
How to cut a bang yourself at home. Methods exactly cut the bangs yourself. How to cut straight and scrape your bangs with my own hands

How to cut a bang yourself at home. Methods exactly cut the bangs yourself. How to cut straight and scrape your bangs with my own hands
A bang is able to change your appearance beyond recognition. You will learn about how to cut different types of bangs yourself from this article.

The girls who wear a hairstyle with a bang are faced with the need to cut it very often. This is not always convenient. Not all hairdressers or beauty salons have the opportunity to accept customers without recording. To spend time and effort on the road in order to just cut the bangs is not always convenient and does not always want to. Therefore, enterprising girls came up with many ways to cut the bangs at home. If you master one of these methods, this will greatly simplify your life. After all, you can support your haircut in a neat form yourself. In this article, we will try to illuminate the maximum number of known tricks and techniques for independent cutting the bangs. You will learn how to cut the bangs yourself, how to cut it to slanting bangs, how to make a torn bang and much more.

What are the bangs

A bang is able to radically change the appearance of a person. If you always chose haircuts without a bang and suddenly decided on such changes in your appearance, then get ready for the fact that friends and acquaintances may not even recognize you at the first meeting. You will also have to get used to yourself for a long time and constantly look in the mirror, studying a new image. Bangs come in different shapes, and it should be chosen based on the shape of the haircut, textures and density of the hair. The following types of bangs are distinguished:

  • straight bang;
  • slanting bang;
  • arched bangs;
  • straight bang;
  • graduated bangs;
  • long bangs;
  • multi -layer bangs;
  • short bang.

How to cut a bang yourself at home. What do you need to haircut a bang at home

If you decide to learn to cut the bangs yourself at home, then stock up on the necessary minimum tools:

  • hairdresser scissors. Do not skimp on buying good scissors. A cheap tool can ruin the whole impression of a home haircut. It is better to buy scissors in a special store with goods for hairdressers;

  • filting scissors. These scissors have a comb on one of the blades, which will help to make an excessively thick bang easier;

  • classes are When cutting a bang, you have to constantly separate the side strands so that they do not interfere;

  • comb with small teeth. Using a comb you will comb the bangs, focus on it when creating an even cut;

  • a comb with a sharp tip for the separation of strands. It will be convenient to separate the hair strands of hair when creating the shape of a bang;

  • spray. Hairdressers usually cut their hair in a slightly wet state.

How to cut a bang yourself at home. Tips for choosing a form of bangs

A bang can radically change your image, and therefore approach the choice of the shape and type of bangs is deliberately. Perhaps the following tips will be useful to you.

  1. Study recommendations for choosing a shape of a bang in accordance with the shape of the face. For example, chubby girls should avoid short shots. And the owners of an elongated face will not work long and straight bangs.
  2. Young girls can afford to experiment with the shape of a bang as often as they want it. Women of mature age relate to such radical changes quite wary.
  3. If a girl is short, then laying the bangs is not worth too much.
  4. If you decide on a haircut with a bang for the first time, it is better to contact a professional. So, you will protect yourself from the sad first experience of a home haircut. In addition, watching the movements of the experienced master, you will understand how to cut the bangs yourself.
  5. When choosing a haircut with a bang, remember that such hairstyles require special care and styling. Nothing can be worse than a dirty bang. If your hair is quickly polluted and are especially oily at the roots, then be prepared for the fact that the bang will get dirty even faster than the rest of the hair. Some girls wash the bangs separately, if there is no time to wash their whole head.
  6. If you choose a haircut with a bang, then consider the texture of your hair. In order to have a perfectly straight and smooth bangs, you will have to thoroughly lay it, stretch it with a styler, use the styling products.
  7. When choosing a bang, consider the density of your hair. Some types of bangs require thick hair.

How to cut a bang. Photo

How to cut a bang. Video

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of video instructions to cut the bangs. It may seem easier for you to watch a few videos in order to learn how to decorate the bangs of the desired shape and length.

