
The use of rose petals

The use of rose petals
Useful properties of roses are often underestimated. We will talk about what properties the petals of roses and methods of their application will tell in this article.

What do we know about the rose? This is a decorative culture that is used for the most part for beauty and creating a favorable atmosphere. But along with this, this flower has a lot of other applications that we will talk about in this article.

A little about the healing applications of rose petals

If we talk about the useful properties of roses, then in Russia it was used as a medicinal plant, and later, it found its application in the culinary field.   Many people know their taste jam from rose petals or pink water. In addition, essential oil is extracted from this wonderful plant, which is endowed with not a small amount of useful properties.

So why are the rose treat as a doctor?  This is due to the active substances that are contained in it. Namely, from 1 to 18% of different sugars such as sucrose, glucose, fructose. About 4% pectin substances and organic acids. The high content of phenol acid and tannins.

A large number of group B vitamins are contained in this flower, vitamins PP and pantotenic acid.

rose petals

The rose petals contain magical power thanks to etheric oil, glycosides, tannins and mucous membranes. Essential oil is customary to obtain their two types of roses - Damascus and French. It is usually used in the production of perfumes and cosmetics, and it is also used in healing. Damasian rose has one very popular variety - this is a Kazanlyk rose, mainly it is grown in large quantities in Bulgaria.

Rose oil looks like a light yellow liquid, quite thick, having a sharp and fragrant aroma. Get it through the distillation of the water vapor of the petals themselves. A lot of colors go to obtain such a liquid, only 3 tons of pink petals will have only 1 liter of oil per 1 liter of oil. The water that arose during the evaporation process is called pink water, it is used as a cosmetic product, one of the ingredients in the manufacture of perfumed water, as a therapeutic agent in folk medicine, and is also added to dishes.


Pink oil has a number of properties:

  • relieves spasms;
  • fights with inflammatory processes;
  • acts against allergic reactions;
  • choleretic property;
  • expands the vessels;
  • helps the best work of the heart;
  • a soothing, sedative effect;
  • fights with microorganisms;
  • it is used to relieve pain.

Often pink oil is also used for dental diseases, especially the gum disease.

Pink petal oil can quickly stop bleeding, eliminates signs of an allergic reaction, fights helminths, and establish a nervous system.

If we talk about the internal use of this tool, then it showed remarkable properties as a laxative, and it can be used by pregnant women and people suffering from nervous disorders, with hay tremens, as well as with bleeding.

Entire rose petals can be used as lotions, they help well, especially with eye inflammation. If you brew petals, then you can rinse your throat with such infusion.

As you can see, the rose has a lot of healing properties, along with its magnificent fragrance and beauty.


How to collect and dry the rose petals

Very often on store shelves we can see already collected and dried petals. Do not rush to buy. Because, perhaps, such petals have violated the rules for collecting and drying, and therefore they have lost useful properties.

Rose petals should certainly be collected in clear weather, when there is no precipitation, and, in the morning, as soon as the dew comes down, until noon. We do it as soon as possible, because if you tighten it, you can lose quite a lot of useful qualities of the plant. Those petals that collected at noon will certainly lose up to 30% of essential oil.

Drying is produced in the shade and only in the fresh air, you can also use the room, but its ventilation should be good. After drying, we put the petals in a dry tin jar, there we store it.

If a lot of petals are found, then from fresh, you can make blanks, for example, jam or some other, no less tasty, dessert.


How to store rose petals

Proper storage of colors is very important if you want all the healing properties in them to be completely preserved.

  • Rose petals in salt. Such a recipe is suitable if you want to flavor the room. Pour the petals that you have, put in salt, lay in a decorative jar made of glass, cover with a lid, leave to infuse for 4 days. After the time passed, if you open the jar, you will feel an unprecedented aroma.
  • Decorative wax petals of roses. We take 1 candle, melting it. Dip the petals for 1 piece into wax, after which we wait for them to freeze.
  • Drying roses. Roses whole, together with the branches, hang down the buds, tie, leave in a dark place. A week later, the petals will become dry, and they can be carefully broken.

Storage of rose petals, photo:


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Pink petals recipes

Rose petals syrup


  • 1 kg - petals;
  • 4 kg - granulated sugar;
  • 9 l - water.

As soon as the rose petals were collected, they need to be immediately sorted, everything that are spoiled - we remove, those that even slightly dried up are also not suitable.

