
Fitball Slimming

Fitball Slimming
Fitball for weight loss: how to choose the ball, the benefits of lessons, exercises.

The desire to be slim and beautiful is every woman, but the path to this goal there are many obstacles. Fitness clubs and gyms - it's convenient, but not everyone has as much time as well as the financial aspect plays an important role. Therefore, women resort to employment for weight loss at home, looking at a lot of video before the benefits of yoga and fitness exercises with fitball on the Internet.

Fitball: Origins and Benefits


In this article we decided to talk about the so-called Swiss ball. Fitball is a big and elastic, the photo resembling a ball, a simulator made of dense material, which is used for fitness and exercise for weight loss. It would seem that such a primitive subject, and so helps people not only keep the form, but also to strengthen their health. Judging by historical data, I invented this ball physiotherapist Susan Klein-Fogelbach. She first applied phytball for medicinal purposes as early as the 50s of the twentieth century. At first, doctors did not recognize such a type of non-traditional therapy. And only in the 90s of the twentieth century, medicine assessed him to dignity, and he began to actively be used worldwide for health and prevention.

Only later began to be used for fitness, training of older people, for patients in the postoperative period, as well as for kids and infants. High popularity also acquired phytball in pregnant women for weight loss in the period after delivery.

Regularly engaged in the phytball, you can achieve:

  • proper posture;
  • beautiful and taut presses;
  • flexibility and elegance of the body;
  • strengthening all muscle groups;
  • slimming and beautiful forms.

How to choose Fitball for weight loss: Features


  1. How correctly choose phytball for its effective use? First you need to know the growth of a person who plans to use the ball for its intended purpose. Depending on this, the diameter of the desired phytball varies. The smaller the growth, that, accordingly, less diameter of the ball. If it is incorrect to choose the size of the simulator, then in the process of training there may be health problems. A large load on the joints is particularly dangerous during arthritis, varicose veins and pregnancy.
  2. Table to determine the size of the Fitbol:
  • with the growth of a person up to 150 cm - the diameter of the ball is 45 cm;
  • with the growth of a person from 150 to 160 cm - the diameter of the ball is 55 cm;
  • with the growth of a person from 160 to 175 cm - the diameter of the ball is 65 cm;
  • with the growth of man from 175 to 200 cm - the diameter of the ball is 75 cm;
  • with the growth of man, over 200 cm - the ball diameter is 85 cm.
  1. When buying, it is advisable to try on the ball on itself, and look in the mirror so that in sitting the corners of the hips and the legs, as well as the body and the legs were at right angles. 4. The material for this type of simulator is extremely important, so do not hesitate to say "sniff the ball", it should not have an unpleasant smell.
  2. Fitball of any diameter must withstand the load of at least 150 kg.

Slimming Fitball Exercises


At the beginning of each workout, it is necessary to warm up: to dance, jump on the rope, make mahs with hands in different directions, and then start the exercises.

Squats with phytball

  1. Take the phytball on the elongated hands. Bend your knees, thereby squeezing so that the thighs are parallel to the floor. We strain the muscles of the press, put the back smoothly.
  2. In such a position, we hold the phytball on the elongated hands and turn the body to the left until the stop. It is advisable to rotate the torso until the tension in abdominal muscles becomes felt. Discarding in this position on 3 deep breaths.
  3. We return to the initial state, and then we do the same movements on the right side. We repeat 5 - 7 times in each direction.

Twisting with phytball

  1. We lie down on the floor, arrange your arms to the sides.
  2. We capture the ball with your feet, trying to keep between cabs so as not to fall.
  3. We carry out twisting: raise your legs up, pulling the hips from the floor. In this position, delay for a few seconds.
  4. Returning to its original position.
  5. We repeat the exercise about 10 - 12 times.

Fitbol transfer

  1. Going to the floor.
  2. On the elongated hands we take the phytball and begin to slowly raise the body, trying to sit down.
  3. The legs also need to be lifted. As a result, they must meet with their hands and pass the ball to their feet.
  4. We return to the starting position with the ball between the eggs and relax the muscles. We repeat the same movements, but the ball must be again in your hands. Make 8 - 10 approaches.

