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How to piling at home

How to piling at home
Facial and body peeling at home

Many women who often use the expensive services of cosmetologists, sooner or later begin to be interested in whether it is possible to carry out the skin peeling procedure at home. To the joy of the fair sex, you can do this. Moreover, it is not necessary for this to purchase expensive cosmetic drugs, and it is possible to use many available products that are available to each in the refrigerator. Next, we will talk about how to make peeling at home.

Pilling at home: Important recommendations


In order to perform peeling at home, you should adhere to some recommendations:

  1. To carry out the procedure, you should prepare everything you need in advance. The tank for stirring the mixture and towel (napkins) should be clean so as not to cause skin inflammation and allergic reactions.
  2. Before peeling, you need to carefully cleanse the skin from the remnants of cosmetics. For this, it is not recommended to use alcohol -based tonics. It is better to use stooping gels and fluids for the face.
  3. This procedure cannot be carried out too often. For owners of oily skin, 1 procedure per week is enough, and for those who have dry skin-1 session of 10-12 days.
  4. Keep in mind that the peeling mixture should be stirred immediately before the session. This is necessary so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.
  5. When apply the composition for peeling to the skin of the face, then avoid delicate areas around the eyes and lips.
  6. The composition is washed off after applying with cool water, comfortable for the skin.
  7. After the procedure, you can not intensively wipe the skin with a towel, just get it slightly lightly.
  8. Within 2 weeks after skin cleaning, it is not recommended to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight. Use UV means when entering the street.
  9. After the procedure, you can not treat the skin with alcohol -containing tonics and lotions. This can cause intensive irritation and contribute to the appearance of acne.
  10. As soon as the peeling session is completed, treat the skin with a weak decoction of chamomile or sage. This will help relieve irritation and redness.

Pilling at home: Contraindications


Contraindications to sessions:

  1. Herpes.
  2. Sensitive thin skin.
  3. The presence of wounds, scratches, burns, pustules and other inflammations on the skin.
  4. Any skin diseases.

Fruit peeling at home


This is an intense and at the same time gentle skin cleansing method. The basis of fruit peeling is useful fruit acids (an-acids). They can be obtained both by the synthetic method and from ordinary fruits available to everyone. The main ingredients for the procedure are apple, wine and citric acid. They have a delicate effect on the skin, cleansing it of dead particles, increase the tone and elasticity of the skin, rejuvenate, and stimulate the production of natural collagen.

Ingredients and the composition of the mixtures necessary for piling faces at home:

  1. "Exotic fruits." You will need 150 grams of pineapple, 90 grams of papaya, 1 tbsp. l. honey. Mix the ingredients very carefully. Keep on your face for no more than 3-4 minutes.
  2. "Oil and fruits." It will take 1 tsp. rosehip oil, 1 tsp Olive, a few drops of lemon juice. Keep for about 4-7 minutes. Reduce the procedure time if you have sensitive skin.
  3. "Oranges and honey." You will need 150 grams of orange, 1 tbsp. l. honey. Mix the ingredients. Keep on your face for no more than 4 minutes.

Glycolic peeling at home

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Most often, glycolic acid is used in cosmetic salons for the cleaning procedure. It is extracted synthetically from sugarcane. Its effect consists in deep cleansing of the skin from keratinized particles. Thanks to the development of the modern cosmetological industry, you can make glycolic peeling at home. To do this, it is enough to purchase a quality tool based on glycolic acid for the procedure in the store.

Stages of conduct:

  1. Clean the skin well. Moisten it abundantly with a fluid or tonic for the face (without alcohol content).
  2. Apply a cosmetic product. Use a special peeling brush for this. Keep the nothing more than the time indicated in the instructions. If you feel a burning sensation, rinse the mixture in advance.
  3. In any case, it is impossible to neutralize glycolic acid with water, otherwise you can get a skin burn. Use a special neutralization tool for this.
  4. Glue the skin slightly with a dry towel. Apply a soothing mask to the face that relieves inflammation and irritation of the skin.

Chemical peeling at home

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If you approach the issue correctly, then you can also conduct deep peeling at home on your own. Most often, calcium chloride is used for this.

Stages of conduct:

  1. In the pharmacy, you should purchase the ampoule of the drug. In no case do not buy the concentration of the solution above 5%, otherwise you can get a deep skin of the skin, scars and scars.
  2. Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to test the skin reaction. For this, the drug is applied to the wrist. If you do not feel discomfort, burning and itching, then you can carry out the procedure on your face. Otherwise - it is strictly prohibited.
  3. The skin is cleaned without the use of alcohol -based products.
  4. Apply a few drops of the drug to a cotton pad.
  5. Gently wipe the skin with the disc. When the product dries, then moisten their hands with a children's cape and remove it from the face.
  6. Apply moisturizing and soothing to the skin.

According to the same scheme, salicylic peeling is carried out at home. To do this, you should purchase 5% the ampoule of the drug. The percentage of the concentration of the solution cannot be exceeded in any case.

Coffee peeling at home

Why exactly coffee?


Coffee is a drink that is loved by many. It has a unique taste and magnificent aroma. Many do not know, but coffee is known not only with their excellent invigorating properties. Due to the fact that it contains a lot of minerals and trace elements, it is also useful for the skin and, therefore, it can be used to prepare home cosmetics. In particular, on the basis of coffee today, masks, peels, scrubs and anti -cellulite drugs are prepared. They show effectiveness when caring for body and face. In order to prepare various cosmetics yourself, you need to take only natural coffee. Ground grains of coffee and buzz, which usually remains after a cup of drunk drink, can be used as an effective ingredient. Only coffee should be without sugar. Coffee masks and peeling for face care are usually prepared from small grinding coffee. As for the grains of large grinding, they can be used to peel the body. An even greater effect can be achieved by using ground coffee as a remedy against cellulite in home scrub and masks.

