
Homemade face mask lifting

Homemade face mask lifting
How to deal with age-related changes with face masks lifting

Time mercilessly to female beauty. Over the years, skin loses its elasticity, wrinkles and saggings appear. Modern cosmetology has funds and ways to return the skin lost youth, but not all women want to apply plastic surgery or a variety of beauty injections. If radical measures are absolutely not for you, you can use a cream or mask with a pull-up effect. To date, the cosmetology industry produces a variety of leifting effects. But you can easily make a similar tool at home, it will be much safer for the skin and is no less efficient.

The composition of homemade masks with the effect of lifting includes natural products, they can be selected according to their skin type. To make a lifting mask and look stunning, it is not necessary to ask for yourself from work or sacrifice your time to meet with a beautician. You can make your favorite mace, put on your face and relax for half an hour. The skin thanks you with excellent appearance and shine.

When you can make a lifting mask

Homemade mask lifting are designed to care for fading skin, they have the ability to pull up and level the skin. To extract the maximum benefit from this procedure, you should know for whom it is intended, and what problems can solve:

  • the appearance of small mimic wrinkles;
  • dull color;
  • lethargy of the skin;
  • dark spots;
  • double chin;
  • "Flooring" sought faces.

Contraindications for lifting masks

Despite the fact that masks are made with their own hands and only from fresh products, there are several contraindications for their application:

  • age less than 30 years;
  • wounds, scratches and abrasions on the face;
  • inflammation and dermatitis on the skin;
  • herpetic infection during the period of exacerbation;
  • fresh tan;
  • allergies to the components of masks;
  • less than 6 months after plastic surcharge.

Application Rules Lifting Face Masks


Tightening masks are prepared from fresh products immediately before use, they cannot be stored. Mask lifting have one feature. If after a conventional nutrient mask you can make a face massage, then after the lifting mask, it is categorically prohibited. Face massage must be done before applying the lifting mask to relax muscles as much as possible and get a good result.

The mask has also has its own characteristics. To apply the composition, you need to lie on the back and relax the facial muscles, in such a state it is necessary to stay all the time of the procedure. If the face is located vertically, the effect of the mask may not be, because the muscles are shifted down. Often masks with the effect of lifting are applied in several layers, so the composition is located nearby to independently add the next layer of the mask. At first glance, the procedure seems very difficult and impracticable by one person, but a little learning, you can easily do everything yourself.

Mask is removed using clean water, no detergents are recommended. The frequency of using the mask lifting is negotiated in each recipe specifically, but mostly it is 1-2 times a week. Do not force events and perform procedures every other day, it will not benefit. It is better to adhere to the advice of cosmetologists and apply tightening masks with a course no more than 2-4 months.

Lifting mask with egg squirrel


The use of egg protein in the composition of tightening masks is quite natural, because it is a protein perfectly pulls into the skin, creating an instant effect of lifting. The protein has the property to narrow the pores and level the skin surface. Unfortunately, the pulling effect disappears very quickly, in a few hours. Therefore, this mask should be systematically or shortly before the responsible meeting.

Lifting mask with honey

Protein intensively beat, add 1 tsp to it. liquid honey. The composition is applied to the face, conveniently setting around, lie down for 15-20 minutes. You will feel tightening the skin, try not to make a grimace and strain the muscles of the face. Mask wash off with water and be sure to apply your usual cream on the skin.

Lifting mask with oatmeal

Mix whipped protein, 1 tsp. Sour cream or kefir and oatmeal before obtaining a sour cream. Instead of oatmeal flour, it is possible to take the crumpled cereals of Hercules, for non-dissimilarity - to replace with just wheat flour. This mask carries an instant face lifting, the skin will delight you with frosted color and smoothness.

Lifting mask with lemon zest

Mix 1 tsp. crushed zest lemon, 1 tsp. lemon juice and whipped in foam protein, add 2 tsp. Wheat flour. A mask with lemon juice and lemon sister whitens the skin, cleanses and narrows the pores.

Lifting mask with clay


Cosmetic clay is part of many masks for the face and body. Currently masks with clay are especially popular, they are made in all cosmetic salons. And this is not surprising: clay is a natural material with excellent cleansing and nutritional properties. Clay contains useful vitamins and trace elements. In addition, clay has an excellent lifting property.

Cosmetic clay can choose any, almost all kinds are available, and buy them easily. Lifting effects have all kinds of clay.

For mask mix 1 tsp. clays with 1 tbsp. Warm water. You can make a mask more efficient by adding 1 tsp. Oil peach bones. This oil is excellent fighting with fading of the skin, giving it a healthy, well-groomed look. Take a comfortable position, relax the face and put the mask. Within 15 minutes you can relax and listen to music. During this time, the makeup will dry, pull the muscles of the face. It is removed by the mask in the usual way, warm water.

This composition can be taken as a basis by adding softening and feeding ingredients into it: honey, yogurt, lemon juice. A mask with clay is very good to add 1 tsp. Vitamin E oil solution, it is vitamin unfasteless youth and has excellent nutritional properties.

Collagen lifting masks

Insufficient collagen - protein, which creates skin elasticity, appears in women with age. That is why the skin becomes sluggish and wrinkled, the face floats down and loses his youthful outlines. To replenish the amount of collagen in the skin, you can take special additives and expensive cosmetics to care for age-related skin. But you can take advantage of wonderful recipes Lifting masks with gelatin, which make the skin elastic and tightened. Gelatin is a split collagen, its molecules easily penetrate into the skin.

