
How to choose an effective wrinkle cream

How to choose an effective wrinkle cream
The principles of the correct choice of cream from wrinkles. Its features and rules of application. Preparation of anti -aging cream at home.

The trial of female reviews, wrinkles cream are the most popular type of everyday face care. It has an anti -aging effect aimed at increasing the skin turgor. The effectiveness of the action is explained by anti -aging composition, saturated oils and extracts, vitamins, mineral salts, peptides, hyaluronic acid, components that stimulate collagen production.

The cream, unlike serum or masks, acts slowly, the effect will become noticeable only after a complete skin renewal-after 28-30 days. Possessing a wide range of actions, it works in the dermal and epidermal layers, solving several problems at the same time: moisturizing, nutrition, regeneration, softening, smoothing, restoration, whitening, and skin protection.

The most common question that arises at the sight of abundance of care cosmetics - which cream from wrinkles is best to choose?

The main criteria for helping to decide on the choice:

  • Type of skin.
  • Age category.
  • The appointment of the product.
  • The effect.

When choosing, you should familiarize yourself with the composition of the cream, paying attention to the order in which the components included in it are indicated on the label. The closer to the end of the list the ingredient is indicated, the less it is present in the composition.

Effective anti -aging wrinkles: types and use

Creams are separated by day and night. They are characterized by action and texture. Using them in the complex provides the maximum result.

  • Daily wrinkle creamit has a light texture and has a protective, moisturizing, smoothing and stimulating effect. It may include special filters that can protect the skin from the harmful effects of sunlight, most often UVA type that can launch photo starting processes. At the same time, it is important to understand that an anti-aging cream with a SPF filter is not a full-fledged protection from the sun, since it does not protect it from sunburn.  Day cream is applied to clean skin an hour before going out. This is especially important in the cold season. After it is completely absorbed, after 15 minutes, makeup can be applied to the face.
  • Night cream It has a dense texture, since it is saturated with a large number of active components, it has a nutritious, restoring, smoothing and regenerating effect. It is applied to the face cleared of traces and pollution, about an hour before bedtime, from the bottom up with the help of massage movements with your fingertips. The absorption of the cream will be higher if the hands are warm. After a quarter of an hour, the excess face cream from wrinkles should be lightly blown up with a napkin.

Compliance with the rules for storing cream will allow it to remain fresh longer. To do this, choose a place protected from sunlight and sharp changes in temperature. The cream after opening the packaging must be used for 6 months.

Effective wrinkle cream: choice taking into account skin type

Each woman has differences and its individual characteristics. The existing classification helps to determine its type:

  • Normal.
  • Fat.
  • Combined.
  • Dry.
  • Sensitive.

Depending on the characteristics of the skin type, the composition and effect of creams differs.

  • Anti -aging cream proposed for combined and oily skin, has a fluid cream-gel texture, the composition includes components that can adjust the production of a skin sebum. Additionally, such drugs matting the skin, narrow the pores and have an anti -inflammatory effect.
  • Wrinkle cream intended for dry skin, has a denser, fat texture. It contains vegetable oils and components of animal origin: lanolin, placenta, gelatin, honey and other beekeeping products, caviar. In some sources, there are recommendations to use moisturizers to care for dry skin, which is not entirely true. Dry skin - thin, prone to peeling and tightness, the early appearance of wrinkles, suffers from a lack of lipids, so the use of only moisturizers will not bring a tangible result. Dry skin needs nutrition, and then only at moisture. Dry skin is also often sensitive, suffering from redness or itching. That's why for dry sensitive skinit is required to select a special soothing care.
  • For normal or dehydrated skin It is recommended to use a moisturizer from wrinkles.  Any skin suffers from dehydration, regardless of its type, especially in summer, in winter, when in a hotly sharpened room or in windy weather. Such a cream is used on an ongoing basis to care for normal skin or, alternating with special products, to care for other skin types.

For age skin care, products manufactured by pharmacologists from natural ingredients and sold in pharmacies are becoming increasingly popular. It refers to those cream-Vosk from wrinkles. This tool is made on the basis of beekeeping products with the addition of olive oil, cedar resin and chestnut juice. Cream-Vosk is effectively coping with early wrinkles and dermatic defects, suitable for all skin types. It is used as daily care or as a restoring mask with a regenerative effect. Contraindication to the use of this tool is personal intolerance to honey and beekeeping products.

