
How to tie a flower with a crochet or knitting needles. Knitting Flowers - Scheme, Description, Knitting Lesson

How to tie a flower with a crochet or knitting needles. Knitting Flowers - Scheme, Description, Knitting Lesson
Make the original decoration-flower with your own hands is easy, especially when there is yarn, knitting needles (or hook) and a detailed scheme of work.

Things created with your hands always differ in personality, it can be special warmth and mood.

Knitted flowers are a bright and unusual decor element that can be decorated with clothes or headdress. In addition, connecting flowers into a single composition, you can get beautiful tablecloths and panels that will decorate anyone. Want to create a spectacular and unique accessory? Create a bizarre brooch from knitted colors, earrings or unusual hairpins and attention to you are guaranteed. Create such small and not very small masterpieces by using crochet or knitting needles. Detailed color knitting lessons will help make the bizarre things with their own hands.

Crochet or knitting flower

The process of registration of knitted flowers and compositions of them is a fascinating occupation, which will result in unique and expressive motives. Prepare the yarn and tools for work - the needles and hooks. Depending on personal preferences, you can use both straight and circular spokes. The diameter of your tools directly depends on the yarn, which will be used - the thread thread, the more thick hook or the needker you will need. The threads can be one color or close shades, and they can vice versa - to please the violence of paints and contrasts. Right and harmoniously chosen combination of colors in knitting will emphasize the pattern or ornament of the composition, giving it additional attractiveness. In the process of knitting colors, use the schemes and descriptions of the motives. For their competent interpretation, it is necessary to know the conditional symbols with which the schemes are "coded" with needlework, and abbreviations that are often found in explaining to one or another drawing.




Knitting flower crochet

To associate a neat motif of flowers at all, it is not necessary to be a skillful craftswoman. Enough to take a hook, yarn and stock patience. If you do not know how to tie a flower with a crochet, the motives for beginners will help realize your desires.

Knit crochet flowers. Scheme 1 (5 - 6 petals)

Those who have not mastered the knitting skills well enough well, but only makes the first steps in this direction, it is recommended to start with simple patterns. This scheme is easy to execute, but will show how to tie a flower with a crochet. First prepare the yarn and hook number 3 (3 mm). The threads can be one tone - then the middle and petals of the composition will be the same color or two shades - to highlight the species of the flower.


  • 1 row: dial 5 (without Nakida) in the Amigurum Ring. The number of columns is determined in accordance with the number of petals of the future flower, so this value you install at your discretion (5 or 6).
  • Next, the resulting ring is delayed.


  • If the flower is one color - continue to work for the same thread, if not, enter the second thread. To do this, make a hook under the first column and pick up a new color, forming a connecting loop (ss).
  • 2 row: the second color thread is typing 2 V.P., start the hook under the 1st loop P.R. (previous row) and make 1 column with 1 Nakid (p.1. N). Next, again make the Caid and start the hook at the same point where the 1st column was formed, and knit 1 more S.S.N. We recruit 2 V.P. And do S.S. (connecting loop) through the same loop through which all previous columns did.

The first petal is ready. Further knitting flower with a hook according to the scheme is to form in a similar way to other petals, taking each column of the first row. When the flower is ready, pull up the ring amigurums, straighten the petals, tie up the tails of the yarn and cut them.



Knit crochet flowers. Scheme 2 (8 petals)

You have already learned how to make openwork flowers with the 5th or 6th petals. And if the petals 8? Crochet color knitting circuit, the master class on which will be shown below, will help to form a neat motif.

  • Dial 10 V.P. and closure a row into the ring with the help of S.S. (connecting loop).
  • 1 row starting with the provisions of the 3rd lifting hinge (V.P.P.). Next, form 23 columns with Nakud (S.S.N.) and closure a number of S.S.
  • During the provisions of the 2nd row, you get 8 arches: form 3 V.P., then it is tied by S.B.N. From each 3 loop.
  • 3rd row starting with 3 V.P. Next, from the 1st Ark, you make 2 S.N., 1 V.P. And again 2 S.S.N. Close the circle S.S., receiving 8 arches.
  • Go to the petals: start a row with 2 V.P. Next under the first V.P. Make 7 S.S.n. So form all petals.

Use for knitting lace colors made based on scheme 2 will allow you to get a beautiful and gentle product.


