
Spanish Hymassage Faces - features, effect, reviews, photos. Hymassage Technique of Faces

Spanish Hymassage Faces - features, effect, reviews, photos. Hymassage Technique of Faces
Hymassage of the face is a unique anti -aging procedure that everyone can master.

An unusual massage technique capable of creating miracles - this is how many call the Spanish Hiromassage of the face, which exerts anti -aging and healing effects.

The capture of the face of the face, the disappearance of wrinkles and edema, the improvement of the color and structure of the skin is far from a complete list of effects after this type of massage. Moreover, the results of the work will be visible after several sessions. Many patients consider the technique of himomassage the excellent alternative to the non -binding injections of Botox or plastic surgery.

So, what is this technique, what is it based on and how is it? The article presents the technique and technique of the Spanish massage of the face, and the video master class will better understand the essence of such an original procedure.

What is a Hymassage of a face?

Massage is a well -known and popular procedure that everyone knows about. But not everyone knows the concept of “HIMMASSAGA”.

  • So, from Latin, the prefix “HIRO” is translated as “hand” and denotes the main tool of this specific type of massage. But, this is not the usual type of muscle structural (“manual”) massage. In this unique technology, several different practices and directions were reunited at once. The technique includes elements of manual therapy, kinesiology (disciplines that study muscle movement in all manifestations), hemolymphodrenal and is based on certain manipulations of hand movement, without any additional devices.

  • In the east, Hymassage has long been known and is considered one of the effective cosmetic sessions. More often you can find the name "Spanish Hymassage Faces" according to the historical origin of the procedure and the founder of the methodology. It was engaged in the Spanish doctor Fernandez, using manipulations only to the human body and without affecting the face. Later, the massage technology was significantly improved and streamlined thanks to the student of Fernandez - Enrique Castels Garcia. Its achievements include the use of HIMMASSAGE not only for the body, but also for the face, as well as the relation of the Institute of Manual Therapy. Garcia managed to combine the accumulated experience of generations with yoga techniques, Buddhist spiritual practice, the achievements of Indian medicine and manual therapy in one school. The technique includes more than 100 massage techniques used both in medical and health and preventive purposes.

Currently, the persons are practiced in many cosmetic salons, its technique is taught by narrowly focused experts. If desired, you can learn to do this massage at home. The main thing: first study the testimony and contraindications, then master the technique of massage movements and manipulations and only after that proceed directly to practical exercises.

Features of the Spanish Hiromassage Faces

Experts indicate the absence of a clear and strict scheme of the Hymassage of the face. Each specific case is considered individually, depending on the existing problem and taking into account the characteristics of the body, including the condition of the skin.

What is the difference between HIMMASSAGE and the usual massage? Consider the key features of Spanish technology.

  • Massage movements and techniques are carried out measuredly, plastic, carefully and somewhat monotonously.
  • During the HIMMASSAGE, a deep effect on the tissue occurs, the maximum relaxation of the muscles is achieved, pleasant, painless sensations appear.
  • Massage movements and techniques during the session are diverse, are practically not repeated, which eliminates the addiction of the body to monotonous influences.
  • This type of massage affects not only the skin and the subcutaneous fat layer, but also on the muscles, blood and lymphovasculars.

The founder of the methodology, Garcia, paid special attention to the patient’s psychological condition during the massage procedure. Complete relaxation, a sense of pleasure stimulates the production of the hormone of joy - endorphin, while ensuring an effective rejuvenating and healing result.

Plastic soft movements of the hands without pain allow you to carry out a fairly deep therapy of the massageless area of \u200b\u200bthe body. And the personal and non -standard approach to the performance of the HIMMASSAGE makes it possible to achieve the most positive effect.

The effect of the Spanish Hyrimassage Faces

The essence of the Spanish Hiromassage of the face is to tighten the facial muscles, which, in turn, allows you to adjust the contour of the face, reduce the nasolabial and interbranial folds, sagging cheeks and small wrinkles. In addition to the visual cosmetic effect, the hirimassage therapy has a general healing effect on the entire human organism.

