
Fractional food

Fractional food
Fractional diet: rules, tips, menu. Essence of fractional nutrition

The fractional food system was originally designed to treat and prevent the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Now fractional food is successfully used when dealing with overweight. The essence of fractional food lies in regular receptions with small portions, with periodicity every 3-4 hours.

Fractional diet


Otherwise, this Slimming System is called "Pasture Diet". The name happened from the English word "grazing", which translates "graze".

Food fractionally allows you to cope with a sense of hunger and eat smoothly as much as the body needs for full-fledged life and saturation. As you know, a sufficient amount of time is used in the intervals between the main feeding of food (breakfast, lunch and dinner), therefore, special hormones are developed in the body that stimulate appetite. As a result, in the course of eating food, not feeling saturation, the person eats more than the norm.

While long interruptions between feeding food, the body lays reserves in the form of fat. Proper fractional nutrition makes it possible to exclude overeating, as a result of which a person receives a sufficient amount of food, and the digestive system will independently cope with previously pending fat reserves.

It can be used to power on this system of weight loss in 7-14 days.

Slimming options on fractional diet


There are two ways of weight loss using a fractional system. Each person should choose independently, depending on employment during the day and on the specific needs of the body.

Fashion 1

  • Each food is necessary immediately as soon as there is a feeling of hunger.
  • There are very small portions over the day.
  • As "snacks" used fresh fruits, a piece of bread or low-fat cookies.
  • The fractional supply menu for weight loss is compiled depending on the individual preferences.
  • Food is accepted every hour or even more often (every half hour).
  • Every day you need to drink two or more water liters.
  • During weight loss, you need to listen to your body to prevent overs, but not hungry.
  • Fractional Food Method

  • Suitable for people with strong employment or for those who are in the team where it is uncomfortable every hour to eat.
  • Daily food volume should be divided into 6 servings.
  • Three servings will be full-fledged food intakes, and the rest are "snacks".
  • The Fractional Menu for the week is prepared depending on the individual preferences.
  • Every day you need to drink 2 or more water liters.
  • From the diet, all flour and sweets will be excluded.
  • Benefits of fractional nutrition


    • Adhering to the system of fractional nutrition, diet and strict food restrictions are not required, because you can use all the usual products (with the exception of harmful).
    • The body quickly gets used to the fractional supply mode.
    • Consumption calories decreases gradually, therefore the body of a thin man does not experience stress.
    • With fractional diet, there is no feeling of hunger, unlike other diets.
    • Adhering to fractional nutrition, you can avoid deposition of fats in problem places (on the waist and hips in women, in the zone of sides and belly in men).
    • Does not have many medical contraindications, unlike other diets. In contrast, fractional power is shown in the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example, ulcer, gastritis, colitis).
    • Adhering to the system of fractional nutrition, the result of weight loss is preserved for quite a long time.
    • Suitable for people suffering from diabetes, since timely eating with small doses contributes to a decrease in blood sugar.
    • Food, consumed by portion, is much better absorbed by the body.
    • The feeling of drowsiness occurs as a result of the oversaturation of food.
    • You can get rid of 4-6 kg. per month.
    • The body does not overload food.
    • Fabric nutrition, reviews about which only positive, promotes rapid slimming.
    • The level of performance increases.
    • Since dense dinners are excluded, insomnia disappears.
    • Metabolism is accelerated, which contributes to rapid weight loss.

    Disadvantages of fractional nutrition


    • Requires a constant calculation of calories consumed.
    • Portions for all day should be harvested in advance.
    • Requires control and planning of a daily diet.
    • Often those who adhere to the fractional nutrition systems are snacking with high-calorie products that adversely affect the body.
    • Due to frequent food receptions, acid is increased for processing it. Therefore, the teeth often suffer and the entire mouth cavity.
    • The feeling of hunger is muted, so often it is necessary to "force" on schedule.