Drugs on phytball

  1. Expose the ball in front of me and get on your knees.
  2. We have handbrushes on the phytball and slowly moving forward, as if they are rolling. Tighten the abdominal muscles, straining the press.
  3. The entire body is tense and located at an angle. Delay for a few seconds and return to its original position.
  4. If you want to complicate the task, then pull the knees and only the forearms of the hands we have on the ball, the press is tense.

Balancing on the ball

  1. We have phytball on the back and blades so that the buttocks do not touch the ball. We do it as follows: Single on the phytball and the back are kept smooth. In this position, put one leg, making a step forward, and rolling up, so that only the top of the lower back and the spin come into contact with the ball.
  2. Next, we bring hands behind your head and lean back, we make a deep breath. On the exhalation, we raise your shoulders and head using the muscles press, we feel the tension in the abdominal cavity.
  3. Discover in this position for a few seconds and slowly return to the original one.

Back Exercises

  1. Going to the ball. Cross your hands on the chest. Fitball posing on his stomach, legs be rest in the wall. We raise the body, the elbows we take to the side, do not raise your head and delay in this position for about 10 to 15 seconds, but in any case as much as you can.
  2. We remain in the same position. We take dumbbells and slowly drag hands to the sides. Legs we rest in the floor and fix it. Raise your hands, shoulders and head, while not flexing the lower back. We perform turns to the right and left, and then return to the starting position.
  3. We stay in the position lying on the stomach. Hands cross behind your head. Then slowly raise and lower the housing on the phytball, as if we enhance the ball. We repeat the exercise 10 times in 2 - 3 approaches.

Fitball Slimming Belly


Classes with phytball for slimming belly contributes to the beautiful press and strengthening of the muscles of the back. All exercises are made at least 10 times in one lesson.

Exercise 1

In the standing position, we have a ball behind your head in the area of \u200b\u200bthe blades, hand take back. We occupy the position of half a walk with hard stop legs into the wall. We make a couple of steps so that the phytball is located on the back. Further, we throw the right hand under the head and pushed the pelvis, he should strive for the ceiling, and pull the hand towards the hips. The same is done with the second hand. All this time should strain the muscles of the press. We repeat the exercise for 8 - 15 times for each hand.

Exercise 2

This exercise is performed near the support. We put on the rug face up, and the phytball hold between the legs. Hands pull up, we take over the support and tighten your knees to the chest. All manipulations produce, straining the muscles of the press, delay in this position for 5 seconds and return to the original one.

Exercise 3.

Going to the floor. We have a ball on the elongated hands. We raise the torso until the phytball is in the area of \u200b\u200bthe legs. We pass it down and clamp your ankles, meanwhile, do not rush and at the same time raise the feet up. Capture your hands the ball and repeat the cycle again.

Exercise 4.

We put the ball in front of me and we have a seaside position on the knees. Palm is a lie on top on the ball and pushing it forward so that he swears at hand. The muscles of the back at the same time do not strain. Then we do the same in the opposite direction. Here the entrance is already running the muscles of the press, tighten, immersing elbows in the phytball, and return to its original position.

Exercise 5.

We are on the floor, put the legs onto the phytball so that the bent knees form a straight corner, and the ball fell close to the buttocks. Hands cross on the chest and start lifting the body until it stops, touching the knees. At the same time, only the muscles of Persians use, do not connect the back.

Exercise 6.

One of the most severe and efficient exercises are push-ups on the phytball. They need to be approached solely after several workouts. To do this, we get up in the bar so that the legs rest in the floor, and the palms are lying on the phytball and join. The option is a bit more complicated - this is when, on the contrary, legs are located on the phytball, and the palms on the floor.

Fitball for strengthening muscles buttocks


  1. The ball has behind his back, pressing the wall. We start squatting. Hands throw off the head, spin smooth, press tense. We sit down to the parallel position of the thighs and gender, while squatting the ball rolled along the back.
  2. We sit on the ball and start jumping on it, so that the buttocks do not break away from the ball.
  3. We put the ball under the knees lying on the floor, the lower back is pressed to the floor. We raise your legs as much as possible to break away the pelvis from the floor. Delay in this position as much as you can repeat.
  4. Going to the back. Heels have on the ball. Pour the pelvis up as you can. The hands are pressed to the floor. Press and buttocks are well tense. Top delaying for 5 seconds and return to its original position. Subsequently, the number of seconds can be increased to 10 and 15.

