
How to make Arab makeup step by step. Arab makeup for brown, green, blue eyes

How to make Arab makeup step by step. Arab makeup for brown, green, blue eyes
How to learn how to do the eye of the eyes of Arab women? What are the secrets in creating such makeup? You will learn about all this from the article.

Eastern women have always been distinguished by their mystery and sensuality. A huge merit in this belongs to makeup. All oriental types of makeup can be divided into 4 groups: Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and Indian. Each type of eastern makeup has its own techniques for applying shadows, pencil, color combinations. In this article, we will tell you how to turn with cosmetics into a luxurious woman with an alluring gaze, or how to make Arab makeup. 

Features of Arab makeup

Arab makeup is a variety of eastern makeup. European women have long borrowed such makeup technique. Among the distinctive features of Arab makeup can be distinguished:

  • an incredible variety of colors and shades in eye makeup. If you are used to making moderate makeup, then the Arabic makeup technique is radically different in its brightness and catchy;
  • arab women, by virtue of their religion, wear special clothes, which leaves only their eyes open. It is this part of the face in makeup that special attention is paid to;
  • the use of the eyes of “complex” shooters, numerous shades of shadows. Eastern beauties like to apply purple, emerald, lilac, golden shadows;
  • arab makeup has a rather complex technique. It will be difficult for a beginner to fulfill this type of makeup independently;
  • another distinctive feature of Arab makeup are clearly decorated eyebrows;
  • in Arab make -up, you can often find rhinestones, sparkles that girls glue on the temporal region, on the forehead, forever;
  • arab eye makeup provides incredibly long and voluminous eyelashes. The use of overhead eyelashes or bundles will be absolutely appropriate in this technique of makeup;
  • arab makeup very often provides for intensive secretion of not only the upper eyelid, but the entire lower one. Women bring a coal tint of the black mucous membrane, add colored shadows along the eyelash line. The gaze should become truly “feline”;
  • arab makeup cannot be called daytime. This is exclusively evening or festive makeup.

Arab makeup. Photo

Arab makeup for green eyes

Arab makeup step by step. Option 1

Consider the first option for creating a beautiful Arab makeup in purple tones for green eyes:

  • carefully prepare the skin of the face for the application of cosmetics. Arab makeup provides a rather dense coating that levels the skin well, hides pigmentation and deficiencies on the face. The eyelid also needs to be prepared well in order to give resistance to makeup. You can use a grain for eyelids or ordinary powder. On the whole mobile eyelid, apply shadows of a peach shade that will be the base;
  • using a wide and flat brush, apply shadows of a dark blue or dark gray shade on the outer corner of the eye;
  • type of a fluffy brush for a pearl shadow of a pearl color and apply them to the inner corner of the eye. Also, with the help of the same shadows, you need to shade the border of the transition to dark shadows in the outer corner of the eye. Make it with soft circular movements, easily touching the century. The transition between two shades should not be visible;
  • using a clean hand, type the shadows of an intense purple shade and apply them in a fold above the upper age. With light movements, transfer part of this color and to the outer corner of the eye;
  • bend all transitions thoroughly again;
  • with the help of black shadows or dark blue, which we used to decorate the outer corner of the eye, design the lower eyelid. To do this, you need a brush with a short pile. It is necessary to distinguish dark shadows and the entire mucous membrane of the lower eyelid and the line below the eyelashes;
  • now you will need shadows of intense white color. With these shadows, knock out the inner corner of the eye. Such a contrasting combination of white and dark colors will look incredibly spectacular;
  • using a black liner, let your eyes along the entire line of the upper eyelash growth. The line should go beyond the boundaries of the eye with a pointed tip;
  • at the end of makeup, you must definitely make eyelashes. It is better to twist them a little up using a special device, slightly powder and make up with volumetric black mascara. After 2-3 minutes, apply the second layer. You can also stick artificial eyelashes, which will also look very spectacular. Amazing Arab makeup for green eyes is ready.