How can you cut a bang

How to cut a long bang

A long bang always revives the hairstyle and makes it more mobile and voluminous. With different ways of laying such a bang, you can get completely different images. A huge advantage of long bangs is the opportunity to remove such a bang in a tail or in a hairstyle. If you decide to cut a long bang yourself for the first time, then use the following tips:

  • hair should be clean. If you prefer to cut wet hair, take into account that after drying it rises a little;
  • divide your hair into a habitable parting for you. Separate the strands on both sides that will be a bang, and remove the rest back with hairpins;
  • visually, imagine the length of the future bangs. It can be to the tip of the nose or to the chin;
  • click the strand on one side between the two fingers, pull it and make a cut. That's exactly what you do with a strand from the second side;
  • to check the symmetry of the resulting bangs, pull the side strands of the bangs to the middle and compare their length. Carefully comb the bangs of combing, cutting down long hairs.

How to cut a torn bang

A torn bang is a choice of determined and impudent girls who love changes in appearance. Cut such a bang yourself is quite simple, especially if you already had experience of such home haircuts.

  1. Separate part of the hair in front, which should turn into a bang. Remove the rest of the hair back with clamps.
  2. We begin to cut the torn bang according to the same scheme as the line. Between the two fingers we pull the strand from the central part of the bangs and make a flat cut. Then we cut the length and other strands, focusing on the length of the central part.
  3. After we got a straight bang, you can start creating a torn bang. Holding the scissors at an angle, cut off some locks approximately by O.5 cm.
  4. You can also use the final scissors that will help make the bangs even more torn.

How to cut the bang on the side

A variety of oblique bangs are quite popular. To give the desired shape such a bang at home may seem a difficult task. To simplify this process, you can be guided by the following recommendations:

  • hair should be clean. Separate the strands of the hair that will interfere with you, using hairpins;
  • moisten the bang slightly with a spray gun. Keep in mind that wet hair looks a little longer. If you make a too high cut, then after drying your hair you can expect an unpleasant surprise;

  • after the hair is separated, think over the upper and lower points of the sections. Typically, the top point is chosen at the level of the eyebrow, and the lower point is at the level of the middle or tip of the nose;

  • take a small strand on one side with two fingers and make a small cut. Carefully comb your hair and make sure of the correctness of this cut. Keep the scissors at the angle at which you want to see your bangs. Gradually decrease to the lower point of the bangs;

  • the most important rule is that it is better to remove the minimum length. You can always shorten the bangs even more, if you want to, you can always, but you can’t add lengths, unfortunately, you can no longer. Now you know how to cut the bangs at home.

How to cut a short bang

Short bangs look pretty bold and unusual. They are not suitable for every type of face. For example, owners of a round face should avoid this shape of a bang. To make a haircut of short bangs at home is quite simple. The main point is to determine the desired length of such a bang. It can be just above the eyebrows, so be extremely short and have a length of about 3-4 cm.

How to cut a bang in a semicircle

The semicircular bangs look quite spectacular, but you should definitely take into account the density of your hair if you decide on such a form. The semicircular bangs go to the owners of a rather thick hair. The following tips will be told about how to correctly cut the bangs in a semicircle.

  1. Separate the hair with hairpins that will interfere with the haircut.
  2. Using a comb with a sharp tip, determine the shape of a bang at the base. The semicircular bangs usually begin very high - at the very top of the head. Make a parting in the shape of a triangle with a sharp part on the crown.
  3. Divide the bang into 2 layers. The haircut technique depends only on your skill. If you confidently feel scissors in your hand and clearly imagine the shape of a bang, you can cut it without dividing your hair into parts. But you can alleviate your task. Divide the bangs into two halves and cut each semicircle, moving from the center of the forehead to the sides.
  4. Cut the second layer of bangs in the same way. In order to check the symmetry of the bangs, click the side strands between the fingers on both sides and compare their length.