Knitting flowers with spokes

The lion's share of knitting schemes of all sorts of flower compositions offers to use the crochet as the main tool for creating their own masterpieces. However, do not be discouraged in advance if you armted with the knitting needles. With their help you can also knit colors. The above knitting knitting schemes will give spectacular and openwork compositions that will become an excellent decoration of both your image and the interior of your home.

Knit flat flower with edge knitting

Prepare the yarn of one tone and needles.

  • You dial 56 loops and tighten the 13 rows of facial stroke.
  • The following series is formed by such a scheme: 1 loop - edge (remove it), follow-up 4 - invalid. Next, 1 loop is discarding and again tie the wrong (8 pcs). Repeat this block (1 - dropped, 8 - invalid) 4 times. After a reset loop again, it is 4 insoluble and 1 edge loop (leaning the invalid).
  • Disaster dropped loops to the penultimate series.
  • Next, it is touched by the front range like this: 1 loop is removed, then 4 facial. In the column of "broke" (shredded loops), pick up the loop from the 2nd row, put it on the left knitting needle and tie the face loop. Next - 8 facial and raise the "broach" again. Similarly, in line with the residue of the row.
  • The next outline row is touched by capturing 3 loops at a time.
  • All loops of a pricious row collect on the thread. To do this, leave the middle length of the tail of the working thread, they make it in a needle and start working in each loop of the working series. So loops from the knitting needles are moving to the thread.
  • Tighten the circle and, using knitted vertical seam, connect the edges of the flower.
  • Flower ready. If you wish, it is marked with beads or button.




Knit cord flowers with knitting needles

Using this method, you get a practically universal workpiece for many floral compositions. You are unlikely to meet a detailed description of the knitting colors based on the cord. After all, the main thing in this case is to get a cord-foundation, and all further actions are exclusively your fantasy flight.

  • You dial 200 loops and suggest several rows of facechair (one side consists only of facial loops, the other is only from the invalid).
  • The number of rows can be from 2 to 6 or more. This number may vary depending on the desired cord thickness. The more loops - the thicker the cord.
  • After - close the loops, form a flower and lock it.


Knit flower with separate petals with knitting needles

This flower is of particular interest as a supplement to a knitted hat or blouse. The product is performed in moderation volume, remaining in the same plane. If you want to make the motive bright and colorful, use in the process of knitting with two colors, forming all the petals of the composition.

Dial 12 loops. At the beginning of each row, the 1st loop is removed, and the rest are tied.

  • 1 row - form 11 facial loops.
  • 2 row - form 11 invalous loops.
  • 3 row - the whole range (except for the first loop) is tied by a repeating pair of 1 facial loop, 1 nakid.
  • 4 row - the entire row (except for the first loop) is in charge of hinges.
  • 5 and subsequent ranks are touched by facechair. The number of rows you determine yourself based on the desired petal size.
  • Next, begins to reduce the number of loops, tagging them 2 along with each of the sides through one row.

Similarly prepare the desired number of petals. Stick them and decorate by beads, ribbon or buttons. A middle of a flower.


Knitting volume colors

Not only flat compositions are able to become a spectacular accessory of your image. Among the interesting and at the same time simple knitting schemes for beginners can also find motifs of volumetric compositions.

How to knit flower. Chrysanthemum needle

Prepare the yarn like the shade. For knitting, use the knitting needles, and form a flower pattern according to the following scheme. Dick 24 loops. The tail leaves long, as it is useful for stitching petals. Further according to the scheme:

  • 1 row - 24 facial loops (for the rear wall).
  • 2 row - close 23 loops, in front of this series of facial.

To the remaining 24th loop, add 23 air and knit 2nd petals - again a series of facial, and then close 23 loops. On the spin, 1 loop remains again, to which you get 23 air. Thus, form 8 petals-needles of the future flower.

  • Then, to the remaining 1st loop, you get another 19 and again knit the petal. "Needle" such a length you need to check 16 pieces.
  • After adding 15 loops (in total on the knitting 16) and form another 12 petals.

According to the result, you are 36 petals. The tail left at the very beginning, make a needle. Pass the stages of all the petals of all the petals, collecting them in every step in the circle - first longer "needles", then medium and even shorter. Fix the thread in the center.


How to knit rose crochet

For crochet rose flower, use the scheme that we give below. Prepare the desired color and hook.