    Rules of fractional nutrition

    mid Section View of A Woman Cutting Vegetables

    • You need to eat 5-6 times a day.
    • A break between food techniques should be 2-3 hours.
    • It is necessary to eat regularly. Even if there is no appetite.
    • The size of one portion should be no more than one cup.
    • The most satisfying should be breakfast. It is necessary to include carbohydrates (for example, different porridge, muesli, wholegrain bread).
    • For lunch you need to use liquid dishes (soups, borschy).
    • Dinner must be hot. It may include stew vegetables or meat dishes.
    • During the "snacks" you can use fresh vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, grain bread, muesli (only without sugar), natural yogurt.
    • Minimize or completely eliminate from the diet of chocolate, coffee, fast food, sweets, potatoes.
    • Plan a diet for the day so that its composition consists of vitamins, fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
    • Turn on the daily menu only low-calorie products.
    • Start following the diet of the fractional nutrition system from weekends.
    • Plan a menu in advance, calculating the exact amount of food receptions.
    • Do not turn on the menu everything in a row. Only low-calorie and useful products. Moreover, food needs to be used regularly, strictly in time.
    • When making a menu, use the product calorie table.
    • Do not use this Slimming System, if you have no feeling of hunger with three-time diet. Because here you will have to "make" eat 5-6 times a day.
    • This system of weight loss for those who wish to get rid of excess weight very quickly. Such a diet is calculated for a long period, but also on a very resistant result.
    • Combine a diet with simple exercise.
    • Include a lot of green vegetables in the diet. They contribute to the removal of fluid from the body.
    • Not "snack" with fresh fruit, as they stimulate appetite.

    How to make a fractional power menu


    When making a fractional power menu, navigate:

    • own sensations
    • employment level
    • individual food needs,
    • rules diet,
    • calorie table.

    Before moving onto fractional food, do not forget to get advice with your doctor.

    Menu preparation steps:

    • In the first 2 weeks, the energy value of your daily diet must consist of 1200-1500 kals. Next, 1,500-1800 caluses should be consumed per day.
    • Select products from the caloric table, the energy value of which in the amount will be equal to the necessary daily rate.
    • Divide all selected products on portions that will be used during the day.
    • Consider, the very calorie should be breakfast. Next, the energy value of the power supply must decrease.
    • The size of the portions can be reduced gradually. As a result, it should be equal to one glass.
    • If you find it difficult to adhere to the "mathematical method" of weight loss (calorie counting), then focus visually. So, a piece of meat that can be eaten should not exceed the size of the ball for tennis, and the portion of vegetables is a half-table or a fist.

    Do not turn on the fractional power menu:

    • Fatty products.
    • Snacks, Fast Food.
    • Semi-finished products.
    • Sauces.
    • Chocolate.
    • Baking and sdobu.
    • Fried dishes.
    • Refined products.
    • Packed juices and carbonated drinks.

    Fractionality: Menu for 1 day (approximate)


    Option 1 of fractional nutrition

  • Breakfast (8.00). Porridge (barley) and bread and cereals. Cheese. A banana or an apple (optional). Tea with honey.
  • Lunch. Natural yoghurt. Bread.
  • Lunch (13.00). Vegetable soup. Boiled meat. Bread.
  • Afternoon tea. Vegetable salad. Cookies and tea.
  • Dinner (18.00). Steamed vegetables, vegetable salad. Fish or eggs.
  • The second dinner. 1-2 fresh fruit.
  • Before bedtime. A cup of yogurt.
  • Option 2 fractional power

  • Breakfast (8.00). Kasha (semolina) and bread. Cottage cheese (low-fat), berries, grapefruit juice.
  • Lunch. Compote without sugar. 2 apples.
  • Lunch (13.00). Vegetable soup. Boiled meat (chicken). Bread. Salad from vegetables.
  • Afternoon tea. Cookies and tea. 1 handful of berries.
  • Dinner (18.00). Vegetable stew. A serving of brown rice.
  • The second dinner. Yogurt.
  • Before bedtime. A cup of yogurt.
  • Option 3 fractional power

  • Breakfast (8.00). Kasha (buckwheat) and bread. Omelette.
  • Lunch. 1 egg. 2 tomatoes.
  • Lunch (13.00). Vegetable soup. Boiled meat (chicken). Bread.
  • Afternoon tea. Cottage cheese. Cookies and tea. 1 pear.
  • Dinner (18.00). Vegetable stew. Steamed fish.
  • The second dinner. 1 banana.
  • Before bedtime. Drinking yoghurt.
  • Fractional power: Table calories

    Table-calorie-products2 - copy

    Fractional power: Table calories


    Fractional power: Table calories

    Fractional power: before and after photos


    Fractional food


    Fractional food


    Fractional food


    Fractional food

    Fractional power - video


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