How to cut a bang with a machine

You can achieve a perfectly even cut for a straight bang using a regular hair cutting machine. To do this, you absolutely do not need a machine with some special functions or nozzles. The cheapest model with sharp blades is suitable. If you want to try this kind of haircut of a bang, then read the following recommendations:

  • with hair clips, remove the side strands, so as not to accidentally hurt them with a machine during a haircut of a bangs;
  • comb the bangs well and moisten slightly with a spray gun;
  • in order for the cut of the bangs to be even, you can use one trick. Visually determine the desired length of the bangs and stick the strip of the patch on this place;
  • it is better to keep a haircut machine with both hands and lean on the table for greater stability. Apply the machine to the strands, focusing on the patch.

How to cut a straight bang

A straight bang is one of the lightest in care and independent cutting. In order to make the cut even, follow the following instructions:

  • separate the side strands of hair with clamps so that it does not interfere;
  • using a comb with a sharp tip, determine the shape of a bang at the top. The line can be either horizontal or in the form of a triangle and a semicircle;
  • if the bang is quite rare, then you can cut it into one layer. But a thick bang is better divided into 2-3 layers;
  • using index and ring fingers, grab a strand of hair in the center and slightly pull it. Mentally think through the desired length of the bangs. Usually girls choose the length of the bangs to the eyebrow line;
  • holding the scissors at an angle of 45 degrees, make a cut. Then gradually remove the length on the rest of the bangs, focusing on the first cut;
  • if a bang for cutting was divided into several layers, then the second layer must be trimmed a few millimeters longer. This is necessary so that the bangs look most natural and beautifully lying.

How to cut a bang to a child

The topic of children's haircuts is quite relevant among young mothers. Nested kids are not always allowed to cut themselves with hairdressers and do not want to sit on an unusual chair. Therefore, many mothers try to master the basics of hairdressing art in order to use them on their children. In the usual home environment, surrounded by your favorite toys, you will be able to persuade the child to haircut much easier. In childhood, both girls and boys can wear a bang. If you persuaded the baby on a haircut and put him on a chair, then consider half the work. So, how to cut the bangs at home for a child?

  1. Comb your hair well and fix the side strands with a hoop, bandages, hairpins.
  2. If the child is very small, then parents do not experiment with the shape of a bang, preferring a classic straight section. Capture the central strand from the bangs between the index and ring fingers and make the cut, holding the scissors at an angle of 45 degrees.
  3. Then make similar sections on the remaining part of the bangs, focusing on the length of the cut central strand.

How beautiful to cut the bangs. Lifehaki

In modern online stores, you can purchase surprisingly practical things that greatly simplify the process of creating a beautiful and correct shape of a bang. For example, on the known Chinese site Aliexpress you can find this  amazing adaptationse for a funny price.

You clamp a strand of hair in a special clamp of a romantic pink color, pull it to the length you need and make a cut with scissors. Agree, this is an interesting gadget. Also on this site you can find such cutting device for haircut.

This comb is equipped with a special compartment for falling hair. You can easily cut the bangs standing in the bathroom and maintain cleanliness around you. Now you know how to cut the bangs at home exactly.

Useful tips for haircuts at home

  • Good and sharp scissors are one of the main secrets of the correct haircut of the bangs. If you think that you can cut your hair with scissors with which you and the child do applications every week, then you are mistaken. You need good professional hairdressers or, in extreme cases, new scissors that only hair will cut.
  • String the bang in the afternoon, preferably in natural light.
  • Do not start haircuts with a bang, if you are upset with something, nervous, rush. Approach the haircut consciously and balanced.
  • When pulling the hair strands during the haircut process, you should not make a lot of effort. So, you can shift the length of the cut. Do not be surprised if you let go of the strand and see the indecently short part of the bangs.
  • If your hair is wavy, then make a supply for length when cutting a bang.
  • Wet hair after drying becomes a little shorter. Consider this important fact.
  • Carefully remove the side strands of hair so as not to accidentally hurt them with scissors.
  • If you have never wore a haircut with a bang, then get acquainted with the tips for choosing the shape of a bang for different types of face. The best option would be to trust the master who will tell you the optimal shape and tell you how to independently adjust the length of the bangs at home.

Now you know how to cut the bangs yourself, what tricky tricks can be used for this. Do not be afraid to change! Changes in appearance can contribute to positive turns in your life. Be beautiful and do not be afraid to show your individuality!



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