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How to make an eyebrow shape

How to make an eyebrow shape
About what shape of eyebrows is suitable for your face

In order to create a harmonious image, attention is paid not only to the expressiveness of the eyes and sensuality of the lips, but also to the shape of the eyebrows. Makeup is simply inconceivable without the proper design of the eyebrows. With the help of eyebrows, you can make the face more open, change the features, emphasize the depth and softness of the gaze. An experienced master when forming eyebrows takes into account the shape of the face, the anatomical features and character of the girl.

Many girls prefer to contact a specialist who can choose the correct shape of the eyebrows. But not everyone can find a good experienced makeup artist and visit a beauty salon, so it is better to understand the basic rules for adjusting the eyebrows. Needless to say, in most girls, the process of forming eyebrows is reduced to the removal of extra hairs from the region under the eyebrows. To figure out which eyebrow shape is right for you, you need to know the basic rules.

What are the forms of eyebrows


The overall impression of your face is affected by the location of the highest point of eyebrows. Rather, the location of this point relative to the iris of the eye. These parameters determine the three main schools of eyebrow formation.

  1. Russian. The highest point of the eyebrows in the canons of this school is parallel to the pupil. A great example of such eyebrows is our beloved actress Lyubov Orlova. In modern trends, this form is not relevant. Therefore, even those girls who are given by nature try to correct her a little.
  2. French. The broken eyebrow is located closer to the temple, at the level of the outer edge of the iris of the eye. This form is considered classic, suitable for almost all girls with any type of face.
  3. Hollywood. In this case, the broken eyebrow is located far to the outer corner of the eye. If you draw an imaginary straight from the middle of the chin to the top point of the eyebrow, near the iris of the eye it will pass along the tangent. Such a break of the eyebrows gives the face more expressiveness and character.

Different forms of eyebrows in the photo:



Using a correctly selected shape of the eyebrows, you can change the expression on the face, adjust some shortcomings, make the face more perfect.

  1. If the eyes are planted too close, the distance between the eyebrows must be expanded. The beginning of the eyebrow near the bridge of the nose is better to make in the form of a trapezoid: the upper part of the eyebrow is elongated, and the lower one is shortened.
  2. If the eyes are widely located, remove this defect, you can slightly reduce the distance between the eyebrows. Do not overdo it, the measure should be observed in everything! Otherwise, the face will look gloomy and gloomy.
  3. Brows of a direct flat shape, and not thick, will help to make a face visually wider.
  4. To smooth the shape of the face, make it rounder, you can, giving the eyebrows a rounded shape. It is important not to do a characteristic break or excessive elation of eyebrows so that the face does not acquire a surprised expression.

How to choose the shape of eyebrows by face type

Eyebrow shape for oval face


The oval face is considered the most correct. But sometimes the owners of even the most ideal shape of the face want to make some features more noticeable, and to eliminate small defects. To make the oval of the face softer, round the sharp or square chin, the eyebrow is a round shape with a smooth line of the break.

On an oval narrow face, straight, not very thin eyebrows look better. Excessively thin eyebrows on a narrow face should be avoided, such a face will resemble a sad mime. If a girl with an oval face has a rather large chin and even cheekbones, you can adjust the chin line by lengthening the edge of the eyebrow with a pencil. The color of the pencil should be selected for a tone lighter than the color of the eyebrows. The ideal shape of the eyebrows for the oval face is long, curved, the tails are slightly lowered down. The bend of eyebrows should not be very noticeable. The color of the eyebrows is close to the natural. Too bright color will make the shape of the face more elongated.

Eyebrow shape for a round face


Often, the owners of the round face consider this a great drawback and try to find ways to give the face an elongated oval look. The most correct solution is to choose the shape of the eyebrows. Best eyebrows, with clearly defined lines, are best suited. You can not make a bright -wilted broken, it is better to make it smooth and arrange it at the end of the eyebrows, above the outer edge of the iris of the eyes. You can form arched eyebrows by removing excess hairs, adjusting the form with a pencil. If you cannot achieve the desired shape, you can make a break using makeup. First, we raise the hairs of the eyebrows from the inner edge to the center using an eyebrow brush. We lighten the place under the bend of the eyebrows using a highlighter.

For a round face, straight and rounded eyebrows are absolutely not suitable.

Form of eyebrows for a square face


The most beautiful shape of the eyebrows for a square face: a little rounded, softening facial shape and necessarily well -groomed. To form such eyebrows, we remove all the hairs that do not correspond to the planned plans. In order not to accidentally remove the necessary ones, we periodically comb up and down with a brush. This procedure will help determine the extra hairs. In a square face shape, it is better to shift the emphasis on the eyes, so the eyebrows are well -groomed, smooth and slightly lighter than the hair. You can give a slight shade using shadows. Direct clear lines of eyebrows are not suitable for owners of a square face, they will make the geometry even more clear.

