
Ginger tea for weight loss - recipe. How to make ginger tea for weight loss at home

Ginger tea for weight loss - recipe. How to make ginger tea for weight loss at home
Leave exhaust diet in the past. The fragrant and delicious gingerbell drink gently and effectively relieve you from the extra kilo.

Tighted and attractive figure is not only beautiful, but also useful for health. Many of the usual satellites of the modern lifestyle lead ultimately to not very good consequences.

Small motor activity, irregular and unbalanced nutrition, metabolic disorders often lead to excess weight. The fight against the accumulated kilo must be carried out in a comprehensive - conduct power correction, add physical exercises, clean the body and help normalize the work of its systems. It is with the latter that the well-known spice is successfully copes with the famous spice. Properly prepared ginger tea is not only a delicious and tonic drink, but also a great weight loss.

Ginger - useful and delicious gift from the East

The healing root arrived from the east. It was there that for the first time his special properties were noted. A rich vitamin and microelement composition of the product will help activate the internal reserves of the body, configure its systems to the right job. Spice will give such vitamins as A, C, B1, B4, PP, as well as amino acids. The mineral composition of the root represent iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium. In addition, the composition of ginger includes essential oils, fatty acids and such a useful element as an aspargin - the component of many proteins, plays an important role in the normal functioning of the CNS. The ginger root has a pronounced specific taste, therefore it will be not very pleasant to use this product. But adding it to various dishes and drinks will allow them to give them a spicy taste, and disclose all the healing properties of the product.

Useful properties of ginger

The rich composition of the product led to its useful and "fat burning" properties. Ginger provides:

  • Antiviral action. The strengthening of the immune system has a beneficial effect not only to the level of the body's resistance to viral attacks, but also on his ability to overcome the twice.
  • Antioxidant effect.
  • Locals blood, reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Product's ability to normalize metabolic processes is the main cause of using it wishing to reduce weight. In addition, during the use of ginger, a feeling of hunger is dull, the appetite is less pronounced. Together with a decrease in the volume of products consumed, the volume of the stomach is gradually decreased, which is very good for seeking to lose weight. That is why ginger tea for weight loss gives results that will not always show even the most strict diet.

How to take ginger tea for weight loss

  • When buying ginger, like any other product, be sure to check it on damage, mold or rot.
  • It is not recommended to take more than 2 liters of ginger tea during the day.
  • Expect the result is not earlier than in a month. The effect of the product is slow, but the achieved effect is long.
  • Proper ginger tea for weight loss is recommended to drink before each meal reception 20-30 minutes before the start of the meal.
  • During therapy, it is better to reduce the use or and even refuse sugar and fats at all. Focus on low-fat fish and meat, lean porridge, vegetables and fruits (both raw and dried or baked).

Ginger Tea Slimming - Powder or Fresh Root

The healing properties of the fresh root you already know, but how to be if you do not have the opportunity to buy fresh spice? In this case, you can contact the pharmacy and acquire a crushed and dried product - ginger powder. The instruction in which the technology of cooking technology is described in detail is attached to the weight loss mixture. The benefit of ginger in the form of powder is no less than that of fresh root, it can be successfully used to obtain a ginger drink for weight loss.

Cooking Ginger Tea: Slimming Recipes

The diversity of recipes for the preparation of a ginger drink - an effective fat burner and just delicious and useful tea - will allow each person to choose his own composition.

Ginger Tea Slimming - Solo

  • Prepare ginger (about 30 g) - clean it and soda on the grater. Place the composition in the thermos. Pour into the resulting mixture a glass of boiling water. Give tea to breed 30 minutes. The resulting drink is recommended to drink before meals. The composition stimulates the production of a stomach juice that contributes to the rapid digestion of food.
  • Take a useful root and soda it into a small grater. The required volume is the floor of a glass. Fill the resulting weight of 0.5 liters of water and put on a small fire. Wait for the mixture until the mixture. It is preferable to rub the ginger than to cut into small pieces, since in the first case the full range of useful elements of spices is revealed. After the composition boiled, leave it for another 10-15 min. If you want to get a stronger gingerbell, increase the tomorrow time to 30 minutes. Spicy tea is ready. If you wish, it can be strain to remove root particles.

