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How to remove eyelashes at home

How to remove eyelashes at home
You can remove the extended eyelashes yourself at home. The choice of means with which you can rent artificial cilia. Step -by -step guide, eyelashes after removing artificial

Every year the eyelash extension service is becoming more and more popular. The girls appreciated the advantages of overhead eyelashes, because you can refuse a carcass and always look beautiful 24 hours a day. False eyelashes from 2 to 4 weeks are held, then they need to be updated-remove the remaining artificial cilia and build up new ones. In this article, we will talk about how to independently rent extended eyelashes at home without resorting to the service of the master.

If you study the opinions of the fair sex, then we can come to this conclusion: 99% of 100 surveyed women want to be attractive, regardless of the time of day. They wish to spend a lot of time to bring beauty to a minimum, so many loved the now widespread eyelash extension service.

Why are artificial eyelashes so popular?

There are many advantages, we will try to dwell on all moments in more detail:

  1. You can look at all 100 now without a carcass for eyelashes. No makeup spent hours at the mirror and smeared mascara.
  2. Not all women in nature, the cilia are long, thick and dark. Therefore, you can fix this nuance either with the help of a carcass (and you will have to spend 5 or even more minutes every day to paint your eyelashes beautifully) or to do otherwise and sign up for eyelash extensions.
  3. The length, density and shape can be different - all the wishes of the client takes into account the master.
  4. The cost of the procedure is not so high, even a student can afford to increase the cilia, and then go to correction once a month to add the missing hairs.
  5. Artificial eyelashes are kept on their own for a very long time, from 2 weeks to a month. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body, the materials used, the experience of the master and the care of artificial cilia.


It is clear that unnatural hairs will not last long. The first 2 weeks or days 20, as lucky, the look will be expressive, the eyelashes will be thick and long.  This beauty is not eternal, then you need to resort to the service of the master again to remove the remaining cilia and glue new ones in their place.

For various reasons, there are situations when eyelashes need to be removed immediately, and there is no way to get from the beauty salon. Many girls are wondering how to remove eyelashes yourself? And here it turns out, everything is simple, because even at home you can independently remove the extended eyelashes without harm.

How to remove false eyelashes

You will be pleasantly surprised, because there are several verified ways how to remove overhead eyelashes. The methods are safe, there will be no problems with the centuries and their own eyelashes, the main thing is to do everything right and allocate time for this home procedure.

Here it is also worth it to immediately warn the readers that there is no only and quick method, it all depends on the quality of materials (overhead eyelashes and glue), as well as the selected method. Perhaps you will cope in 15 minutes, and maybe you will have to try to take your eyelashes yourself.


Before choosing a suitable way of removing artificial hairs, it will not be superfluous to ask the master what glue he used to attach cilia. How can this information be useful? If this is high -quality and modern material, most likely neither oil nor even the most fat cream will help. Then, in order not to waste time, you will have to dissolve this glue with a special tool.

And now about everything in order, we offer to get acquainted with the list of professional tools to remove extended eyelashes.

These drugs are used in beauty salons:

  • “Debonder” is a liquid that dissolves glue. Very quickly and very high quality. For this you will have to pay a double price, because: this drug has a very pungent smell, and evaporating, it irritates the mucous membrane of the eyes. The result - the eyelashes can be removed quickly, but this is fraught with inflammation and burning. If the liquid enters the eyes, then it is necessary to rinse them under a stream of running water as soon as possible. Prestigious beauty salons abandoned this drug so as not to lose a reputation and clients;
  • a gel remover is a dense remedy that carefully and effectively dissolves glue, removing artificial cilia. Alas, a sharp chemical smell is present, so this tool is not suitable for owners of sensitive skin;
  • thick mass, the same remover, only in the form of a cream or pasta. Ideal for independent removal of extended eyelashes, because it does not evaporate, does not irritate the skin and mucous membrane, does not flow. It must be applied strictly to the basal part of each cilia and also carefully distributed along the entire length. The tool dissolves glue in a matter of minutes. Quickly and without problems.


How to remove eyelashes yourself

The minimum of time and no effort, if you use a special tool (Debonder or remover) to remove cilia. With this drug you can remove eyelash beams, only you need to do this according to all the rules.


What to prepare:

  • liquid/gel/cream for dissolving glue to choose from. Buy the best and preferably without smell. The price of a good remover is low;
  • several cotton pads;
  • scotch;
  • cotton sticks;
  • small scissors;
  • decoction of chamomile;
  • castor oil.