  • The rose petals from which we will cook need to be placed in a colander, we sift. This is necessary in order to get rid of excess pollen.
  • Rinse with water, it should be cold, but clean.
  • We transfer to a separate pan, preferably to enameled.
  • Pour hot boiled water, put on fire and again bring to a boil. Boil until the petals fade and lose their original color. Remove from heat.
  • Add sugar sand to the rose petals, again, put on fire, wait until it boils. After that, boil for about 10 minutes. When the foam appears, it needs to be removed.
  • The syrup is ready. Pour it into pre -prepared containers. We turn the jars on the lids, wait for them to completely cool.


Fragrant drink from rose petals

Carefully put the prepared petals in a clean and dry jar, fall asleep sugar at the rate of 1 to 1. Everything, leave in a warm place. After about 10 days, the liquid will accumulate in the bank, and the petals themselves will swim up. This liquid is syrup. Open the jar and drain the syrup into a separate container.

Serve to tea or mix with carbonated water, like a fragrant sweetener.


Famous rose jam

To prepare jam from rose petals, you need a special rose variety - Kazanlyk. Of course, you can replace the main ingredient, but the original recipe is just that. In case of replacement, take a wrinkled rose, any color, you can also use rosehip petals.

Since there are many cooking options, we will talk about the best.

  • An ideal ingredient for the first option is the preparation of jam will be roses that have not yet been completely blossomed or those that are already in flowering itself:
  • fold the petals in a colander, rinse with water;
  • in the pan, boil water, place the petals there, cook for about 10 minutes;
  • after the petals boiled, remove them and let it cool under cold water;
  • blanchy water must be filtered through a gauze folded in several layers, then we use it in order to prepare syrup for jam;
  • about 650 grams of sugar are added to a liter of water, we get 40% syrup. We add 2 grams of citric acid at the rate per 1 liter of syrup;
  • pour the fluid of the petals with the resulting liquid. Boil 1 time.

Jars with Rose Jam and Flower Isolated on White

  • The second way to prepare aromatic jam:
  • we take 100 grams of pink petals, already washed and prepared, put them in a pan;
  • prepare the syrup by mixing 400 grams of granulated sugar and 2.5 tbsp. pure water;
  • pour the resulting syrup into a pan with petals, cook until the petals lose their light and elasticity.
  • The third way to make roses jam:
  • we take prepared and pre -washed petals in advance, fill sugar into them, begin to wipe the mixture to a porridge state with a mortar. Important! The number of petals and the amount of sugar should be the same - 1: 1;
  • we prepare the syrup, but we change the calculation of sugar with water, 1 kg per 2 tbsp. water is a calculation of 200 grams of rose petals;
  • the resulting syrup should pour those petals that were grinded in a mortar.
  • The fourth option for making roses jam:
  • prepare the petals: clean, mine. After that, put in a prepared dry pan;
  • add the same amount of sugar to the pan, wipe;
  • add 2 grams of citric acid, pre -diluted in 1 tbsp. water;
  • mix the mixture and leave to infuse for a while, covering slightly with a lid;
  • we proceed to the preparation of the syrup by adding 1 tbsp. sugar, and to it half a glass of water;
  • we pour the petals with the resulting syrup and put on fire, bring to a state of readiness;
  • the jam is ready, it remains only to pour it into pre -prepared sterilized containers, pasteurilizes. In time about 10-15 minutes.


  • Sliped petals dessert:
  • we prepare roses, select the petals, mine;
  • now they should be chopped with plates, in the form of noodles;
  • put the chopped ingredient in the pan;
  • add granulated sugar and wipe until the mass becomes homogeneous;
  • we lay the resulting mixture on prepared banks. Banks should be clean and sterilized. Thus, twisting them with lids, store in a dry place as blanks.

Serve for tea.

Rose petals in the struggle for beauty

The use of flowers in the field of cosmetology is not nonsense, so wild or cultural roses are usually used to care for themselves.

Today we will give you some good recipes that will help in the struggle for the beauty and health of the skin.