An alternative to ginger tea can serve as a tincture, which is also used as a means for slimming for such a recipe:

  • Prepare 200 g spices. Product rinse, clean and grind - on a grater or with a knife.
  • The composition is placed in the container and pour it with "fiery water" with a strength of 40 °. It is enough that the liquid only covered the ginger.
  • Cover the resulting mixture, put it in the place inaccessible for the sunny rays and wait for 2 weeks. In the process of insteading, the composition should be periodically shaking.
  • Take 1 tsp. 30 minutes before meals twice a day.

The effect will not be instant, but the extra kilo will leave. In addition, this tool will well support your immune system during an increased viral attack. The finished agent can also be bought at the pharmacy.

Ginger tea and sliding spices

The spicy mixture with the inclusion of nuts and ginger will not leave indifferent not only wishing to lose weight. Prepare a delicious and useful drink is very simple:

  • Prepare a small ginger root (1-2 cm), 2 g of nutmeg and cinnamon.
  • Ginger rinse, clean and cut into small pieces. Add ground nuts, cinnamon and 1 tsp. Honey.
  • The composition will fill with hot (but not boiling water) water and leave for 10-12 h (most convenient for the night).
  • You can drink ready-made in the morning - an empty stomach 2 hours before meals.

Such a recipe for ginger tea slimming with honey will make it possible to prepare a cold drink that will have a tonic effect, accelerates metabolism, promotes fat burning, and will also become an effective means in the fight against constipation.

Cinnamon lovers can use spice not only to add spicy and fragrant notch to their dishes, but also to eliminate extra kilos. In addition, a "rattling" mixture of ginger and cinnamon has a powerful tonic effect, reduces blood sugar levels and increases immunity.

  • Fill 2 tbsp. Land of chopped root glass boiling water.
  • After in a separate container of 1 tbsp. L cinnamon pour a glass of boiling water.
  • Wait 30 minutes, connect these two compositions and add a spoon of honey.

The drink can be drunk without honey, but it is the latter that reveals the healing forces of spicy ingredients.

Ginger tea with honey and lemon for weight loss

Such familiar foods like honey and lemon will serve as an excellent enclosure of a ginger drink. Ginger tea with lemon is an efficient and tasty tool for weight loss.

  • Prepare 2-3 ppm Purified and crushed ginger root.
  • Place in the thermos ginger, 2-3 cl. Lemon juice and a couple of spoons (tea) honey.
  • Fill the composition of boiling water (1-2 l).

In 10 minutes. The composition is ready to eat. Drinking ginger tea with lemon for weight loss is necessary for small portions during the day. A distinctive feature of the beverage is the ability to dull a feeling of hunger, which is especially important for people seeking to get rid of overweight. If you wish, traditional components - honey and lemon - you can diversify mint leaves, melissa, lingonberry berries.

Burning mixture of ginger and garlic for weight loss

Who said that 2 sharp components like ginger and garlic will not be able to be together? During the preparation of ginger tea to lose weight, the correct proportions are one of the important components of the useful and tasty drink.

  • Prepare garlic and spice - for 10 g. For this, the ginger root of length of about 4 cm and a pair of large teeth of garlic will be suitable for this.
  • Both components should be finely chopped (use a knife or grater) and put in thermos.
  • Add to the composition of 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave tea to appease 15 - 30 minutes.
  • Perfectly obtained by infusion.
  • Take the composition before eating in small portions.

The drink improves metabolic processes, and also helps to cope with colds.

Ginger tea with rose hips for weight loss

Before brewing ginger tea for slimming with Rosehip, find out if this wild rose does not harm you. The use of rosehip is not recommended in the presence of increased blood pressure, as well as blood violations. If there are no contraindications, you can start cooking.