With the help of ground natural coffee, you can give the skin of a tint of tanning to the skin. To do this, you just need to very finely chop natural coffee beans. This can be done with a simple coffee grinder, then diluted with a small amount of water (only boiled). In the end, a thick mass should be obtained. It needs to be thoroughly applied to the skin for about 8-9 minutes. For the same purpose, it is recommended to wipe your face every morning with strong, freshly brewed coffee. This can be done instead of washing. By the way, the same procedure tones well and refreshes the skin of the face well.

Coffee peeling at home (recipes)

  1. Based on coffee, you can prepare peeling at home, suitable for all skin types. To do this, first boil and then drink this noble drink. After that, the thick, which usually remains at the bottom of the cup, mix with 1 tsp. oatmeal. With dry skin, add another 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, and with a fat 1 tbsp. l. yogurt. Then apply the resulting mixture to the wet face and then carefully massage. This must be done for a couple of minutes.
  2. There is still one recipe. To do this, first take 1 tbsp. l. rye flour and dilute with cooled strong coffee. A thick mixture should turn out. Add one yolk to it and stir everything well. Now you can apply on the face for 8-9 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water.

Piling with dairy acids at home


Ryazhenka has found its application for cosmetic purposes, as it contains useful lactic acid. So, for example, on the basis of a fermented, you can make peeling at home, as well as a mask for any skin type.

  1. For preparation, you need to take oatmeal. In combination with a fermentation, they will help relieve irritation. If you add eggs and lemon juice, then such a tool additionally tones the skin well. To improve the properties of the mixture, you can also add lavender or rosemary essential oil to it.
  2. There is still one recipe. So, with the help of ash and 1 tbsp. l. Salt can be prepared a peeling mixture that is applied to the skin for 8-9 minutes using circular movements.

Note! On the basis of fermentation, you can make baths that refresh and make the skin softer and silky. It is enough to take such a bath within 10-15 minutes.

Pilling with cinnamon at home


Cinnamon is rich in antioxidants and tannins. In addition, it is able to relieve inflammation and stimulate blood circulation. These properties allow the use of this spice in cosmetology.

It is useful for body skin care. In particular, it can be used to make peeling, which is suitable for any type of skin. To do this, take half a glass of olive oil to add 1 tsp to it. cinnamon and 1 tsp brown sugar. Take this remedy with you to the shower. Moisten the skin with water and after that, using light massive movements, treat it with the resulting mixture. With oily skin, after the procedure, it is necessary to wash off the remaining peeling with a regular shower gel. With a dry type, it is best to rinse the body with water without the use of some cosmetics.

Coconut oil peeling at home

Coconut oil in cosmetology


The composition of this oil includes vitamin E, which, as you know, is considered a powerful antioxidant. Thanks to this property, important cell membranes are protected, and their oxidation is prevented. This vitamin, when it enters the skin, protects cells from degeneration. Therefore, it is recommended to use this tool as the basis for peeling at home. Another property of this product has a certain influence in solving this problem - it moisturizes and nourishes the skin well.

Coconut oil also found its application in certain areas of medicine. It has good astringent, antiseptic and anti -inflammatory properties. Naturally, this oil is not an independent means of treatment, but as an additional ingredient it can be very effective.

Where else can you use the product:

  1. It is used as a means for effective removal of makeup. Not a single waterproof mascara can stand in front of him. To do this, apply a little oil to a regular cotton swab and carefully remove the makeup from the eyes, and then wipe your face with a simple clean towel.
  2. From coconut oil, a good lotion for the skin is obtained. It is also an excellent basis that can be used to make a body tonic.
  3. It can also be used in the form of a cuticle processing tool, because it can moisturize and nourish well. Therefore, in the case of too dry skin, such a problem can be easily solved with the help of this oil. It will save the cuticle from peeling, and also contribute to a longer holding manicure.
  4. At home, a natural deodorant can even be made based on coconut oil.
  5. In addition, it can make a good remedy for cleaning makeup brushes. In general, it is necessary to clean makeup brushes at least once a month. To do this, it is quite possible to use a special detergent that is easy to cook at home. It is enough to mix two parts of antibacterial soap and one part of coconut oil.
  6. Based on such a tool, you can make an eye cream that is applied even to very thin and delicate areas. Therefore, the coconut oil is recommended to be used as a replacement for the skin around the eyes.
  7. In addition, it turns out a good lip balm that prevents from crackling and peeling.
  8. Coconut oil can help whiten teeth. To do this, mix a little product with baking soda and apply to a toothbrush.
  9. It can also help with dandruff, especially with dry scalp. To solve this problem, you need the heading procedure at home. You should apply a little moisturizing coconut oil to the hair roots with simple massage movements and hold for 15 minutes. In addition, this tool will stimulate hair growth.

Coconut oil -based peeling recipe


This oil can be used to prepare effective body peeling at home. To do this, mix half a glass of coconut oil with a small handful of sugar or stone salt. We massage well. We hold for no more than 15 minutes.

Pilling at home: video


Anyuta 10.09.2016 Answer

I really like peeling with 12% glycolic acid. I want to advise everyone who wants to save time and money. Much cheaper than salon procedures, and the effect is the same. The skin becomes beautiful and young. The complexion becomes even, without any spots and bumps.
