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Ahromin from age spots, instructions for use. Achromin whitening cream - reviews, photos before and after

Ahromin from age spots, instructions for use. Achromin whitening cream - reviews, photos before and after
Achromin cream from age spots: instructions, composition, contraindications, photos before and after application.

Pathological pigmentation of the skin, especially on the face, is considered an exclusively age -related problem. But this is not entirely true. Not only women who have reached “Balzac age”, but also completely young girls have to face pigment spots. Men and men of any age category suffer from this defect. The reason for such a cosmetic flaw is a violation of the normal production of a pigment called Melanin. Everyone is trying to fix this situation in different ways: some resort to folk remedies, others try to restore the skin with a healthy lifestyle, and others rely on modern cosmetics. The latter includes a unique Bulgarian Achromin cream that effectively levels the skin tone and removes pigmentation. How much this cream helps in this situation, we will try to tell you in this article.

Pigmentation - what is it, the causes of the appearance, varieties

Before starting the process of delivering age spots, it is necessary to determine the cause of their appearance and eliminate it. Only in this case, the bleaching procedure will be successful.

The color type of skin is determined by the amount of melanin produced. This pigment is synthesized by the lower layer of the epidermis and is designed to protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation. But under the influence of certain factors, a violation of the normal pigmentation of the skin occurs and hyperpigmentation begins. This happens as a result of such processes:

  • Sun burns or a frequent visit to the solarium.
  • The fluctuations of the hormonal background (pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, reception of contraceptives).
  • Chronic processes in an inflammatory body.
  • Violation of metabolism.
  • Age "40+".
  • The use of funds based on photosensitizing substances (cosmetics, essential oils, perfumes).

The appearance of pigmented color is also observed in some skin conditions:

  1. Lentig - impaired pigmentation after prolonged contact with sunlight. These are spots with even edges and uniform brown color. Their diameter can vary from 1 mm to 3 cm, while individual spots can be merged into a heap.
  2. Freckle - small spots of brown shade that appear due to the individual characteristics of melanocytes. Under the influence of the sun, freckles are darkened in the summer, and in winter, on the contrary, they are discolored.
  3. Melasm - pigmented color of the skin in the form of irregular spots. They can be all shades of brown, are placed in pairs on both sides. They are transmitted genetic or manifested as a result of pregnancy and taking oral contraceptives.
  4. Lentig - dark pigmentation in the form of dense tubercles. They are a variety of birthmarks, and appear during puberty or at a deeper age.

The duration and tactics of the use of bleaching, including ahromin from age spots, is calculated taking into account the nature of pigmentation (congenital or acquired form), as well as the degree of its severity on the skin. Therefore, it is worth considering in more detail the leading aspects of the effectiveness of this tool and the basic rules for its use.

Ahromin - The composition and properties of its components

Achromin Alain Mac-This is a therapeutic and preventive agent to eliminate scars and pigmentation. This is a whole line of cosmetics for skin care:

  • Night and daily face cream with a UV filter.
  • Washing gel whitening.
  • Hand cream 2V1 (bleaching+moisturizing) with an extract of rose, almonds or lime.
  • Facial masks with bee venom, snail extract and royal jelly.

Ahromin with UV filters is produced, which provides additional skin care, since after applying the product it is reliably protected from ultraviolet radiation and carcinogenic compounds.

The cream for any type of skin is designed and, with systematic use, not only whites the pigment spots, but also eliminates other cosmetic defects, for example, scars, uneven tone, dryness and sagging of the skin.

Vitamin compounds included in the cream - Tocopherol and B3 - have a strong antioxidant effect, which allows you to corrupt skin aging and give it a healthy look.

The main active substance that can derive the pigment color is hydrochinon. After several weeks of use, it is able to completely remove excess pigmentation. But due to the new research data that showed a high toxic effect of matter on the body, this substance was prohibited in most countries of the world. For this reason, Alain Mack released a new line, where the hydrochinon was successfully replaced by a licorice concentrate. He, in addition to the soft whitening effect, carefully cares for the skin, removing inflammation and traces of fatigue. True, the new Akhromin cream formula, according to reviews, turned out to be less effective, but safe for women's health.

In addition, about two dozen components are included in Akhromin cream:

  • paraffin;
  • glycerol;
  • rose aroma;
  • water;
  • wheat seedlings oil;
  • lactic acid;
  • uV filters;
  • stearic acid;
  • mineral oil, etc.

Such a complex composition has a positive effect on the general condition of the skin:

  1. Restores elasticity.
  2. Gently removes dead cells.
  3. Moisturizes the skin.
  4. It takes off an excessively intense tan.
  5. Prevents re -pigmentation.
  6. Removes spots of any origin.

