
How to reduce tattoo. Is it possible to remove the tattoo without scar

How to reduce tattoo. Is it possible to remove the tattoo without scar
How to withdraw a tattoo: Effective methods. How to get rid of tattoos at home

Many parents with children in adolescence arise a lot of disputes on various issues. One of the most relevant - the graceful child wants to show his individuality and make a tattoo on the body. Parents dissuade because they do not want a guy or girl to spoil their body. But children do not listen and come as they wanted, without thinking about what will happen in 5-7 years.

A few years later, and many need much more time to understand and realize their act, many office ladies (and not only) noted with horror, as far as the vulgar has become a tattoo. Moreover, the drawing turned pale and broke a bit. What to do? The situation is still possible, then it comes to the idea that you can remove the tattoo and get rid of the purchased complexes forever.

Are there any tattoos now?

Another 10 years ago, no one could think that the unsuccessful tattoo can get rid of quickly and without consequences. Now we live in a developed country, we use mobile phones, we have digital television and many other benefits, including both high-quality medicine with modern equipment. The best way to get rid of the tattoo is to remove the drawing with a special device. It is called such an operation "Farewell, Tattoo". A little ridiculous, but it only at first, in fact, everything is much more serious, because it is not possible to reduce the tattoo with a laser forever in each case.


Plunge into history. It turns out that for the first time doctors tried to remove the unsuccessful knack on the body of a man with a laser at the end of the last century - in 1960! The devices were then "cruel", they literally burned the paint from under the skin, leaving ugly scars and scars. Some health workers dubbed such a difficult operation "explosion under the skin." It hurts, and the result was not very attractive, so the method did not enjoy demand.

A little later, just a few decades, a laser apparatus was improved in the United States, which literally penetrated the skin in a few seconds and neutralized the pigment there. This laser is called neodymium and is currently widely used by cosmetologists in order to get rid of unwanted tattoos.

How to remove a tattoo with a laser

Now the popularity of tattoos is only increasing, especially among the younger generation. Guys and even girls try to show their individuality and decorate the body with various drawings. Well, if the master fell as experienced, and he used high-quality materials in work. But completely and next we see the unsuccessful work of self-taught masters who trained on voluntary "canvases". First, the tattoo looks like not bad, a little blurry, but the master claims that after a complete healing, the drawing will manifest itself and will be clear. Months and even years pass, but the tattoo remains vague and inexpressive. If by that time a person matured to get rid of the drawing on the skin, the best way is to remove the laser. Where to drive a tattoo? Of course, in a specialized institution. A specialist will inspect and offer short ways to get rid of tattoos. By the way, even the best doctor cannot guarantee 100% success, so you should be ready for this. The remote tattoo pale pale, the contours will not be clear, perhaps the pigment will come to almost completely.

The most effective method of removing the tattoo - with the help of a laser. The specialist evaluates the area of \u200b\u200bwork and assigns several sessions of the "rays" sessions, breaking by 2.3 or more visits. The interval is the same - every 2 weeks.

How the procedure is carried out:

  • The skin section is processed by an antiseptic;
  • then the special cream is applied, it removes pain (this is local anesthesia);
  • depending on the tattoo limitidity period, the specialist adjusts the laser apparatus and directs the beam to the site that needs to be released from subcutaneous pigment. During the procedure, healthy skin sections are not affected;
  • the session lasts from a few seconds to 2 minutes. During the laser operation, unpleasant sensations are possible in the form of burning and tingling on the skin;
  • after the end of the tattoo removal session is completed, the specialist puts the skin soothing cream;
  • immediately after the procedure, the skin can redden, but this phenomenon lasts long. Literally after 7-10 minutes everything passes.


As "leads" a tattoo after the first procedure: it remains the same, a small change in the color of the pigment is possible. It all depends on the "age" of the pattern on the skin and the depth of the introduced pigment.

If you made yourself a tattoo eyebrows and the warded eyebrow master, or did not like the form, then 2 weeks after the procedure, when the browch will be lit and get all crusts, you can remove the unsuccessful tattoo with a laser. A fresh tattoo is faster than the rays and after the first session you can see the result: first the browch changes in color, it lasts a few hours, then the pigment gradually brightens. After 2 weeks you can repeat the procedure and after another 2 weeks consolidate the result.

Laser removal of tattoos is currently the most efficient and painless way. The principle of operation of the modern laser apparatus remains the same, the rays instantly penetrate the skin (everything happens so quickly that the skin is not injured) and destroy pigments. The paint disintegrates thousands of the smallest microparticles. They are gradually removed naturally from the body.

If you compare the painful sensations of laser removal, then you should not be afraid of the laser, because the procedure is tolerable and practically painless. And if you compare with the fact that many had to go through when stinging the tattoo, the procedure for removing the laser is trifles.

What is worth considering: if you can endure a session without anesthesia, try, because the cream reduces efficiency.

