
How to sunbathe in a solarium correctly

How to sunbathe in a solarium correctly
How to choose a solarium and properly sunbathe in it.

The first to set the trend and made it fashionable to have tanned skin all year round - the incomparable Coco Chanel. Since then, it has become a stable cliche - if you look fresh and tanned, then you have a wonderful life, enough time and means to visit fashion resorts, regardless of a month a year. Even years later, now that any girl can easily become a beautiful owner of a chocolate shade of the skin, regardless of the year, weather, employment and place of residence - this stable association did not sunk into oblivion. And even if the seductive color was acquired artificially, through the correct tanning in the solarium, your skin still looks attractive, as after the Mediterranean resort.

How to sunbathe in a solarium: what is a solarium


A tanning solarium is a specially equipped camera for dosed irradiation from ultraviolet lamps. The solarium lamps are glass flasks with special additives, which do not miss ultraviolet waves short and harmful to humans. The solarium is simple and optimal, in terms of price and quality, a way to get a beautiful and quick tan at any time of the year. In addition, it is not groundless that it is safer and faster to sunbathe precisely in the solarium than under the open sun. Since you can always better control the power and dose of UV radiation in the equipped solarium chamber, taking a tan. In the solarium, you can sunbathe without any prejudices - the proportions of the consumed radiation of useful spectra A and B almost completely exclude harmful waves of S.

How to sunbathe in a solarium: what are the differences between the natural tan and tan in the solarium?


  1. The tan in the solarium may not be distinguished from ordinary, obtained under the rays of the sun. In both cases, the darkening of the skin (pigmentation) occurs in the same way, at the same time. Therefore, no matter how often you sunbathe in the sun, you can easily get the same amount of ultraviolet rays by light in a solarium.
  2. In addition, with equal intensity, darkening and the period of preservation of tanning in the open air, you will occupy as much as he would occupy in the solarium.
  3. The main difference between tanning in the solarium is that you can choose the individual intensity of lamps for the type of skin, as well as determine how much and how to regulate their power. This reduces the risk of burning and makes the tanning process more controlled and comfortable.
  4. The peculiarity of the solariums is in ultraviolet lamps and in their operation. It is the composition of their additives that is a kind of filter for the harmful rays of the C-spectr and quality for dosage A, w-waves. When choosing in which tanning beds it is best to sunbathe, it is these characteristics and the life of the lamps should interest you in the first place. Having made the right decision, you can avoid the effect of premature skin aging.
  5. Remember that lamps with a predominance of Wolf will give a tanned chocolate shade, and waves are designed to soften the intensity of the solarium and protect the cells of our skin.

Types of solariums: in which tanning bed is better to sunbathe

How to sunbathe in a solarium: horizontal solarium


  1. In the horizontal type of solarium, it is comfortable for you to quickly sunbathe, listening to music and staring in warm ultraviolet rays. How many pleasant minutes you can spend in a modern tanning bed, where by sunrise, personally regulate the function of blowing your body, turn off the front lamps and aromblas.
  2. Horizontal solariums are less powerful, unlike their “colleagues”, since the lamps are closer to the body. But the risk of getting a burn and burning is minimized.
  3. The only nuance of tanning in a horizontal solarium: after several sessions, you can notice the gaps on the body - white, not tanned spots. This can happen in places of contact of the body and glass due to pressure during tanning. They can be quickly removed, combining a tan in different types of tanning beds, as you desire and the occurrence of such a need.
  4. Hygiene: This question arises in this solarium. In advanced salons of solariums, this problem has long been solved with the help of a special disposable film, which to correctly change after each tan session. However, most salons have not yet reached this and use banal wiping of the lower glass with detergents/disinfectants.