  • Dial 50 V.P. and 5 V.P.P. For the next row.
  • Make Caid and check 1 S.S.N. through the 6th loop (5 retreated).
  • Next, make 3 V.P., Nakid and retreat 3 loops at the base, 1 S.S.N. Slip through the 4th loop (loop a). Dial 3 V.P. and tie 1 ss n. again through the loop A.
  • Again form 3 V.P., make the Caid and retreat 3 more loops at the bottom. Say through the 4th loop 1 S.S.n. Make 3 V.P. and tie 1 ss n. Again through the same 4th loop.
  • Repeat the previous stage until the end of the rank rank.
  • We turned the job and scored 3 V.P.P. You make 1 S.S.N. through the first arch. Next 4 VP and 2 S.S.N. through the same first arch. Finished block 1 VP provyazyvaniya
  • After following arch provyazyvaete S.S.N. 2, VP 4 and again 2 S.S.N. At the end of the block - VP 1
  • Repeat the previous step until the end of the row and turn the work over to the other side. Provyazyvaete 1 SS
  • Next, do 10 S.S.N. through the arch of the previous row and 1 SS through VP All the same the previous row.
  • Repeat the previous step until the end of the current row. During the last 10 provyazyvaniya S.S.N. arches add to the tail (with an initial set of loops). Thus you will hide it carefully and make invisible.
  • The latter connect the eyelet to the first series-loop base. To do this, do 3 S.B.N. 1 and SS
  • You make a 2 VP and trims the tail (leave about 30 cm).
  • Refill tail needle (knitwear with a blunt end). Basting seam pass before the end of the first row (stitches). Tighten thread and fasten edge. The resulting web to curl, forming voluminous flower. Fasten it. To do this, insert the needle crosswise through the center, capturing all your roses. Doing so several times and fasten thread.


Crochet flowers in different colors

Successfully combining threads of different colors, you can achieve even greater expressiveness motive. A special place among the variety of colorful needlework masterpieces occupy "African colors." This category colors got its name thanks to the abundance of rich colors in the motifs - colorful hexagons surround heat and will give a good mood. To create them, you can use the remnants of yarn, which makes them even more versatile and unpretentious. African flower motif knitting crochet includes sequentially forming colorful 5 rows. To create a motif prepare hook and the yarn 4 tones.

  • 1st row: take the first color, sketching out the loop on the fingers. The resulting ring crank hook and grabbing the main (operating) yarn, making a first loop. 3 VP Provyazyvaete and lifting the ring 1 S.S.N. Next are forming (A) - 1 other VP and 2 S.S.N. The last step (A) was repeated 4 times. Tightens the thread. Finish number provyazyvaniya connecting loop (SS) in the third loop lift. Fix thread and prune excess tail.
  • 2 row: add a new color with S.S. Next to the end of a number of 1 (via V.P.). Next, lifting the rise - 3 V.P., 2 S.S.N. After again 1 V.P. 2 S.S.N. The first petal is obtained. Missing 2 columns icing a second petal (B) - 1 V.P., 2 S.S.N., 1 V.P., 2 S.S.N. Next again retreat 2 columns and knit the same way (b) the third and subsequent 3 petals. Finish a number of connective loop (ss) in the 3rd lifting loop.
  • 3 row - by forming S.S. Move into the nearest arch of the previous row. Next, make 3 V.P. and 6 S.S.N. (through the tight arch, as the air loop). Miss 2 S.S.N. and find the following V.P. Spent 7 S.S.N. Pass all the arches of the previous row and complete the ss. In the 3rd loop of lifting. Cut the thread.
  • 4 row: Enter a new thread (ss), but not at the end of the previous series, but on the petal before. Make 1 lifting loop. Next, they check each loop of the previous series - 7 S.B.N. After entering the hook in the arches of the 2nd row (between the petals), pick up the working thread, pull it out and check 1 S.S.n. Next again - 7 S.B. and 1 7 S.S.N. And so pass the whole range. Connect with 1st V.P. This series. Fight consignment.
  • 5 row: new color Introduce on 1 petal earlier points of the series 4. Make 3 V.P., 3 S.S.N. Next (c): 1 V.P. and 1 S.S.N. In the same loop and follow the following S.S.N. And repeat again (s). And so until the end of the row. Last unit - 1 V.P., 1 SSN and 4 S.S.N. Finish a number of connective loop (ss) in the 3rd lifting loop.

The resulting fragment can be used as a separate decor element, and you can also prepare more flowers and combine them in a colorful cloth plaid or bedspreads, place a handbag or sew a seat for the chair.





Numerous drawings of colors and knitting schemes that can be found on the Internet will help create unique compositions with their own hands.


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