Arab makeup step by step. Option 2

Green eyes are perfectly combined with all shades of purple. Eastern beauties quite often use these colors in eye makeup. Consider the stages of creating one of such makeup for green eyes:

  • prepare the eyelid for the application of cosmetics. Drink it or apply a special fixing base;
  • using a wide flat brush, apply a dark gray shadow to the outer corner of the eye. Bend them in such a way that the color reaches the middle of the century;
  • in the second half of the century, with the inner corner of the eye, apply light shadows with a gray tone. Bend again well to get rid of the border between two shades;
  • select an intensive purple shade with the shadows of the intensive purple over the upper age and the outer corner of the eye;
  • make the inner corner even lighter, whiten it;
  • with the help of dark gray shadows that we used at the very beginning, bring down the lower eyelid, including the mucous membrane;
  • black eyeliner draw an arrow on the upper eyelid;
  • clean your eyelashes in several layers or use overhead eyelashes, bundles. which will be very appropriate in this makeup.

Arab makeup step by step. Option 3

Consider another option of makeup for green eyes in Arabic technique:

  • after you have prepared your face well for applying makeup, you designed your eyebrows, you can proceed to "drawing" the eyes. Using a black pencil or felt -tip pen, design the outer corner of the eye. You must draw a clear line that will seem to be a continuation of the lower eyelid and “look” towards the temple. If it is difficult for you to draw such an even line, then you can use tape for convenience, which needs to be glued at an angle. After completing the makeup, you simply take it off and see an amazing result;
  • using a flat brush with a short pile, apply the shadow of a dark gray shade along the line of growth of the upper eyelashes;
  • with the help of the same shadows, slightly draw a fold above the age of age. Bend all the boundaries between the flowers;
  • to create a beautiful contrast, add light golden color to the very corner of the eye and on the central part of the upper eyelid. With a clean fluffy brush, blend the transitions between the flowers;
  • select the space under the eyebrow. With the help of such a cunning technique, you will make the look open;
  • now is the time to create a beautiful arrow in the Arabic style. It should be double. To create such an effect, draw a thin line of white color right under the tail of an already drawn arrow. If you glued the adhesive tape at the very beginning, then first turn it out;
  • now, using a contour pencil for the eyes of black, highlight the lower eyelid well, including the mucous membrane. Expand the line outside the eye, drawing the tail of the arrow right under the white line. Thus, you will get the effect of a double arrow in the Arabic style;
  • using a small brush with a short pile, blend a pencil on the lower eyelid so that there are no sharp transitions. The highlight of this makeup will also be bright shadows on the lower eyelid. In this case, these are shadows of a beautiful turquoise shade. Apply them on top of the pencil;
  • the last stroke in this makeup of the eye in the Arabic style will be painting eyelashes. Do it in 2 layers or stick artificial eyelashes. Makeup is ready.

Arab makeup step by step. Option 4

You can make green eyes even stronger with the help of an unusual bright-peach shade of shadows. Let's look at the step -by -step execution of Arab makeup from the photo for green eyes:

  • carefully prepare the eyelid for applying makeup. Be sure to use the concealer in order to align the color and hide the flaws. Using a contour pencil of black color, draw an inverted letter “C” forever;
  • with the help of the same pencil, fill the space from the drawn line to the outer corner of the eye;
  • now you need to carefully shade the line in the direction up to the eyebrow, leading it into a fold above the upper age. Your movements should be smooth, barely relating to the skin, so as not to make the "dirt" around the eye;
  • add an additional color layer to the outer corner for greater brightness and intensity. If you drew a pencil before, now use the shadows of the same shade. This technique allows you to increase the resistance of makeup;
  • now fill the remaining space on the eyelids with shadows of peach or warm orange colors;
  • the brightest shadows highlight the inner corner of the eye;
  • look directly in front of you in the mirror, check the symmetry of the lines. Bend all color transitions again;
  • using dark gray or dark blue shadows, highlight the fold over the upper age and bring down the lower eyelid;
  • pearl shadows knock out the space under the eyebrow to create the effect of a shining and open gaze;
  • dark blue or gray shadows select the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid and grow well with a clean brush again;
  • it remains to paint the eyelashes or stick over invoices. The next makeup of the charming eastern beauty is ready.