How to sunbathe in a solarium: vertical solarium


  1. The lamps in the vertical solarium are much further from the tanning object, so it is more correct to install them more powerful.
  2. A certain discomfort can cause a tan of standing in a closed cabin of a solarium from 5 to 12 minutes. But this is an occasion in the solarium to be in motion, which will allow you to light up better and faster.
  3. In a vertical solarium, you do not face the problem of hygiene, as in horizontal. During the tan, there is no need to contact with glass, surfaces and tanning lamps.
  4. There may be a problem with a height: if you are not tall, and there is no built -in elevator in the cabin, then there will be a problem with the distant arrangement of facial lamps. This can ruin the impression of the solarium and will prevent you from sunbathing correctly.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to such a nuance of tanning in a vertical solarium, like a neck and a zone under a chin. If you strive to sunbathe correctly and evenly, remember: in the vertical solarium you need to pay special attention to these parts of the body. No matter how much you sunbathe in the solarium, you instinctively hold your head evenly. At this time, a light shadow falls on the part of the neck under the chin, and when you tilt your head back to level the area in front of the color, the back of the head begins to suffer. Therefore, as in the first case, it is recommended to combine different types of solariums to obtain the maximum effect.

How to sunbathe in a solarium: Soly chair

This new trend is intended for those people who do not want to sunbathe in the solarium. They use a tan in a solarium, only for a separate part of the body, for example, for a quick tanned face.

How to sunbathe in a solarium: additional properties of solariums


  1. Air conditioning: No matter how many minutes you sunbathe in the solarium, a special air circulation during the session creates a comfortable cool sensation. This parameter will help you better in the solarium. In addition, you have the opportunity to configure, enable and turn it off on your own.
  2. Aromatherapy: essential oils are added to internal aquatic reservoirs. Water is sprayed once a minute over the entire surface of your body and evenly spreads with air streams while you sunbathe in a solarium. This function effectively moisturizes the surface of the skin, which protects it from drying out. In addition, beneficial vitamins of aromatic oils have a positive effect on the skin and improve tanning in the solarium. Inhaling the vapors of evaporating oil, you relax and enjoy the acceptance of sunbathing.
  3. Musical therapy: as much as you sunbathe in a solarium - you listen to a pleasant dynamic or relaxing music. This helps you relax and at least for a minute, sunbathing in a solarium, to feel like the seashore. Such therapy has a positive effect on the sessions of the acceptance of sunbathing in the solarium, so you will want to return here again and again.

Skin types: how much you can sunbathe in a solarium


How to sunbathe in a solarium: the first type of skin

People with this type are distinguished by pale or snow -white skin. This type is not prone to tanning in principle. Such people can be sunbathed in the sun and in a solarium without any creams, not worrying about burns. No matter how many minutes you spend on a tan in a solarium - everything will be unsuccessfully. Trying to turn from Snow White into a dark -skinned woman will not work. You are simply not allowed to sunbathe by nature. But do not forget, in pallor, too, has your own charm and beauty.

How to sunbathe in a solarium: the second type of skin

Such people have fairly bright skin and often blond hair. This type is susceptible to ultraviolet rays, and it is better not to abuse their dosage. To light up well, such people need to adhere to the average tan schedule.

  • How much you can sunbathe in the solarium: 5-6 minutes with a break of three days. Only when the skin darkens enough, the dose can be increased to 7-10 minutes, and the break for the number of days should be left the same.

How to sunbathe in a solarium: the third type of skin

This is a velvety skin of a brown-haired woman and a fair sex with dark brown hair. This type of skin is fertile soil for the adoption of tanning in solariums even without a cream. Subject to the dosage, the probability of a burn is extremely small.

  • How much you can sunbathe in a solarium: 9-12 minutes to 5 visits after 1-2 days. The skin will quickly darken, so the dose can not be increased in the future.

How to sunbathe in a solarium: the fourth type of skin

People with this type of skin are distinguished by mild darkness, often brown hair.

  • How much you can sunbathe in a solarium: the desired persistent tan can be obtained after 5-7 sessions for 10-12 minutes. Representatives of this type of tan are well kept, so that on this for a certain period you can stop.