Eyebrow shape for a triangular face


A face with a pronounced wide forehead and a narrow chin is called triangular. Such a face resembles a heart in shape. This type of face is better to choose the shape of the eyebrows “go up” or classic. Eyebrows should have a uniform small bend and classic, medium length. Starting to plucking the eyebrows, first we determine the point at which the break will be located.  We remove excess hairs located from the bottom of the eyebrows. The upper contour of the eyebrow is better not to adjust. Eyebrow tails are slightly lowered down. Brightness and clarity can be given using a pencil or shadows. The bend of the bend is to lighten with the help of a highlighter.

It is categorically not recommended with this shape of the face to lengthen the eyebrows, this will make the upper part of the face even wider. It is also impossible to shorten your eyebrows, otherwise the chin will look even narrower.

Eyebrow shape for an elongated face


An elongated face is better to give more rounded outlines. To make a beautiful shape of eyebrows for an elongated face, we must strive to give the eyebrows an even line. The tail should not go down, it is better if it continues the eyebrow line. We remove the hairs near the nose and on the lower circuit of the eyebrows. Well, if the eyebrows are quite thick and always without bends.

To give the eyebrows the uniform at home will help us:

  • hairs removal tool (convenient tweezers);
  • pencil for giving the contour eyebrows;
  • gel to give the shape to the eyebrows;
  • antiseptic (for skin processing after hairy removal).

How to choose the shape of eyebrows for yourself


To choose your face shape, you can use different research options. Try to find eyebrow stencils in stores. They can easily be done with your own hands. Draw different types of eyebrows on paper, cut stencils. Apply to your face to choose a suitable form.

To search for the perfect shape of the eyebrows, you can use a selfie. Draw with a pencil different forms of eyebrows and photograph yourself. In the photo you can more objectively evaluate what is suitable and what is not. We all know that the mirrors lie. Often in a mirror reflection, we see only what we want. If you find the shape of the eyebrows that suits you, you can safely start removing extra hairs and eyebrow correction.

To find out where the eyebrows should begin and end on your face, stock up on a mirror and pencil. Using a pencil, visually connect the wing point of the nose and the inner corner of the eye. The straight line that crosses the eyebrow is the ideal point of the beginning of the eyebrows. For some, the eyebrow begins further, for some, on the contrary, the pencil crosses it at some distance. This is an occasion to do eyebrow correction.

To determine the highest point of bend, we have a pencil from the wing of the nose along the outer line of the iris of the eye. All this is observed in the mirror. The intersection point of the pencil with the eyebrow will be the highest line of the eyebrow. To determine where the eyebrow should end, we put the pencil to the wing of the nose. It passes through the outer corner of the eye and rests against the tail of the eyebrow. An eyebrow should end here. If your eyebrow turned out to be shorter, lengthen it with a corrective pencil. Too long eyebrow can be shortened by removing the hairs.

Having made even these simple manipulations, you will definitely notice that your eyes have become more expressive and open.

  How to form with eyebrows: advice for eyebrow correction

  1. If you have small facial features and small eyes, it is better to choose thin eyebrows of a natural shape.
  2. It is not recommended to pluck hairs from the upper part of the eyebrows, even if they seem unnecessary to you. Hair removal from this zone can visually lower the eyebrows and give the face a sad, dull expression.
  3. When correcting eyebrows, try to observe symmetry. Of course, modern tendencies to naturalness are relevant, but asymmetry may look just sloppy. Therefore, when removing excess hairs, pay attention to both eyebrows.
  4. In order for the correction procedure to go as successful as possible, it is preferably very good lighting. It is better if the lighting is daytime. An important detail is a good mirror, you can with an increase in an increase.
  5. To give the desired shape the eyebrows, begin to remove the hairs from the lower circuit. The hairs of the upper circuit are much larger and thicker, so a few careless manipulations can ruin the shape of the eyebrows.
  6. During hair removal, pluck them in one. It will not be so painful. If you do not tolerate pain at all, you can use a steam bath for the face. The steam expands the pores, and the hair will be easier. You can anesthetize the place of correction using a spray or cosmetic napkins.
  7. When choosing a pencil for eyebrow correction, take into account that the classic shade of the pencil should be one tone darker than the hair. Correction with a pencil is made in the form of small strokes, but not a continuous line.
  8. If you naturally have thick eyebrows with long hairs that are difficult to keep the shape of eyebrows, it is better to shorten them with scissors. You can fix the shape of the eyebrows using a gel.
  9. Perhaps you cannot make eyebrow correction yourself, then contact a specialist. It is much easier to maintain the finished shape of eyebrows.

For several years, natural natural thick eyebrows have been in trend. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the eyebrows look as natural as possible. And what to do to those whom nature has deprived of the density and expressiveness of the eyebrows? Do not lose heart! Contact the pharmacy, there you can buy a special complex of vitamins for hair growth. The reception of such vitamins will improve the condition of your hair and strengthen the nails. To enhance the growth of eyebrows, use olive or castor oil. Rub the oil into the hair growth line every evening for 2-3 weeks. These oils strengthen hair and stimulate the growth of weak hair.

How to make an eyebrow shape. Video

How to adjust the shape of the eyebrows.



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