
Sculptural massage of the face and body - features, reviews, photos before and after. Sculptural Massage Technique

Sculptural massage of the face and body - features, reviews, photos before and after. Sculptural Massage Technique
The sculptural massage of the face and body is a great way to correct the shape and rejuvenation.

The sculptural massage of the face and body is one of the most famous and efficient massage techniques for the correction of the figure. Its essence lies in the deep development of individual muscles, lymphatic, circulatory systems and subcutaneous fatty fiber. In Europe, this technique has long won many fans. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, the sculptural massage became known not so long ago, but already managed to find his audience and here. In this article, we describe in detail the features of the sculptural massage of the face and body and tell how to properly produce it at home.

Sculptured massage: what is it

The technique of sculptural massage of the face and body introduced a cosmetologist with a world name French Joel Siokko. The essence of massage is not only in the execution of installed manipulations, but also in their specific sequence. In sculptural massage, special attention is paid to the effects on certain parts of the body. Depending on the wishes of the client, the strength and technique of massage varies.

Sculptural massage is a painless and easy impact on the face and body. Unlike other types of massages aimed at eliminating extra kilograms, sculptural massage is pleasant for the patient. According to the reviews of the sculptural massage, many noted that during sessions the body relaxes, and after the feeling of relaxes does not leave for a long time. As a result, the full course of massage allows you to improve the silhouette, due to the decrease in subcutaneous fatty fiber.

This procedure is a sculptural-deep massage of the face and body, that is, during its holding a thorough study of all layers of skin occurs. During the sculptural massage:

  • there is an impact on mimic wrinkles;
  • the spasm of the muscles of the face and body is removed;
  • epidermis hydration increases;
  • Improved Derma Limphodling:
  • the work of the neuroreceptor system is activated;
  • the "sleeping" muscles are being worked out;
  • from subcutaneous layers are made of metabolic products;
  • muscles are toned;
  • black circles under the eyes are eliminated;
  • passes nervous tick;
  • blood circulation is intensified;
  • restores good condition of nervous endings.

Such an integrated effect allows you to get rid of the visible consequences of aging on the face and correct the silhouette. Today, the sculptural massage technique is considered a serious alternative to invasive interference and surgical methods of rejuvenation and correction of the figure.

Sculptural Massage Technique

Sculptural face and body massage is an innovative technique that combines almost all major massage techniques invented earlier. So, elements are present in sculptural massage:

  • osteopathic massage;
  • lymphatic drainage massage;
  • massage Jack;
  • point massage Shiatsu;
  • tibetan massage;
  • classic massage;
  • japanese massage Asahi and Cogan.

Such an association of technician makes a sculptural massage incredibly effective and effective.

Sculptural face massage

Sculptural facial massage - is complex technology, which allows for a deep knowledge of facial structure. it is carried in the cabin environment like this:

  1. First of all, before a massage session, you will be offered to clean the skin of the face and neck with the help of a special lotion.
  2. Next, the master will handle their hands with a bactericidal agent and will cause a special solution on an oil basis.
  3. For a start, the master is working as a sheino-collar plot: the impact begins with the posterior surface of the neck and muscles of the area.
  4. Then the massage therapist goes to the front surface of the neck and a plot under the lower jaw.
  5. After the east of the neck begins the immediate massage of the face: the specialist performs several plastic movements to prepare the skin to the effect.
  6. Then the light stroking and rubbing movements are followed, the intensity of which increases each time.
  7. After heating of the skin, more aggressive impact begins: the massage therapist performs exciting and intimating movements.
  8. At the next stage, the master performs the "rolling" of the skin between the phalanges of the fingers.
  9. The massage therapist then performs point exposure and elaboration of massage lines.

During massage, the intensity and amplitude of movements increase with each manipulation. Pressure is carried out, approximately 1 centimeter.

The sculptural massage of the person is recommended for execution of 25 to 40 years. After 40 years, the Master can recommend you a tougher technique - sculptural and buccal massage of the face.

Methods of sculptural massage Persons can:

  • remove mimic wrinkles;
  • eliminate the atrophy of the face muscles;
  • improve face shape;
  • remove the second chin;
  • reduce "goose paws";
  • remove swelling and dark circles under the eyes;
  • improve the complexion.

Sculptural face massage Photo before- and after-

Sculptural body massage

The sculptural body massage is aimed at improving the shape and its silhouette. In fact, it is a fading of the entire body without surgery.

How is the sculptural body massage:

  1. First you need to clean the necessary part of the body with lotion or simply take a shower.
  2. The Master processes its hands with a bactericidal agent and causes them a solution on an oil basis.
  3. At the beginning of the massage there is a "warming up" of the desired site by stroking.
  4. Then the massage therapist smoothly moves to the kneading body.
  5. After the skin trituration begins.
  6. Behind rubbing follow the exciting and intimidation movements.
  7. After an intensive kneading, the master spells the necessary site.

At the same time, the massage occurs very intensely and in a rapid pace, and the pressure is carried out by about 3-5 kilograms.

Sculptural skin massage is recommended for:

  • eliminating skin decreasing;
  • reduction of wrinkles;
  • elimination of swelling;
  • removal of fat fiber deposits;
  • slowing the process of aging and fading the skin.

Sculptural face massage at home

Sculptural face massage at home can only be performed after appropriate learning. At the same time, it is important to know necessary to study the zone, the features of the impact and the degree of pressure on certain sections. Incorrect sculptural massage at home can be fraught with such consequences:

  • asymmetrical face;
  • the formation of edema, bruises and hematoma;
  • omitting subcutaneous fabrics.

Sculptural Massage: Contraindications

Like any other procedure, the sculptural massage has its own contraindications. These include:

  • thyroid diseases;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • dermatosis;
  • runting rashes;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • oncological diseases;
  • wounds and abrasions in the exposure area.

Sculptural massage. Video


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