For masks, it is recommended to use bright varieties of food gelatin. As a rule, light small grinding gelatin, corresponds to the highest grade. To prepare a lifting mask, you need to mix 1 tbsp. dry gelatin from 2 tbsp. milk or water and leave for 15 minutes for swelling. Then put the bowl on the water bath and heat the gelatin to the liquid state. It is impossible to boil! You can dissolve gelatin in another way. Keeping gelatin to put 10-15 seconds in the microwave. The result will be the same, but how fast!

Lifting mask with gelatin and kefir

Soak 1 tsp. Gelatin in 1 tbsp. milk. Dissolved gelatin mix from 1 tsp. Kefir and 1 tsp. oatmeal. The composition apply to the face of heat, relax the muscles of the face, lie half an hour. During this time, the mask dries and tighten the tired skin.

Lifting mask with gelatin and vitamins

The composition of this mask perfectly pulls the contours of the face and brightens the skin, making invisible pigment stains. The gelatin base for the mask is preparing in the usual way, gelatin dissolves in milk, add to it 1 tsp. Oil peach bones and 5 drops of oil solution of vitamins A and E. During the procedure, take a horizontal position and relax. The gelatin mass should dry, for this it will take 30-40 minutes. The skin after this mask has a wonderful look, smoothed, pulls up and becomes velvet.

Masks lifting around eyes


The skin around the eye is very thin and tender, so the age-related changes appear exactly there in the first place. Under the eyes can form skin protrusion - bags or dark circles, and the upper eyelids go down, making a look inexpressive. These shortcomings can be slightly corrected with makeup, but after 30 years it is already necessary to care for the skin around the eyes, moisturizing and pulling it up. It is always better to start with prevention than to overcome the problems that have appeared.

Lifting effects have such products: parsley, dill, fresh cucumber, raw potatoes, black and green tea, cottage cheese, sour cream. These products can be used by adding nutrients to them: honey, egg protein, vegetable oils. For the skin around the eyes you can not use:

  • citrus and their juices;
  • bones of fruit;
  • essential oils.

To make the lifting mask only benefit, and not harm, it is necessary to comply with certain rules:

  1. The skin around the eye is very thin, so it is impossible to use cosmetic masks for care for it.
  2. Apply the mask around the eyes gently so that the makeup did not hit the mucous eye.
  3. The best time for this procedure is an hour before sleep. This does not apply to masks for removing swelling, they can be done in the morning.
  4. Time actions Lifting mask 10-15 minutes.
  5. For masks on the upper eyelids, use cotton woven discs or gauges moistened in the composition.
  6. Before the mask procedure, prepare a washing solution. It is best to brew grass: chamomile or calendula, but you can use and simply warm water and sponge.

Lifting Masks for the skin around the eyes

  1. Boil potatoes without salt, strain. 1ch.l. Warm potatoes add 1 tsp. Fat sour cream and ½ tsp olive oil.
  2. To 1 tbsp. Olive oil Add 1 tsp. The crushed greenery of parsley or dill and as much starch from potatoes. Excellent nutritional lifting mask, removing swelling under the eyes.
  3. Lifting mask from potato starch and cream. To 1 tbsp. Starch add cream, 1 tsp vegetable oil or liquid vitamin E and 1 tsp. Ground green parsley.
  4. Very effective and inexpensive lifting mask from raw potatoes. From grated potatoes a little squeeze the juice so that the mass becomes thick and did not flow. Mall folded into several layers, put a potatoes from potatoes on it. Close your eyes and lie down in a relaxed atmosphere. Simply, but very effective from the edema of the age.

Ax mask lifting

To make a lifting mask for the eyelid, a soft cotton cloth will be required. Push the napkin with butter and attach to the centuries. Leave, relaxing 10-15 minutes. The easiest version of the mask:

  1. Soak the napkin with warm olive oil and attach to closed eyes.
  2. Take in equal parts olive oil and fatty sour cream or cream, mix thoroughly. This nutritional composition pulls the dry skin of the eyelids.
  3. Pour 1 tsp. Flax seed 100 g boiling water, insist. Mock in the wedding discs, apply to the eyelids. So infusion you can lubricate small wrinkles near the eyes.
  4. 1 tbsp. Dry flowers Vasilka Pour 3 tbsp. Unrefined olive oil, insist a week, lubricate the skin of the eyelid before bedtime.

Try to care for your skin always, at any age, and then your skin will be young and shining. After all, for this it is so little necessary: \u200b\u200bonly half an hour a week. Well-groomed healthy skin is your wealth and pride. Remember how Anatol wrote France: "There is no gentle, richer and better fabric than a beautiful woman's skin."

Homemade face mask lifting. Video

How to prepare a lifting cream mask for the skin around the eyes.


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Comments 14.05.2016 To answer

I am 27 and have mimic wrinkles, especially around the eyes. I have read somewhere that it is possible to remove small wrinkles, and it is possible to prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, making a contrast washness, that is, first warm, then cold and at the end is warm again. Thus, we boot the skin and, as a result, the blood flow in the skin of the face is enhanced, it is better supplied with oxygen and nutrients, and this is the key to long youth.
