
How to enlarge breast with iodine

How to enlarge breast with iodine
How to enlarge the chest. Methods

For most women, the topic of breast augmentation will always be relevant. A beautiful bust will add self -confidence to any girl.

Undoubtedly, the evening dress with a deep neckline will look more spectacular on the chest of a larger size. Especially concerned about the issue of enlarging the breasts of the girl who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex and solve problems with their personal life.

A beautiful tall and voluminous bust attracts the attention of both representatives of the stronger sex and no less attention of women. After all, first of all, the large breasts outwardly slings off the figure, makes the lines of the body more curved and attractive. Any clothing will look more profitable with voluminous forms.

The size of the bust is invariably dependent on the genetic characteristics and structure, as well as on the complexion of your figure as a whole. The appearance is also determined by the general condition of the body, youth and health of the skin of the female bust.

Women's chest. Its features of the structure and anatomy

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Before determining effective methods to increase the bust, you need to find out its anatomical structure. Anatomically female breasts are presented:

  • nerve tissues or fibers and their ending;
  • female breast glands and ducts;
  • blood vessels and capillaries of the chest;
  • female glandular breast fabrics;
  • connective tissues of the chest;
  • chest muscles;
  • fatty layer of subcutaneous type.

The female mammary glands of the chest are attached to the corresponding muscles of the directly connective tissue. Connecting tissues support the shape of a bust with “cuper borders” indicated in medicine, which are combined with subcutaneous parts of the chest and muscles of the entire chest. It is these ligaments that can weaken with age and inevitably lead to an undesirable loss of elasticity and a change in the shape of the female breast.

Breasts of female mammary glands consist of approximately 20 shares, which form a chest capsule, with the participation of tissues and muscles support. This capsule is responsible for the initial shape and natural elasticity of the female breast. The volume of the female breast also depends on the ratio in the entire body of subcutaneous adipose tissue, if the amount of tissues of the woman’s mammary glands does not prevail over the volume of fat.

The main popular methods used to increase breast sizes


Today to increase the size of a bust is possible in several ways:

  • surgical surgery or plastic is the most expensive and radical method;
  • sports exercises - a long process, helps to purchase a beautiful fit form;
  • proper nutrition - a healthy diet and vitamins saturated with vitamins will be useful to the whole body, including breasts;
  • old folk methods - iodine for breast augmentation, regular visit to a bath or sauna, massage, cold contrast shower, etc.

The main thing in breast augmentation is iodine - the safety of the procedure


The method of surgical intervention remains the most effective, but not every girl risk lying on the operating table, exposing health and life at the same time, while paying a lot of money for the procedure.

In order not to expose themselves to serious risk, many girls use iodine for the bust as an effective and inexpensive means of increasing it. This method is one of the most effective and is used at home.

How and why the breast grows from iodine?


Natural and genetic factors of the size of the bust

Here are some natural causes that affect the size of the bust by the natural way:

  • the dimensions of the breast female mammary glands, the muscles of the entire chest, subcutaneous fat layers and a developed blood-vascular system;
  • the mass of the breasts rests on the muscles of the chest, in turn, which can lose their elasticity and investigatorly lead to its early sagging;
  • early aging and stretching on the skin of the chest;
  • the natural form and volume of the female bust are hereditary predisposition;
  • the balance of female sex (for example, estrogen) and other hormones in the body;
  • the chest is proportional to the total volume and weight of the female body.

With iodine, you can increase the chest by creating an increased regular flow of a large volume of blood to the muscles of the female chest. Due to this, the blood will flow more to the muscles in the chest, and thus increasing the volume of muscles can achieve an external noticeable increase in the volume of the bust as a whole.

How to enlarge the chest with iodine?


This effective process of breast augmentation is quite simple in its application and absolutely inexpensive. Put the thin lines of iodine in the bust area with a cotton swab, avoiding the intersection of the stripes. Also avoid iodine entering the nipples to avoid burns, since the skin in this zone is much more tender and sensitive.

Thus, if the chest is smeared with iodine at least once a day, you can achieve the desired increase. It is important to take into account the danger of obtaining skin burns with iodine, so do not increase the dose of iodine to accelerate the effect. It is the iodine grid, and not continuous application, will help increase the size without harm to the skin and with exposure to the breasts of breasts.