Arab makeup for blue eyes or gray

Arab makeup step by step. Option 1

Arab makeup can look no less spectacular not only on the dark eyes, but also on light ones. Consider the process of creating a very bright makeup in Arabic technique for bright eyes;

  • carefully powder the entire upper eyelid and lower. Using a thin brush, draw a silhouette of the future arrow. A feature of this makeup is an arrow of incredible size and shape, which is very characteristic of Arab makeup;
  • black pencil fill the space inside the arrow. As you can see in the photo, the tail of the arrow practically reaches the eyebrows;
  • in order to achieve perfect dullness, saturation and resistance, make a second layer of black, but already shadows;
  • select in black and the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. Bend the boundaries of the arrow so that they become smoky;
  • the highlight of this makeup is the incredible contrast of black and white. Saturated and matte white color highlight the inner corner of the eye;
  • using a small brush, apply a little black and along the growth line of the lower eyelashes. Insert your eyelashes very densely. Classic Arab makeup with incredibly expressive and big eyes is ready.

Arab makeup step by step. Option 2

If you are a girl with bright skin and bright eyes, then try to try on the fantastic colors of oriental makeup on yourself, which will make your eyes be even stronger. Consider the step -by -step eye makeup using a juicy olive color:

  • the key to the success of a beautiful Arab makeup is a perfectly leveled face and an even shade of the skin around the eyes. Make sure that there are no bruises or other imperfections on your face;
  • using shadows of brown shade, highlight the outer corner of the eye;
  • bend the color thoroughly with a fluffy clean brush;
  • add a little more of the same color to the outer corner and blend it into a fold above the upper age;
  • select with a small brush with brown color and the lower eyelid, including the mucous membrane;
  • add dark color to the central part of the mobile eyelid;
  • once again, thoroughly blend all the boundaries of the color, turning them into a light haze;

  • now you need to prepare the eyelid for applying a rich olive color. Bleam the entire inner corner of the eye;
  • olive shadows highlight the inner corner of the eye. The color should also go to the inside of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • insert your eyelashes very densely. Exotic makeup is ready. The main rule of this makeup is the gradual layering of color and a very thorough blend.

Arab makeup for brown eyes

Arab makeup step by step. Option 1

Brown eyes with makeup in Arabic technique look especially attractive. Consider the technique of performing eye makeup using golden sparkling shades.

  1. Carefully prepare the whole face for makeup. Use tonal cream with high covering ability. The upper eyelid area is treated with the leveling base. With a soft pencil of a dark brown shade, draw a line in a fold above the upper age. The pencil must be soft, well amenable to a rag. You can also apply ordinary shadows using a thin brush.
  2. Next, you need to shade the resulting line towards the eyebrow.
  3. Using a pencil, add even more intensity if it disappears after a sliding.
  4. Highlight the space under the eyebrow using mother -of -pearl shadows or highlighter. This technique will visually raise the eyebrow even higher and make the look more open and fresh.
  5. On the whole mobile eyelid, apply cream or liquid shadows of a bronze shade. This color is an ideal "companion" for brown eyes.
  6. Now, on the whole mobile eyelid, apply golden sparkles or a special sparkling pigment that will give the elegance of our Arab maker.
  7. Using a liquid eyeliner, draw a thin line on the upper eyelid and with the help of a black pencil, select the lower eyelid, starting from the middle. The sparkling oriental makeup for brown eyes is ready.

Arab makeup step by step. Option 2

The next makeup for brown eyes is made with brighter and more contrasting colors and actively summed up the lower century. This arrow drawing technique is perfect for an overhanging century and for the eye with a “falling” corner, which is quite complicated for performing makeup with arrows. Consider his step -by -step execution:

