
Gas-liquid peeling for skin cleansing

Gas-liquid peeling for skin cleansing
Deep cleansing and nutrition of the skin with aquapingliga

Gas-like peeling procedure has medical roots. By influencing special equipment on human skin, Israeli dermatologists have successfully saved patients from trophic ulcers and other skin diseases.

Since 2005, aesthetic medicine has actively uses professional developments for mechanical gas-liquid peeling procedures. This technique is one of its kind and gives excellent results to improve the condition of the skin.

Many cosmetologists suggest that gas-liquid peeling is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. It is safe, does not cause damage to human life and health, does not require anesthesia. After the procedure, the patient does not need long rehabilitation. And the effect that is achieved through the soft action of natural components is maintained for a long time.

Gas-liquid peeling technology


Gas-liquid peeling or aquapiling is a hardware technique for deep cleaning of the epidermis of the face or body. As a result, the skin is rejuvenated, its suspension and oxygen enrichment, the increase in blood microcirculation and the elimination of external defects.

During the procedure, a mechanical impact on the skin of a supersonic gas-liquid jet under pressure in 8 atmospheres occurs. The spraying rate of the substance is 200 - 300 meters per second.

This is possible thanks to a special nozzle, inside which is a thin needle. The needle is supplied to the therapeutic fluid, which is mixed with oxygen, forming a two-component cleansing stream from microcapel.

  1. Oxygen. It has a powerful antiseptic property: destroys harmful bacteria in the layers of epidermis and suspends the development of inflammatory processes.
  2. Liquid - saline solution (sodium chloride), to which various nutrient serums are added, including mesotherapeutic.

Depth of gas-liquid peeling


The intensity of the microcapel flow depends on the distance between the device and the skin of the appliance.

  • 1 - 3 cm - massage, stimulating blood circulation. After massage, the skin is refreshing, acquires shining color, moisturized;
  • 1 - 1.5 cm - the purification of pores from pollution and makeup residues;
  • 5 - 7 mm - removal of the burned layer of epidermis;
  • 2 - 4 mm - grinding. Used to remove scars and stretch marks, leather relief leveling.

The impact force is determined by a cosmetologist depending on the area being processed. The result depends on the correctness of therapy, it depends on its result, so the session should only carry out a qualified doctor who thoroughly owning the technique of working with the gas-liquid peeling apparatus.

Advantages of gas-liquid peeling


Today, Aquapiling is one of the most sought-after in beauty salons. We resort to such a woman procedure of all ages to solve absolutely different problems of aesthetic nature.

However, the girls under 18 years of gas-liquid cleansing procedure (as well as any other peeling) are carried out only with special testimony. Young skin often does not need active cosmetology and capable of regenerating independently.

  1. Lack of complications. For peeling, environmentally friendly substances are used, which completely eliminate the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  2. Painlessness. Many patients in their reviews note the absence of uncomfortable sensations during a session.
  3. Contact. The hands of the cosmetologist do not come into contact with the patient's skin, which completely eliminates the ingress of infection in the pores.
  4. Introduction of nutrient serums and gases without leather punctures.
  5. Minimum skin irritation. Gas-liquid cleansing will suit even the owners of very sensitive skin.
  6. The versatility of the technique. Peeling can be used to eliminate visible skin problems, hands, neckline and neck, chest, belly and hips.
  7. The result is noticeable after the first peeling.
  8. Short recovery period. Immediately after the session, you can return to the usual rhythm of life. Colleagues and loved ones will notice only your beautiful appearance, without irritation, redness and edema.

Types of serums for gas-liquid peeling


During the gas-liquid peeling session, special biologically active cocktails are introduced under the skin under the skin. The spectrum of their action is wide. The drugs themselves can be combined with each other.

Mostly doctors cosmetologists are trusted by the Spanish MEDIderma MEDIDERMA serums for Aquapingliga.

  1. For glowing skin.
  2. Moisturizing.
  3. Lifting.
  4. Antioxidant.
  5. Against mimic wrinkles.
  6. To fill wrinkles.
  7. Lightering.
  8. Antikuperose.
  9. Cleansing.
  10. Keratolytic.
  11. Soothing.
  12. With D-Panthenol.
  13. With vitamin A and E.
  14. Bacteriostatic.
  15. With silicon.
  16. Lipolytic.
  17. Anti-cellulite.
  18. Against stretch marks.
  19. For hair.

When gas-liquid peeling is performed


  1. The procedure does not have seasonal contraindications. In the warm season, the aquapiling will help moisten the skin and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, and in the cold - to align the tone of the face, eliminate the peeling, additionally dive the skin with useful trace elements. Cosmetologists also recommend gas-liquid body peeling before visiting the beach or solarium: after grinding the tanning lies evenly and easily.
  2. As for age limitations, by and large they are absent. Gas-liquid peeling is useful at any age: up to 30 years will help to additionally moisten the skin, align the tone of the face or get rid of acne. After 30 years - rejuvenates, smooth wrinkles, improve blood circulation in the tissues.

