
How to pluck your eyebrows correctly

How to pluck your eyebrows correctly
How to correctly determine the shape and pluck the eyebrows at home.

Part of the harmonious image of a person’s face are, of course, the eyes are the most expressive, lips, chin and nose, but you must admit that the image is without beautifully plucked eyebrows. If the nose and chin are given to us individual and perfect by nature, then the eyebrows - it is necessary to pluck and bring into the form regularly. It seems that what is there to wise, pluck it - and that’s it. But it turns out that everything is not so simple and far from everyone knows how to pluck the eyebrows beautiful for her contour. If you are too curious of the eyebrow line, or make it very thin - this can attract excessive not positive attention at all. And you can pluck the eyebrows so that they will decorate your individual and harmonious image.

How to pluck the shape of eyebrows under your face type


If you decide to closely start plucking the eyebrows at home, you need to determine their shape and size depending on the oval of your face, eye, nose and chin.

Round shape of the face: how beautiful it is to pluck out eyebrows (photo)


For your type, the shape of the eyebrows should be like a house. Thus, you can pluck the eyebrows, combining short ends and a high bend. However, do not overdo it from the corner of the “roof”, plucking the shape of eyebrows in the form of a semicircle by aesthetics is not recommended, but too acute is also not suitable.

Oval shape of the face: how beautiful it is to pluck out eyebrows (photo)


Owners of a beautiful oval are suitable for a choice of almost even horizon and exactly plucked lines of eyebrows. Professionals advise adhere to recommendations and properly pluck eyebrows in accordance with visual rules.

Triangular shape of the face: how beautiful it is to pluck out eyebrows (photo)

the triangular shape of the face

If you have a triangular shape of the face - a magical beautiful shape. The eyebrow line, which is recommended for you to pluck out, should be slightly curved and at the same time oval. Control the bend when you pluck it at home: an eyebrow should not be too raised, to go to the corner, but it is also nearing the flat one is also not recommended for your type.

Square shape: how beautiful it is to pluck out eyebrows (photo)

square shape of the face

It will not be so difficult to pluck the eyebrows for a square type of face. The shape of a long elongated eyebrow, pluckled with a slightly curved line, is ideal. You already have where to walk around - you are suitable for an ultra subtle style of properly plucked eyebrows.

Universal shape of the face: how beautiful it is to pluck out eyebrows (photo)


This is the most common type, so in any incomprehensible situation - pluck the eyebrows with a “house”. Such a beautiful and universal way to pluck over the eyebrows is suitable for many people. A flirty bend gives your image of mystery, opens a look and decorates onions. Just be careful with plucking the bending of the eyebrow at home, you can overdo it - everything should be in moderation.

How beautiful it is to pluck out eyebrows

Beautifully plucked eyebrows is the key to a complete beautiful appearance, and the basis for this is their correct shape. You can give a beautiful shape to the eyebrows in a specialized salon, where a professional plucks a couple of hairs in the right photo. And you can do the same yourself, and completely free.

Preparation for punching eyebrows

How beautiful it is to pluck out eyebrows (1)

An important stage in the path of correctly plucked eyebrows is preparation. Prepare a penete convenient for you, always good light is better natural. You can, of course, already start plucking eyebrows, but everything is important, including hands, eyebrows and tweezers - to disinfect.

Pour the eyebrows without pain

How beautiful it is to pluck out eyebrows (2)

If you are afraid of pain, or pluck your eyebrows at home for the first time, you can facilitate such a reaction to correction. To do this, you can slightly steam the skin of the face or use the ice, which also removes unpleasant sensations a little. In addition, there is a special analgesic cream for plucking eyebrows without pain with lidocaine.

Correct eyebrow shape: how to pluck


Before proceeding to plucking eyebrows at home, it is necessary to correctly outline the future form. To do this, arm yourself with a cosmetic thin pencil. Now you will need to find three main points by which we will further pluck the eyebrows.

  1. Point A.
    The first point of plucking our future beautiful eyebrow is obtained using a line that visually leaves the middle of the chin and passes through the corresponding (right, left) part of the nose. From the intersection received and we will start plucking the shape of a new perfect eyebrow.
  2. Point V.
    The second point, very important, forms an enchanting bend of the eyebrow. She shows how much an eyebrow can pluck out in height so that it looks elegantly raised, but in moderation. We begin this line in the same place, on the chin, where the first is visually drawn through the middle of the pupil until it intersect with the shape of the eyebrow.
  3. Point C.
    In order to pluck out beautiful eyebrows, it is important not only to start correctly, but also to finally finish. The finish line originates from the wing of the corresponding part of the nose (right, left), passes through the extreme corner of the eye - to the intersection with the line of the eyebrow.

Now, with a prepared pencil, connect the points into the shape of the eyebrows so as not to lose them in the process of plucking. If you clearly adhered to the instructions, then with a pencil the planned points visually divided your eyebrow into three parts: the head, the main part and the tail. Moreover, in order to pluck out beautiful eyebrows, the tail should eventually make one third of the entire eyebrow and capture the upper point of the bend.

How to pluck beautiful eyebrows


First, pluck out excess hairs on the right and left of the outlined contour of the eyebrow. Then, carefully, in accordance with the intended form, we gradually pluck it along the contour of a new beautiful eyebrow. Correctly pluck both eyebrows synchronously to get the perfect identical result. It is clear that this process is exciting and exciting. However, do not forget, plucking your eyebrows at home, about a constant orientation to the extreme points drawn by you.

