
Inhalations at home

Inhalations at home
Types of inhalations, the rules of the procedure. In addition, useful recipes for inhalation at home.

As soon as cold comes, colds begin. Most often, people with weak immunity are subject to them. A cold, runny nose, cough, headache - all these ailments cause many problems. If the cold is not cured on time, then undesirable and serious consequences are quite likely. In the fight against a cough, runny nose and other unpleasant symptoms of colds will help inhalations - they can be carried out at home, and reviews about such treatment are quite positive.

Types of inhalation

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Natural inhalation

It occurs in nature, in the forest or in the mountains, and maybe on the seashore. A person inhales clean air, which is saturated with useful substances for the body. Through the respiratory tract, they fall into the lungs. As a result, blood is saturated with oxygen - this favorably affects health. This type of inhalation is used to prevent respiratory diseases. In addition, the general strengthening value of such a procedure is important.

Artificial inhalation

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In this case, special devices are used, which help to introduce drugs necessary for treatment into the human body. This physiological method does not injure the integrity of tissues. As a result of proper inhalation according to the instructions, a person quickly recovers.

Inhalations Nebulizer

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To carry out such therapy, a special device is used - a nebulizer. With the help of compressed air or ultrasound, it creates a “fog” from the smallest particles of medicinal substances. The created particles penetrate deep into the bronchial tree. That is why such inhalations are indicated for the treatment of bronchi and lungs.

Let's learn in more detail how to use inhalation solutions according to the instructions?

  1. They must be diluted in 2 to 4 ml of saline.
  2. A couple of times a day, carry out the inhalation procedure within 5 minutes.

In nebulizer therapy, an antibiotic for inhalations, hormones and anti -allergic agents are used. With coughing, asthma and pneumonia, as well as other ailments with the help of a nebulizer, you can take bronchodilating and hodring medicines. In this device, it is impossible to use infusions of herbs prepared at home, or oil substances. Before starting such a treatment, you should consult a doctor without fail.

Steam inhalation

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For children aged 2 to 3 years, such inhalation is carried out at a pair of 30 degrees. For those babies who are from 3 to 6 years old, the temperature of the steam should be up to 40 degrees. As for adults, here the pair indicator can reach 50 degrees. In order to prepare the solution, use distilled water. Steam for inhalations is not used by steam, since the salt does not evaporate, but settles on the walls of the dishes.

Before starting the procedure, you should get comfortable. The situation should be calm, do not be distracted. Inhale deeply and slowly, then exhale. If you have a dizzy, then stop the procedure for 10 seconds and rest. In order to carry out dry inhalations, use a cardboard cone. In a wide part, put it on a kettle with a hot solution. The length of the cone should be approximately 25 cm - so you will not burn the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. With the help of such inhalation, dry cough can be successfully treated. It helps with a runny nose. To carry out the procedure, sodium chloride saline is often used - table salt. Inhalations with soda or alkaline mineral water are also possible. It is useful to use infusions of herbs - eucalyptus and chamomile, as well as St. John's wort and calendula. For steam inhalations use tincture of iodine, propolis. How much time to do steam inhalation? The duration of this procedure is from 7 to 10 minutes. Repeat it 2 times a day.

Heat-humid inhalations

During this procedure, a person breathes over a pan with decoctions and infusions of herbs. A very effective method of treatment, with which the mucus is thinned and removed from the bronchi, decreases dryness in the nose. So, such inhalations should be carried out with a runny nose and cough.

Wet inhalations

In case of serious and heavy ailments, a quick response aerosols are prescribed. With their help, it is possible to treat acute laryngitis, bronchial asthma and other diseases. This procedure is based on hormones, as well as anti -inflammatory drugs and antibiotics that the doctor prescribes.

Cold inhalation

To carry out such a procedure, plates with chopped garlic or onions are placed in the patient’s room. Due to the action of essential oils and phytoncides, the air is disinfected. In addition, such a procedure has a favorable effect on the mucous membrane of the bronchi and nasopharynx. Cold inhalations are successfully used to prevent acute respiratory viral infections. As an option, to strengthen immunity and protect against viral infections, they use radish - it is rubbed in a tightly closing jar and cleaned in a dark place. Every day you should breathe over the jar several times a day, exhale must be delayed for a few seconds.

Inhalation using special devices

To perform the procedure, use a regular inhaler or a nebulizer device that forms aerosols from the smallest particles of drugs.

If you do not have special devices for inhalation, then you can use the usual kettle instead of an inhaler. Turn the paper pipe, put it on the nose of the teapot with a narrow end - through the wide inhalation of the healing steam.

Alkaline inhalations at home

This is the easiest and most affordable treatment for acute and chronic respiratory diseases. For the procedure, a solution of baking soda is used - 1 tsp. Soda for half a liter of hot water. You can also heat an alkaline mineral water, for example, Essentuki or Borjomi. Narzan is also suitable. Pour a solution for inhalation with a temperature of about 45 degrees, into a teapot. Inhale steam from the nose through the mouth, and exhale through the nose. In terms of duration, the procedure takes from 5 to 8 minutes. It should be repeated 3 to 4 times a day.

Indications for the use of inhalation therapy

Inhalations with a runny nose

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This procedure helps normalize the tone of blood vessels, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx. Its swelling decreases, mucus production decreases, the nasal cavity is cleaned.