Hand Muscle Fitball


  1. We sit on the floor, the phytball we have behind your back. We put your hands on the ball and slowly make reverse pushups, lifting and lowering the case. Such exercises help to strengthen the rear muscles of the hands, which often lose their elasticity with age, due to the fact that in everyday life is almost not subject to loads.
  2. Going to the phytball face down. The ball is located on the chest, exhibit arm in front of you, stretch your legs forward, forming a straight angle between the limbs - we get a graceful rack. Then, we begin to walk forward with your hands, thereby rolling the ball to the footsteps. Hold your equilibrium on your hands. As soon as we achieve the stop, we return back to its original position.

Fitball for pregnant women


Pregnancy is, on the one hand, a very pleasant, exciting moment for each woman, and on the other - a violation of psycho-emotional state and a large load on the back. At this time, you want more care and pleasant emotions. Many future mothers doctors offer to go to gymnastics, for the positive course of pregnancy and the subsequent rapid delivery. During this period, it is possible to use phytball not only in medicinal purposes, but also for a good mood, it is pleasant to just sit on it in late terms. We offer gymnastics for future mothers. All exercises repeat the maximum possible number of times.

  1. Sitted on the phytball and jump a little, spring. Such an exercise improves intestinal peristalsis and relaxes back muscles.
  2. We continue to sit on the phytball. We start sumping from side to the side and to describe circular movements with a pelvis. In this case, we rest in the floor.
  3. Become on your knees, and the ball has in front of me. We have elbows on the phytball and relax the back muscles. In this position, we cross your arms and take the position lying on the ball face down. Now it can be easily located on it and relax all the muscles.
  4. Sit down on the ball. We break the legs and rest in the floor in the feet so that it is most convenient and steadily as possible. We begin to lean in different directions, and then carefully turn the body to the left and right. Everybody do slowly 10 times.
  5. We take small weights. Having taught a stable position, sitting on the phytball, bend your hands for 10 to 15 times.
  6. We sit on the floor, take a small ball in your hands and begin to compress it, strengthening the breast muscles.
  7. Very simple, sitting on the phytball, strengthen the muscles of the pelvic bottom. We strain and relax them with the same interval.

Fitball for weight loss after the birth of a child


After giving birth, all moms seek to return to the usual form. On the ball, it is not only possible to start your way to the perfect figure, it can also become a good help for lulling the baby. And mom benefits - and the child is more calm and sleeps better. We start with a small number of times, and then increase the load.

  1. Going to the floor, and the legs have a right corner on the ball. Alternately, we lower the foot on the floor, while holding the balance, straining the muscles of the pelvis and the press.
  2. We sit on the phytball, keep the back smoothly, and we rest in the floor, we will be fixed. In this position, ride on the ball back and forth, working only by hips and pelvis. During this exercise, you must feel the stress in the abdomen.
  3. Sit down on the ball, stretch your back so that the blades are closed. Now the pelvices rotate the phytball with circular movements, while the shoulders are fixed and kept at the same level.
  4. We have a ball on the shovels, lay from above, bending legs in the knees. Alternatively, moving the legs forward, walking, rolling the ball on one side to another. At the same time, all the equilibrium withstand the legs, and the hands are located on the hips. Then raise one leg while holding the balance, delaying for 5 seconds and repeat the same algorithm with the second foot.

Fitbol Efficiency: Recommendations

Child With Gymnastic Ball on Bleu Studio Background

For efficient use of fitbol for weight loss Consider several useful tips.

  1. Before each training, it is necessary to argue the body, so to speak, warm the muscles. To do this, you can jump on the rope or without, a little to pectinate or dance. After all, the classes of phytball not only help losing weight, but also strengthen the muscles, and also improve the mood.
  2. It is advisable to purchase a rug on the gym. It will be great if you buy a special fitness rug, it is suitable in all the hygiene and hardness parameters. Also, it is more fun to do under rhythmic music.
  3. Each exercise is starting to perform with a small number of repetitions of movement, straining muscle, and with subsequent workouts increase this amount. And in cases where the exercises are directed to the muscles of the press, you need to add additional weight to the abdomen area with the help of a girome or healthy household means, such as water bottles or books.
  4. After training for relaxation and restoring muscles, we perform a stretching for 5 to 10 minutes.

Since the fitness classes with the gym - the direction is quite popular, on the Internet you can find a large number of photos and video exercises on the phytball. Here you can study more detail the specifics of classes that can cause difficulties from you.


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