
How to get rid of freckles on the face

How to get rid of freckles on the face
How can you whiten your face from freckles

With the onset of spring, when the sun begins to warm up, many dark color dots appear on the face, called freckles. Although, it is difficult to call them a cosmetic defect, as it is most likely an individual feature of the body, a personal "highlight" of appearance, but many seek to remove freckles from the face. On how it is possible to do, let's tell later.

Why the freckles appear on the face


Freckles on the face may appear for several reasons, among them:

  1. Heredity. Genetic factor.
  2. The presence of sensitive skin predisposed to the appearance of sunburn.
  3. Increased mining of melanin in the skin.

How to get rid of freckles on the face: Prevention


As you know, it is easier to prevent the emergence of a problem than to fight it. Therefore, for those who do not want that freckles appear on its skin in the spring period, some rules should be followed:

  1. Each time you enter the street, apply a means that protect against ultraviolet radiation on the skin. It can be an ordinary sunscreen with a high level of UV filters.
  2. Try to protect the skin from direct exposure to sunlight. Wear a cap, panama, hats.
  3. At lunchtime, when solar activity reaches a peak (from 11.00 to 15.00), refrain from walking on an open sunny area. At this time, it is better to "reset" in the shade.
  4. Try to include a lot of products rich in vitamin C, as it prevents excessive generation of skin pigments. It is recommended that you eat kiwi, apples, cabbage, etc.
  5. Use special face makeup with freckles. Under this term implies the application of cosmetics (tonal bases and powders), which contains UV components. Although, it is worth noting the "correct" makeup can hide manifestations, but will not help completely get rid of the freckles on the face.

How to get rid of freckles on the face in the cabin

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Remove the freckles on the face with the help of some cosmetology procedures:

  1. Peeling.
  2. Laser skin correction.

The action of the peeling is based on the cleaning of the skin and remove the upper noise layer from it, along with pigment stains and freckles. However, this skin bleaching method does not recommend some dermatologists. Since frequent aggressive impact on the skin leads to its premature aging. And on the site of former freckles may appear as unwanted small wrinkles. In addition, median and deep peelings are very painful procedures.


In addition to peeling, it is possible to remove from the face of the freckle with the laser correction. In this way, you can only affect the problem areas of the skin, not hurt healthy areas. As many cosmetologists say, the dot correction with a laser is a painless procedure.

How to get rid of freckles on the face: folk recipes


How to get rid of freckles on the face? Take advantage of some folk recipes that will present further:

  • Masks from berries. Strawberry found its application in cosmetology. So from the juice of the pulp of these berries, masks, lotions and water for rubbing the skin are manufactured. That is, you can cook almost everything to care for the face. Strawberries can be used to eliminate cosmetic defects (freckles, unhealthy complexion, pigment spots), also for the treatment of various skin diseases (eczema). In order to whiten the skin, you can cook Cashitz from 2 ppm Strawberries, which is still added whipped chicken egg protein. Just before applying the mixture, the face is better to wipe with strawberry juice. The mask is superimposed about a quarter of an hour, after which it is washed off with cold water. Other options for the preparation of face masks from freckles are possible.
  • Slices of ice. Whiten, lead to the tone and refresh any type of skin with the help of frozen strawberry juice. Such pieces of ice wipe the skin. The juice after the procedure should be left for about a quarter of an hour on the skin, then wash off with simple cold water and then apply a nutrient cream.


  • Paste from spinach leaves. Used to eliminate freckles, as well as for the treatment of various burns or eczema. At the same time, the leaves are boiled on olive oil to prepare the healing mixture. True, such a paste should always be done again, immediately before the procedure, and not to prepare on the reserve. By the way, the same paste can withdraw pigment stains, as well as improve the complexion.
  • Strawberry juice. It is often used as a cosmetics that can whiten the skin and remove the frecklery. For this, fresh juice is simply squeezed out of berries, watted a piece of cotton or gauze in it and then wipe the face to them. Such procedures still have a positive effect on fatty porous skin, which is often present a lot of acne. For a larger effect, it is recommended to mix strawberry juice with glycerin.


  • Horseradish. It is also known for its cosmetics. For this reason, with freckles and pigment stains, you can wipe the face with a medium-based infusion. Its composition contains phytoncides with a strong bactericidal effect. They emphasize good antibacterial properties.
  • Strawberry juice. Used to treat deprivation and eczema. We apply it for cosmetics purposes. In particular, it can be used to clear the face from freckles and pigment spots. In addition, it is suitable for treating acne. In addition, it can be used to prepare lotions, creams and masks. With the help of them, you can give the skin elasticity and at the same time prevent the formation of wrinkles.
  • Prostokvasha is considered to be an excellent cosmetic agent. It has enough for a long time in this capacity. The washing of the prostone returns the freshness of the tired skin. In addition, such a procedure improves the complexion and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. With the help of masks from Prostokvashi, you can withdraw pigment stains and freckles. In addition, Prostokvasha is usually used as a basis for a face massage. Such procedures improve the condition of the skin and reduce the manifestation of skin defects.


  • White cabbage. It is based on masks. Cabbage juice is sometimes used as an effective cleansing lotion. If the skin there are shallow wrinkles, pigment stains and freckles, you can prepare a special healing mixture. To do this, you will need 50 ml of cabbage and oatmeal juice. We mix until Cashier is formed. With high fatty skin of fresh white cabbage juice, it is not recommended to use, and it should be replaced with a sauerkraut brine. Such a mask is applied to the skin uniform layer and keeps around 18-20 minutes. After that, the face is washed with simple warm water and is cleaned with a cotton swab, which must be mixed in the chamomile decoction. This will help refresh and calm the skin.


  • Sea buckthorn oil. It can help prevent wrinkle education. Perfectly whitens the skin of the face. It can slow down her premature aging. Essential oils, which are a lot of sea buckthorn oil, are capable of giving the skin freshness, make it more elastic, improve color. After such procedures, the skin is literally filled with life. It is especially recommended for use this oil to people with a dry skin type, with fading skin and in the presence of problem areas. In addition, sea buckthorn oil is actively used as a means of whitening freckles and pigment spots.
  • In addition, it is popular in cosmetology and grapefruit. At the same time, there is not only flesh, but also juice, and even the crusts. Thus, grapefruit juice is considered to be the most gentle and effective means whitening freckles and spots on the face. It is also used as part of masks for oily and combined skin. Useful wiping with a grapefruit peel. Such procedures are also helpful to strengthen and feed the skin of the neck.


How to get rid of freckles on the face: video

Some tips on how to get rid of freckles on the face, you can learn from the video:


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