
How to get rid of spots on your teeth. White spots on the teeth, yellow stains on the teeth, dark spots on the teeth, black spots on the teeth in an adult and a child

How to get rid of spots on your teeth. White spots on the teeth, yellow stains on the teeth, dark spots on the teeth, black spots on the teeth in an adult and a child
Many people have unsightly spots on their teeth during their lives: white, yellow or dark, almost black. This is an obvious cosmetic defect, from which you need to get rid of as quickly as possible until the disease was aggravated. Today we will talk about the reasons for the appearance of dental spots, the prevention and how to get rid of spots on the teeth in children and adults.

Each of us dreams about the teeth to be beautiful, healthy and white. The shade of dental enamel of each person has its own, and most likely, strive to whiten enamel, no need. Unless under certain circumstances, when ugly stains appear on the teeth.

Why do some people appear on the teeth? How to deal with them and in general, do you need to pay attention to this cosmetic flaw?

Why do white spots appear on the teeth?

Light spots appearing on dental enamel - the phenomenon is quite common. Spots may appear both in adults and young children.

There may be several reasons, we will study in detail all the options for white spots on the teeth:

  1. The initial stage of the manifestation of caries. This can happen to both adults and a child. If this is the initial stage of the disease, the stains look like this: they may appear anywhere on the tooth, closer to the gum or the opposite, to the edge of the tooth. If you have noticed a bright plot of dental enamel in your child, this suggests that the upper layer of enamel is damaged (demineralization). If this place touch the finger, you can feel that it is not smooth, but rough. Externally, a bright plot on dental enamel will be deprived of a shine. That is why at the initial stage of the disease it is easy to see carious manifestations.
  2. Next reason for the appearance of spots on the teeth in a child is a disease of fluorosis. Moreover, the disease can overtake not only children, but also adults, for various reasons. The first and most common - the fluorine body contains more than necessary. Other reasons for the appearance of fluorose spots are also possible: if they often brush teeth with special pastes (anticarious), drink water with a large percentage of fluorine, and also work in harmful production. It concerns more older people, but in children such manifestations may be related to the fact that the dental enamel has not yet managed to grow. Children's fluores have several forms of the disease: a stroke, when the surface of the tooth appear barely noticeable light stripes. If you do not pay attention to this lack on time, then the strips will gradually spread. The disease smoothly flows into another form: Spotted when white stripes gradually increase and white spots are formed on the surface. Often, the painting of the stains may change, islands appear with yellow spots, brown and even drowned. Enamel is erased, the teeth become sensitive. It is very important not to miss the disease at the initial stage and start treatment in time. If you put everything on samonek, then the consequences can be sad and lead to such serious diseases as osteoretoposis, atherosclerosis and even the development of cancer cells.
  3. Violation of metabolic processes in the body can lead to enamel hypoplasia. If white spots in the child appeared on the teeth, it may indicate that his mother in the period of tooling the baby suffered a viral disease or strongly suffered from toxicosis. Disease in such cases is manifested in the anterior milk teeth of children. If you notice that the child began to appear white islets on constant teeth, it may indicate malfunctions in the work of the body for various reasons: infectious processes in the body, malfunctions in the work of immunity, brain disease, dyspepsia and even rickets. The enamel hypoplasia is simply determined by such symptoms: the stains on the teeth can be both white and yellow, they are not rough, but on the contrary - smooth. If you carefully look at the enamel on the teeth, then you can see the deepening and islands, where enamel may not be completely. By the way, this disease is characterized by another sign: the teeth change their shape.
  4. The reason for the appearance of white spots on teeth in children at an early age may be teeth injury.

If yellow spots appeared on the teeth

You noticed that yellow islets appeared on your teeth - this could be a consequence of improper hygiene. On the dental enamel was formed a tartar - this is a favorable medium for breeding bacteria. If you do not react in time, then the caries may appear and the tooth will begin to gradually collapse. It can also lead to gum disease.

The main reasons for the appearance of such spots on the teeth:

  1. Incorrect oral hygiene. The child must accustom to clean the teeth 2 times a day in the morning and in the evening. It is also desirable to teach the baby from early childhood to rinse the mouth after taking food with ordinary water. This is especially true for sweet tooths.
  2. If in the diet of the child is not solid food, it can also lead to the formation of stains on the teeth.

Yellow spots on the teeth in the child. Photo:

Dark spots on the teeth. Causes

Many parents begin to worry hard when they notice that black spots appeared in the teeth. The reasons may also be somewhat: banal - caries, the second reason is the raid "Priestley". Black spots on the teeth may appear literally in a few days due to the robust cavity of special bacteria. Such a plaque may appear not only in the child, but also in an adult. As a rule, in children with age, everything goes by itself and does not affect constant teeth.

Experts advise: if this reason is identified during the diagnostics, it is not necessary to do anything. You can, of course, get rid of ugly brown spots on your teeth with a mechanical way in a dental office, but no one will guarantee that stains will not appear again. Bacteria can stay on a healthy area and a few days later everything will return. Therefore, dentists recommend not to take anything and wait for a pause, this pathology passes by itself. But it is very important to find out the reason for the appearance of spots on the milk teeth.

How to remove stains on your teeth

If you have noticed on your teeth or on the milk teeth of your child white spots, the treatment plan may be like this:

  1. Early caries revealed - to treat teeth must necessarily, and dairy, including. The treatment plan will be attending a doctor after survey. It can be remineralized enamel, applying a special fluorine-containing paste or deep fluorination.
  2. If the diagnosis of "hypoplasia" is diagnosed, then the patient needs to be taken by calcium and comply with the diet. In addition, the enamel is additionally covered with special drugs (silver procedure) to protect the dairy teeth before changing permanent. The indigenous teeth are not amazed, they grow strong and healthy (with proper care).
  3. If the dentist has diagnosed with fluorosis during the examination, then you need to revise the daytime diet, correct the power: refuse time from spinach and fish. These products contain the most fluorine. It is necessary to change toothpaste. If this is the initial stage of the disease, the remineralization of special components is performed. If the disease is launched, the method of aesthetic restoration of dental enamel is used.

