
How to lighten hair at home at home

How to lighten hair at home at home
There are a lot of ways to clarify the hair of RA with hands. Your task is to find the safest for yourself.

In the concept of female beauty, each of us puts its own meaning, but everyone has the main postulates in common: healthy hair, clean skin, neatly decorated nails on the arms and legs. The list of things that make a woman well -groomed and attractive can be supplemented with the need to get rid of excess vegetation on the body. And if we do not have compromises with hairs on the legs and in the bikini zone, then it is permissible to resolve the question of the hairline on his hands less radically: not to remove the hair, but to make it inconspicuous for others. How to lighten hair at home at home, let's talk in the article.

Advantages and disadvantages of the home hair lightening procedure

Of course, not everyone wants to bother with the routine preparation of funds that will make the hairs on their hands lighter, and instead just shave off all the extra. But think for a moment that each time the newly grown hair rods will be more noticeable and rigid - the shaving procedure will be reflected in their structure. As a result, you will be forced to shave your hands more and more often. The specifics of the exposure of clarifying agents, on the contrary, is such that the hair will become thinner and weaker after each procedure.


We immediately note the obvious flaws of clarification. Firstly, some components of clarifying compounds (for example, hydroperitis, hydrogen peroxide) can lead themselves aggressively in relation to not only hair rods, but also the skin. Particularly carefully should test the similar procedures of the owner of the sensitive and prone to irritations of the skin. Secondly, for the visible clarification of hair, you will have to resort to several sessions of the brightening procedure, especially if you bet on the compositions with natural and sparing skin ingredients.

How can you lighten your hair on your hands

The arsenal of clarifying substances is quite large - there is something to choose from. We list the most popular of them:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide 30% (concentrated). The well -known means is a reactive form of oxygen with pronounced oxidative properties. As a clarifier of hair, women began to use peroxide many years ago, but experts express concern about excessive enthusiasm for such a procedure. The action of the substance is based on the oxidative (and therefore destructive) reaction, so it cannot be abused.
  2. Hydroperitis. The substance is produced in a tablet form, it is easy to dissolve. The drug includes a combination of hydrogen peroxide and urea. Obviously, hydroparit has the same properties as peroxide.
  3. Means intended for targeted lightening of vegetation on the body and on the hands in particular. They can be found at specialized points selling products for professional hair care. Of course, they have passed more than one testing to appear on store shelves, and the risk of health is minimal when they are used, but such products are attributed to luxury, so their cost is quite high.
  4. Four hair dyes. They also cope with the problem of dark hairline on their hands, completely bleaching vegetation. The option is effective and not costly for the wallet - buy the most inexpensive paint of the Blond shade. When buying, make sure that the product with bleaching, and not tinting properties is selected, otherwise the problem areas will not brighten, but turn yellow. To lighten the hair on the hands of hair dye is easier - the procedure does not differ from the technique of staining curls. Practice shows that it is more convenient to use a coloring product in the form of a cream. Before using any paint, carefully read the instructions that the manufacturer attached to the paint.
  5. Chamomile and lemon. These gifts of nature have a natural brightening effect. They act very gently, without unpleasant side effects, but the first results, alas, have to wait long.
  6. Lemon and vinegar. Thanks to a mixture of natural products in several sessions, you can bring the appearance of your handles to the desired, but in the summer it is better not to do this, since the skin in areas of hair growth will also turn.

How to lighten hair on your hands: recipes

When you prepare this or that clarifying agent, do not rush to apply the whole mass to the hairy part of the hand, and what if you have an allergy to any component of the mixture? To exclude unexpected reactions from the skin, make an allergy test. Directed a drop of remedies, apply to where the skin is the most delicate. This is, as a rule, a section of the inside of the brush or elbow. If over the next 15 minutes you do not notice any alarm signals such as rash, itching or burning, everything is in order - you can safely proceed to the brightening procedure.
We also draw your attention to the fact that to prepare any means for lightening hair on the hands, you will need dishes made of porcelain, ceramics or glass, but the metal container is categorically not suitable.

So, we are starting. You will most likely find almost all the necessary ingredients at home.

Recipe No. 1.

Now you will learn how to lighten the hair on your hands with peroxide. To prepare the composition that will make the hairline of your hands lighter than a natural shade, take:

  • peroxide 30%;
  • ordinary water;
  • 0.5 tsp. baking soda;
  • 2 ammonia ampoules.

The peroxide solution and water is used at the rate of 1 to 1. Mix all the components listed above in one bowl and soak the cotton pad with this mixture. Lubricate the hairs on the hands with a clarifying solution, trying not to produce rubbing movements into the skin. Run your hands under running water after 1 hour. You will notice the effect after the first time. To improve the result, arrange a few more brightening sessions.

