
How to make a back massage

How to make a back massage
Massage yourself. Back massage lessons

Spin massage is the most common type of massage art. It can be used both just for relaxation and for the prevention and treatment of spinal diseases.

The massage helps to remove tension and stress after a hard working day, relax and get rid of the negative. The Tibetan Lekari also argued that the right massage of the back had a positive impact on all organs and systems, and the person gives strength. After studying the anatomy of the body and basic principles, you can independently learn how to make a back massage.

To date, there are many informative sources, both in the printed and video format for the development of this art. The ideal option will be professional scope massage lessons, after which you can get a certificate and make the procedure not only close, but also commercial purposes. Therapeutic back massage in the presence of injuries or diseases of the spine can only do a professional after resolving the attending physician.

How to make a massage: spin anatomy

The human spin is covered with muscles that can accumulate voltage and lead to pain, especially in the cervical and lumbar departments and between the blades. Consider a detailed structure of the back for massage (on the picture on the left shown external, and on the right - deep muscles):

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  1. The sacral department and the cock are presented at the bottom of the spine in the form of fixed bones. Massage of this zone is contraindicated in the presence of injuries.
  2. The blades are connected to many muscles in which the pains arise and which are recommended to massage.
  3. The spine (should not be massaged) consists of vertebrae, which are connected by fibrous cartilage with intervertebral discs:
  • 12 chest;
  • 4-5 cleaners;
  • 5 sacrats;
  • 5 lumbar;
  • 7 cervical.
  1. The kidneys are located behind the abdominal cavity on both sides of the spine in the zone of the waist. Massage this zone carefully.
  2. The spinal cord is located inside the spine, and its nervous endings are associated with the brain. Massage on the left and right side of the vertebrae will reassure the nervous system.
  3. The jagged muscles are dense enough and are subjected to deep and strong massage.

To gain the right posture, it is necessary to create a muscular corset of the back, which can be created using a massage or exercises that are performed independently. It can be tightening on your hands from below and on top, pressing from the floor, as well as exercises with dumbbells. When sitting in the lifestyle, knead the back with inclons every 3-4 hours to avoid pain and back diseases.

How to make a massage: back massage zones

The entire area of \u200b\u200bthe back in front of the massage must be visually divided into 3 areas:

  1. The collar or the top begins under the skull and ends before the blades.
  2. The dorsal or average passes from the blades to the ribs inclusive.
  3. Lumbar or lower from the last edge to the buttocks.

How to Massage: Back Massage Time


The massage procedure can take from half an hour to an hour with a little, depending on the complexity of the equipment and problemability of zones. For a complete massage of all zones of the back might need from 45 minutes of time. Particular attention should be paid to the problem, painful and disturbing people, they need to massage longer to completely eliminate pain spasm.

Contraindications for back massage

There are several cases when massage is contraindicated:

  • skin and rash diseases;
  • irritation or allergies to the components of the massage;
  • veins and vessels, varicose veins, thrombosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • heart disease;
  • temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • recent transfer of operation;
  • injuries and diseases of the spine.

Spin massage techniques

Consider in more detail the most popular and simple techniques for self-performing massages and its features in various cases.

How to make a back massage: massage techniques


There are several main techniques that are used in almost all zones and techniques of massage:

  1. Shaking movements - vibration transmitted by the body of a man of an intermittent and continuous person.
  2. Pressing - the area is fixed at hand, squeeze and rub.
  3. Pressing movements - on muscle resistance to both hands.
  4. Stroking - Hand gliding with different degrees of pressure on the plane, with girth, tweezers, arcs, grain and ironing.
  5. The kneading - with two hands and fingers failing and stretching it.
  6. Rubbing is the movement of hands with a shear of the skin and its stretching in the directions of the ceiling and sawing type.
  7. Impact movements - muscle patches, mostly side and buttocks.

Spin massage for beginners

Massage made by non-professional should be lightweight and without strong pressure. It is especially necessary to avoid the spine and kidney zone. You can learn the back massage by studying the structure of the human body, namely the anatomy of the back and its muscles. Muscles can be external (external) and internal (deep). Make a back massage by photo to see the direction and location of the muscles to massage:


  • bottom up with stroking semicircular movements warm up the back;
  • candle and divor your hands on the lower back, putting the palm of the side;
  • circular massage movements rise up back;
  • put one palm to another and make light intense pressure from the bottom up on the whole back;
  • fingers on the sides of the spine from top to bottom line;


  • intensively rubbing the side of the buttocks, move up;
  • next to the lying palms stretch the skin in different directions, pass through the moves along the back of the bottom up;
  • exciting skin movements between palms and thumbs pass from the sides throughout the back;


  • circular movements rub the back from the bottom up and pressing in the field of blades;
  • putting in the middle hands from the palms to the elbow on the back, move with pressure in different directions;
  • also placing hands, move them in parallel to the spine;
  • two palms from the lower back shift the skin before the formation of folds on the spine;
  • go well every muscle of the shoulder belt and neck, reinforcing movements on the increasing;
  • put the left hand of the patient and obscure the left side of the back, also repeat with the right;
  • clamping movements walk around the blades;
  • putting the hand of the lens massable, pass the edge of the palm near the blade;
  • slightly by tapping movements moving on the back from below;
  • fists knock on the buttocks, then ribs of the palms throughout the back;
  • cottons walk through the buttocks and side parts of the back;
  • turning his hands with palms up, walk through massage movements with pressure on the back;
  • palms perform rubbing movements from top to bottom;
  • wave up moving upwards;
  • smoothing the muscles of the shoulder belt, holding thumbs at the neck, in the direction from the spine;
  • we move away from the spine with wave-like movements;


  • pressing the big fingers from the blades, move down to the buttocks;
  • palms, slightly vibrating strokes, walk along the back from top to bottom.