How to remove extensively eyelashes:

  1. Cut the cotton sponge into 2 parts with scissors.
  2. On the line of the cut (inner side), cut a small recess with a semicircle so that each disk will fit well to the skin.
  3. Take a narrow tape and attach a strip of adhesive tape to the disk. Attach with tape a cotton pad under the eyelid (from the bottom).
  4. Take a cotton swab and dip a bottle of liquid.
  5. Carefully soak each cilia first at the base, then moving along the entire length of each artificial cilia.
  6. Wait a few minutes (from 3 to 5), during this time the tool will dissolve glue and you can try to remove the eyelashes.
  7. Make sure that your eyes are closed. If you do this procedure yourself, then first you need to remove the eyelashes from one century, then from the other. You cannot open your eyes!
  8. Take a clean cotton swab, you can a special brush to remove the cilia.
  9. After removing artificial hairs to calm the skin, attach 1 cotton drive (for 5 minutes) to each eyelid, moistened in a strong decoction of chamomile. Thus, you can get rid of beauty and irritation.
  10. The final step is to apply castor oil to your own eyelashes using a clean cotton wool.

How to remove eyelashes with castor oil

What else can you remove the eyelashes? To save money or if you can’t buy a special tool, you can get rid of artificial eyelashes with vegetable oil. A good option is the use of castor or burdock oil. It is sold in pharmacies, the cost of such a tool is low. The benefits are obvious, because at the same time we will get rid of not only non -natural eyelashes, but also strengthen the remaining hairs.


How to remove eyelashes correctly:

  • there are no special recommendations, everything is just as simple as in the first case. To remove the eyelashes with oil, it is necessary to cut a cotton pad in half, cut off the recess so that the cotton swabs tightly to the eyelid;
  • instead of a special liquid, use oil. Do not greedy, the disk should be well impregnated;
  • we leave the disks soaked in the eyes for 20-30 minutes. You can lie down longer, because the oil does not stink, the eyes do not pinch;
  • after the indicated time, carefully with your finger with your finger, make rotational movements at the base of the eyelashes. You will see that they will gradually peel off;
  • now it remains to pick up the tweezers and remove the remnants of the cilia.

It is very important to do everything right so as not to damage your own eyelashes. In no case should you pull for artificial eyelashes so that they break faster. If it does not work the first time, repeat the actions again. By the way, it is allowed to apply oil to the cilia for the whole night. Only sleep in the pillow will not work. We'll have to tolerate a little more.

If in a hurry or out of ignorance you nevertheless tore your eyelashes, then your own can also break out with them. And to grow them, you will need not a single month.

Useful recommendations:

  • to dissolve the glue faster, try to steam your face (hot water or any suitable grass decoction);
  • you can apply oil both on a cotton pad and a cotton swab directly on the cilia;
  • try that the oil does not get into the eyes, it is unpleasant and causes irritation;
  • hold the oil on the eyelashes for 30-40 minutes. This time can be devoted to any household chores or simply lie down and relax;
  • now put on the eyelids a cotton pad abundantly moistened in oil;
  • after some time, you can carefully remove the disks from the eyelid and walk along the cilia with a cotton swab to remove the exfolved artificial hairs;
  • remove the rest of the oil from the skin with a napkin.

If the eyelashes flew off at the first stage without any problems, when the castor oil was applied to the basal part, then, according to experienced Leschmakers, this means that the master used cheap materials.

Removing extended eyelashes with fat cream

It also happens that the eyelashes need to take this minute and time for going to the pharmacy or there are simply no special means for special means. The most economical option is the use of any fatty cream for the face or body. Such a cosmetic product should be in the arsenal of every girl.

The procedure is quite simple:

  • remove from the face, and most importantly - from the eyes, the remains of makeup (if it is present);
  • apply a cream to eyelashes with a cotton wool;
  • leave it for 10 minutes;
  • take a clean cotton wool and go through the soft part of artificial hairs: if you begin to lag, you can proceed to the most important thing and get rid of all the eyelashes (only your own, relatives will remain).


Is it possible to remove eyelashes at home? Yes, this is quite real and now you know a few means by which you can perform this procedure without resorting to the service of the master. Just be prepared for the fact that not everything is as smooth as it seems. From sudden difficulties, no one is safe. And if everything worked out, then remember that you should not increase eyelashes for a long time, because over time under the weight of artificial eyelashes and glue, their hairs become thinner and quickly break.

And then?

The eyelashes were removed, sighed with relief and were surprised at the reflection in the mirror. Losses can be, because their cilia is not always able to withstand double load 24 hours a day. They can break and fall out. What to do? Of course, weak eyelashes must be strengthened.

  • Rule one: we take a break for 3-4 weeks. During this time, you can not use cosmetics, apply shadows, pencil, eyeliner and paint eyelashes in mascara (exception is a special strengthening mascara with oils and vitamins). Only peace and maximum care.
  • The second rule: take vitamin complexes (vitamins plus minerals), this will help the body recover faster, and the cilia will strengthen.
  • Rule Third: apply nutritional oil. To choose from: castor or burdock, suitable oil, peach, grape seeds, sea buckthorn is suitable. The combination of several oils is welcomed, plus vitamins E and A (by a drop).
  • Fourth rule: we do compresses and masks regularly: strong brewing black tea, decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula. Moisten cotton wheels in liquids, put on the eyelids, leave for 10 minutes.

Now you know how to remove artificial eyelashes and how to avoid problems. Be beautiful!

If you want to remove the eyelashes yourself, see how Leshmakers do it:



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