Add 1 tsp to 1 l of boiling water. chopped onions and garlic. Drill a couple of drops of iodine there. Breathe over the steam for 10 minutes.

Inhalations for coughing


The cough of needles perfectly treats. You can inhale the essential oils of coniferous trees - pines and spruce, larch. It is also useful to inhale the vapors of the needles itself. Pour the needles of coniferous trees for the whole night with cold water. Bring the mixture to a boil and breathe steam.

An ordinary boiled potato will help to eliminate cough. Inhale potato vapors, boiling several potatoes in the uniform and draining water.

Is it possible to make inhalations at temperature?


If the temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees, then in this case it is impossible to conduct inhalation. The thing is that during this procedure the body is heated even more. Therefore, at high temperatures, this treatment method will have a negative effect on organs and blood vessels, the nervous system and heart.

Inhalations for bronchitis

Inhalation in the fight against acute, chronic and obstructive bronchitis helps very effectively. The therapeutic effect can be achieved due to a direct effect on the focus of inflammation, namely the mucous membrane of the bronchi, using biologically active or medicinal substances.

How to do inhalation for children?

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If the baby has a cough, then he must inhale steam through his mouth. If a runny nose, then through the nose. In addition to herbal preparations, a solution of soda is effectively helped - 4 tsp. per 1 liter of water. Depending on the age and mood of the child, the procedure time should not exceed 5 - 10 minutes. At the same time, it is important that the child is relaxed and breathing evenly. If he screams and breaks out, it is better to postpone the procedure, because it will not give the desired result.

If the baby breathes above a pot of potatoes, then in order for the effect of treatment to be more impressive, add more soda and crushed clove of garlic.

After inhalation, wrap the child, put him in bed. Inhalations to children are best done before bedtime. After such procedures, you can not go outside for 2 hours.

Home inhalation recipes

Inhalation with eucalyptus

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Put 1 tsp. Eucalyptus, sage and linden flowers, as well as nettles in an inhalation kettle. Add a glass of boiling water and insist herbs for 10 minutes. Then begin the treatment, breathing in the grass infusion for 20 minutes - while the steam will warm.

Inhalation with salt

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Add 2 tbsp. Sea salt in 1 liter of water. Boil over low heat for 7 minutes. Inhalation for 15 minutes 2 times a day - in the morning and evening.

Oil inhalations at home

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Basically, such inhalations are used for diseases of ENT organs, for coughing. In addition, they have a protective effect. The essential oil of eucalyptus, as well as cypress and tea tree, has an excellent anti -industrial property. In this list, add cedar and lemon oil, as well as bergamot and ordinary peach oil.

Inhalation with soda

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If you are hindered by the difficult to separate, viscous sputum, then put in a kettle for inhalation 3 tbsp. drinking soda. Add boiling water and breathe soda solution for 10 minutes. Thus, sputum is thinned, the procedure helps to remove it from the bronchi.

Inhalation preparations at home


Lazolvan for inhalations, instructions for use

This drug is used to treat cough. Inhalations using Lazolvan quickly save the patient from coughing attacks. The dosage for inhalation depends on the age. So, for children from 6 years old and for adults, the dose is 2 inhalations every day, at the rate of 2 - 3 ml of the solution per procedure.

For children under 6 years of age, 1 ml of solution should be carried out every day.

Ambrobene for inhalations

Inhalations with this drug are effective in chronic diseases of the bronchi - bronchitis. The instruction on the use of Ambroben for inhalations states that a nebulizer is needed for such a procedure - it turns a drug solution into aerosol. The dosages are as follows:

  • adults and children from 6 years old - 2 - 3 ml of solution a couple of times a day;
  • from 2 to 6 years - 2 ml 1 time per day;
  • children under 2 years old - 1 ml 1 time per day.

Use a measured cup to properly dosing the solution of Ambrobene.

Berodual for inhalations, instructions

For inhalations through a nebulizer or other inhalers, this drug is released in the form of a solution. As for those who suffer from bronchial asthma, the berodual is produced in the form of pocket aerosol inhalers. This is a very effective bronchodilator.

The role of an antibiotic for inhalation

These drugs help prevent complications against the background of colds. With their help, you can quickly cure various ailments.

Precautions for the inhalation of the house

Due to the improper use of inhalation, you risk getting a burn. Therefore, remember a few important rules.

  1. Follow the water temperature - when it boils, wait for about 5-7 minutes, only after that start the procedure.
  2. You can not perform inhaled respiratory procedures over boiling water. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting the respiratory tract, which will further aggravate the patient's condition.
  3. Do not overeat before doing inhalation. This is very important. Eating after inhalation is allowed only after 2 hours.

Precautions for inhalation for allergies

Simple herbs or pharmacy oils can cause allergies. Therefore, allergies need to do the first inhalation of no more than a couple of minutes. In addition, grass and oils should not be used - limit yourself to inhalation with the addition of mineral water and soda.

When are inhalations contraindicated?

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  1. With pulmonary failure.
  2. With heart failure.
  3. In the case of nasal bleeding.
  4. If a person has high blood pressure.
  5. With increased body temperature, although in this case, nevertheless, a nebulizer and cold inhalation are used with caution.

Useful tips

  1. During the procedure, the patient should have clothes that will not be constrained by his movement.
  2. Do not be nervous while inhalation.
  3. After inhalation, lie down for half an hour.

Inhalations at home. Video



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