Many girls say that after about a month of use of iodine to enlarge breast, the bust increases by one size. But not all representatives of the fair sex give the same effect. Sometimes to achieve it, it is necessary to continuously apply a mesh for 3 months.

Contraindications of breast augmentation iodine


With the help of iodine, the breast will increase gradually, so do not use this procedure too often. Also, iodine therapy of the breast in such cases is not recommended:

  1. If after applying the grid you feel the heat and, as a result, an increase in body temperature, the procedure should be interrupted or stopped.
  2. In order to avoid skin burns, in no case should you allow the intersection of iodine lines - the next layer should not apply on top of the previous one, but nearby.
  3. This procedure is strictly not recommended for women with a predisposition to cancer diseases of the mammary gland - before using iodine, consult a mammologist for the lack of cancer and malignant tumors.
  4. Doctors, in turn, are not advised to use iodine therapy for the chest. It all depends on your place of residence and lack of iodine in the body. Some girls carry out the procedure several times a day due to the fact that iodine is almost immediately absorbed by the skin of the chest, but this is most likely just from its lack in the body.
  5. In turn, too frequent use of iodine can lead to serious skin burns, breast diseases, thyroid glands and allergies. Doctors advise applying an iodine grid to the thoracic zone only for a short time as a prevention of colds.
  6. It is especially dangerous to use iodine after pregnancy, when the body begins to rebuild on a new hormonal background. The consequences of such iodine procedures for a recently given woman can be very deplorable, so young mothers should refuse to increase the bust by iodine.
  7. Also, iodine therapy is very dangerous as the cause of cancer. If this leads to the formation of malignant tumors, then the girls in pursuit of size can completely lose their chests. In the best case, they will get off with significant skin burns and dry out the skin of the chest zone, which is also a rather unpleasant moment for the appearance.

It is worth considering that if such cheap methods and ancient grandmother's procedures could significantly increase the size, then plastic surgeons were left without work, and their services would not cost such money. The consequences can become unpredictable and even irreparable.

Other ways to grow breast volume

There are also other effective methods for the growth of the volume and size of the bust, which can be used in the general complex with the iodine procedure to improve the result.

Increase in size with massage


An increased blood flow to the female muscles of the chest will allow massage of this zone. After a shower or bath, it is recommended to massage the chest and counterclockwise, using a moisturizing cream or body oil.

Contrasting shower for breast augmentation

Contrast shower

Every morning and even in the evening it is recommended to direct cool streams of water to the bust zone. Thus, you add blood flow to this zone and increase the tone and elasticity of the skin of the thoracic area, which will also give your forms of tightness. Also, a contrast shower is very useful for the health of the whole organism and skin tonic as a whole, in order to prevent early aging.

Sauna and its benefit for breast volumes


Visiting a bath and sauna at least weekly is a great way to heal and prevention. After visiting the parrying room, perform a light massage of the breast zone using honey. This method, in addition to massage for breast augmentation, will perfectly ensure the prevention and treatment of colds.

Breast a sport


Also, do not forget about exercises for the growth of the chest muscles and muscles of the back. By training the muscles of the chest, you can tighten the shape, which visually will increase it. Constant muscle training of a female chest and maintaining their tone can also also give the results of an increase in volume.

You can perform exercises at home and in the office daily squeezing a rubber ball or a hoop between the palms (you can just palms) opposite the chest. The number of exercises may not be limited.

Developed back muscles will allow you to maintain even back posture, which often spoils the appearance of the chest. The back muscles can be trained by push -ups, exercises with small dumbbells, swimming or riding a bicycle and an orbitrex.

Regular push -ups lying from the floor, in the gym or home are performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Take the starting position - face down, look at the floor, palms on the width of the shoulder or slightly wider, the legs are connected together or slightly placed.
  2. When taking a breath, bend your hands in your elbows and approach the floor, leaving the spine even, without deflection.
  3. Return to the starting position to straightened hands, exhaling.

If such an exercise is difficult to perform, then you can push up with your legs bent at your knees or from a low sofa. If you want to strengthen the exercises, then you can put the books under the arms of the muscles and their volume.

