  4. People who have diseases of the digestive system, from receiving a ricinic oil should be refused: it can cause aggravation of diseases.
  5. Property of castor oil to stimulate blood circulation, can serve a bad service to women, prone to bleeding. For the same reason, it is impossible to take the Caster during menstruation.
  6. Castor oil is categorically contraindicated by pregnant women.

So, the main rule of the reception of the Caster inside is not to exceed the dose so as not to disrupt the work of your own body: if you need to treat the intestine, then weight loss will definitely have to postpone.

How to take castor oil


Ricinic oil is a rapid substance. Already 1-6 hours after his reception, you may feel the need to visit the toilet. Therefore, if you take the Caster for the first time, do it on a weekend to assess the reaction of your body to the drug. Also, depending on its tasks, well-being and recommendations of the doctor, choose the optimal scheme for the reception of the Caster.

  1. Cleaning 1 time per week. This method is suitable for prophylactic bowel cleansing from slags. In the morning or in the evening you need to drink 1 tsp. Oil. Before the intestinal cleansing occurs, it is impossible to take food. But the water (non-carbonated) already an hour after taking oil to drink it is necessary to prevent the body's dehydration. An hour after purification, you can afford to eat something easy: oatmeal, yogurt or drink green tea. All day after receiving the oil should be unloading.
  2. Cleansing the body in 3 weeks. Castor is taken in the morning for half an hour before meals - 2 dessert spoons. After 30 minutes, drink a glass of warm water and proceed to breakfast. Throughout the course of cleansing, breakfasts should be light (fruits, juices, yogurts, cereals from cereals). Remember that after castor oil to drink black tea or coffee can not be.

By the same scheme, it is possible to use the oil complex: castor + linen (1 dessert spoon). Linse oil has a lot of useful substances in its composition, which will have a positive effect on the body during weight loss.

natural juice

  1. Additional benefits: castor oil and natural juices. Prepare a cocktail: 1 ml of the Caster for each kilogram of its weight and freshly squeezed juice is twice as much in volume. All mix and drink, without drinking water. After half an hour, you can proceed to a lightweight breakfast. For cleansing and charge, vitamins need to pass a five-day course.
  • ricinic oil and lemon juice - 1st day;
  • oil and apple juice - 2nd day;
  • oil and orange juice - 3rd day;
  • carrot oil and juice - 4th day;
  • oil and grapefruit juice - 5th day.

External use of castor oil for weight loss


The regular use of the Caster as a cosmetic body for the body will also quickly give the result, it is important not to be lazy and properly follow the recommendations.

Slimming Massage with Castor Oil

Any oil, and castor no exception, has a stronger effect on the skin if it is heated to the body temperature. Do not overheat the oil - it will destroy the beneficial components contained in it.

  • take a bath or hot shower so that the skin sprinkled;
  • apply oil on the hips and stomach, distribute the circular movements;
  • do not stretch the skin;
  • make light massage movements to enhance blood circulation and give oil to absorb;
  • continue massage 10 - 15 minutes;
  • oil residues blot with paper towel;
  • repeat the massage every day or every other day;
  • massage course for weight loss 10 - 15 sessions.

Cellulite remedy with castor oil


On the basis of castor oil, you can prepare a mixture of oils, which, with regular use, will help:

  • strengthen local blood circulation;
  • split fats;
  • remove excess water from tissues;
  • reduce body volumes;
  • give the skin elasticity, which is very important when weight loss.

To mix, take a closing glass bottle of small size. Pour the Caster first, then add ethers to it and mix well.

  • ricinic oil - 100 ml;
  • essential oil cedar -30 drops;
  • lemon essential oil - 30 drops;
  • grapefruit essential oil - 40 drops;
  • lavender essential oil - 25 drops.

Apply the composition on the skin after the shower every evening with circular rubbing movements and do not wash off. Store the oil in a dark place, the temperature in which does not exceed 25 degrees. Repeat oil applying every day for 2-3 months.

Wraps with castor oil for weight loss


Wraps - one of the most efficient and high-speed methods of external use of castor oil. The skin is saturated with nutrients, blood microcirculation increases in problem areas, which will lead to fat burning.

To make wraps you need

  • castor oil;
  • fabric (use only natural fabrics, such as cotton);
  • towel;
  • pillow;
  • soda;
  • the heater (if there is no heights, you can use a hot water bottle).

The procedure can be done more than three times a week in the evening when you have time to relax and relax. It is advisable to repeat sessions within a month.

  1. Fold the fabric into three layers (you should have a napkin, which can be completely covered with the stomach).
  2. Water cloth in castor oil.
  3. Put the napkin on the stomach, cover top with polyethylene and towel.
  4. It is more convenient to lie, it is desirable that the legs are higher (use the pillow for this).
  5. Put the heating on the stomach.
  6. In this position, completely relaxing, lie 40-50 minutes.
  7. Breathe exactly, on the breath of inflating the stomach, and in exhale seeking to press him to the spine.
  8. When the time comes out, make a soda solution (2 tbsp. Soda per 1 liter of warm water) and wipe the skin, removing the remains of the oil.
  9. The napkin can be used several times. Between the procedures, store it in the refrigerator.

Castor oil intake intake: video


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