The course of the HIMMASSAGE allows you to achieve specific positive effects, namely:

  • Improving the tone and elasticity of the skin of the face, turgor of subcutaneous tissue.
  • Restoration of the tone of muscle tissue of the face, providing the effect of lifting (suspension).
  • Increasing the elasticity of the soft tissues of the face.
  • Reducing edematous areas on the skin of the face, slowing down the aging process.
  • Relaxation of the muscles of the face and body as a whole, minimizing stress states.
  • Stimulation of the micro -circulation of biological fluids (including blood capillaries), improve the nutritional and respiratory functions of the skin, which helps to improve metabolic processes, the removal of toxins, and enhance the general blood flow.
  • Improving the color and structural condition of the skin.
  • Moisturization and nutrition of the skin epidermis, activation of the process of regeneration of skin cells.
  • Reducing swelling and reducing vascular stars.
  • Improving mood, emotional state and restoration of sleep.

Thus, the Spanish Hymassage is a unique therapeutic technique of healing, rejuvenation and restoration of the human body.

Plastic fraud of the face allows you to achieve a sustainable effect comparable to surgical suspension.

According to many women, the course of such intensive therapy removes small facial wrinkles after the second session, and after a general massage course, a significant improvement in the external condition of the skin of the face is observed.

Hymassage faces, reviews

On the Internet, you can find many reviews of those who have tried the miraculous effect of facial massage - HIMMASSAGE. Here are a few examples that can be read on the review website:

Most opinions after the procedure are purely positive and even enthusiastic. The effect for many women has surpassed all expectations.

Hymassage of the face, photo before and after


Indications for the use of HIMMASSAGE

Hymassage, used even for preventive purposes, has no age restrictions and is shown to almost everyone, even pregnant women. This technique is especially relevant for women after 35 years, when age -related changes in the skin of the face become noticeable.

Intensive muscle structural therapy is especially effective in the presence of the following problems:

  • Weakening and reducing the immune system.
  • Curoperosis of the skin of the face, in which blood vessels expand and red thin veins in the form of stars appear on the face.
  • Lymphostasis of the face, with violations of the outflow of lymph and its stagnation in the tissues.
  • Swelling, sagging of some areas, the absence of clear faces of the face.
  • Wrinkles, dryness, not elasticity and sagging of the skin of the face.
  • Fatigue, stress, irritability, apathy, sleep disturbance.

Contraindications of the use of HIMMASSAGE

Having so many advantages and positive effects, some contraindications still exist for himomassage:

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Skin diseases of infectious or fungal origin.
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin (burns, scratches, wounds).
  • Asthma in the acute period.
  • Improving body temperature.
  • Allergic manifestations on the skin.
  • Exacerbation of any chronic diseases.
  • The fragility of blood vessels.
  • The presence of a large number of papillomas or moles on the skin.

Hymassage of the face, technique

The technique of Spanish HIMMASSAGE includes a number of practices and techniques:

  • Myotenic (strengthens the elasticity of muscle-articular joint).
  • Somatoemotional (strengthens the nervous system, relaxes).
  • Lymphodrenazhnaya (removes excess fluid, toxins).
  • Neurosedative (calms, relaxes, improves sleep, relieves irritability and apathy).
  • Hemolymphatic (normalizes blood and intracranial pressure, improves the functioning of the circulatory system).

In order to thoroughly master the massage technique, you need to study the thematic material and watch more than one video lesson on this topic. An ideal option is to teach an experienced Hyrimassage specialist. In any case, Spanish intense therapy with hands requires a long and high level of preparation. The masseur independently selects a combination of influences for each patient individually.

The basis of therapy, as mentioned earlier, is the professional impact of the hands of the massage therapist. Observing the master, you can compare his movements with a continuous measured and plastic “hand dance”. A wide variety of movements and techniques are used: from light tapping with fingertips to complex stretch marks of the skin and deep kneading.

Musical accompaniment and lit aromatic lamps during massage only enhance the effect of peace and beneficial (relaxing) affect the patient.

The procedure for conducting the Hymassage procedure

Before starting the procedure, the massage therapist is familiar with the problems of the patient, his state of health, the presence of contraindications, determines the type of skin and the main problem areas on it. Having studied all the aspects, the chiropractik draws up an individual massage program, taking into account, of course, the patient's wishes.

As a rule, facial massage is supplemented by exposure to the neck, neckline and has a certain sequence.

