
Effective ways of facing faces at home. Recipes for masks for facing faces. Exercises, gymnastics and massage for facing faces at home

Effective ways of facing faces at home. Recipes for masks for facing faces. Exercises, gymnastics and massage for facing faces at home
In this article, we will introduce you recipes for the most effective masks for facing faces. In addition, you will find out what exercises help restore skin elasticity.

Every woman is obliged to monitor the health and beauty of her skin so that she has an even tone, looks young and beautiful. If this is not done, then the skin can become flabby, lose the contour, wrinkles will not appear. In this article, we will talk about such a skin care method as a tightening. It does not need to be done in the office with a plastic surgeon or cosmetologist. You can do it on your own, we will tell you how to engage in facing faces at home.

Facial tightening at home. Why does the skin of the face are sagging?

A person’s skin is stretched every year of his life, because the process of aging is launched in the epithelium cells. This is a natural phenomenon that begins after a person reaches 15 years. From this moment, the skin epithelium should receive as many substances as possible that will nourish the skin, especially there should be a lot of vitamins, otherwise the natural balance at the cellular level will be disturbed, and dead cells will be more slowly.

However, there are several specific reasons that can accelerate the process of aging epithelium in the skin:

  • poor health, especially about cases when there is a chronic diseases of the internal organs;
  • the consumption of vitamins and other nutrients is not enough;
  • improper nutrition (if it mainly consists of fast food);
  • improper daily routine;
  • impaired sleep (a person sleeps very little);
  • constant stress and depressive condition, which lead not only to withering of the skin, but also to disorders of the nervous system;
  • malfunctions in the work of hormones, metabolism;
  • poor environmental situation;
  • insufficient fluid intake per day (you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day for one person);
  • excessive use of decorative cosmetics of non -natural origin.

Of course, we are not able to completely stop the start of the aging of the dermis of the dermis, but we can slow down, start the process of their renewal, clean all the layers of the epidermis (we are talking about internal and external fabrics). We will share the secrets with you how to do it, doing special gymnastics, massage and masks for the skin of the face.

Facial leather: what preventive measures will remain elastic?

As we already mentioned above, so that the skin does not sag with age, you need to properly take care of it constantly from a young age. At home, this allows you to do:

  1. Special cosmetic creams and masks of industrial production, but on a natural basis. They need to be selected taking into account the type of skin, its features. A huge number of options for skin care cosmetics are presented on the modern market.
  2. You can prevent the need for facelift at home with folk remedies. By making special decoctions, masks and compresses based on natural products that each can be found in the refrigerator, in a first-aid kit or in the field, you can forever get rid of the need to ever pull up the skin.
  3. Doing special gymnastic exercises, every woman can not only preserve the beauty of the skin, but also make her elastic. This procedure is especially useful for people who have a hereditary predisposition to sagging skin or overweight.
  4. Knowing how to properly do the massage of the skin of the face and other parts of the body, and regularly performing it, you can safely live and not worry about the fact that you need a facial tightening at home after 50 years. And in this adulthood, your skin will look young and attractive.

We will talk more about each of these preventive methods in this article further.

In what cases is the tightening of the skin of the face becomes a necessity?

If you have not performed preventive measures to prevent skin aging, then you will have to follow them when you are already faced with the problem. In what cases this may still be needed:

  • if you have signs of skin aging are already too obvious, although you are still quite young (this indicator depends on the individual characteristics of the skin of each person);
  • if the skin has changed its texture and the tone of the epithelium;
  • if the skin after injury, surgery or sharp weight loss was deformed;
  • if, in addition to the skin of the face, the skin of the neck is also affected.

We recommend that you strongly perform all the necessary skin care complexes for women who have reached 25 years of age.

How to make a facial tightening at home with professional tools?