How to complete the plucking of eyebrows correctly


After you plucked the right shape of the eyebrows, do not forget to process these zones with a disinfectant. This is important for the rapid healing of small early wounds from the plucked roots of the hairs.

If the first time you did not succeed in what you wanted - do not despair. Pouring the correct shape of the eyebrows - this can be the process more than once. You probably just have very thick eyebrows, which is also very good. In a week, try plucking your eyebrows again at home, and everything will work out.

How to pluck your eyebrows without pain: tips


Since eyebrows play an important role in the formation of the image of a girl, one cannot allow themselves to start plucking. When you have achieved the desired shape of the eyebrows, it still needs to be regularly maintained - at least three days, and thoroughly engage in - once a week. Pouring your eyebrows - the process is not very painful, but it’s also not enough pleasant, especially if you are hyper sensitive, but believe me, there are enough of them. But there are wonderful people who did not leave this issue of female beauty indifferent. Therefore, some methods were verified to reduce pain in the process of plucking the eyebrows.

How to pluck your eyebrows: advice 1, thorough

If you are engaged in your beauty at home, do comprehensively with the plucking of eyebrows. Combine pleasant with useful. You will allow you to pluck your eyebrows with virtually pains after taking a bath or a good shower. Pouring in this case the hairs in beautiful eyebrows will be even easier and painfully not only on the eyebrows, but also on any part of the body.

How to pluck your eyebrows: advice 2, bath

If you are not able to follow the path of advice number 1, then you are very in a hurry or at least have a reasonable reason for this. It doesn’t matter - there are other ways. We turn to facial baths or saunas. There are special facial saunas to straighten and prepare a face for the procedures - they are also suitable for preparing for plucking eyebrows. But you can do with an ordinary small bath of warm water - not boiling, of course, otherwise you will burn. Screw your face as it should be within five minutes, if you add a little chamomile droplets - they will even be pleasant and useful. Now, now you can pluck your eyebrows almost painlessly.

How to pluck out eyebrows: advice 3, cosmetic oil

If it seems to you that after the procedures in tips 1 and 2, plucking for you is still too painful - apply a little cosmetic oil on the eyebrows and let it absorb. The oil will soften the pores even more and will allow you to finally get rid of pain when plucking hairs from the eyebrow.

How to pluck eyebrows: advice 4: strips with wax

What cosmetologists will not come up with! So wax strips for plucking eyebrows also replenished the collection of innovation of salon procedures. With severe sensitivity, you can use this way of plucking eyebrows without pain. Of course, this will not give you a guarantee of exceptional clarity and, perhaps, you will have to bring the correction to perfection by the flight attendant, but the main part of the plucking of the eyebrow will pass without pain.

How to pluck out eyebrows: advice 5, pleasant news

If, nevertheless, it seemed to you that all of the above tips for plucking eyebrows without pain did not give the desired effect. Do not despair. Over time, with regular work on beautiful eyebrows, hair follicles die in places of regular plucking, and the process automatically becomes almost invisible. Therefore, a little patience: one or two-and the situation will change for the better.

How to pluck your eyebrows with a thread


The so -called stretching or trending is a concept that came to us to replace the classic plucking of eyebrows from India. This is one of the modern ways to pluck out unnecessary little eyebrow hairs and give them the correct shape with qualitatively and for a long time. To do this, we need only a cotton special thread and a disinfectant for the skin.

  1. Form an ordinary circle from the prepared thread with a diameter of about 30 cm.
  2. Now you need to take the thread so that it is around all your finger on two hands. And now from this beauty with both hands, outline the rectangle between the palms.
  3. Now twist the threads thoroughly so that between the palms the intersection in the form of the letter “X” forms, and the ribs of the rectangle crossed.
  4. Check that a bunch of twisted threads in the middle moves freely, and you can start plucking the eyebrows with a thread.
  5. Highlight the area of \u200b\u200bthe hair that you want to pluck out. Place, rotating with your hands, there is a bunch of twisted threads so that the hairs are well confused. Now just pull.
  6. When you pluck your eyebrows with a thread, start between the right and left eyebrow and then move along their upper part. When you finish plucking there, go down, adjusting the thickness and bend of the eyebrows. Below, the sensitivity to plucking the hair of the eyebrow will be the most sensitive, so immediately after the procedure, use a softening and disinfecting tonic or cosmetic oil.


Although the procedure is very effective, but extremely unpleasant, therefore, people with hypersens are not recommended at all. But in plucking the eyebrows with a thread, there is also an undoubted charm, so it is so popular. We offer several recommendations to facilitate the procedure and consequences of the method of plucking eyebrows:

  1. A little painter area of \u200b\u200bthe eyebrows and around them, even if you are very patient, rub a little icy cubes.
  2. Do not be afraid to pluck your eyebrows with a thread, if you make a mistake - the eyebrows will grow again and quickly, so do not be afraid.
  3. With a thread, you can pluck out not only the eyebrow area, but also the zone of the upper lip, including men.
    If you pluck your eyebrows at home for the first time, first, first, on any inconspicuous area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Better practice - only practice!
  4. Be sure to use a disinfectant or a tonic after the punching procedure with a thread. Remember that open pores will be very susceptible to dust and infection. This can cause inflammation.

How to pluck your eyebrows: video



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