Effective wrinkle cream: choice taking into account the age category

When choosing a cream from wrinkles, it is important to choose it in accordance with your age, since there is no universal cream that is suitable for everyone. The composition and effects of care differ depending on age -related changes that the skin undergoes.

  • 25+ is the age when the skin begins to accumulate fatigue under the influence of daily stresses. During this period, the first wrinkles, called mimic, begin to appear. They appear in the corners of the eyes (the second name “goose legs”) or on the forehead, as a result of the habit of squinting, frowning or wrinkling the forehead. The regular use of facial wrinkles for the contour of the eyes or face will help to correct the situation.
  • 30+ - the period when age -related changes become noticeable: the skin loses radiance and elasticity, the first deep wrinkles appear. This condition intensifies by 35 years. Age-related skin changes are manifested in different ways, so cosmetologists distinguish 2 aging options:
  1. The fine -deciduous version of age -related changes is characteristic of dry skin. It is expressed by the appearance of a whole network of wrinkles on the cheeks, forehead and around the contour of the eyes.
  2. The deformation version of age -related changes is characteristic of oily skin, expressed by the appearance of deep wrinkles in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasolabial fold and nose bridge, the skin begins to sag, the clarity of the contours is lost, the face becomes puffy.
  • Cream from wrinkles at 30 years and older is selected taking into account the type of skin and the option of developing age -related changes.
  • 45+ is the age when the skin becomes mature, the existing wrinkles deepen, the skin hyperpigmentation appears, the contours of the face become vague. The correct selection of creams and their regular use improve the elasticity of the skin and its smoothness. The use of special serum for the face enhances the action of the main anti -aging care.
    When selecting a wrinkle cream after 40, it is recommended to give preferences in that they contain components that stimulate collagen production in the skin and have a lifting effect.

Effective cream from wrinkles of the eye contour: features of choice and application

The skin on the eyelids is thin, delicate and requires special care. Face creams are not suitable here, as they are too heavy. The line of skin products around the eyes is diverse and is divided by age categories and the effect.

Cream from wrinkles around the eyes differs from other anti -agricultural products with a light, melting texture and is applied only to the lower eyelid. The exception is lifting-course for the contour of the eye. It is applied to both centuries: upper and lower.

In addition to the smoothing effect, these products can have refreshing, moisturizing, soothing, restoring, whitening and decongestant effects.

Eye cream from wrinkles can additionally contain a crushed mother of pearl or gold microparticles that reflect daylight, so that the gaze looks more clear.

Often, these products are produced in tubes with several types of tips:

  • a narrow tip will allow you to darken the required amount of cream and applique movements to it along the century;
  • the roller applicator with 1 or 3 metal balls has an additional tonic and massaging effect;
  • a flat metal tip has a cooling and decongestant effect;
  • silicone applicator allows gently, without stretching the skin, apply a portion of the cream to the eyelid.

If the tube with a metal tip is put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, then its tonic effect will increase.


Effective wrinkle cream: cooking secrets at home

If desired, an effective wrinkle cream can be prepared on your own, at home, using only natural components for this. Due to the fact that natural oils are used for its preparation, the cream will have a saturated, oily texture and is ideal for caring for wrinkled, dry skin.

To prepare it, it is necessary to heat 2 tbsp in a water bath. l. Olive oil, add 10 g of cocoa oil to it, then thoroughly stirring the mixture to add ½ tsp in stages. coconut oil, 3 g of bee wax and ½ tsp. Carita oils. Operate the resulting mixture for 15 minutes, and then beat it, gradually adding 1 tbsp. l. non -carbonated mineral water, contents of 1 capsule of vitamin E, 2 drops of lavender and 3 drops of sea buckthorn oil. Store homemade wrinkles in a glass jar at room temperature.

If desired, you can make changes to the home tool recipe using other vegetable oils: pumpkin, almond, sesame, argan, grape seeds. When choosing components, it is worth checking that they are safe and do not cause allergies.

Home creams have a limited shelf life, so in the manufacture of large batches it should be stored in the refrigerator.


Despite the fact that even the best wrinkle cream is not able to stop the aging process, the regular use of anti -aging agents pushes and reduces their manifestation, makes the skin well -groomed, and the conduct of additional procedures enhances the result of using creams. An attentive attitude towards oneself and the needs of your skin will help you choose your individual and effective wrinkle care.



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