
How to determine wax

How to determine wax
How to remove hair on the body at home

Vegetation decorate men, what hard to tell o female tele. Representatives weak floor know, aside often and oK necessary look after per volosina pokrov on tele. V world exists wide choice options, how easily, quickly and comfortable get rid of from notneeds hair on tele. Razor, electronicmachines and others similar methods removal hair for a long time already outdated, onhow much women actively become enjoy special waxes. WITH their help you will be able to easily delete volosiki absolutely on any parts body, even v hardavailable mestes.. except togo, procedure, connected with wax renders influence on development hair. This process maybe lead not only to slowdown heost hair, but and to their full one disappearance.

Types of wreck depilation


There are several types of wax depilation:

  1. Hair removal with hot method. When using hot wax, you must be extremely careful because there is a high probability of getting a skin burn. In order to prevent the chance of injury to the skin area, you should follow all the instructions and follow so that it does not overrun. This method is ideal for fine and sensitive skin. Usually, the hot method produces removal of vegetation in the bikini or axillary body. Despite the fact that the wax is hot, it does not have any effect on the skin, so you can not be afraid of rashes and other irritation. The wax must be heatled to a temperature of not more than 47 degrees. First cover the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin by a viscous agent, after a while with a sharp movement of his hand need to trim the sticky ribbon and repeat the alternate procedure.
  2. Hair removal with a warm method. Such a way to eliminate hair eliminates the possibility of burning the skin. You can purchase such a wax for depilation in the form of a convenient cartridge. The comfort of the cartridge is that the wax to lie down with a smooth layer. In order to start the process, the wax on the water bath or in the microwave should be heat. And with thin stripes apply to the needy area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. To spread a viscous cosmetic tool on the skin to wax, a special video or a spatula should be attached, then you need to stick the adhesive tape and sharply disrupt.
  3. Hair removal with a cold method. This species is considered the most prompt, although not so productive. For cold depilation, it is not necessary to make any effort, because the cold method implies exclusively strips on which wax is already present, and everything that is required is to heat the wax strips, stick to the desired skin, press and cut off.
  4. Hair removal with film wax. A completely new method of eliminating vegetation on the human body. For this method, the adhesive tape does not need, it is necessary to warm up to 39 degrees. It differs from the other methods in that the layer applied to part of the body is much thinner than the other options.

Video lesson: Wax depilation

In order for the knowledge about the wig depilation and led only to positive results, we will show you a video:

Pros and cons depilation wax at home


The advantages of depilation of wax

Wax depilation has many advantages to pay attention to:

  • the procedure can be done at home, saving at the same time not a small amount of money;
  • the reciplation process of wax does not require much time;
  • eliminates vegetation on the body, regardless of the type of hair;
  • the result obtained can hold over for more than a month;
  • there is an opportunity to stop hair growth;
  • with proper use, you will not have irritability.

Discrimination shortcomings

Consider the minuses of depilation wax:

  • wax depilation can be very painful for people with a low pain threshold;
  • the method helps to get rid of even the shortest hairs;
  • some inflammations may appear, but you should not be afraid, after three days everything will pass.

Contraindications for Wax Depilation

Consider contraindications:

  • the presence of a benign tumor in the form of warts and moles;
  • it is a harmful procedure for diabetics;
  • strongest varicose veins;
  • before the wax depilation procedure, be sure to test the wax on a separate area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Wax depilation inventory


To depilation wax you should purchase:

  • suitable wax for you;
  • vakhtalas (it is considered optional, since the wax can be melted using a water bath or microwave);
  • cosmetology tapes for bioepilation;
  • cosmetics to eliminate wax residues, it is also possible to remove the stickiness with vegetable oil of any kind;
  • vopatochka for applying wax.

How to prepare the skin to depilation wax


To begin the wax depilation procedure, it is necessary to make sure the absence of an allergic reaction. To do this, it is necessary to spread some wax on any part of the hand, to obtain the result you need to wait for about 15 minutes.

  1. Pour into the water bath and break the body for 25 minutes, then dry.
  2. If there is a delicate part of the body with wax depilation, such as armpits and an intimate zone.
  3. Create an anesthetizing effect can help an Emla ointment, apply it to the deposited part, wrap the film and absorb within two hours.
  4. If the cream did not help, then you can try 2% solution of lidocaine in a checker order at a distance of 3.5 cm from each other.

Skin Care after Wax Depilation


After the cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to care for the skin so that it always remains smooth and soft.

  • with the help of the disinfection, make disinfection of the treated skin;
  • to close the pores, which opened during the sweeping, should be taken a contrast shower;
  • moisten the skin;
  • in order to avoid the exhausting itch, avoid contact with clothes;
  • hide the depiled skin sections from sunlight hit;
  • after 4 days, uncompand the skin.

Recipes for cooking wax at home for depilation


  1. To prepare wax for biodegration at home, mix 120 grams of bee wax, 210 g rosin, about 55 gr paraffin. All ingredients mix and melt in a microwave or on a water bath. Used for hot depilation.
  2. In a separate bowl, put 140 grams of bee and 370 Gy of carnab wax, healed in a water bath, but it is not necessary to bring to boil. Gradually, the wax will start melted, pour glycerin and add 1-2 drops of any essential oil. At the end it is necessary to cool down to get warm wax.

If you have spent not all the prepared mass, you do not need to throw out, because the mixture can be left in the refrigeration chamber to the next procedure.

Reviews of women who tried the method of depilation with wax home

"I have long been not using razors, I really like hot and warm depilation methods, I advise my girlfriends." Olga

"Girls, do not commit mistakes and remember that the wax is applied against hair growth, but remove the opposite." Kristina

"Everything, of course, is great and convenient, but I believe that the best lesson is a hike to a specialist, so definitely you will not spread and see how and what is happening. »Mila

"It was very difficult to get used to such painful breakdowns of wax strips, but over time the pain is blunting and not felt at all." Helena

"The girlfriend told that the razor was not effective for a long time in terms of depilation. I was first not hunting even try, the usual way of any heart. And a month ago I tried, I can say that the wax, indeed, is not such a terrible thing as many of them describe. The first 2 times hurts, and then you already get used to it. I recommend, buy wax and run to care for your body. " Maria


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