Recipe No. 2.

The method that offers to lighten the hair on the hands of hydraetic is no less in demand than the one where the hydrogen peroxide solution is involved. To give your hands a more aesthetic look, grind 3 tablets of the drug into powder, pour this powder 1 tbsp. l. water, 0.5 tsp. ammonia and 2 tbsp. l. shaving foam. Mix the mixture until the hydraitite is completely dissolved, and then completely cover the hairs on the hands with it. After 30 minutes. Rinse the clarifying foam with running water. Please note if the hairline of the hands is thick and dark, the exposure time of the mask can be increased.


Recipe number 3.

The components for the preparation of this tool are most likely available in your kitchen. Combine fruit vinegar with lemon juice in a proportion of 1 to 2, and then lubricate the hair on the hands with this mixture. However, keep in mind that your skin can respond to this procedure in a completely unexpected way, namely, to turn to turn where you processed the hairs.

If you are worried about how to lighten your hair on your hands quickly, freshly squeezed lemon juice will help you - just lubricate the hairs with a natural remedy several times a day and at the same time spent a while in the sun. The result will not be long in coming.

Recipe No. 4.

Some women prefer not brightening solutions, but masks that affect hair color. To prepare such a cosmetic mask, the following products will be needed:

  • white cosmetic clay - 1 tsp;
  • hydrogen peroxide 20% - to the "eye";
  • a solution of ammonia - 6 drops.

Mix all the components until a homogeneous not too liquid mass is obtained, cover it with the hairy part of the skin of the hands, and after 15 minutes, rinse it with soap.


Recipe No. 5.

This is another option for a brightening hair mask on the hands. Take 1 tbsp. l. Hydrogen peroxide is 30% and the same amount of toothpaste, mix the components and apply this mass to the problem areas of the hands for a quarter of an hour, then wash your hands under warm running water.

Please note that to prepare a mask it is better to use ordinary toothpaste, without mint extract, so as not to provoke the appearance of an unpleasant feeling of burning on the skin.

Recipe number 6.

If you are lucky enough to be in a pharmacy in which the pharmacists themselves prepare some drugs, order a special ointment to change the dark tone of hairs on their hands. The tool is prepared according to a classic recipe - from perhydrol, anhydrous lanolin, antifebrine and petroleum jelly.

In the process of applying a pharmacy lightening agent, the hairs on the hands will gradually become thinner, brighten and, perhaps, even become more rare.

Recipe number 7.

If you have a very delicate skin, prone to allergic reactions, give up the idea to disguise the hair on your hands using peroxide, hydraititis or vinegar. All these funds are too aggressive to you. Pay your attention to the natural clarifiers of the hair. For example, a pharmacy chamomile can change the color of hairs to a lighter shade. The action of this plant does not dry the skin and does not cause irritation.

Pile of Medicinal Yellow Chamomile Herb Buds on White Background

You will need to prepare a natural clarifying agent:

  • dried chamomile flowers;
  • food film;
  • a glass of boiling water;
  • towel.

Pour boiling water as many chamomile flowers as you need to make a very strong chamomile tea. Insist the product for about 30 - 40 minutes. Then distribute the swollen mass through the hairy section of the hand, wrap your hand with a baking film, and wrap the towel on top of the film. The compress must be removed after 2 hours. To enhance the action of chamomile to it, you can add a flesh of 1 lemon.

Recipe No. 8.

To lighten the hair, prepare a herbal infusion. What raw materials to use for this is to decide. It can be linden or calendula flowers, the dandelion is ordinary. 4 tbsp. l. Bring flowers on low heat to a boil, and then leave for 2 hours in a dark place so that the liquid is infused. The resulting infusion several times a day impregnate a cotton pad and wipe your hair on your hands. Continue the procedure until they brighten.


How to prevent an undesirable skin reaction

When dealing with peroxide and ammonia, carefully monitor the duration of cosmetic sessions. If you overdo it by frivolity, you can get a burn, to which sensitive skin will react very difficult. The signal to the immediate completion of the session is an increasing burning sensation.

After the completion of any lighting mask, the hands must be washed with soap in cool water, and then feed the skin with oily cream. Soothing inflammatory processes soothing baby oil suppresses well. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight on the skin in the first 2 to 3 hours after the brightening procedure. The problem of dark hairs on hand is best solved in the cold season.

To make unaesthetic vegetation on the hands is less noticeable, without resorting to the services of cosmetologists, it is quite real. All ways of lightening that we have now shared are suitable for bleaching of ladies' antennae or a gun on the stomach. Choose a suitable procedure for yourself, be patient and regularly perform clarifying cosmetic sessions - then you will certainly be satisfied with the result.

How to lighten the hair on your hands on your own. Video



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