The very first place where modern women who want to rejuvenate the skin of the faces are addressed is a store of professional cosmetics or the Internet, where you can find the most diverse means to make their facial skin tightening at home with their help. If you belong to this category of women, then we will tell you a few highly effective creams and masks with a lifting effect that you can purchase and use for any skin type:

  1. Night cream "Intensive moisture from L. Raphael" - based on extracts of numerous natural components. It includes elements of seaweed, horsetail, pimpled pellet, olive oil and ceramides. This tool is applied at night, and in the morning the result is already visible.
  2. The LE Lift tool from Chanel - it adjusts the wrinkles and gives elasticity to the skin with the lifting effect. The composition of this expensive serum includes Edulis root (this is a binding plant that affects the dermis at the cell level). The lifting effect after applying this serum to the skin lasts 12 hours.
  3. The serum “Skin Stimulation+” from Darphin is a tool based on hyaluronic acid, it also includes algae extracts and plant plants.
  4. Swedish serum “Dynalift Hya” from Swisks - this tool has a lifting effect, it needs to be used only 2 times in 14 days, because after applying it, if you overdo it, the skin may seem to be numb.
  5. Pulling the skin, the “Raising and tightening wrinkles” remedy from Kiehl’s - the product is based on the extract of yeast that tighten the skin. Also, this tool includes geranium oil. It stops the processes that destroy collagen and elastin.

With all the advantages of these professional tools, they have one obvious drawback - too high price, which is not every woman’s pocket.

Facial facilities at home

Cosmetics manufacturers began to increase special devices on the market, which help to perform salon procedures at home. These include devices of such types:

  1. Devices that are stimulated using a microcurrent. These include the following models:
  • Geezatone Beauty Iris;
  • Geezatone Galvanic Beauty Spa;
  • Mezolight Geezatone M9900.
  1. Devices acting with radio frequency waves.
  2. Devices emitting ultrasound. These include the following models:
  • Mezolight gezatone M9900;
  • Geezatone Super Lifting M 355;
  • Geezatone Ultra-Tonic;
  • Care BUIW;
  • Laserlift Rio.
  1. Laser exposure devices.
  2. Devices that function for ozino-, ionotherapy and electrophy. These include the following models:
  • La Mente Aurora Ceutical;
  • Perfect Photo Poration.

If you decide to buy any of the devices we listed, then be sure to consult with a cosmetologist before that. He will tell you which device it is better for you to buy and advise how to use it correctly to achieve the maximum effect.

Facial delays: recipes for home -made masks

Those who cannot afford all of the above methods of facelift at home, we present recipes for skin masks that you can cook at home yourself. There are no doubt that with the help of options that we imagine, you can not only qualitatively clear the epidermis, but also actively affect the restoration of tissues, cells, improve metabolism, affect the operation of the circulatory system.

Masks prepared on the basis of natural components will allow the skin to look younger, it becomes a pleasant color - natural. Only for this you will need to make masks for the face several times a month. What are this masks:

