
How to teach a child to talk

How to teach a child to talk
How to deal with the baby to speak

All parents without exception are looking forward to the first words of their baby. And if the child is not very in a hurry to speak, adults are worried, hurry to show the baby to the doctor.

Ways to teach a child talking

In order for the child's speech apparatus to develop, it should be worked immediately after the birth of the baby. Let him still do not understand words, but he feels emotion and mood.

  1. To teach a child to speak, you need to constantly talk to him. To tell you what you are doing when wash or dress your baby, what you see for a walk. It all starts with the little things.
  2. To teach a one-year-old child, try not to resort to helping gestures. Explain all words and ask the baby to repeat, calmly tell him the correct word or action.
  3. Sing the baby those syllables that he can speak, and prompt a variety. For example, a child says: "Du Du-do". Start talking: "Da-yes-yes, up-to-before, di di". This is a great exercise for the development of the speech apparatus and a cheerful game.
  4. From the very first months of the baby's life, develop a shallow finger motorcy. Let's the baby touch the items of different shapes and different to the touch: smooth, rough, ribbed. The ability to control the fingers is associated with the development of speech. When the child becomes older, do it with a modeling. This lesson employs small movements and sensitivity of the fingers.
  5. Imitate the sounds of animals "Mou-Mu, Gav-Gav, Qua-kva", it causes an active interest in the baby and will help learn the names of animals. Very good pick up colorful books with drawings.
  6. Tell poems. Rhythmic, memorable poems encourage the child to repeat the words. Read fairy tales, patter, show the baby pictures. Arrange short poems, count, fun.
  7. Do not strive to surround the one-year-old krochi electronic toys. Play with him with pyramids, cubes, rings, simple designers. Such simple toys allow you to show fantasy, interest and active actions.


How to teach a child to talk mom and dad

More often the first word in children is the word "give", but we will try to teach the child to the word "mother". Doing the baby clearly, in syllables and with a positive emotion, pronounce the word "mother". Playing in the simplest game "Ku-ku", close your face and ask: "Where is Mom?". Praise the child if he shows correctly. In the same way we learn the baby to the word "dad". Speak clearly: "Pa Para came." Sounds of PA and Ma are often used, so you teach a child to speak dad - an easy task.

How to teach a child to say: Exercises for speech development

Do not delay long with the development of speech in a child. Approximately one and a half years, Kroch can speak individual words, to two years - formed phrases. Do not wait until the child speaks independently, talk, play words. Simple exercises will help teach a child to talk sounds: a, and, oh, y.

  • Exercise "Hippo". Show the child as a hippo wide open mouth. Then close the mouth. Please repeat the child.
  • Exercise "Kiss Mom". Show how to pull the lips with a tube, then return to its original position.
  • Exercise "Where are our teeth?". Show your teeth, stretching lips into a smile.
  • Exercise "Walk". I am aligning the language, we produce movement back and forth, as well as in different directions.
  • Exercise "Circle cheeks". Alternately influence and draw cheeks.
  • Exercise "Pedes". Open your mouth, sticking the tongue. Say "am!" Close your mouth. We train the pronunciation of "A".
  • Exercise "Smile". Says "and" stretching his lips into a smile.
  • Exercise "ball." Rounded lips as if keeping the ball, pronounced "o" pull sound.
  • Exercise "Bear." Open mouth, dropping the lower jaw, stretch out the sound "uh-uh" like a teddy bear.
  • Exercise "Elephant." It begins with a repetition of the exercise "Kiss Mama," pull the sound "oo-oo-oo-oo."
  • Exercise "Bunny." Learns to pronounce the sound "P". Upper lip raised slightly. As for the lower lip of the upper teeth. Noises, releasing air through the upper teeth.
  • Exercise "Wind". Learns to pronounce the sound "B". Is the same as the previous one, but with the use of voice.
  • Exercise "Fish". We train pronounce the sound "P". Silent, like a fish, opens and closes his lips with stress.
  • Exercise "The voice". By voice, learn to speak the sound "B". Is the same as the previous exercise. To control you can put your fingers on the throat to hear the trembling throat.

How to teach a child to speak l

Some children are not given pronunciation of the letter "l". Not necessarily immediately turn to a speech therapist with the question of how to teach the child to say the letter. Let's try to solve this problem self-employment. To say "l", the lips have to stretch to connect the teeth. Language is located on the upper teeth, but not tight, and so as to pass the air. This type is called interdental pronunciation. Now pronounce the syllables la, lo, lu whether. If this does not work, ask your baby gently several times to bite his tongue, and then say: "la-la-la." If you can not have a child, slowly show themselves.


How to teach a child to speak w

To pronounce the sound "sh", it is necessary to dissolve the teeth 4-6 mm, the lips slightly rounded. The front edge of the tongue pressed against the top of the sky, the side edges of the language is slightly pressed against the teeth. The sound skips the middle language. If a child speaks the letter "t", can you explain that now understand the language to the sky turns "hiss". Practice hissing snakes, syllables sha shu sho, Shea.

How to teach a child to talk p

Letter p is quite complicated, so sometimes causes difficulties in children. To teach the child to say the letter 'p', it is necessary to perform exercises that train and develop the vocal apparatus:

  1. To relax muscles of the tongue have to open his mouth wide, put the tip of the tongue over the lower teeth, hold for 15-20 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  2. To develop the tip of the tongue, it is necessary to widely open mouth, strongly pushing his tongue in his front teeth, say the letter D. Perform 15-20 seconds.
  3. To activate the muscles of the tongue, stretch the lips into a smile and bite the tip of the tongue. Repeat 8-10 times.
  4. Ask a child to get off the tongue, show how the horse jumps. This will help you master the relaxation of the bundle, which is located under the tongue.

To teach the baby to talk the letter "P", explain where the language should be, how it should be pressed to the sky. Practice in words in which the solid letter "P": Car-Car, hand, fish. Learn to pronounce letters in the game. Try together with the child to grow hard as a tiger.


If before the sixth year old, it was not possible to teach the crumb to pronounce the letters correctly, you should contact a speech therapist. The specialist will understand what the problem will tell, what exercises should be performed independently.

How to teach a child to speak the letter r. Video

Lesson with speech top. Sound formulation R.

How to teach a child talk words

In order for the baby to do not speak individual syllables and sounds, emphasize his attention on articulation. Firmly and clearly repeat the words that he does not agree, ask him to repeat correctly. Observe a few points to teach the child to say correctly:

  1. Talking or commenting on the drawing, do not replace the complex words simple. If we are talking about different objects, for example, a hat, a cap, a cake, you should not talk a generalizing word that these are hats. The child should know the names of different items.
  2. So that the vocabulary of the child was replenished with verbs, speak small suggestions, and not nouns. For example, a cat sits (lies, meows, plays, washed).
  3. Use in your speech signs of items: an apple is green, red, sweet, round.
  4. Show the child what opposition is. Kisa meows, and the dog is barking. The bird flies, and the mouse runs.
  5. To replenish the vocabulary of crumbs, read fairy tales and poems. Books will help teach a child to talk. Bright, colorful descriptions are used in fiction. Pick up books with illustrations, it will help to form a drawing thinking at the kid.


To teach the baby to speak in a few days is impossible. But if you show patience, sequence and love for your child, your work will be rewarded!

How to teach a child to talk. Video

Dr. Komarovsky will tell how to teach a child to speak.


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