How to sunbathe in a solarium: solarium and cream for tanning


If you sunbathe in the sun at certain hours, when it is softer, you can without special protective equipment, then in the solarium it is correct to sunbathe exclusively using specialized creams. The basis for this is the proximity of the location of the lamps to the tanned object, and the intensity of ultraviolet radiation. Specialized creams will be offered to you in any salon. Moreover, the creams with which they sunbathe in the solarium are completely different from those that can be purchased at the nearest chemistry store. When choosing a bottle, pay attention to the composition, components of the cream, as well as the level of protection factors against ultraviolet radiation. On each cream, without which in no case do not start a tan in the solarium, you will find the marking of SPF (protective factors of the sun). They are indicated by numbers, depending on how many hours you can arrive in the sun using this cream. For example, if you are supposed to sunbathe a maximum in the solarium - 30 minutes, then the “2” labeling cream will double this time. In addition, in order to choose the right solarium, and with which cream it is better for you to sunbathe, you need to accurately determine your skin type. Professional specialists of salons of solariums can help you with this.

How to sunbathe in a solarium: skin types and creams for tanning

  1. Type 4: If you have already taken a tan in the current year, and your skin darkened, it is recommended to use sunscreen with protective filters from 2 to 6. You can certainly take more, just what is the point. With the correct dosage and duration of tan sessions in the solarium, you certainly will not burn, but you can slow down the process of the long -awaited receipt of a chocolate shade.
  2. Type 3: If you sunbathe for the first time this season, you better use a tan cream in a solarium with SPF not lower than 4-6. Then you can reduce the threshold to 3-4.
  3. Type 2: people with snow-white skin and a tendency to the appearance of freckles, a protective cream with a filter of at least 12-15 protection levels is suitable for a quick tan in the solarium.
  4. Type 1: You have a skin extremely sensitive to sunlight. Regardless of how much you have already accepted the sunbat, you can sunbathe in a solarium with a constant type of cream-SPF not lower than 15-20.

How much and how can you sunbathe in a solarium


  1. The maximum duration of tanning in the solarium is from 4 to 12 minutes, but not more than 10-12 procedures per month.
  2. For a year you can sunbathe in a solarium, adhering to the graphics, as often you wish, but not more than six full courses.
  3. Be sure to do at least week breaks between courses.
  4. After one tan session in the solarium, the next time you can sunbathe only after at least 24 hours. It is strictly forbidden to take several tan sessions in the solarium on one day.
  5. If you visit the solarium for the first time, it is right to sunbathe for at least 4 minutes.
  6. If you find redness on the skin, its excessive dryness, or other non -characteristic manifestations, stop the tan sessions in the solarium. Perhaps you did not choose the right thing in which tanning bed is better to sunbathe, or incorrectly determined the type of your skin, and maybe in the cabin of poor -quality or old lamps. This does not mean that the tan in the solarium is contraindicated to you. Just carry out thorough work on errors.
  7. Often it is interested in the question: is it possible to sunbathe in a solarium with cosmetics and perfumes, and what will happen if so sunbathe? Some cosmetics contain substances that penetrate deep into the skin and can respond to ultraviolet rays with tanning. This will lead to undesirable reactions, so there are always demackia in the solarium salons. But it is best not to use toilet water and cosmetics if you plan to attend a tan session in a solarium.
  8. To improve the resistance of tanning after a solarium, it is recommended not to take shower for about 4 hours so that the pigmentation effect “undertakes” well.
  9. It is recommended to transfer the tan session in the solarium after any cosmetic procedures with mechanical impact on the body (peeling, scrub, etc.)

Who can't sunbathe in the solarium


  1. Children under 15 years of age are prohibited from a long -term presence in the sun, including tan sessions in the solarium. Children's skin is still too vulnerable to subject it to such ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Pregnant women can be sunbathed in a solarium, but it should be borne in mind that there is a great risk of age spots. It is recommended to refrain from such trips so as not to expose the fruit of risk.
  3. If you undergo a course of treatment with antibiotics or complex hormonal drugs, it is not recommended to sunbathe in a solarium or abstain from such trips to the end of treatment.

Contraindications of fast tanning in a solarium


If you have chronic diseases or prolonged complex treatment, before making a decision to sunbathe in a solarium, be sure to show your doctor.
It is forbidden to take ultraviolet baths in solarium people with diseases:

  • cardiovascular and blood systems;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • individual sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation;
  • tuberculosis;
  • extensive pigmentation on the body.

How to sunbathe in a solarium. Video



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