  1. A mask that can tighten and improve the skin of a dry type: take 1 egg protein - beat it with a whisk or blender, rub 1 cucumber in mashed potatoes (only it needs to be cleaned in advance of everything except the pulp). Add 1 tsp to this composition. olive oil. After that, you need to mix everything, and apply the mask to the skin. If you spend such a procedure at least 2 times a week for 3 months, then you can quickly get rid of wrinkles and different age spots.
  2. A mask of dill, which tones and pulls the skin of the face: chop 1 tsp. Dill, mix it with oatmeal flour and olive oil (these ingredients should be as much as dill). Apply the resulting mask to the skin, hold for 20 minutes, and then rinse. This mask needs to be done only 1 time per week, but continue the procedures for 60 days.
  3. A mask with white clay, which tightens the skin and adjusts the oval of the face: take 1 tsp. Wheat germs, add grape juice to it - 1 tbsp. And white cosmetic clay (it should be 2 times more than all of the above ingredients). Apply the resulting mask to the skin, hold it for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.
  4. A honey -based mask that nourishes and pulls up the dermis (suitable only for those who do not have individual intolerance to honey): mix oatmeal, whipped protein and honey in one container (each component should be 1 tbsp.). Apply the resulting mask to the skin, hold it for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse it.
  5. Mask made of sour cream (or kefir) according to the recipe for Sophia Loren: take 2-3 tbsp. sour -milk product, add 1 tsp to it. gelatin and glycerin, as well as 1 tbsp. honey. Apply the mask to the skin, hold it for 20 minutes, and then rinse it, like all other masks.
  6. Mask based on honey and dairy product (you can use any): combine in one container of 3 tbsp, for example, cottage cheese with 1 tbsp. honey (it must be heated in a water bath so that it is liquid - if it is already liquid, then this is not necessary). Apply the resulting mask to the skin of the face, hold it for 20 minutes, and then wash it.
  7. Mask made of wax: Melt 50 g of paraffin (use a water bath for this), apply it to the face so that a layer of 8 mm, and after 20 minutes remove the wax. Be sure to lubricate the skin with any moisturizing cream after this mask.
  8. Egg mask: take one chicken egg, separate the protein from the yolk, beat it and apply it to the skin (use a special brush for this), after 60 mask you need to rinse thoroughly.
  9. Honey and fruity mask: Grind several strawberries, grapes, pears, apple in a blender or simple fork or a simple fork, mix the resulting mashed potatoes with 30 g of orange juice and with the same amount of honey. Apply the resulting mask for 30 minutes, then wash yourself.
  10. Creamy-banana mask: make mashed potatoes of 1 banana, mix it with a quarter of a glass of fat cream or sour cream, add vitamin E vitamin E. Apply the resulting mask for 10 to 15 minutes, then wash yourself.
  11. Squirrel-sugar mask: beat two egg yolks and add 1 tsp. Sahara. Distribute the mixture on the face and leave for 25 minutes, then wash yourself with clean water.
  12. Lifting mask, in which calcium chloride is added: prepare a 30 % solution, moisten cotton wool or sponge in it, and then wipe the face in 4-8 layers, then grate the skin of the face with foam, which is formed from rubbing the baby soap, and roll the balls from the balls from her. After you make this mask, be sure to rinse your face with a decoction of chamomile flowers.
  13. Lifting mask made of rice: you need to grind brown rice into flour, then you need to add some sour-milk ingredient (sour cream, yogurt or even cream) and honey to the resulting powder. After applying the mask, rinse it with warm water.
  14. Cleopatra lifting mask: To prepare a miraculous mask of the famous Egyptian Queen, mix olive oil with parsley and cabbage juices. After that, moisten gauze in the resulting mass, cover the skin with it, after another layer. As a result, you should get 4-5 compresses. The eyelids also need to be moistened (for this you can use the sponge). After 10 minutes, clean everything and wash everything.
  15. Emergency thermolift mask: take fir oil, olive oil and egg protein (all the ingredients should be 3 drops). All components need to be mixed with each other in a homogeneous mixture and heat (use a water bath for this). In this case, you also need to apply several layers of gauze in the form of compresses. Everything can be removed only after half an hour.

Facial delays: massage at home

Massage helps to tighten the face at home - a procedure that rejuvenates the skin and heals it. Thus, excellent facial skin lifting is provided. To make it, it is not necessary to go to the cosmetic interior, because you can do it yourself.

With the help of self -massage you:

  • improve blood circulation under the skin;
  • eliminate swelling (especially those that are pronounced under the eyes);
  • strengthen the muscles;
  • tone and refresh the skin.

If you pay attention to self -massage of the skin of the face and neck every day for their tightening at home at least 10 minutes, you will achieve a great result. Massage must be done immediately after you apply the mask.

We will familiarize you with 2 self -massage techniques for facing faces:

  1. Base:
  • the skin of the lower part of the face must be neatly plucked with the fingers of both hands, heading from the middle of the chin to the earlobe (just keep in mind that the tugs should be light and frequent so that the skin is not injured);
  • rise to cheekbones and repeat the same with eyebrows and forehead;
  • go to light, delicate strokes of the skin, be sure to stroke its right side along the massage lines (in this left hand);
  • make a few light pats, and then tapping over the entire skin of the face (take into account the path of massage lines);
  • at the end of the massage, gently stroke the skin.
  1. Herbal massage with a towel for cheeks:
  • drink a terry towel in a herbal decoction;
  • fold it with an accordion and bring it to the lower jaw;
  • start tapping the chin with a towel, and then go to the cheeks.

Exercises for facing faces at home

For facing faces at home, you can perform special gymnastics. If you do it regularly, then the condition of problem areas of the skin of the face and neck will improve significantly:

  • the muscles will return the former tone;
  • the skin will become smooth and elastic;
  • the face will look much younger.