The trail exercise (with light dumbbells) is done at home as follows:

  1. Leave your legs bent at the knees on the floor and lie on your back on a low stool.
  2. In your hands, pick up a dumber or a bottle of water.
  3. With a slightly bent, hands in the elbow joints, take a deep breath and lower them behind the head.
  4. Make a slow exhale and straighten your hands in the starting position along the body.

Reduction and breeding of hands with cargo above your head and chest:

  1. We take dumbbells or plastic bottles of water and take a sitting position, with a small slope of the back back.
  2. Straighten our hands in front of your head or chest.
  3. We spread our hands with dumbbells to the sides, inhale.
  4. We accept the initial position of the hands with dumbbells in front of us and exhale.

Food for breast augmentation


The proper nutrition, a healthy diet and lifestyle in itself will improve metabolism, and the presence of vitamins in a sufficient amount for the body will warn the early aging of the skin in general and in particular in the zone of the bust. The condition of the breast skin is also very important for volume and appearance.

If you are not afraid to gain weight, then to enlarge the chest will be effective. Since the chest has a large fat layer, its increase throughout the figure will inevitably lead to the long -awaited increase in the bust. To increase the size and volume of the chest, body weight should increase by at least 5 kilograms.

Hormonal drugs to increase the volume and size of the chest


The level of sexual estrogenic hormones in the body of a woman affects the size and volume of the bust. If you have a hormonal failure or lack of hormones, then the chest may decrease. To normalize the level of female hormones in the body, hormonal drug can help.

The choice of the drug you need is better to provide the doctor, having previously consulted about the medicine you need and doses of its use. Do not self -medicate, because the drug may not suit you, and this will cause irreparable harm to the body.

Creams that increase the chest


Creams containing estrogens will not help to achieve the promised effect. It is better to purchase moisturizing vitamicized skin products that will be completely harmless to health.

Vacuum massagers


Since the skin of the chest is very sensitive, this method can lead to further sagging. It is possible to achieve a short -term result with a massage with a vacuum, increasing blood flow, but any intensive mechanical intervention and the effect on the delicate skin of the bust can lead to its stretching.

Sexual life and its activity


Since female estrogens have a direct effect on the size of the female mammary glands, you can increase their level in another natural way. In addition to increasing the level of hormones, blood flow to the tissues and muscles of the chest enhances active and systematically constant sex life.

Pregnancy and breast augmentation


The most natural process of increasing the volume of a bust is, of course, pregnancy. During this period, in the entire body of a woman, the lack of hormones is replenished naturally and the chest naturally increases. Some women after pregnancy do not lose rounded forms of a bust, but this process is very individual.

A few more tips on breast augmentation without surgical intervention, you will learn by watching the video material:

In conclusion, we can say that having made a brief analysis of various methods to enlarge breasts without surgical intervention, we can conclude that this process will be safe and not so quickly bringing the result. But it is possible to achieve an increase in breast volume in natural and folk methods.

An increase in your breast with iodine grid is the most effective folk method for increasing volume. The main thing is that the iodine method is inexpensive and is performed at home, and also significantly enhances the blood flow to the muscles and vessels, which will visually add the volume of the bust.

It is worth remembering that with any drugs you should be careful. No need to apply iodine to the chest too often to avoid burns of delicate chest skin. It is also necessary to get a consultation with a mammologist at the absence of cancer and predisposition to them.

To increase the effect of increasing through iodine breast therapy, other auxiliary methods can be used. For example, in combination with a massage, a contrasting shower or the performance of daily simple exercises to increase the muscles of the chest and back. Such a complex will accelerate the desired and long -awaited result. Do not forget about the care of the delicate skin of the chest area and perform it daily to prevent early aging and, as a result, sagging forms.

Breast enlargement with iodine and other methods will help to achieve the desired result without surgical surgery of doctors. Not every girl can afford this procedure. The use of iodine and other means to increase the bust will reduce the threat to health.

It is worth remembering that at least large and voluminous breasts are attractive to some men, but women have a sufficient number of other charming virtues to attract a partner. First of all, you need to skillfully emphasize them and hide minor flaws.

Love yourself as you are! Comers your back, and now, your chest has already become more attractive. It is important to take care of your health and appearance, and too much zeal with methods of breast augmentation can harm it. With dignity and pride, the chest of any volume will look more attractive.



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