Relaxing back massage


Signals transmitted from muscles can both irritate nervous endings and relax them. A fully proven fact is that you can be nervous if you have a very much spin hurt, and the massage will save from irritation. Therefore, an experienced massage therapist without much difficulty will determine the voltage in certain places and will be able to positively influence with the back muscles massage on the need for relaxation zone.

The algorithm for a relaxing massage such:

  1. We begin massage from slow lung strokes from below from the butorous muscles up parallel to the spine. We increase the strength of strokes towards upwards, and dropping down, strokes weaken.
  2. By rubbing movements, we massive the left side, starting on the side, and then right. Next, go to your shoulders and neck.
  3. We produce energetic presses on the muscles of the buttocks. We also use flaking and kneading. Then go to the circular motions of fists on the buttocks.
  4. Moving movements are moving from the waist to the neck, slightly pressed on the back on the sides of the spine. Heat the back muscles and side.
  5. Go to the muscles of the shoulder belt, neck and the occipital part. Under the head should be put a roller for a convenient position. From uncomfortable seating during the day at work or study, these back muscles hurt after massage and during, but they should be promoted, increasing power until the pain is passing.
  6. We move to the blades of circular movements, and around the blades massage with your fingers.
  7. At a short distance from the spine Massage the back with compressive skin with your fingers horizontally, ranging from the neck. Roll into the skin in my fingers above the spine to the lower back.
  8. Take your fingers along the spine from top to bottom and vice versa.
  9. Next, they are involved in pinching movements over the muscles of the back and buttocks.
  10. You can repeat the kneading, make vibrating tapping edges with palms or rubbing. Finish massage with stroking movements.

Spin massage with osteochondrosis


In the diseases of the back, massage should be carried out only by a professional massage therapist in order to avoid negative consequences and harm to health. Massage with back pain helps to create a peculiar corset of muscles that have lost their elasticity and allowed the vertebrae and intervertebral disks. The neck and back massage during osteochondrosis should be performed regularly with several courses.

The sequence of such a massage will be like this:

  1. Massage begins with stroking with two hands from the bottom up. Movements gradually become deeper for heating muscles.
  2. It is performed to rub a few species alternately with strokes. Arcuate, circular, holding palms with ribs.
  3. Then follows the kneading from the bottom up and from top to bottom. The kneading is performed both horizontally from the spine and vertically, alternating with strokes.
  4. Encloses intense massage vibration with ribs of palms and patting on the sides and buttocks.
  5. Massage is completed with light strokes from top to bottom and vice versa.

How to make a back massage at home

Improvised massage at home or at work can be done lying on the floor, on the table or sitting on a chair, turning his back on the contrary. All movements We send from the bottom up from the berry muscles. With a position of massibrated sitting, they make the focus on the top of the muscles of the nape, neck and shoulder belt.

At home can also experiment also with a back massage by a jar. Choose a jar that you will be comfortable to roll two palms. According to preheated muscles, spend a can with small pressure on the left and right side of the back, leaving the spine zone. This method of riding the bank will increase the massage effect, and the hands of the novice massage therapist will not be tired strongly.

If you visit the sauna, then the honey massage of the back will be as never by the way. After visiting the Parental Room, spread your back with honey and fright well muscles. Honey will help heat the skin, strengthened the blood flow, will reveal and clean the pores.


Also, honey massage is recommended as an effective remedy for cellulite on side, butorous muscles and hips. Tightly press the palm to the problem area, smearing them with honey, and then cut off the skin. Having done such a massage, visit the Parent room again. Thus, you allow subcutaneous fat to warm up and go through the pores in the form of sweat, which contributes to weight loss.

How to do back massage: what will need

If the massage is not held in the Cabinet from the massage therapist, then you need to cook for the massage the following:

  • for massage, you need a cream or oil of hypoallergenic properties, it is best to choose a baby bold cream without additives or oil Jonson's Baby;
  • can be lit aromatic candles with smells for relaxation, such as lavender;
  • neutral music for meditation with the sounds of nature perfectly contributes to the atmosphere of relaxation;
  • nails for massage must be trimmed and not having sharp corners;
  • be sure to ventilate the placement before the procedure;
  • under the head you need to put a roller or twisted towel;
  • sheet or towel only from natural fabrics is better to warm up before the massage;
  • listen to the massibrated, let him say where he feels pain, and where relaxation;
  • the table for massage should be stable, and the bed is rigid enough.

Massage video lessons

Classic back video massage

For beginners in the art of massage, some features can be given hard at the initial stages, therefore, to master the classic back massage, its professional equipment and specific skills will be much easier by studying the faithful sequence and Maneru of movements on the video material from a qualified massage therapist:

Relaxing back massage on video

Simple relaxing massage technique to learn easier than the above classic, if you have some visual idea of \u200b\u200bhow to make a back massage for relaxation, whose video you can reproduce below:


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