  • Before starting massage, the skin of the face is cleansed of possible contaminants or makeup. To do this, do not use alcohol -containing products that overdose the skin.
  • After cleansing, additional steaming of the skin is also practiced with a hot grass compress (wet the napkin into a decoction, a temperature of 35–40 ° C and attach to face) for 8-10 minutes. At the same time, skin pores open, the facial muscles are heated, which makes the Hymassage more productive.
  • During massage, a special cream or aromatic oil is mandatory so that the hands can gently slide along the skin without injuring it.
  • The first methods of massage are purely relaxation, allowing to relax the muscles of the face. At the same time, the movements of the hands are plastic and soft, and the directions correspond to the massage lines.

  • Relaxing techniques are replaced by irritating and warming up. Such contrasting procedures are often used for this type of massage. For this, using the tips of the fingers and the inside of the brush, they carry out alternate circular movements.
  • After stroking, they switch to warming up and smoothing the nasolabial triangle, cheekbones and lower part of the face. Particular attention during the procedure is paid to the zone of eyelids and eyes.

  • The next stage is lymphatic drainage. During massage, forcurations, wave -shaped rubbing with the edge of the palm and many other tricks are used. All movements are designed at a certain rhythmic pace.
  • After mechanical exposure, there is a lifting line. At the same time, the master, as it were, pulls up small areas of the skin first on one half of the face, then on the second. The main condition is the absence of any pain or discomfort in the patient.
  • When working with lymphotic nodes, exposure should be especially soft and neat. Often, experts when working in this area recommend presenting a viscous fluid flowing under the fingers.
  • Massage procedures end with rhythmic tapping on the oval of the face and soothing relaxing strokes.
  • At the end of the session, cryomassage will be especially useful for ice cubes from infusion or decoction of healing herbs. Cold will close the pores and normalize the blood flow of the skin.
  • A nutrient mask after massage will also improve the overall effect of the procedure.

Holding an anti -aging effect, the Spanish himomassage perfectly relieves stress or fatigue, charges with positive energy for a long period of time.

Time and frequency

  • Hymassage of the face, taking into account the work on the neck and the neckline, takes about 60 minutes. Also often affect the occipital area and shoulder belt.
  • Given the relaxing effect, it is better to do massage in the evening, before bedtime.
  • The procedure of the Himsemage is carried out no more than 3 times a week, with a course of 7-10 sessions.
  • The frequency of repetition of the sessions depends on the age of the patient and the condition of his skin: after 35 years, you can perform about 3 courses per year, up to 35-1-2 supporting course will be enough.

Homassage faces at home

The Spanish Hymassage can be learned to do it independently at home, since there is no accurate and clear methods of performing massage movements. Each masseur should feel the intensity of exposure to the skin and individually select movements.

Naturally, the basic knowledge must be observed: the phased performance of techniques on massage lines, painlessness and plasticity of movements, an energetically correct positive mood.

An important role in learning is played by sensitivity and subconscious perception of the future master: how subtly he is able to feel the need for certain movements, their intensity and duration of the impact.

The stages of massage at home are unchanged:

  • Carefully cleanse the skin of the face.
  • To moisturize the skin and smooth sliding of the hands, use special oil or cream.
  • Perform facial massage and adjacent areas according to the implementation technique.
  • Make a tonic or nutrient mask after massage.

All massage movements are performed smoothly, delicately, in “fluid” mode, but, at the same time, precisely and confidently. There is a constant measured change of techniques and massage movements.

Do not experiment if the masseur is inexperienced and not sure of his skills. Violations of the rules of Spanish massage can result in undesirable consequences and even harm the patient.

If during the procedure the patient’s skin blushes greatly, irritation or pain appears, it is better to suspend massage.

It is worth recalling the need for clean hands when performing massage at home. During all manipulations, the pores of the skin of the face are opened, which means that there is a probability of infection. Therefore, the hands washed and treated with an antiseptic is one of the main conditions of a successfully conducted cosmetic procedure.


  • Hymassage faces - passive gymnastics of the facial muscles.
  • The effectiveness and effectiveness of the Hymassage is obvious and confirmed by many patients.
  • The Spanish Hyrimassage slows down the aging of the skin, rejuvenates and pulls it up.
  • The procedure has a positive healing effect on the entire body of the massageless.
  • There are no age restrictions for conducting a HIMMASAGA, only some contraindications related to human health.
  • Hymassage is carried out in cosmetic salons, specialized clinics.
  • You can learn to perform massage at home. At the same time, it is important to observe the phasedness and requirements of the procedure, so as not to harm and not get a negative result.
  • Professionalism, confidence and positive energy are key points of successfully carried out massage therapy.

Himromassage of the face, photo


Hymassage of the face, video



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