How to get rid of stains on the teeth

We got acquainted with the reasons for the appearance of white, yellow and dark spots on the teeth, and also learned how to get rid of this cosmetic flaw. But what to do if the teeth were covered with spots for another reason? For example, because of incorrect hygiene, smoking or consumption of coffee in large quantities?

Read more about the reasons for the appearance of a stain on the front teeth:

  • caries due to improper hygiene;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • incorrect or unbalanced nutrition;
  • smoking;
  • consumption of coffee, caffeine and sweet carbonated drinks;
  • abuse acidic products, love for sweet and fatty food.

Treatment and removal of stains on the teeth may be different, everything will depend on the cause of the appearance of a lack. If it is a dental stone, then you need to turn to the dentist so that it removes the stains.

At home, you can also try to remove the stains yourself, if the reason for their appearance is known:

  • it helps in the fight against dark areas in the dental enamel bay leaf. At this plant there are price and a substance that kills bacteria;
  • you can prepare yourself powder for cleaning teeth from sea salt and soda. Both components need to be taken in equal amounts, mix, apply on a moistened toothbrush, clean your teeth. Such powder is well removed by small dental deposition, as well as dark spots;
  • fresh strawberries also cleanse the dental enamel from a thin floor. Fresh beroda need to be washed out, cut into 2 parts, thoroughly rub the strawberry of the teeth after the main cleaning of the toothpaste;
  • lemon or Lyme juice is an excellent tool in the fight against dark spots. In addition to the removal of dark islets, the juice of these citrus will help to clarify the teeth literally on the halfone, as well as to give the enamel beautiful shine;
  • if you chew cabbage, carrots, apples for a long time, then these products will help to clean the dental enamel from the plaque, and celery to whiten the teeth to get rid of spots on the enamel of the teeth;
  • pharmacy detergent - licorice powder. It effectively destroys bacteria in the oral strip, and will also help get rid of pigment spots on the teeth;
  • good tool from spots on the teeth - sodium bicarbonate. It is necessary to apply a bit of a bit of a moistened toothbrush (a little more match head), clean your teeth. Or another option: to look for a paste with this substance. She blends well to the dental enamel, it will help to lighten the dark areas.

Spots from coffee on the teeth. How to get rid of?

Coffeehemans have one problem - over time, an ugly dark raid appears on the teeth. Many do not want to part with a favorite drink and are looking for ways to exit the situation. If you drink soluble coffee, most likely, with proper oral hygiene, the dental enamel will remain unchanged, and if you drink freshly fatty coffee, which contains a natural dark pigment, then very quickly teeth are darker. The situation may be aggravated if a person does not pay attention to hygiene.

Hygiene rules: Teeth must be cleaned 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening 2 minutes. In addition, it is necessary, at least 2-3 times a week, it is necessary to clean the intersubolic spaces with a special thread. If this is not done, it is already very soon on the dental enamel there will be a thin flare, which over time will become darker and darker. If nothing further is done, such deposits are hardened and turn into a dent stone. Alas, to get rid of such dark plots on the teeth will have only under a dental office.

What can advise coffee lovers:

  1. Purchase an electric toothbrush and fluorine-containing paste. Purpose hygiene to perform 2 times a day without skipping. Qualitatively clean your teeth and interdental spaces. The angle of inclination of the head of the toothbrush is 45 degrees, the time for the hygienic procedure is given at least 2 minutes.
  2. Folk ways: teeth cleaning with soda and sea salt mixture, rubbing activated carbon powder, mouth rinsing and rubbing in dental enamel of hydrogen peroxide (3%). Homemade methods are good, but not perfect, because enamel will quickly thin and can collapse.
  3. If there is a soft, then you can go through the "Air Flea" procedure, a high pressure dentist supplies a special solution (soda + salt), the flare is washed off. After the procedure, the dentist makes a special paste on enamel.
  4. Cleaning the teeth with a laser - the procedure is effective and painless, does not damage the dental enamel. The cost is high enough, so not every person can afford to go through such a procedure to get rid of dark spots on the teeth.
  5. Removal of the tootham, dark spots with an ultrasonic apparatus - quickly, painless, accessible.

Let's talk about the prevention of the appearance of spots on the teeth

Recommendations not only to lovers of coffee and avid smokers, but also without exception, even if your teeth are white and without spots:

  • preventive measures are simple: daily oral cavity hygiene;
  • if possible, refuse to eat coffee, black tea. If it is impossible, then at least minimize the amount of seeded cup of invigorating beverage per day + careful care of your teeth. It is necessary to clean the teeth after each drinking cup of coffee and cleaned the tooth thread space between the teeth;
  • if you clean your teeth there is no possibility, you need to eat an apple or an extreme option - to wear special chewing gum in a handbag to normalize acid-alkaline balance and stop the growth of bacteria;
  • use rinsers for oral cavity;
  • feed right: There are raw fruits and make vegetable salads;
  • eliminate sweet foods, oily food, carbonated drinks;
  • teach yourself to drink purified water at least 1.5 liters per day;
  • 1 time in 6 months attend the dentist, even if you are not bothering you;
  • use whitening toothpastes on the recommendation of the dentist.

Now you know how to get rid of dark plots on your teeth and how to prevent this phenomenon.


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