  • using a soft black pencil, draw a line in a fold above the upper age. If the eyelid is hidden under the fold of the skin, then draw a “new” fold ”right on the skin. The tip of the line must be raised to the eyebrow to avoid the effect of the "falling" century;
  • using a flat brush with a short pile, blend a line towards the eyebrow. The space under the line should remain clean;
  • with a clean brush, pick up the shadows of a purple shade and apply them directly to the drawn black line. Bend the color to get rid of sharp transitions;
  • on the whole mobile eyelid, apply a contrasting turquoise shade;
  • now, along the line of growth of the upper eyelashes, draw a thin arrow with a ponytail with a liner, a felt -tip pen or liquid eyeliner, repeating the direction of the upper line in the fold of the eyelid;
  • a soft pencil-kayal of black should be brought down the lower eyelid. Select completely the entire mucous membrane. The upper and lower arrows should be connected both in the inner corner of the eye, making the look to the cat and in the external;
  • to create the effect of an open and fresh look, apply pearly light shadows or highlighter to the space under the eyebrow;
  • tighten the eyelashes with a special device slightly and paint in mascara in 2-3 layers. Arab makeup in a fantastic color for brown eyes is ready.

The secrets of Arab makeup

  1. The obligatory attribute of the Arab beauty are beautiful arrows in front of the eyes. An interesting fact is that the eastern women have mastered the art of drawing ideal arrows in their eyes long before the appearance of liquid carts, convenient pencils-liners or flomasters for the eyes. Women were adopted to use antimony - a black stone of a soft consistency. We can say that this is an ancient analogue of a pencil-kayala. The stone was crushed, mixed with butter, dried and formed from a mixture of pencils.
  2. A variety of shapes of the shooter. The secret of Arab women who hide their face are unusually expressive eyes. An unchanged assistant in the release of the eyes is the huge size of the arrow in the eyes. Modesty and invisibility are not at all inherent in Arab makeup. The arrow can end almost at the temple, have an unusual bend, large thickness and extravagant color.
  3. Another secret of the mysterious makeup of Arab women is a thorough sliding. It should be such that the color gradually passes into a subtle haze. Arab beauties shave both arrows and shadows on the eyelids. Soft antimony perfectly lended in a rally.
  4. Mandatory design of the lower eyelid. As you could notice from the photo, Arab women never disregard the lower eyelid. It must be designed both with shadows and pencil. The mucous line is also released almost always. European women do not have to completely adopt this technique in Arab makeup. You can fail the lower eyelid not completely, but from the middle to the outer edge of the eye.
  5. A thoroughly painted inter -seal space. Bright shadows and active arrows should be combined with a perfectly painted space between the cilia.
  6. Relative pallor of the lips and cheekbones. The most powerful and main emphasis in the makeup of the Arab girl belongs to her eyes. Eastern beauties can emphasize the lips only with a transparent brilliance, and the cheekbones can not be highlighted at all, as European women are used to doing.

What do you need to create Arab makeup

Perhaps your cosmetic bag already has everything you need to create makeup in the Arabic style. We list the main cosmetic products that will help you in creating the image of a unique eastern beauty:

  • a dense foundation that will hide all your shortcomings and make the skin even and beautiful;

  • primer for the eyelid. Beautiful Arab makeup provides for the application of several shades of shadows, numerous sliding. All these layers of cosmetics will not last before our eyes without a special tool, which is intended to increase resistance. In addition, the shadows applied to the base look much brighter;

  • classiel for the eyes. This tool will help you hide any imperfections (bruises, redness) on the skin around the eyes;

  • shadows. It is better to purchase a whole palette of shadows, where the most exotic colors will be collected. Then you will not be limited in choosing shades for oriental eye makeup;

  • volumetric mascara. For makeup in Arabic technique, an ultra -red mascara with the effect of volume and twisting will be useful to you;

  • pencil-kayal. This tool is necessary to secrete the line mucosa on the eyelids. Without this technique, it is impossible to imagine Arabic eye makeup;

  • falled eyelashes. It is in the eastern makeup that glued eyelashes or bundles will look very harmonious and appropriate;

  • sparkling sparkles, rhinestones. Arab makeup is famous for the fireworks of shades, sparkling, color contrasts. Modesty and minimalism are not here.

Arab makeup. Video

If it is difficult for you to learn makeup on photo instructions, then you can view a few detailed instructions on the video.

If you want to try on a new image, then try to make bright eye makeup in Arabic technique. Such makeup is suitable for an evening event, going to a night club, to a party. Be always different!



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