Indications for gas-liquid peeling


  1. Elimination of wrinkles (age and mimic), increase skin elasticity.
  2. Cleaning the skin from burned cells when peeling and impaired pigmentation.
  3. Treatment of acne. The symptoms of rash are eliminated and malicious bacteria are destroyed, which cause the disease. The procedure should be carried out during the remission of the disease, when there is no strong inflammation of the skin.
  4. Grinding of scars, traces of acne, stretch marks. Peeling allows you to remove the top layer of the epidermis with scars, due to which the exchange processes are improved, and the regeneration of tissues is resumed.
  5. Removing gumons. During the procedure of gas-liquid peeling, the gamons is removed by the cosmetologist manually, then irritation and inflammation are eliminated under the influence of the aquapingling apparatus, the pores are taped, which prevents the formation of new comaons, with proper subsequent face care.
  6. Removing swelling.
  7. Deep moisturizing skin.
  8. Cellulite prevention, shape correction. The gas-liquid jet affects all layers of soft tissues, including the subcutaneous fat tissue and muscle. It stimulates the microcirculation of blood, provides lymphatic drainage.
  9. Treatment of scalp. Normalization of the sebaceous glands, elimination of dandruff. In the process of peeling, the upper layer of epidermis is mechanically removed, oxygen in the composition of the drug has an antibacterial effect, and the nutrients of the gas-liquid jet penetrate deep into the skin.
  10. Prevention of hair loss and stimulation of their growth.
  11. Restoration after sunburn. The peeling and inflammation leaves the peeling, the skin color is leveled.

How is gas-liquid peeling

gas-liquid-peeling procedure

  • The skin of the face is thoroughly cleaned by makeup and contamination. This is a very important stage of the procedure. Thanks to him, the hitting of malicious bacteria under the skin is excluded.
  • Chemical and enzymatic peeling to make the skin more susceptible to the effects of peeling.
  • Thermomas, which has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, softens the comaons and pollution in the pores.
  • Processing of the skin gas-liquid jet. The force and distance differ depending on the task of the procedure.
  • Pain sensations during the session does not occur.

During the peeling, various nutritious or rejuvenating serums can be used. Skin treatment under high pressure contributes to deep penetration of substances.

  • After completion of the peeling, a protective agent is applied according to the skin type.

From manipulations, the skin can redden. This is a natural reaction provoked by the strengthening of blood flow. Redness will leave after a short time, when the vessels are narrowed. Otherwise, after a gas-liquid peeling session, a recovery period is not required.

Duration of gas-liquid peeling


Depending on the patient's needs, superficial or deep cleansing is used. The degree of impact is regulated by a cosmetologist: an angle and height is changed. The result of aquapingliga will be saved 6-7 months, then the procedure can be repeated.

  • Surface cleansing (massage). The facial peeling session lasts about 20 minutes, the body is up to two hours. Such a kind of gas-liquid peeling is often combined with other cosmetic procedures: administering vitamined sera, fluid output from tissues, drying of the skin and others. The effect of the procedure you will see immediately, but it will last a few days. To improve and consolidate the result, surface aquapiling is carried out once a week with a course of 5-10 sessions.

Surface peeling is recommended to young women, to update the skin and improve its appearance.

  • Media peeling (deep cleansing). Media gas-liquid peeling is carried out by a course of 3-5 procedures, between which two-week leather restoration breaks are required.

The middle peeling is appointed to women in dealing with signs of aging or to eliminate serious skin problems, such as deep scars.

Gas-loving peeling. Photo before and after


Contraindications for gas-liquid peeling

This type of peeling is one of the safest, so the list of contraindications is small. However, it is worth carefully considering their study to avoid side effects.

  1. Chronic skin diseases (for example, psoriasis) and skin neoplasms. Before any cosmetology procedure, people with such diseases are better to additionally consult with the attending physician.
  2. The exacerbation of herpes infection. The fact is that herpes testifies to the general weakening of the body. Comerate herpes and then proceed to the aquapingling procedure.
  3. Hypertonic disease. The effect of gas-liquid jet, especially with deep purification, can provoke a sharp increase in pressure from hypertensive.
  4. ORVI, flu.
  5. Increase body temperature. He indicates an infectious disease or a serious inflammatory process in the body. On a weakened organism should not have additional impacts.
  6. Inflammation of the facial nerve or violation of cerebral circulation.
  7. Oncological diseases. Any cosmetological manipulations may worsen the health of cancer people.
  8. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Peeling Jet Peel


The history of cosmetology gas-liquid peeling began with the Jet Peel apparatus invented in Israel at the beginning of the two thousandths. Therefore, the words "JET PEEL" and "Gaze-like peeling" for many have already become synonymous.

Most often in the beauty salon of high class you will be offered the procedure with the help of this device.

The manufacturers of JET PEEL themselves through multiple testing confirmed the high accuracy of the equipment and the effectiveness of its use. In addition, representatives of the Company provide advisory assistance to cosmetologists to jointly help patients in solving both aesthetic and medical problems of the skin.

Price gas-bearer peeling

The price of aquapingliga may vary in different regions of the country. On average, the cost of one session starts from 2000 p. The total cost of the course will depend on the amount of procedures necessary for your skin.

Gas-binding peeling - video


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