  • Take 2 tbsp. finely chopped root. Pass them in 1 liter of water and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Add a small handover handful.
  • Tomit the infusion in the water bath for another 15 minutes.

Broth ready. How to drink such ginger tea for weight loss? Drinks should be used in small portions during the day. In addition to losing weight, such a composition also improves the color and condition of the skin.

Green Coffee with Ginger Slimming

A place separately occupies a drink resulting from brewing green coffee with ginger. This product has a minimum number of components - coffee, ginger (the main effect is provided by its active component of Gingerol). The composition is simple, however, not less effective.

  • Green coffee with ginger normalizes blood sugar levels.
  • Reduces appetite, reduces the craving for the dad and sweets.
  • Accelerates exchange processes, digestion.

It should not be overly carried by the drink, as it can begin torture insomnia. In addition, the product affects the absorption of iron. The result of using this product is individual - from 7 kg to 10 kg in 3-4 weeks.

Ginger and orange juice for weight loss

The combinations of ginger and citrus (orange) are not only a delicious, but also a useful drink, which is especially recommended to young ladies wishing to lose weight.

  • Prepare cardamom (pinch), ginger root (0.5 root), mint (30 g of leaves).
  • All components are connected and grind with a blender.
  • Pour boiling water, and in a few minutes (5-7) add 50 g of orange juice and a few drops of lemon. Ginger tea fans with weight loss honey can add 0.5 tsp. Sweet molasses.
  • Delicious and helpful drink ready. Use such tea is better cooled.

Ginger and green tea slimming

The impact on the mucous membrane digestive path of ginger tea for weight loss obtained at home can be mitigated due to the inclusion of green tea leaves.

  • Prepare 5-10 g of ginger - the root pre-clean and grate on the shallow grater.
  • Add to spices 1 tsp Green tea and pour a mixture of very hot water, but not boiling water (about 80 ° C).
  • Insist the composition of 15 min.
  • When tea cools (up to 40 ° C), you can add a spoon of honey.
  • Drink is ready to eat.

Lady Slim - ginger tea for weight loss

For those who do not want to spend time on the preparation of a ginger drink, there is a ready-made "cocktail" - Lady Tea Slim. A series of products includes teas of several species - with pineapple, lemon, chamber, Sudanese Rose, Mint and Melissa. In addition to ginger and indicated additives, the teas also includes anise, cinnamon, cardamom, carnation, black or green tea. The main effect of tea is two factors:

  • In the process of drinking drink, a feeling of satiety appears, so the volume of consumed products is reduced.
  • Exchange processes are accelerated, metabolism is improved.

Therefore, the effect does not make himself wait long. But you should not hope for a miracle. If you save the previous lifestyle, do not add exercise, then weight loss will occur, but it will be insignificant. In addition, tea has a beneficial effect on immune processes, strengthens the protective forces of the body. Packaging presents a set of filter bags with herbs and spices that you quickly and easily brew.

Contraindications to the use of ginger tea

Despite its amazing and pleasant taste, good help in the fight against excessive weight, as well as tremendous benefits for the human body as a whole, the gingerbell has a number of restrictions on consumption. Among them:

  • Urolithiasis - gallstone, renal pathology.
  • Poor stomach diseases.
  • Distribution problems - gastritis, inflammatory processes
  • Pathological states of the cardiovascular system.
  • Hypertension.
  • Blood blood clotting.
  • Pregnancy is not the best period for experiments with metabolism processes.
  • Nursing mommies are also not carried away by a ginger drink because of its pronounced taste. Absometed with a fraction of bitterness, the taste is transmitted and milk. As a result, the baby may refuse feeding. And what could be more important to health crumbs? Therefore, women in the period of breastfeeding should think about other ways of correction of the figure.

Even if the ginger tea approached as a means for losing weight according to many women's reviews, take it into the presence of the above pathologies is strictly prohibited. It is not necessary to get involved in this means and in cases where, after the use of tea, you felt discomfort.


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