On the number of sessions: everything is individually individually, because a specialist in laser removal of tattoos does not know which master used paint. If the paint was high-quality, then you will need more procedures, if cheap is possible, there are enough 2-3 visits.

Is the color of the tattoo? Yes, and it also affects the end result. If the workshop used the blue paint, as well as black, then distribute the tattoo faster if orange or red, then you will need more sessions. Green paint is harder. Experts immediately warn that the green pigment can stay in its place and only barely add.


To completely get rid of the tattoo, you will need several months. Even if after 5-7 sessions on the body, the outlines of the drawing remain, the rest is the work of your body. He must independently withdraw a pigment left under the skin. It takes about 6 months.

How to remove a tattoo without scar

Many people are asked as a question: "How to remove a tattoo" so that it does not hurt, and was the effect, and that the scars remain? This method exists and this is also a laser deletion. Only here you need to understand that you can perform the procedure and see the result only on good equipment. We are talking about the laser apparatus of the USA. If the beautician works on the "Chinese", then it is difficult to achieve an ideal result on such a device. Perhaps almost complete removal, but the drawing will be noticeable on the skin.

This is important: if you decide to remove unsuccessful permanent makeup from the lips, then the color of the pigment "Bordeaux" and all shades of pink after work with a laser will become gray. This effect will disappear only after 10-14 days.


Remember that after removing the tattoo, the laser cannot be substituted with gentle skin under direct sunlight. Do not visit solarium and sunbathing on the beach. Even if you use protective equipment, it is desirable to limit the stay in the sun during the high activity hours. Otherwise, burns and pigmentation on these sites cannot be avoided.

How to reduce tattoo in other ways

There are other ways with which you can get rid of an unwanted tattoo, but all of them are not so effective as the removal of a laser.

Consider more each method:

  • surgical excision - a sharp scalpel of the surgeon cuts off the upper portion on the skin along with the pattern, and then imposes the seams. After healing on the skin remains the scar from the tattoo reduced;
  • coagulation (a current of different frequency is served). After the procedure at the site of the tattoo, a thin and smooth skin section is still formed, there are no scars on it, but the scar remains. This skin section does not sunbathe;
  • the mechanical method (dermabrasion) is the most terrible and dangerous, because the tattoo is grinding a special device. The unofficial name of this method is "bloody", after the procedure there are ugly scars on the skin and scars;
  • freezing of the skin area with liquid nitrogen (cryosurgery). After treatment with azot, with time, a solid crust is formed in the processing site, which after a couple of weeks peeling along with the pigment. At this place an ugly scar appears.

There is another method that cannot be called full deliverance from the tattoo is camouflage. Still, this is a good alternative to replace the old drawing and in its place to fill a new one.


How to remove a tattoo at home

Get rid of the tattoo can be in the home. Penny will need money and a lot of patience. Remember that methods are cheap, but not fast.


Home how to get rid of the tattoo:

  1. Iodine - need a lot of iodine. Buy multiple bubbles at the pharmacy 5% iodine. Time is given to a procedure to remove a tattoo from 1 to several months. It all depends on how much pigment is ingrained into the skin. Every day it is necessary to lubricate the area with iodine pattern, only the pre-skin must be prepared if there is hair, it is desirable to shave and wash the place with hypoallergenic soap (ideal - children). Three times a day to lubricate the tattoo iodine. When you see that it becomes dry and starts to peel, remove the skin cells do not need, it automatically cleared. This period - the most difficult, because the place is strongly itches and itches. It is better to be patient, so as not to traumatize the skin. Before going to bed can be lubricated tattoo baby cream. After skin peel, in place of the tattoo is formed wet wound, it will ooze. At this point, treatment should be stopped, iodine to clean the wound and then pritrushivat streptotsitom. Tablets sold in pharmacies, they must be crushed and applied directly to an open wound. When all heal, protect this place from direct sunlight.
  2. Normal table salt can also help get rid of a tattoo. You need to mix 2 tablespoons salts with same amount of water and salt crystals massaging portion with tattoo sponge for washing dishes. Before treatment is necessary to shave the hair, wash the skin with water and baby soap. Treat tattoo with salt for 10 minutes, if you have the patience - you can increase the time to an hour. You need to do every day passes without treatment. Once completed, do not forget to rinse the tattoo with plain water. The skin in this area is thinner. Not to carry infection, it is necessary to apply a bandage with hydrogen peroxide. Already after the first treatment you will see as part of the ink will wash off with salt crystals. If the tattoo is old, that such a procedure should be done every day for 3-4 weeks. Be patient, it's not a quick process, but without scars.
  3. For removing tattoos can be used more aggressive liquids: the vinegar essence, and various chemicals or strong celandine tincture. But these methods are not in demand.

Now you know how to remove a tattoo without a scar. And before you decide to make a new one, think about it is important or you can do without this whim.


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