  • A tonic of roses petals for various types of skin, especially good in use for sensitive or dry skin. Also gives a special nutrition of withering skin. Mix a couple of st. tablespoons of finely pink petals, pour them 200 ml of boiling water, cover them with a towel so that it is insisted for at least 20 minutes. After that, we are waiting for when we completely cool, then filter. It turned out a very useful lotion, it can be used as a mist for the face: pour it into a spray gun and irrigate 2 times a day. Especially useful in sultry weather.
  • A refreshing lotion of rose petals. 1 cup of petals is poured with the same amount of vodka. We cover and set to insist ten days. By readiness, we filter and add 2 tsp. boiled cold water. The product is ready.
  • Lotion for washing from roses. We take 0.5 cups of petals, pour them with boiling water, cover, put it to infuse it for less than a day. By readiness, we filter and add 1 tbsp to the infusion. glycerol. We use for washing. Wet a cotton pad and wipe the face and neckline.
  • Cubes of ice from roses. We prepare an infusion according to the previous recipe and freeze in an ice mold. The resulting cubes we carry out daily wiping the skin of the face and neckline.
  • In the fight against wrinkles, the following tool is used as compresses. We insist 2 tbsp. The petals in a glass of boiling boiling water until the water becomes slightly warm.
  • Lotion from honey and roses. Prepare an infusion of roses and pink water, mix them and add 1 tsp there. honey, 1 tbsp. lemon juice, it can be replaced with 50%alcohol. The product is ready, it tones the skin remarkably, refreshes and fights with fatigue. Suitable for any skin type. If you do a lot, then pour into the bottle and close it tightly with a lid, so it can be stored in a dark place.
  • A dry skin type is recommended such a rose lotion. Dilute the pink water with milk. We wipe every night before bedtime.
  • A tonic of roses petals for dry skin sensitive. Equally 2 tbsp. Tsvetkov Jasmine and 2 tbsp. Pink petals pour 400 ml of boiling water. We insist for about 5 hours, after filtering. Add 2 ampoules with vitamin B1 to the obtained infusion, as well as floral cologne - 2 tbsp.
  • Tonic for normal skin type. 2 tbsp. Mix the petals with a glass of steep boiling water, insist until it becomes slightly warm. Add a glass of vodka and 1 tsp. glycerol. We use as a washout, wiping the skin of the face and neckline.
  • Skin lotion with great pores. We prepare a tincture of rose according to the recipe from paragraph 1. 60 ml of this infusion with a lemon juice in an amount of 30 ml. And also add the same amount of cucumber juice, 15 ml of vodka and 1 tbsp. gritserin.
  • For oily skin type and normal, it is recommended to use the following tool. Red rose petals - 4 glasses are poured with half liters of vinegar. Pour into a jar and cover. The mixture should be infused for about 3 weeks. After the specified period, we filter and dilute the floor with liters of boiled water. The product perfectly tones the skin.
  • Bulgarian recipe for freshness of the skin. Pour water into the pan, boil it. After that, we put a colander on boiled water in a pan, and lay the red roses petals to the bottom of the corses. Next, you need to inhalation over the steam, hiding in a towel. This procedure will refresh the skin of the face.
  • If you were tortured with pink acne, then the next recipe will help you. Prepare an infusion of rose petals in a proportion of 1 to 20. Wipe the napkins from gauze in this liquid, squeeze, apply on the skin of the face 1 time in 2 days, the time of the procedure is 15 minutes. We choose the course - 20 sessions.
  • A magnificent mask that is suitable for any skin. We put 5 whole rose buds in jars, pour them with boiled water. We insist for about 20 minutes. Color. Now we dilute a little rice flour in the liquid, add a little oatmeal, the porridge consistency should be obtained. Apply this mixture on the face and neckline. We withstand for half an hour, then wash off with running water. After the face dries, we apply a moisturizer.
  • A supply mask for any skin type. Let's make pink flour. In a blender, chop the petals. We take 1 tsp. The resulting flour, add to it Paul Ch.L. low -fat sour cream, it can be replaced with cream, 1 tsp. squirrel. Mix all the ingredients, leave the mixture for 5 minutes. Clean the skin with cosmetics, and then apply the mask. Leave for half an hour. Then wash off with running water.
  • To narrow the pores, we recommend the following tool. 1 protein, 1 tbsp. honey, 2 tbsp. Mix the flour and a couple of drops of rose oil. Apply on the face, withstand for 25 minutes, and then wash off with running water.
  • A rose cream is suitable for normal as well as dry leather. We take 5 buds, remove the petals from them and turn them in a meat grinder or blender. We drown margarine and bee wax (50 g each) in a water bath, mix with petals. Add vitamin A in the form of oil - 1 tsp. Apply with massage movements to the face.
  • Pink oil for nutrition, elasticity and skin tone. We dry the petals, lay them out in an enameled pan, fill them with vegetable oil in an amount of 1 cup. Gray in a water bath for 2 hours. By readiness, you need to strain.
  • If the lips or skin cracks, an effective tool will help to cure it. We rub the petals from 1 bud in a blender and mix with 1 tbsp. Sala. We apply the cream to damaged places.
  • If you want the skin to always be soft and silky, then dial your bath and add a couple of spoons of pink oil and almonds there.


How to cook yourself oil from rose petals - video



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