According to reviews, this method of facelift at home is the most profitable, because you do not need to spend a penny. We will tell you which exercises are the most effective today, but for starters you will need to learn several rules, how these exercises must be fulfilled:

  • before the start of gymnastics, the skin must be moistened with cream;
  • perform all the exercises, sitting, relaxing, looking at yourself in the mirror;
  • do not rush when you do gymnastics, and try to strain your muscles as much as possible;
  • perform exercises daily (it is enough to devote 15 minutes of free time);
  • you must feel a slight burning sensation after you make several approaches.

Now we will introduce you several complexes that can help you tighten your skin and neck:

  1. Complex No. 1 - it is called lazy, because no particular efforts should be applied to achieve the result (it is suitable for those who are faced with sagging cheeks, which often occurs after sharp weight loss, those who are not clearly expressed on the face, has a place to be there Double chin who does not paint a woman):
  • typ into your mouth as much air as possible, after which be sure to tightly close your lips and puff your cheeks, press on them (you must feel how much the muscles strain), after a few seconds, and preferably minutes, the air must be released, applying the same force, stretching lips forward, and try to relax hard (at the end of this exercise you should have a feeling of muscle fatigue in the face);
  • make a wide smile so that the cheeks tense, then you need to try to stretch your lips out of a smile - in shape they should resemble a fishing rod or a tube (perform these exercises as much as possible by the number of times, so that at the end you feel that your facial muscles are already tired) ;
  • tell me the letter “o”, in this position you need to twist the tongue in your mouth so that one inner part of the cheek is marked first, and then the other - from this exercise you should get tired of both the tongue and cheeks (if you feel a slight pain - this is the perfect option);
  • rejoice your head up and put forward the lower jaw forward, after that your lips must be pulled out with a tube, it should be mimicly like you want to say the letter “U” (be stored with such a face for several seconds, and then relax well);
  • make 25 smooth tilts with your head first to one shoulder, and then to the second (so the cervical folds and wrinkles will be removed).
  1. Complex No. 2 - this gymnastics was developed by Carol Majio (it can be done by everyone who not only sagged the cheeks and has formed another chin, but to those who have already clearly expressed wrinkles on the face):
  • remove your lips, try to press the upper lip to your teeth, but the bottom must be placed behind your teeth, put any finger (it is better if it is a thumb) on the chin, press it, and then scoop up the air with the lower jaw (all this should happen slowly with stress face muscles) - at the end of this exercise, the neck and cheekbone should strain;
  • close and stretch your lips as if you want to smile very broadly, hug your neck with one hand, and pull your skin very carefully down (in this position, overturn your head back and look up - you must feel the tension of the chin and neck muscles) - it should be for Passing the effectiveness to repeat this exercise for tightening the skin of the face 30-40 times-if you can, the same is better for you.
  1. Complex No. 3 - you need to perform if you want to give expressiveness the shape of your face (in particular, this complex is suitable for owners of the most beautiful shape of the face - oval):
  • raise the chin, while trying to put forward the lower jaw forward, the neck should look as if you look somewhere-strain your muscles and linger in this state for as long as you can;
  • you need to grit your teeth very much, put your fingers on the cheekbones - in this position, stick out your lower lip as soon as you feel a strong tension, relax (just hold out for only 3 seconds);
  • turn your head in one direction, raising your chin and opening your mouth (the appearance should be created that you are biting something), as soon as you feel the most powerful tension in the neck and chin-relax (repeat this exercise 5 times);
  • put your hands on your cheeks, smile very much, straining the muscles of your cheeks as much as possible - 5 seconds after this exercise, stick your tongue so that you get it to your chin;
  • put on your chin with your fist, and in this position lower the lower jaw, press it on it with a fist and tighten your face muscles (slow down in this state for 3 seconds), then stick your tongue and try to reach the chin;
  • try your teeth and smile at the most widely, press on the sky with the tip of your tongue (try to put pressure in the sky as much as possible so that you feel the tension in the neck where the base is found).

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to tighten the skin of the face at home. To achieve the most positive result, you should follow all our recommendations in the complex. Find the time during the day to take care of yourself - after all, it is very simple and pleasant! We wish you always to remain beautiful, attractive and always young!

Video: "Lifting mask from ginger"



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