It is important to understand that Akhromin whits and restores the skin gradually. You will not immediately see instant results, but if you are patient, and you will pass the full course of treatment for several weeks, your skin will certainly be transformed for the better.

Indications for the use of ahromin

Ahromin does not apply to drugs, therefore it is implemented not only in pharmacies, but also in stores with cosmetics, including Internet resources. But this tool has clear indications for use:

  • The appearance of multiple pigment spots and freckles.
  • Noticeable tonal transitions of the skin of the face.
  • Spots and visible scars on the skin as a result of skin diseases.
  • Cosmetic problems of the skin (intense tan, keratinized surface, dryness).
  • Skin protection from UV rays.
  • Hyperpigmentation of the skin during gestation or as a result of an excess of estrogen.

Two weeks after the start of the use of the Achromin cream, the first results appear: the skin becomes fresh, pigmentation loses contrast, the tone is gradually leveled.

Contraindications and the possible danger of Achromin for the face

Ahromin is a universal and safe tool, but in addition to a cosmetic effect, it has a therapeutic and preventive effect. This fact requires special caution and provides for a visit to a dermatologist before its use.

It is not recommended to use Achromin bleaching in such cases:

  • Age under 12 years.
  • Individual sensitivity to one of the components.
  • The manifestation of adverse reactions to the drug in the past.
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

Important! It is forbidden to apply the cream directly before tanning. It is necessary to do this 2-4 hours before the sun exit, otherwise pigmentation will only intensify.

All possible complications after using the Achromin cream occur with individual intolerance to the product. As a rule, symptoms occur over several hours after applying the cream. In this situation, you need to wait 6-8 days and try to use the remedy again. If the situation is repeated again when the skin with the cream is in contact with Achromin cream, then the use of this drug is contraindicated to you.

Adverse reactions in the form of:

  • Indomitable itching.
  • Hyperemia.
  • Severe irritation.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Edema.

Achromin from age spots - Instructions for use

You need to use the cream in accordance with the recommendations on the package. The cream is applied with a thin ball and rubbed with smooth fingers. Before applying, the skin must be cleaned of the remains of a matting agent or other cosmetics. The tool is used twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime.

If pigmentation takes a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, the cream is applied only to the affected area. In the case of extensive damage, the product is evenly distributed throughout the face.

The cream has a delicate pink aroma, light texture and is quickly absorbed by the skin, does not leave fat traces.

In order for the bleaching procedure to bring maximum benefits without possible complications, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not allow the contact of the cream with the eyes and other mucous membranes.
  • Do not cover the skin area where there is severe irritation or there is damage to the integrity of the skin.
  • Before the first use, do the allergy test: spread the back of the hand and wait 24 hours. If there is no reaction, the cream can be used.
  • When any discomfort appears, rinse off the remaining cream and consult a dermatologist.

Ahromin from age spots - price, storage conditions

An open tube with a cream should always be tightly closed. It must be stored at a temperature of not higher than 25 ° C away from heating devices and moisture sources. The shelf life from the moment of manufacture is 18 months. One tube of Akhromin cream can be bought on average for 150 rubles.

The tool is dangerous for young children and animals, so you need to provide appropriate warning measures in the house and how to hide the cream properly if you have a baby and a pet.

Ahromin from age spots - consumer reviews and doctors' opinions

This cream is often used by dermatologists in the fight against unwanted pigmentation. But, in their opinion, treatment should be carried out under strict control and no longer than a month, since Achromin partially destroys the epidermis cells.

Doctors also advise starting the use of the cream only after the complex diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract, the endocrine system and other organs that can provoke the appearance of pigment spots.

Cosmetologists advise starting the use of ahromin in mid -spring so that the result has already appeared by summer. And so that the sun does not contribute to the return of stains, regularly carry out the procedure for exfoliating the keratinized ball.

On the network, in relation to the Achromin cream, the reviews come across contradictory. One he quickly helped put the skin in order, and for others he was useless. Here, probably, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. But in general, most of the results after use are positive.

Achromin from age spots - photos before and after use

Before buying any cosmetic agent, a rare woman is not interested in such an experience of its use in friends, colleagues or single -phorums. They come to the rescue of a fashionable trend to post their own observations on the Internet. So, many girls in order to follow the effectiveness of the Achromin cream take a photo before the use of the product, and then watch the process in dynamics. These are the results can be met on the Internet:

Although Ahromin is not considered a dangerous tool, it is better to resort to his help after consulting a specialist. It will help to find out the cause of your pigmentation on the skin and tell you the complex treatment of this pathology.

Ahromin - reviews. Video



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